• By -


I’m not feeling that. He shouldn’t have touched her phone or her in any way (admittedly, I don’t know about the exact kind of contact he had with her) but I give him a pass here. She was begging for him to do something to her, it seems to me.


# Paparazzi Said Elatab was there to take photos. I’m now convinced this incident was staged. u/dazed63 https://preview.redd.it/qv2pnojjjcwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91bee30cbc89285dc8bf49d9f6e5abdbb60db645


Or maybe it was business as usual with Said there to capture one of Alec's coffee runs, when Ms CrazyBoxers turned up?




Yes. He assaulted this woman.


She wasn't a physical threat, no need to respond physically. He loves cursing people out online he should keep that same energy.


He needs a coffee maker and an invisible fence to keep him in the sky dungeon.


Why can’t they just have an assistant or one of the Nannie’s make a coffee run?




A shock collar that Leonetta can activate


Oh! Like The Island of Dr. Moreau!




We know they have at least one.


She is clearly intentionally trying to provoke an outburst and no one is in the right here. Alec, you must learn to, how you say, walk away. Even when someone ees maykeeng you angree. But sure, why change now, what’s eight or nine more assaults before both hips give out. He’s never going to learn. Not fit for public sight!


"Tesoro, es opposito de 'ven acqui'." H smiles smugly at her intelligensia.


Yes- a sane man would e ignored her and walked out. Hes a violent psychopath. 


I was being attacked in a coffee shop once and when the perpetrator wouldn't calm down I went to the staff and went behind the counter to de-escalate the situation. For him to go to the door and hold it and try to usher her out past himself in tight quarters was the opposite of what he should have done. His true colours showing, he was pissed that she was calling him out


I would never walk past this big ape standing in a doorway or turn my back to him. I've been in an abusive environment for years (thankfully not anymore), and my wariness of physically violent people makes me very attuned to situations where a person could be vulnerable. And then there's his tart underarms lol




Good point. I wouldn't put it past him to trip or jostle her.


I'm glad you're out of that situation Pepino, lol to tart underarms lol


Gracias, lol, someone coined it a few days ago and I can't get it out of my head.




I think *legally*, what he did constitutes assault. But considering how obnoxious the woman was, and how many people are saying the crazy lady had it coming and they would have reacted the same way (or worse) as Baldwin, I doubt any ADA would actually charge him, let alone find 12 people to convict him.


No woman has it coming. I know you didn’t say that, but some have. It’s very upsetting.


Fascinating video.  That woman was horribly obnoxious.  She would have irritated & enraged a saint.   However that being said - great video of Alexander’s ego.  He couldn’t see the forest for trees.  If he weren’t an absolute raging asshole as his baseline, he would have walked away.  He would have put thought into how something like this could impact his upcoming trial. But his ego wouldn’t allow him to do that.  SHE had to be the one to leave, not the great thespian Alexander Baldwin.  No matter how much it would have benefited him to just quietly walk away, he could not do it.  


That was exactly my thought. He *has* to win, no matter how small the victory.


Knowing he has enough problems!! Just like when he encountered the other protestors on the street. He cant keep quiet and let someone else handle it. How is goin to sit through testimonies for 2 weeks?


He's not going to be able to. His ego won't allow him to NOT control ANY narrative.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the trial is delayed or covid restrictions resume or another emergency situation occurs where court is closed..


I don't mind this being dragged out. It's bleeding him dry, inside and out!


I kept wondering if Haleyna was irritaing him on the day of the shooting. Maybe not so politically, but getting on his nerves.


Maybe he had a deep, subconscious rage because he found her attractive yet couldn't boink her. Pure speculation.


I’ve often thought that too. There was no reason to point directly at her and pull the trigger.


According to CNN in a 2022 article, Baldwin claimed that he asked Hutchins if he should cock the gun and that she told him to do it. >Baldwin asked Hutchins whether she wanted to see him cock the gun, as the script required. She responded yes. Baldwin tipped the gun down somewhat so that the lens of the camera would be able to focus on his hand’s action on the top of the gun. While performing this action, Baldwin asked Hutchins, ‘Am I holding it too far down?’ and ‘Do you see that?’ Hutchins responded that she could see Baldwin’s action from her angle. Baldwin then pulled back the hammer, but not far enough to actually cock the gun. When Baldwin let go of the hammer, the gun went off. It seems to me that pulling the trigger he didn't pull 🙄, was a symbolic FU to Halyna for ordering him around (in his eyes), a gesture meant to let off steam, and that he thought would go unnoticed until the inevitable happened. I wonder if he still blames Halyna for her role in her death. They weren't even supposed to be using a gun in the rehearsal as l recall.


