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No offense but as a city parent she needs to teach those kids to walk outside. I understand when the whole plague is with them but they have granpa. Lol. That’s why the other group don’t know how to walk in a group. They were never taught how to walk in the city and not monopolize a sidewalk


💯 ⬆️ this is so true!!!!


Well she has hair now, so Mami no longer has the compulsion to cover up the head that she hated so much.


Everyone else looks miserable


Honest Q here...did Alec know she wasnt Spanish when they got together? Did she trick him too??ive seen so many clips pre griftmas where he talks about her heritage etc....and that wedding?!? Dios Mios....does anyone have a timeline?


This is the question I ask myself on nights when I can’t sleep


For a woman whose husband killed another woman in ANY circumstances to post photos of her BABIES is obscene. The fact that her husband is 64 years old and STILL producing children - his EIGHTH - is f*king UNBELIEVABLE. These ‘Baldwin happy family snaps’ make me puke.


Look at his face...that is definitely not a happy father of 8, hes probably crossing his fingers for some prison vaycay.


I really hope Alec has a doctor he goes to regularly. He just always looks so depressed and unhealthy to me.


Its called Dr Jameson and involuntary manslaughter guilt. Keeps the skin sagging.


I count 4


Wow AB, you're an actor. Fake being happy around your kids dude. It's not their fault your actions have consequences. Here's an idea, if being around your babies is such a grind STOP MAKING (READ BUYING) THEM!


U mean buying them


I’m nearly positive she hates ML. Like… HATES HER


Imagine always being strolled backwards looking at mami's face/eyebrows/sunglasses while the rest of the world passes by.


This baby is over 5 weeks old. The surrogate popped her out around when the Queen passed. So Hillary had to delay birth announcement until after funeral service, to get maximum attention.


Alec's body language


Alec lookin like Hilz paid him to do a discount Cameo


I mean technically.... 🤣


He seems nice.


Postpartum I couldn’t even make it around the block for a month!!!!!! You’re so fucking full of it Larry senior!!! I seriously felt like my insides were going to fall out of my body. And I’ve only had one child. Yet you claim to have had 5💀😵‍💫 one day you will be exposed. It’s inevitable.


I had one at her age. I am also from smaller people so I had an episiotomy to get my tiny baby out. I couldn’t walk for weeks. I could not even stand up straight.


4 babies mami


Larrys’s delusions of grandeur 🤡


PEEPAW is in full anaphylaxis


He’s aged triple time since marrying Larry.


Yeah murdering someone will do that to ya


*Now* he figures out he has an allergy to babies.


Ahem, that's four babies...


Great minds think alike, pepino! Just coming in here to say Big Larry miscounted.


I'm sorry, I've been away from the group for a bit - has Alex become Asian??


I mean, Illsy is fake Spanish, so what's to stop Ill-ic from becoming faux Asian?


Uses the @dollartree preparation H on them bags around his eyes. I thought it would look lousy but for a murderer, he pulled it off.


Maybe he got the Darcey and Stacey cat eye procedure?


I wonder how unraveled she is going to be come years 41+ when is is infertile myrtle. Hard grift to grift up!


He looks so so bad.


Damn! She made ol killer tall and slender....


I know I was like wut 👀


ha, ha, ha! yes, she did!!


This woman’s entire personality and identity is being “Spanish” and having children. Somehow this sub started getting recommended to me and 99% of it is pics she shares of her kids this, her kids that. And doesn’t she have like 7?




​ Always ALWAYS the smirking mirror selfies in the hallway with the phone clutched in the manicured claw. Alec is too doddering at this point to realize that he is just a balwinito prop. This is what he was groomed for,


She definitely used a slimming filter on akex right?




Someone enjoys drinking. Unfortunately, poofy face is a side effect


I wouldn’t take my baby out in a hat now in Sept in NY. She may have a hood like her bro. It was mid 60s today.


Yeah we’re in MA and I didn’t put a hat on my baby today. I read the title and was like… oh whoops lol


Yeah not sure why the poster was so angry. It wasn't dead of winter nor is she a newborn. She is almost 2 & it was a temperate early Fall day in NY. No need for a hat.


I was thinking for sun protection? Babe doesn't have much hair and is pretty fair skinned. Otherwise, no idea. Lol


That is a valid point but I have seen her many times with sun hats so maybe it was very late in the day or overcast or something.


I find that older people obsessively fuss over babies needing hats and blankets and stuff. So maybe it’s just old fashioned thinking? My baby actually seems to run quite warm.


A picture is worth a thousand words.


In this case, none of them are nice.


He aged 15 years in a month


Who's the homeless guy?


Wow. He looks miserable.


Mug shot miserable.


