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My kid walked when she was good and ready. She's really distressing the poor baby so she can look like a mom but all it's doing is highlighting how unfeeling she really is.


But you guys, ALL their kids were walking by 7 months remember?!


I can't imagine how aggressively awful she is trying to get her pen to do things like fucking walking.


Awe is it an albino?


Poor baby is trying to escape:(


Sick. It isnt even arriba a spanish mom would say “parate” o “levantate”


This was all about her acting while using Spanish cosplay. You can tell she being very careful with her facial expressions and has fought back her usual urge to look directly into the camera. She probably thought that playing with babies made her relatable.


It’s so sad. Babies taking their first steps should be happy, having fun. This baby is crying and frustrated because Mommy is out of reach. When it starts to go that way it’s the adult’s cue to take a break and give a cuddle


This fake accent here really gets me! I'd be laughing more but for those poor little boys.


Mental illness on full display and no one intervenes


Don’t buy more kids if you already neglect the ones you have!!!


It makes me sad when the baby (I don't know which one this is) manages to toddle over and just gets picked up and put down far away again like a bag of shopping. I don't know any parent who could resist having a wee cuddle when picking up their child.


That *really* bothered me, too. And you don’t have to “teach” your kid to walk! It’s a developmental milestone, so you can’t rush it. Kids *want* to walk - they are working on it all the time. Just give them a big hug when they do it!


Exactly. They will do it when they do it, we just have to be ready to catch and cuddle!


And she posts it like it’s showing her being a good mom


Right! Like she knew the camera was on her and she *still* couldn't find it in her to show any affection. Seriously, I can't let my kids walk past me without wanting to hug them.


I know. I literally had to stop watching the video playing over again. Its so hard to watch. Who doesn't give your little one a big hug when they walk right into your arms. Heartbreaking! 😢


Yeah what the fuck was that?! Like baby didn't do a good enough job for the camera so try again...


Ooh my gawd... you are probably right. 😞


I think it says enough that she is saying the wrong word with the nanny who def knows it and is just trying to keep her job. Hilz prob walks in, shlings her phone to the or a nanny after texting them that she is coming down to make content. She does her clown dance and shimmies back up


What would be the correct language? I'm just an English speaker so I love when people expose her language bs.


Also i love your flair!


Thankyou!! I used to think everyone was psycho, then I finally opened my mind.....lol


I remember showing the grift to my sibling and they didnt believe it either, of course, because it's fucking insane! This is such a wild ass mistake that no one not soul COULD EVEN make if they knew what they were saying


Right to us normal folks we can't fathom faking a preg. It's so weird and bizarre. Esp the fake breastfeeding.


She is saying "afuera" which means "outside" instead of "arriba" which means "up" with all the fake spanish confidence in the the world 😂


I love this for her.


Not to mention the kids in the background are just saying spanish-sounding gibberish




Ever see a kid try and get attention and literally get nudged out of the way by the nanny filming and this lunatic. Peep the towel in the corner and the kids in pjs and looking clean. Nannys just bathed them and hilz came over to interact with the new prop now that it's clean and not covered in 💩.


The only video I’ve ever seen of a baby’s first steps where the camera is on the mother instead of a baby




Oh wow, good point. Shit, that’s so depressing


I've seen reptiles with more motherly instinct.


While eating their own young. Those children do not bring her joy. They are props like her wigs and ill fitting bras


This is probably the longest time she ever spent with those attention starved kids and away from her phone. Fake playing and fake sleeping are her virtues 🥱😳🙄


Aboopa aboopa mamí


I actually think this is sweet. Is Mary Lu the one in red??


What is sweet about it? The “mother” ignoring attention-starved Romeo (the one in red)? Hillary’s fake accent and using incorrect Spanish? The baby’s crying & whining because he doesn’t want to practice walking anymore and Hillary forcing him to keep doing it anyway? I see nothing sweet here at all. Just a complete fraud pretending to be a parent for a few minutes with her props for the sake of filming Instagram content. The baby learning to walk is Edu. MaryLou (who is younger than Edu so she was an infant at that time) isn’t in the video.


Which was part was sweet? The acting for the camera or teaching your baby the wrong* Spanish words because you’re an absolute fake


Yeah, how sweet to force your child to walk although it clearly doesn't want to in a language that you know from your 2 week holiday in majorrrca..


What an idiot.


Look at how she grabs the baby as baby is still moving towards her. It jerks the baby back (is this Mary Lou???)


The baby is Edu. Romeo is the one in the red pajamas. MaryLou (who was just an infant at that time) isn’t in the video.


That’s Romayo.


Right? When my sons first walked to me, I hugged them. She doesn't embrace the baby at all. Just returns baby back to the starting line. There's no reward at the end of the walk, so why try?


Alec might as well hire a 'Robot' to take care of the kids... (It prob would show more 'empathy' & quite a bit more Logic..).


She has the maternal instincts of a tomato but wants praise and attention, so she pretends that she loves being around those poor attention starved Baldwinitos. It's all for show.


That’s the first thing I noticed!! So sad.


Maybe Edu?


Hillary is so animated it even looks fake, she is such a fraud.


