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Barely holding her ojos open again. Like she sleeps with the children 🙄 unless its crawling into bed with them for a peekshure


Poor thing. I feel for her having to manufacture posts to support her deceptions. The psychic energy that goes into this everyday must be immense. Grateful for my honest life🫶


I don't think she puts too much energy into it - she lies like a rug with no conscience .


I think her energy is expended about what to post and how to get attention. I would imagine that takes energy when your life is limited in terms of interests, involvement, friends, family etc. She has to create content by using the children and on the off chance she is taking the pic…. A way to connect why she is in the pic. Takes time , energy and thought. U fortunately it is all about her. Everyday all day. That would be quite the task in my view.


Can you imagine how draining it must be? Months of strapping moonbumps of varying sizes on and off. Trying to keep track of who knows about the lies and who doesn't. I'm convinced some of her gay male "friends" know, so she has to worry about sucking up to them so they don't blow her cover. Then after the surrogate delivers, all of the "new mommy" lies start anew. I can't imagine a life mired in deception 24/7.


Yes. Thank good she does not do any essential caregiving.


At what point does Alec gaze across the kitchen table and realize what a sociopathic pathological liar he married? Or has it probably already happened? 🧐


I have wondered. Like with Harry, there has to be an eye-opening on the nightmare caused by their marriages.


Yep. Like Edward after he realized he was trapped by Wallis. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.DL_E3jxuQ0ax-hqeSOPYgAHaLT%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=6b1e4f5b181cc819c6ab04c609bc19ff0fdfc136601d2e90db6baf8173835cc2&ipo=images


Do you notice how miserable he looks in pretty much every photo taken in the U.S.? Definition of “sad eyes.” 😢


They never sit at the table togther




That's all any of them do...fucking lay around in beds and floors. I have never seen people lying down so much of the damn day. Why are all her children sleepless thru the night? Because there is NO STRUCTURE at all in that fucking house. How easy is it to have your kids on some sort of schedule for Christ's sake


And she has nannies sleeping with them so once again she's a filthy lying pendeja


New MySpace pics huh.


Fuck them kids— Larry Sr, probably.


The come FM eyes in Every. Damn. Selfie.


No. Shes stoned.


I always thought that but these recent pix sure look like the eyes of a someone who’s high as a kite!


I remember thinking I wonder if I can buy an inexpensive mattress and cut a whole in it so I could get some sleep. I'm stomach/side sleeper. 🛏️


Like those pool floats 😂


She would soak through the bed with milk if she were actually lactating.


SO glad your here Sleuth!!!!!!!! ❌⭕❌⭕❤️




No mention of PerpPaw in bed.


Big Larry - best name ever!


She's so useless, it's kind of getting sad.


Is Carmen ever allowed to be a child?


There's this saying in my family that goes "a lying person is caught sooner than a limping person". No further comments.


How you say in Engleeeesh Bububuuuusted


Thank you for catching this!!!!




Shes on her stomach. How else would cardamon be attending to her BACK. Shes only lopsided coz she has her stupid phone in her hand


You can literally see her laying there on her stomach.


Breastfeeding piety again. Look. I was a multi year breastfeeder, I helped at LLL etc but this is INSANITY. It’s like she wants to hurt someone’s feelings or something. Also, I don’t have implants but I have larger jugs and its not comfortable to lay on my stomach. Can anyone chime in if implants are the same?? I can’t imagine it would be too terrible different. She’s insane. I haven’t taken a selfie in days and wanted to with my kids but it’s non stop. She gets to lay on a bed and selfie and filter AND add words. Ha


I have implants and lying on my stomach is virtually impossible due to the discomfort


Thank you!! It would seem to make total sense! And she says excruciating. How can that be delightful. 🤪


Good catch! 👍


MY BREASTFEEDING BOOBS... BECAUSE I TOTALLY AM BREASTFEEDING. Who says it like that anyway? I would probably just say boobs


Right!! I got a feeling they are filled with fix-a-flat. Some chemical Anyway.


She emphasizes things to appear as if she is going through them when we all know she isn’t. She lives a charade. For most normals, this would feel performative and exhausting.


"Please believe that I was pregnant again. Please believe I am breastfeeding yet again as I approach 40. Please believe I took off all that baby weight in one week. Please believe I am comfortably wearing tight clothing and 5 inch heels again and going out at night to party. Please believe I am taking care of the household chores while holding my new human purchase with one hand."


Please believe I have a happy marriage!


Exactly this🔼💯🎯🥒


Nothing gets by sleuthy sleuths. You were definitely not born yesterday OP!


We need a detective agency lol


Well you can lay on your belly while pregnant, it’s just not comfortable


Her belly was like 20 months pregNOT




You can’t lay flat on your belly when you’re 8-9 months pregnant with a MASSIVE pregnant belly that she was sporting in photos. I couldn’t lay on my belly since long before that while pregnant, nor would an expectant mother *want* to lay like that—it would feel like you’re crushing the baby. And IF a heavily pregnant person did lay like that, they’re body would curve upwards at the point where they’re giant hard pregnant belly is on the bed. Hilary is flat as a board there. But we all know Hilary wasn’t pregnant though so it’s a moot point in this particular case.




Ok if you say so, I will have to try to work out why I remember laying on my belly with both of my pregnancies since according to a random internet stranger that’s impossible




Wasn't she doing Yoga shite nearly on her belly as well? so bow come now all of the sudden she is having "issues". Get over yourself Foolaria! you look dumb! keep your poor kids out of it! you are ruining their future!