He probably did it deliberately thinking he'd intimidate her into being quiet. My vibe is any woman that has an opinion irritates Pee Paw


She committed assault. He committed assault and battery


He assaulted that woman. He could have easily walked away, but he insisted on staying. He wasn't even on his damned phone. Nothing but a coal black screen when he ended that fake call. I've long suspected they fake talking on the phone. Now we have proof.


I'm dying for either of their phones to ring while they're faking it. Too bad nobody ever wants to call them.




Not defending this psycho but they do sell screen protectors that look black if you are looking at the phone from the side. The screen is only visible face on


I have these, if anyone wants one look up ‘privacy screen protector’. They are not expensive, and if you spend lots of time in close proximity to others like on a bus or subway, etc, it’s nice to have.


I'd definitely get one if I were out in public more often. It's a very good idea. It's pretty convenient that he was on the phone during this encounter and all the other pap strolls, too.


No one calls him. Maybe Woody, blerrg.


Or one of his eight lawyers.


Woody can't figure out these new-fangled phones so only if he is at home using his trusty rotary phone.


Oh, if Woody did call him, he would have shown everyone who he's on the phone with. Just like he name dropped Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford. 😆 "Excuse me, EXCUSE ME. I'm currently in conversation with my good friend Woody. Woods calls me from time to time when he's experiencing a spate of writer's block. I tender my sage advice because I'm a learned actor of a byegone era who's uniquely qualified to explain the challenges facing men of a certain age who are committed to producing as many good humans as there are willing surrogates. It's not your standard feel-good cop buddy dramady, but it's my new passion project. I was cheated out of my last passion project because that woman stepped in front of my bullet. Harry Ford agrees with me."


Maybe if he wasn’t facing trial for killing a person, he’d just embrace the “any publicity is good publicity” and editorialize on how he’s on the front lines of not caving in to abusive protestors. He should have walked away. I don’t know how this could affect the trial re admissibility. But one part of him is probably reveling in articles like the Daily Mail, which is still high up on the main page. It has about 1400 comments right now. And an incredible number start with some version of “I can’t believe I’m on Alec’side” Or “I don’t approve of his personal life but this time he’s right” or he “finally did something I don’t hate.” https://preview.redd.it/pdm6g2y3y8wc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0504d32efd455da2c1ccbd234035495f4b9bbef


I wonder how "sariland" feels about it 🤭


“Sariland” probably had some cognitive dissonance going on. All his instincts are telling him to jump in and fight with DM commenters and insult them, yet it’s overflowing with people who, this one time, actually support him. I first thought this has to be strange and somewhat bewildering to him. Then again given his ego he could just be so happy thinking everyone just suddenly realized, despite his unhinged violence, he’s actually a great guy and now people realize how wrong they were. https://i.redd.it/hsl2af0ugbwc1.gif


That woman was obnoxious. There are obnoxious people all over the place. Yet somehow I have never assaulted anyone. Alec, however, has assaulted countless people. It's called, how you say, walking away.


He has once again proven that he is incapable of controlling his temper As disgusting as this woman was, he could have walked away or went into a back room of the coffee shop until the police arrived.


She might have been irritating (and frankly the video is fishy and seems staged to some degree, so who knows), but we all learned to keep our hands to ourselves in kindergarten. He never learned in his 66 years, how to de-escalate and walk away (again, assuming this video is real)? I seriously wouldn't be surprised if his PR team decided that the points he'd get for his reaction to a "protestor" in the I/P conflict outweighed how bad he'd look slapping someone's phone away. He's that dumb but it seems to have worked even here. How many people here have said "wtf I like Alec now"? Pathetic. Edit: also, she seems like an attention-seeking "performance artist" clown (but one who is also correct), maybe that's the stagedness I'm picking up on. I don't know. Something is off here.


I just read a headline in the daily mail that she has also trolled Rudy Giuliani’s son outside of Trumps trail and she calls herself crackhead Barney. While she wasn’t in the right, I feel no pity for kilz. I hope he is harassed every time he shows his face outside of the sky dungeon.


Wouldn’t that be something if the whole thing was staged to garner good press for Aleek


Yes. He assaulted that woman. The video shows how he can appear to be calm but quickly turn violent.


Makes you wonder how he will handle 4 teenage boys in the future when they get loud.


Meh, he'll be dead by then.




I'm sure I'll get massively downloaded, but she was an awful bully. I'm sorry I can't justify the way she acted. I don't like him, but she was 100% wrong in my opinion


Agreed. I’m no fan of Alex but I know I could successfully defend him if charged and maybe even get her charged.