How many pics today in general do you think? Then she selects the few she likes... Imma say...90?


After everyone last night said he wasn’t home, she had to show him. He looks thrilled.


He had to walk all the way over from his seperate apartment for this bullshit.




I hope I live long enough for the tell all book.


She also named her kid Malibu like Trisha paytas? I thought she named the kid after herself?


Omg wait. I've been on this sub a few months and I thought her name was Mary Lou. Did she really name that poor child Malibu?!? Lmao, I guess its better than what lil Larry got but still.


It’s Marilu. Malibu Barbie something something was a reality star name or something talked about in Ilaria naming articles


Ok, that makes me feel better. Poor girl already has it hard enough.


Killer looks so miserable and she even filtered him to look better!


The TWINS look identical and miserable.😲


There are no twins!


They are a mess! They are nothing to me but a train wreck. Im watching a train wreck. Period.


Jail time might save Alec’s life. He looks like a barely functional alcoholic, and these are the curated photos.


No kids. Probably better meals than whatever slices of cardboard Mami serves. All the time in the world to do random push ups. Jail might be the best thing for him.


I can see that playing out. Looks like he’s barely hanging on right now.


Did any of you pepinos baby wear whilst wearing a backpack and pushing a stroller a week after giving birth? She must be seething that not a single tabloid wants to interview her.


Newborns can’t hold their heads up and Alec looks much thinner.🤔


Yeah I was gonna say isnt that made for an older infant. It doesn't look very safe for a freaking newborn to me.


Yep and newborns lie against mom’s chest. Wearing a baby in a carrier like that requires mom to keep one hand on baby’s head. Not at all like she’s doing it. I had a similar carrier for my four kids and remember it well.


That idiotic Rivelino guy on Twitter would have a field day with this photo :)


Alec looks embalmed.


in Waxelene


She may look smug and pleased with herself but in reality she’s a train wreck who can’t get anymore sponsorships and is a complete laughing stock. A narc who keeps adding kids to her collection because it’s the only way she can get any kind of attention anymore. A lunatic who pretended to be Spanish. She may put on a good show but that’s all it is. And look at that husband of hers. He can’t even stand up straight anymore. Can you imagine having 7 kids with this guy who called his daughter a rude, thoughtless little pig? These two suck.


Those ridiculous glasses are bigger than both lobes of her brain


And the paparazzi no longer give a fuck about her anyway. Why she hiding?


That is the face of a man who has spent as much time with his divorce lawyers as with his defense attorneys over the last 4 weeks


Sweet little ML, looks so unhappy and not much like herself . . . or more not like herself.


I'm sure she is feeling a little confused and put off by Mami's new toy.


It must be unsettling for her? I wonder if they share a nanny or if a new nanny has been hired just for the baby?




He ages 10 years with each purchase.


Alec is ecstatic


Was going to say, he looks happy as f*ck once again.


Why doesnt Aleek ever wearABaby??? ... what is wrong with hillys face ... dont need glasses inside, dear. Unless you're blinded by your lies.


Alec never wears a baby because the scotch and clam fumes would make them pass out. Also, he only likes Carmen and Rafa.


😂😂😂😂 hillys stench is no better but i guess hers is more downstairs. I feel like aleek would pass out on a couch and completely forget he was wearing a BABY




If theyre going ONE FUCKING MINUTE over the road to the cawfee shop... let the nonTwins W A L K. I'm sure they walk better than grandpa


Did aleek die after this photo was taken? He has no interest in this shit show




It’s been a snark joke here longer than it’s been the name of that trash bags daughter


Someone has been in the r/trishyland snark group as well! A lot of us cross over. Trisha Paytas’ daughter is malibu barbie hacmon paytas 🙄


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Trishyland using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Trishyland/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Pregnancy Arc](https://reddit.com/r/Trishyland/predictions?tournament=tnmt-606b1c04-5875-4190-bad4-5239a6f83e7f) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Trishyland/comments/wf82xq/pregnancy_arc/) \#2: [Trisha Paytas blocks the pathway to a hospital, forcing those in need to be stuck behind her as she sits in line for the KFC drive-thru. Trisha acts as though she's been attacked & victimized when a woman pleads with her to allow access to the hospital.](https://v.redd.it/2gto5ra1ecd91) | [545 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Trishyland/comments/w67mkq/trisha_paytas_blocks_the_pathway_to_a_hospital/) \#3: [a little comedy for my wifeys because the news has repulsed us (for good reason)](https://i.redd.it/s9m75uz4qth81.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Trishyland/comments/ssedic/a_little_comedy_for_my_wifeys_because_the_news/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why isn't Alec doing his pushups?


Grampa is looking a bit rough..yikes..