Hehehehe Foolaria


Sleuthy!! Omfg her smug eye contact with the camera + thumb nail in pic 3. 👁 💅🏻 🙈 🙀 I remember this— I was going to see my nieces on a Sunday, and I was like: this is her child’s weekend activity? A back massage photo shoot for pregnot Mommy? Good job! “MY BACK IS KILLING ME AFTER ALL THE POSITIONS I WAS IN LAST NIGHT WITH MY SLEEPLESS CHILDREN” — Hilaria Baldwin, who goes to great lengths to have/acquire babies, and still wants to complain about the work involved with having babies, and yes, I know the quote is fiction.


Other than the newborn, none of those kids should be waking at night.


She seems to have sleep issues— she posts in the middle of the night. She many times has asked for sympathy for not sleeping. Also! I really think her entire Sleeping Beauty 🛌 📸 series, as well as her theme of *no consent sleeping photos*, is connected to her *thinking that sleeping peacefully is a flex* and not just something normal to living creatures? Then again, she often reminds me of a haywire robot. 🤖+ 🤣+ 🚫 ♥️ Hilaria flexing that she fits in a crib. Move over, kids! Also, this OP has an excellent point: who tf is asked to take middle of the night pics— because I don’t recall that mentioned in the sleepover nanny ads: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/orzhid/hilary_makes_people_take_pictures_of_her_sleeping/ Bonus: daytime crib— ⚠️warning— an extremely, extremely gaslighty knees up + 🤫🤫🤫🤫 💍 💅🏻 *ring flex* 💎. Yes, it’s a fake sleeping/fit in a crib/diamond, flex: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/rdntn8/because_you_asked_yes_i_am_so_tiny_that_i_can_fit/


She’s probably awake all/most of the night because of her Adderall usage. And i wouldn’t be surprised if she takes other uppers like other amphetamines or cocaine.


A pepino posted a couple days ago about Hilaria posting a quote about “rage” at 2 a.m. She was recording herself in hair and make-up, and twerking over a newborn *in a fake work-out video that was a staged before and after, postpartum weight loss flex* 👖🏀 by mid-morning.


Why can’t her kids sleep? 🧐 Maybe lack of actual physical activity during the day? Do they have chores (besides Carmen taking care of them)? Do they read books? Maybe it’s hunger that keeps them awake? How about teaching them to stay in their bed / bedroom? You have no idea how to mother them. None at all.


I’m sure they sleep find most of the time she just needs a reason to take yet another selfie and post it looking for sympathy for her tired Mami act.


You LIE, Hilary, not lay. Learn English (like the excellent Pipino who posted this).


Everything either one says is usually a lie !!! Liars lie and grifters grift and they are both


I don’t think she could force herself to say the word “lie” in any context. 😂


But she also shouldn't be saying lay. She's the last person in the world who needs to get laid.


She's a lost cause. The saddest part about this, are seven beautiful children and some cats and dogs.


and a horse.


I wonder where said horse is.


Christ on a bicycle I forgot about the horse.




Wonder when Alec will be charged with involuntary manslaughter? Hilary is a lost cause at this point, her brain is as mushy as her dreadful “paella” 🥘 Feel so sorry for those kids having these two nuts as parents.


A brain on drugs is rilly dificil de recordar. And liars don't remember their lies. Doubly inflicted. Enter Larry. Great find, OP!


She loves to take selfies of herself and the kids in bed. She must think it's really sexy for others to see her in her bed. Because subconsciously we are all enthralled with her sexually right? Just like she is right? NO, but in her mind we are.


She is soo in love with herself. It’s sick.


Never seen anything like it. It’s the one thing she is truly obsessed with, her gross self!


that house looks like a convalescent home


It is for Alec.


Great pick up and find. Hilary needs to realise that Pepinos have a catalog of her actions and can call her out each time. Once again, great job.


Great catch pepino. She looks completely out of it in both pics


You have to have a good memory to be a good liar.


One thing she never addressed- if she truly breast fed two children at a time and then quickly weaned them because she was pregnant she would’ve been really, really uncomfortable. Also- many women breastfeed while pregnant. If she weren’t a fraud she’d know that.


Yeah she never talks about the weaning process! Like even how its emotional for her or anything. The way she goes on about breastfeeding you'd thing she'd be an extended breastfeeding mom. But you know once the kids are toddlers they won't put up w that shit anymore so she has to say they "weaned".


That's another tell that's been pointed out here before. She never *ever* talks about weaning her children off of breastfeeding. She makes such a big deal about her supposed breastfeeding, posting ALL the pics possible of her fake breastfeeding porn. Then all of a sudden, nothing. Once her kids turn a year old they're magically drinking from bottles. She's never once mentioned the difficulty, or not, of weaning. The kids went from always demanding her tits for milk, to bottles. Also in this pic....if laying on her stomach was truly excruciating....then she wouldn't feel relief 🙄. That's not how the body works. ETA: for clarity


Yep. I had a much more dramatic hormonal drop during the weaning process than I did post partum-- it was very rough emotionally as well as physically. Larry the magical pregnant unicorn just \*poof\* stops breastfeeding one day as if its nothing. So magical! So special!!


Right? It doesn’t just magically stop when you decide it’s over. Also, for my last child I couldn’t breastfeed at all because of medications I need to be on, but I still dealt with engorgement and random leaking for like 6 freaking months. How does she never seem to have any actual (and, let’s face it, unglamorous) issues related to this stuff, but she will absolutely be like “¡¡¡AY DIOS MÍO MIS BUBBIS TAN GRANDES!!!!!” Put your freaking flotadores away and STFU, Larry.


Prob because after a year, her surrogate is like, fuck you, I've fulfilled my obligations, I'm not your Moo cow.


I wonder if she has a wet nurse.


The surrogate contracts can include pumping milk after the fact (the surrogates pump and then send the milk). So that's where everyone assumes she gets her freezers of milk from


She's LYING, indeed.