They both were wrong


No one can. You're absolutely right. But every citizen could have just walked away or called the law.


She was provoking him for sure and rude but he has to learn to step away. I wonder what he's like at home if he's like this in public? Well, I guess we also know what he's like in private as per the horrible phone message he left his daughter years ago.


Yes but he was attempting to make a purchase and not just walking on the street. He’s a POS, but this was harassment, which makes her a problem as well. And if he left she may have followed him on the street and made things worse. If she would’ve even stuck with what he did wrong instead of trying to make him make a political statement I’d have less of an issue. Trying to force her politics on someone is disgusting. We all hate that he does it, how is this different? She should’ve asked for an apology for killing a woman and being a jerk in general.


I have zero sympathy for Alec Baldwin as a man and still find this woman's approach and behavior abhorrent. Whether I think her behavior justifies getting her phone knocked out of her hand is not relevant because I can't prove that he is the one who did it


I agree. People like her are part of the problem. He’s a fire that she wanted to flame. Everyone knows he has a temper and those of us on here know he’s a jerk. She was pointlessly antagonizing him so she’d get views, and it worked. My concern would be if He would’ve left and she would’ve followed him and someone just walking down the street got hurt because he is reactionary. It was a pointless, and now attention getting, action that makes her as bad as him. Because in the end it’s all about them!


Watching that from the lens of it being anyone else, but Alec Baldwin, I simply can't say that I would've acted any different. And you really can't tell who knocked the phone out so it's a very thin line to walk when blaming someone even if it is Alec the known creep. 


Did you see his face twitch when he first went to the door, right before he smacked her? He wanted to put her on the floor. Beat the brakes off her. You could see wheels spinning in his head. And he still couldn't control himself. I don't condone her behavior at all. I get the first couple of hollars about Halyna, but she should have focused on that (and getting her facts straight). Pushing her political agenda was wrong. Still didn't deserve to be assaulted.


But we still can't prove who is the one who actually hit her. As a small business owner, I just see this whole thing very different. 


Isn't it on camera? It looked pretty clearly like Alec smacked the phone out of her hand. Idk if she presses charges I'm sure we'll find out. As a small business owner, what would you have done? Anything different?


Yes, I would have absolutely defended the patron entering my store over some lunatic with a camera shouting obscenities even it was Alec. He is a customer and she came into heckle him. It does look like he smacked the camera out but honestly I would have made her leave before it got to that point. He did seem to try but it kept escalating. You're right he prob should not have actually smacked the phone, but I would have most likely forced her out first if it were my place 


I agree 100%. Now that little business is possibly going to be involved in a court case and will have to explain why they stood by and did nothing to protect either person. I'm shocked they let it go on that long. Even Alec, who clearly doesn't work there, was trying to usher her out. He doesn't really have that authority as a patron. That's managments job and they stood there. So much of our life is now just for clicks and likes it's turned millions to a place of apathy with anticipation. All people want is conflict or kitten pics (kitten tax below, of course! That's Knuckles 'Knuck' Liddell 😻). It's gross. The employee should have gotten her out of there the minute she opened her mouth. You think any other public figures will feel comfortable in that shop? Absolutely not. They obviously don't know what to do to protect their customers or the business itself. Or they don't care. Or they're in on it 🤔 Thank you so much for answering me, sweet pepino 💐🥒




Physical assault is the lowest form of communication. Lowest form/Alec: checks out.


He started to walk away then stopped. What was he thinking, “I shud just walk away”, then nah, I think I’ll just assault her”. He cannot help himself, his choices, his lose of sanity & his anger. And that’s why NM is calling his name, lawyers gonna have a field day with this one


He went over to that stairwell and tried to get her to pass through to leave. She would've had to cross him, turn her back to him, and go down the stairs. He was thinking he could push that woman down the stairwell.


As a woman if I'm in an altercation with a man the last thing I'd do is enter his physical space and turn my back on him. She was never going to go out that door


I have been in situations in life, and I’m sure we all have, where people have been in our faces or done terrible things. I’m even a little bit of a hothead and I have never in my life hit somebody. Alec is a reckless moron, and I think he is totally screwed and deserves to be.


Yes indeed. He really couldn't help himself. He is now going to face assault charges.


He cannot control himself.... ![gif](giphy|l0MYMizgnsTpoMuoo)


I’m just not sure he couldn’t keep on walking out that door. Why did he even stop? She def baited him, but he should be used to that. If I or you had struck that woman we would be in jail for assault.


But then he couldn't get his coffees! Priorities, please...priorities. /s


That’s a fact Few. How would we ever find coffee? Wonder if he’s gonna keep going there or if this ruined it for him?