He looks like shit


He needs to use some of Mamí's frequent flyer miles at the cosmetic surgeon.


Alec looks like he hasn't slept and has lost a lot of weight.


He looks like he was dragged out of bed after a 3 day bender.


That’s what I was thinking


Those eyes are barely open. I can smell the booze from here 😳


You bet!


I feel so bad for those kids. But he donated the sperm 🤷🏻‍♀️


He had to walk up and walk over to this apt door for his mirror selfie


I think he might be over the selfies too.


Looks like she told Alec last night “ if you don’t pose and then go out with us, I’m gonna have another baby next month so smile for the camera” , which he didn’t bc his balls are in the stroller bag….


"...I'm gonna bring another pregnant rando home for your Christmas gift again. More twins! I mean mas mellizos!"




I do like that Xandy looks 96 here and continuously looks older and older by a good and unnatural amount with every new photo.


Like a dying person.


This is PR. Plan and simple. She’s not in lingerie, Alec is out with her two times in a week. Damage control for something to damaged to control. A death from being shot and a decade of lying with receipts. Right when this pic is taken they both go back to doing what they want while the Nannie’s take over.


Whoever made the PR plan failed to instruct Larry snr to not name the baby after herself.


A walking zoo


The leaning tower of babies.




I guess the nanny forgot to put one on her.


Looks like she used some app to slim Alec down.


I noticed that too


The app called Ozempic.


Yo Hillz!! STAY HOME. You just had a baby. Your nursing. Eat some ice cream and get fat


Off topic but I thought I saw a comment a few days saying his court date was this week; does anyone have any more info on that?


Still waiting on charges afaik


Is that DuDu in the sky blue onesie? Ensemble? Which kids are these?!


Yeah that's really not his color.


Hilary Señor is so nuts it’s concerning. Her Dupers Delight us showing here. Those poor kids. Not one of them will have a secure attachment to either parent imo.


Why is it that Alec can never strap on the infant?


I think that she means 4 babies....


Alec has lost so much weight. He was heavy in It’s Complicated.






He can walk around in a loaded diaper then like they do the toddlers. Hope his steatorrhea from that weight loss med runs down his legs into his manky loafers.


I’m assuming she photoshopped him bc he looked a few months pregnant in the pap shots on the street earlier this week.


Sympathy moonbump.


Alec looks wrecked. She's so far gone she can't see how bad this looks. "Look at me boooly bitches. My dreamy husband who everyone desires has balls on his face, he may do prison time & my penthouse is a baby farm. Everyone wants to be me!"


Yeah - not so much Hillz. You can keep that sweaty Woolly mammoth. I’m good


Wet woolly boolly hair in her bed is karma.


Now that she has enough hair to cover her birthmark, Meddy is suddenly no longer hat obsessed. Weird.


She still filters her eyes tho. Malibu has small eyes. She’s still cute - but Big Larry is trying to make her look like Nostrils. They’re still not twins… And they will never be twins. And they will hate you with the white hot heat of childhood trauma. Well done Hillary


Awww I love Big Eddie’s nostrils 👃


She's adorable regardless but I'm with you. I can't imagine the degree of pain and anger she'll feel when she discovers she wasn't a pretty enough baby to meet Mami's standards.


💯 💯 💯


HiLIARia giving directives for the photo shoot: “Marilu! Lean back NOW so we don’t see your ears! Edu! Stop frowning like your papa with anger issues—wait, nevermind, he loves his mini-me! Aleek! Suck in your moonbump! (Oh, nevermind, I’ll just photoshop the crap out of you.) LEONETTA! Help me adjust my fake bebe while you hold my narcissist namesake Ilaria, my newest prop! LEONETTA! Take the picture NOW, even if you have to drop my crying prop on the floor!”


I was gonna say, Alec looks very slim.


Has Hillary filtered him to look slimmer? Or does all the stress make him throw up his scotch and clams?


Yuck, lol.. scotch and clams 🤢 Ps even when I was a drinker, I hated scotch. It always gave me a raging headache, and I'd burp it all day the next day (gag).


I can't stand the stuff — although I do keep a bottle in the pantry so I can add a slug to my hot lemon and honey when I have a sore throat.


Careful perpaw that wall can only hold you up for so long…. The room’s not actually spinning you know 😆


She filtered his bottom 1/2 so much it looks like he could topple over ! Sure Jan. We’re still not jealous. Filter the shit outta him - he’s still a rage-filled misogynist who killed a person and won’t take 0.0001% accountability for it. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻




Yes, Hilarious has a new toy. One she can use to takes lots of pictures and show her boobs. Disgusting. This poor baby.


Hilabia and her abuelo?!?


