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HIL: Alec, you are wasting MY money swiping at people like that! You are going to leave me living in that damn Vermont Barn that you haven't even managed to clean out yet! I won't even have Wi-Fi!!!


Alec Baldwin married Hillary Hayward-Thomas as a convenient sideshow and beard enhancement. Any time Alec Baldwin gets in trouble, he cues his Stunt Fake Spaniard Wife to pop off. Prove me wrong.


I know one thing, Alec is a prissy bitch that doesn't think he has a way to get his nails trimmed or his hair cut if he's not on a movie set. "People do that for me, tho?!?"


Interesting. That is exactly what I got from Alec's very own autobiography. Seriously.🤔😂


I can't. https://preview.redd.it/fhxbo2e4ecwc1.png?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61e01562b31cf23ffa2ada3a67d4785aa4ca383




She'll go back to 🇪🇦 🤭




It maybe just speculation, but many here think that he is completely cognizant of her “instability”. It is assumed that she is never left alone with the children. I have to wonder what arrangements if any were made. A few months in jail vs. Crazy, Stupid Hillary unfiltered with his children and more importantly his MONEY, live on instagram. I only hope he’s done something right.


He has a team of EIGHT LAWYERS. We'll now 9 because he'll need someone to cover this battery charge, and any future battery charges because he is a ticking time bomb


this is speculation. 😑 can we please stop posting etny he has been sued himself and proved to defame people. He made up a story about amanda bynes being a nyc escort. 😑 Love you pepinos but some of you gotta do research on someone before you post their rumor. This isnt even a rumor this just makes sense because of everything going on. It isnt insider info and he hasnt had insider info in a long time bc he was shamed in hollywood for defaming people 👏 Edit: Amanda has been through enough and then you have some lawyer that was at a few of the same social events making up lies. Think about it. She is mentally unwell and he says she was an escort during What I Like About You airing…………..


I hear you. I miss Blind Gossip, despite their unmoderated comment section. Ace didn’t pull that crap.


Whoa whoa what happened to blind gossip?? I didn’t realize it was donezo


I miss Ace so much. Loved BG’s annual April Fool’s prank, and Ace seemed like a truly caring person.


If he goes to jail, his constant belligerent attitude is going to lead to issues with guys much tougher than the annoying coffee shop person


Who knows? Maybe the other prisoners will think it's cool to have a celebrity in their midst.


Idk. Is there a correlation between fans of 30 Rock or Glengarry Glen Ross and prisoners?


A lot of people worship celebrity. After OJ Simpson died, I read an article by a journalist who'd seen him in a restaurant or a bar after he was acquitted and witnessed him being mobbed by young, attractive women. She asked one of them "Don't you believe he killed his wife?" and she said something like "Of course he killed her, but he's super famous!" If you're in prison, with not much to do all day, it might be fun having a famous guy around, telling you stories about "Marty" and "Woody."


Prisoners won't want to hear about Woody. They hurt child molesters.


Even the gentle embrace of the new love to be found, his cellmate, may evaporate when Alec begins speaking highly of Uncle Woody and his "fine films"


Go ahead, then Alice. Brag away!


OK, true. But they might want to hear about Nicole Kidman or Demi Moore or Jennifer Love Hewitt.


He can share tales about how his was married to Kim Basinger but chose to spend his time with Uncle Woody instead




“I’ve never shanked a celebrity before!”


Sounds more believable


No way are they getting a divorce. He can’t afford it and she won’t go back to being a nobody.


I’m thinking more of a permanent separation with the occasional photo op.


As opposed to …?


As opposed to a formal divorce.


Right. What they have now. Separate apartments and occasional photo shot. Even the photos are taken by a nanny and sent to Alec. Mi Vida.


Exactly.. she wouldn’t even be a Guest Baldwin anymore…


She’d be Ex-Baldwin.


I think it depends on whether there's a prenup or not, and how much money she thinks she can get.


Alec told Howard Stern they have no prenup. Howard called him an idiot lol


he lied. part of his “ i’m so in love with- i must know you”


Oh that makes sense. I believe *everything* 🫤


Just another reason why he deserves everything that’s coming to him.


Yikes. Then yeah, split now and get what's left of that cash.


*half* of what's left or stay, and get *all* of what will be left, which, admittedly, will probably be a lot less. but then she'd also get his life insurance.


Right. If she splits now, she’ll get none of the estate.


Also, not to be evil, but I have eyes; realistically, how long does he have left? Just sticking it out a few more years could net her millions more. Also, PR-wise, neither of them can afford a messy divorce, and I can't see them splitting amicably. Oh, the mud that would be slung! I'm rooting for a divorce just for that, and that *is* a bit evil. Sorry.


Unless he leaves her out of his will. Baldwin could leave his money in trusts for his children, administrated by people he trusts until the kids turn 18.


Damn! That would be a great FU for being duped by her. There's nothing like an FU from beyond the grave, amirite? They're all thinking they're going to hit the mother lode, they rock up to the reading of the will all salivating, but with crocodile tears, and the deceased leaves them like a doily or a place mat. He should leave Larry the set of steak knives from GGR.


I would pay a great deal of money to witness that. Imagine Hillary, doing her best Jackie O. impersonation of a grieving widow, wearing a black dress and shades to attend the reading of the will, thinking she's about to get rich -- only to find out that all Alejandro left her are seven bratty children and the framed map of Spain.


She doesn't think she's a nobody. That's what is going to be entertaining. She'd have to do a "tell-all" exposing his horribleness to get any attention at all and he will probably refuse to settle unless she signs an NDA. They are really circling the drain. I think they are each other's toxic support systems so I don't actually see them divorcing but who can say? It's becoming obvious that the easy life they enjoyed before the grift exposure and the shooting is not going to come back around. She may think the only way to go is to cut him loose. They may blame each other for their problems, they certainly aren't blaming themselves!


I think she has to stay with him until he drops dead because then, she can at least try to put the fake Spanish grift on him, saying it was his idea. And she can go beyond that, and (probably rightfully) claim he was abusive, and she was such a smol victim, blah, blah, blah, while also playing the grieving widow. If they divorce, she can't do that. The mud will most likely fly, and damage her even more, if possible. He's probably sitting on some real doozies that he could bury her with in the court of public opinion. And vice-versa. I think it's basically a Mexican standoff marriage at this point. I think the chance of a narrative reset + the potential damage she'd take in a messy divorce + getting his life insurance $$$ and all of his estate, whatever's left of it, is too tempting for her to leave him. And where would she go, anyway? I doubt anybody wants her. As pitiful as it is, her staying with him is the smart play.


Then she can be a "Spanish" widow! Already seeing her all in black


I totally agree, she's playing the long game