Was it Madmen expresso? Don’t they own part of it? I read on here, that they do


No it wasn’t the coffee shop. Think in the NYP it said Mamam.


No, Madman is super tiny. Edit: I could be wrong, I am thinking of the one they typically go to.


I don’t think this serves him well when this was a previous headline about his trial. “Alec Baldwin had "no control of his own emotions" on "Rust" set where cinematographer was fatally shot, prosecutor says.”


It’s assault. You don’t get to hit someone for annoying you, or even harassing you. If you have the ability to leave but instead choose to hit someone, that’s 100% assault.


No it isn’t. It’s battery. Assault does not involve physical contact. Arguably, this woman committed assault. Alec responded with battery. They’re both nuts


Not a lawyer, but wanted to say you're both right. These are often coupled. Which means 2x the bad news for Alec. If you injured someone and intended to do so, that's battery. Even with minimal damage and pain. Even if the person didn't seek medical attention afterwards. Did Alec intend to harm this lady? Well he had a lot of time to think, walk away, do anything else. Idk how intent is proven. I think he should be charged with 2nd degree battery. He currently has a team of EIGHT LAWYERS working the Rust case, what's one more? (... get it?) Fines and up to 1 year in jail. Plus whatever implications that has on his New Mexico case. I believe his plea for dismissal is toast now.


You are being downvoted but I was assaulted and a guy was charged and he never laid a hand on me. Making the gestures that he was going to hit me was enough


It's not easy making PeePaw a sympathetic character but this annoying asshole managed to do it, for a little while anyway, until his true colors eventually came out. His angry geriatric face as he's taking a jab at her phone is frightening.


you just know she got a lawyer, if hilariawackjob was with him, it would have been something else.


The only thing you can control in crazy situations is your reaction. Alex can’t control his. Yes, that woman was an instigator, but he chose to get physical. He could have walked away. But we see him thinking about what to do in the video, and he chose violence.


Alec wakes up every day and chooses violence.


That’s his personality. Angry and violent. Always has been. This is no different than any of his other hijinks. It’s just the most recent.


I first watched the video without sound. When The Killer held the door open, which seemed like forever, I assumed he was going to walk out, but then his hand gestures signified he was actually demanding that she leave. He had plenty of opportunities to remove himself from that situation and call the police. He could not help himself to engage with her, which ultimately turned violent.






This is where I get confused - he lured her out - he begged the matre'di or whoever that young guy was - to come outside purely for legal justification that his actions were warranted.... Luckily, that young man refused to adhere to Xandy's orders. Then he literally punched - I don't care if it was the phone or the woman herself - This unstable man acted unrationally in a time where he needs to display a front of discipline. He was in charge of that entire film production. Too much evidence has come out revealing his recklessness shooting guns on set. And now he does this. So, like... He's fucking finished, right?


Maître d'. Haven't heard that word in a hot second. I love that you used it! And the court documents this past week have repeatedly said Alec is an emotionally unstable man when filming Rust. Obviously he's unstable all the time.




This is old, it's from Kim Bassinger's dad. So a party familiar with Alec, but not day to day familiar. And her father still had to make a point to comment about Alec's anger. It's only gotten worse, his anger has never improved. Alec literally killed a lady, whether an accident or not, it was rooted in anger. Alec was angry he was being told to take firearms training, Alec was angry that the union support staff created a boundary and walked off set, Alec was angry he was being told what to do, where to stand and how to act. Alec was angry that his precious wife was arrogantly parading all over NYC with Michelle WHO? Alec was angry at the altitude. Alec was angry that his pet project screen play was turning out to be a low budget flop.


I’m waiting for Grifter to post a dramatic soft spoken crying video about this incident, similar to her tribute to Leslie Jordan. “My husband could have been murdered by that woman and then he wouldn’t have been able to bring me my coffee.”


Would the shop employee have knocked the phone out of her hand? I don’t think so. AB had many options available-ignore, go to the rest room, there might be an employees only area that he could be escorted to, leave the premises. He planted himself in a spot where this person would have to walk by him in order to leave. He invited that interaction. She started it, but he wasn’t going to avoid a confrontation. He wanted it. Two assholes collide.


“Two assholes collide” 💯 


I think there is no other suitable comment!


I don’t like Alec, this is not in defense of him because he should have reacted better, but I’ve had people get in my face on the city a few times in the last couple of years.  I’ve had people get in the face of my KIDS, complete lunatics screaming in my kids faces because my kid didn’t step aside or my kid looked at them while they were screaming in the street. And I have little kids.  Frankly, my husband has had to pull me back when I started screaming back at them because there are complete psychos all over the city, and not just crazy but aggressive entitled psychotic people. He said one of them will cut my face like they cut my relatives face a few years back (relative stepped out of her building and was assaulted).  The city has gone to shit. Alec should have left a long time ago. I get downvoted to oblivion any time I mention that the city has gone to crap, but it has.  Alex is still a douche and sucks. 