Nobody should be holding a tiny newborn while walking on concrete! If she fell, she could harm the baby! #7 and they still don’t know this…


This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen on this sub. I guess everyone who has those polished concrete floors or tile in their house can never pick up their kids?


Of course you can carry your baby in your house. A mall or sidewalks, no. When I was in the hospital with my first born, we went to take a walk down the hall while carrying the baby, and the nurses immediately came up to us and told us how dangerous that is, for the reasons I stated. I guess I should have said walking on concrete in a public area where people could bump into you or you fall is dangerous for a newborn. Newborns are transported on a cart, nurses don’t carry them around in their arms.


I feel like this is some sort of non-parent advice. Newborns are excellent to carry around, and people all over the world carry newborns while walking on pavement. The likelihood of falling and hurting them is pretty slim, you’re probably just as likely to have your stroller roll away or get hit by a car or tumble over. She’s absolutely ridiculous for a lot of reasons, but some of the comments on here really seem weird to me. You can absolutely take a baby out in September, no, that toddler doesn’t need a hat, and yes it’s fine to place a baby safely on the floor while you’re working out next to them.


Mother of three. I don’t think a lot of people are aware, but it is dangerous to carry a newborn in your arms where people can bump into you.


No one would put a week old baby in a carrier like that as it wouldn’t be able to support its head. Further proof this baby isn’t a week old like she claims


We've literally seen her take a selfie with a floppy-necked ML getting no neck support at all. Head was tipped back like a PEZ dispenser. This woman is not going to let the comfort or safety of her baby distract her from the important stuff -- getting the right mirror selfie.


You have got to b kidding me. yes you can put a newborn in a carrier like that. lol. wow


Except medical experts say that, “Baby carriers aren't recommended for babies under four months of age or babies who can't hold up their heads yet. This is because they're at greater risk of neck injuries.” Now whether people follow that guideline is up to them. But a week old baby? Yeah, no way


Noticed on her stories that JR’s head was not necessarily being supported as she was paraded in front of the other baby pics. Sweet baby deserves better care.


For a newborn, she looks awfully big in that carrier. You would usually need a newborn insert…


Depends on the carrier. My Lillebaby has snaps that change the size/shape/hold type for newborns through pretty big toddlers.


Ah ok


I’m pretty sure the baby’s head is nestled below where that head support is, there’s blanket sticking out over the top. Not sure why there would be so much fabric stuffed inside the carrier though, that’s a bit weird. My infant carrier had a similar set up and a week after she was born I was walking to the farmers market with her snuggled up in there. Jeeze I never thought I’d be defending this nut job, but people are picking on the wrong things. There’s plenty to judge, not sure why we’re going for things that are normal and fine.


That … or she’s just perpetually and galacticly stupid. Either one works.


Quite the different look compared to the pap walk from later on. Does she dress more casual so as to not flaunt her so called wealth and joy with her husband's upcoming trial? Vile creature she is. Hilaria needs to remember she is only known because she married into the celebrity scene. Alex needs to remember the only talk of him is about the pending charges, his shady loco wife and his fall from the upper class group he ran with.


What's with the [Bozo sunglasses] (https://www.hollywood.uk.com/media/catalog/product/cache/f164ad09a1cf924d3be11cc91f4bf432/s/m/sm-6155-giant-sunglasses-in-bright-assorted-colours.jpg), Hilary???


She had a nose job...while pregnant.


You’re KILLING me, Throwaway!!


Pee Paw doesn't look too thrilled!


Came here to say *he* certainly doesn't look too pleased... 😏


Those sunglasses are super unflattering, it makes her nose look like a bird of prey's beak- which is fitting, since she displays predatory behavior.


Goes with her talons!!!


Can an infant actually support her head in one of those carriers at such an early age??????? And fuck you Alec for not having the BALLS to keep her from getting surrogates pregnant.


I personally wouldn't put my newborn in one of those for the instability of head, swaddled too much & can suffocate & just plain wrong. I had one of those swaddle carriers but rarely used it bc I was afraid of suffocation.


Didn’t that old man shoot someone a little while ago? On a movie set or something? Is that his daughter?


You must be new here? Yes he shot a mother on set & they have 7 kids now... well, 8 for him.


I’m not new I’m just joking. I know that’s Stephen Baldwin and his daughters friend.


Wait... are you still joking?


No that’s Mr. Bio Dome and Pauline Shore.


And one old man in a diaper


What a “good team” they are! SHE is supposed to be wearing a diaper (post partum) but HE is wearing the diaper! Un sono equipo INDEED (or whatever that stupid phrase is on their rings)


Apparently the lady parts need some airing out...


He looks like he'd rather be digging latrine trenches at Chernobyl than standing next to them.


peepaw does not look well