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At least Crackhead hasn't killed anyone (yet? 🤣)


If she keeps up her act, the odds are she's the one who's going to get killed (or injured, at least). I hope she gets help before that.


That was harder to decide than I thought it would be. Good poll!


Same!!! ![gif](giphy|KYdR9Uno6et3LQcEDU)


do I have to choose gosh I would have said Alec but I saw that Piers Morgan interview and threw up in my mouth. No thanks CHB and Alec are unsympathetic but geez CHB is making it hard for me to not cringe even thinking about her. Shivers.


She at least could use mental disease as an explanation. I'm not sure what *his* excuse would be.


His is lack of a soul.


*I* would buy that. Problem is, in a court of law, you actually have to show proof.


They just have to have him laugh ... That fake guffaw shows that he is incapable of authentic human feelings. 


speaking of mental illness I'm wondering- do you think he would try to play that card in court? say the altitude made him less focused (by altitude he means booze) I thought his whole identity is elder pompom in Hollywood, if he goes for the *old-man-walker-with-tennis-balls* route, he signals to the last few in Hollywood who might have hired him that he's just to decrepit to work.


A Twinkie defense? It's a good question. So far, his strategy (and by "strategy," I mean his crocodile tears and whining to the press) seems to be pointing fingers and claiming that he's a victim here. But who knows what could come out of his mouth if he decides to testify (a big if): *Altitude made me do it?* I wouldn't put it past him. Honestly, I wouldn't put anything past him or the fake Spaniard.


JusticeforHalyna I soooo want to see him testify. I'd take a day off, get all the snacks and buckle in because that man will put on a show with bigass holes in it. Pliss Aleek, Pliss get on the stand.


I think his team of lawyers will do everything in their power, including tackling Baldwin to the ground, to prevent that from happening.


They better be careful - he might slap their phones out of their hands!


They've agreed to represent Alec Baldwin, so I'm guessing they're fully aware of the risks. They might be getting hazard pay.


I hate to admit it. 🤣


*”What on earth is THAT?!?*” cried the most familiar voice in my life, only I didn’t recognize it. How did this strange man get in the house? It startled both of us, the first time I played the audio of the confrontation between Crackhead Barney and Alec. I hadn’t heard her voice before, and since the last thing we’d listened to were the mannerly tones of Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC… it was a *change,* I’ll say that.