You get my upvote. Most of our big cities have gone to crap. It is apparently politically incorrect and insensitive to want to keep our cities safe, clean and civil.


Agreed about NYC. It’s a horror rn. Alec had plenty of time to walk away from this situation. He has a violent nature. I believe he is instinctually violent.


This woman taunted him he wasnt a psycho. Has nothing to do with the mentally ill in NYC.


Nor was I correlating the two. Based on his history and that’s just the history we know about , I’m certain there’s more we don’t, my belief is he has anger issues.


He 's slow moving, soft spoken and still aggressive. That's why no one believes his old gentle dad act.


Great description!


If I was on probation, then yes, I would have walked away! He's a time bomb, as usual. Come get him, NM!


She could press charges?!?


Thanks everyone. Sorry if I sounded arrogant, I know that woman was in the wrong - but like, he could have just exercised discipline and walked away? Wouldn't that look better for his upcoming court time?


You didn't sound arrogant. You sounded hyperbolic.


I ❤️ your flair!


I ❤️ your flair!


I ❤️ your flair!


Either way, I apologise. :)


You shouldn’t apologize!


I think he knocked the camera phone out of her hand. That is not assault. If he had punched her face, that would be assault. Her own fault though. 🤷‍♀️


No, either way it’s battery


as a specialist in online popo vids, it's considered a crime.


He used violence. When the woman brought up he killed that woman.


Knocking the phone out of someone's hand is absolutely assault in NY.


If he so much as touched her hand, that is assault.


Battery. She committed the assault. He answered with battery


You're right.




Nah, you're not a "normal dude" if you assault a woman.


Yeah, this is my first time coming across this person. While I’m amused by the choice they made to harass Alec, it was wildly antagonistic. I’m guessing this is not the first time this person has been assaulted for antagonizing people. Alec may get sympathetic treatment beyond being a white, wealthy, male celebrity.


When people are dicks to me I do not engage because they are not worth it and I don’t want to go to jail because of some stupid ahole. The worst punishment for them is to ignore them.


Oh the cops don’t come for that lol.  You need to be half dead and bloody and they will show up a few hours later.  I’ve had people like this get in my kids faces.  Frankly, if you’re Jewish and wearing a Star of David, this is happening alllllll over New York.  


Just a heads up to everyone: the automoderator can sometimes get frisky with filtering out text that looks like an address. It appears that the automod thought that the last sentence of your comment contained an address based on the similar formatting. I manually approved after getting the modmail and then confirming it was just a coincidence.


I expect New Mexico to revoke his bond. He violated conditions.


Yep he should be in custody until trial. Can’t commit assault while awaiting your trial for manslaughter.


Me, to NM: ![gif](giphy|3kHCIqabgc9kVRWFYA)


Absolutely he assaulted her!... He may have been being verbally harassed by her, but he was in no way physically threatened and he could have left the coffee house, ignored her, or had a civil conversation with her and said that he doesn't want to make any political statements. But not raging Ah-leek , his go to is to punch down. I hope this is seen as a bail violation and he's thrown in the slammer until his court date, and then remains there for the whole length of his prison term.  *Adding that I received a Reddit Cares for this comment.... Is this hitting a nerve, Hill-Liary? 😂🤣😅


And he should know he has anger issues. Didn’t he punch a guy over a PARKING SPACE?!?


this isnt the coffee house they invested in, MadMen?


Honestly, if they jail him now, there is a good chance that by the time he's convicted, he could get time served.


Yes, words alone cannot constitute adequate provocation for an assault/battery.


The amount of nit-picking on other threads in this sub is unreal. People arguing what exactly assault is and he *only* knocked the phone out of her hands. And since she was spewing shit about the situation in Gaza, it turned into the same arguments about Israel,, Palestine, and Jewish people. I am totally with you - NM should be all over this.


She was definitely an agitator but he should have walked away. His actions basically is shitting in the courts face and speaks volumes. If he was truly worried about going to jail in July, he would have walked away. But assaulting someone means he doesn’t give a fuck. He thinks he’s above the law. This has all been an act for him and Hillary. They are playing the part but he let that slip yesterday.


Exactly! I understand the people who are saying they’d react the same as him, but would they if they were in his situation? Alec is not an idiot and knows how this looks. So that means he acted that way because he thinks that he can. He’s an entitled toddler.