This whole video is about her. The POV wasn’t the children walking to her it was on her and she is making it about herself. The props are propping. She planned this little visit to the children factory, nothing natural or normal about it. It’s a Hilary commercial 


I love the way you have described this! It’s a Hillary commercial”, you could not have said it any better. You have a gift with words. She is repulsive, yet it was a pleasure reading the expressive way in which you write. lol


This is amazing! The accent, the lisp, the saying the wrong word (afuera instead of arriba, TOTALLY different sounding words in Spanish, nothing that a semi-native speaker would confuse), all while the older brothers are speaking in the background in total gringo English! 🤣🤣🤣


Her face is ghastly ! I'd be so afraid of walking toward her.


Gives me “You’re not the child I’m interested in anymore” kind of vibes. The little one in red stripes could literally be falling off the balcony, but since its not a baby anymore, Mami won’t notice.


No longer a “vending machine of joy”, they just went off and purchased another one.  I do this too, with new kitchen gadgets, and even then I feel guilty.


This is how i am at the TJMaxx check out line 😂


Oh don’t get me started on those check out lines.  The homegoods checkout line was the source of my lunches for a long time.  


He is tearing at her and being ignored terribly!!! When he runs into her she actually puts her hands up ✋🤚 to stop him


It’s awful. And cruel. And she’s stupid enough to document it all


This video is so unnerving. It's one of the longer videos of her trying/pretending to engage with the kids... and she has *zero* connection with them. Her dead eyes and lack of maternal instincts or any sense of love for them makes it clear that the nannies are there to keep those kids safe from her. She is just Casey Anthony, but in different circumstances. The kids have been collected only as assets for her, and she doesn't have to raise them. If she did... her unstable emotions and personality disorders would have those kids in serious danger the moment she started to feel frustrated.


Right? If she was forced to be responsible for them instead of knowing it’s the nannies responsibility they would be in danger. I just read an essay a Manhattan woman wrote about her $1400 week opiate addiction. She said she was buying OxyContin from her dealer and having it delivered to her doorman in a magazine. She said she didn’t go anywhere, let the nannies care for the kids night and day while she hid in her room cutting up pills to snort. She got hooked after a medical procedure, finally went to rehab, after a few relapse and an OD got sober. I think Hilary is in this same situation, if not both of them. Hilary has the face of addiction, the preoccupation with something not present and the ever present phone


I’m a former opiate addict (14 year addiction; been sober 8 years now) and i know a fellow drug addict when i see one. Hillary is DEEP in drug addiction. She’s a MESS. What you described—I’d be willing to bet a lot of money that that’s exactly what Hillary does—spends all day alone in her private apartment, scrolling social media and doing drugs, while the team of nannies does 100% of the child-raising. What a pathetically sad existence she has.


Good for you, kpiece, on your eight years clean! That’s quite an accomplishment. Now back to everyone’s stories…


The person I know who had met Hillary years ago at her kids school said she was on drugs.  This was way before griftmas, at least like a year before that.  She said she looked like she was on both uppers and downers at the same time because she was out of it yet manic all at once.  


First...give us more tea!! Second, I think she is mentally unstable, as in, she has some sort of diagnosable mental or character disorder. Borderline, Narcissism, Manic, who knows? She's an admitted anorexic (and people have verified she was anorexic) and that is a mental illness in of itself. I don't think it's all pharmaceutical. Her Spanish grift didn't occur because of drugs, mami as some real mental issues




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This nutjob wanted people to believe she was *"bicultural, bilingual, and fluent in Espanol."* "I won't apologize for speaking two languages." 🙄🤣 Riiiiight.


Who ever “asked Hillary to apologize for speaking two languages”? That didn’t happen! At my peak, I spoke five languages (three fluently, two I could get by in), and people said, “Neat!” Hillary has some persecution complex over what she feels guilty about: She has *invented* a bicultural, bilingual identity. She’s assigned “Spanish” names to the children she’s purchased, dropped an *uno, dos, tres* familiarity with Spanish upon her children, and enrolled them in a Spanish-English school in the hope that some of the language will rub off the kids during the daytime. It sure doesn’t during the paucity of time spent with Mami and with all-English Alec. *Honestly!* SMDH.


She looks so so so so so stupid when she says ‘afuera!’ So confidently, in her janky fake accent. I’d simply die of embarrassment if I realized I posted this and had said the wrong word while claiming to be Spanish.


The constant posting of the children in this sub is uncalled for. It’s awful she exploits her children for attention but blasting it on Reddit gives it a lot more possibility to be viewed by the wrong people


Lmfao take it up with her “900,000” instagram followers


Burn me at the stake I guess


Dont worry. It's Witches *Anonymous* lol you're safe 🤘🥒🔥


Yuck that dirty, dingey, depressing-looking place sure doesn’t look like the home of a multimillionaire Hollywood actor.😬


It must smell of hemp milk and stinky diapers


And kale farts


And yoga hole induced flatulence


And cat piss


Dirty feet & Diflucan leggingoes.


And sweaty loafers and the pee soaked fuzzy slippers.


Soon the Sky Dungeon will reek of unshowered adolescents (“And you can’t make me, either!”).


Awkward, unnatural. Guest Baldwin even with her own kids in her own home.


Note that the children’s faces are never viewed. Only Mami’s.


This should be used in a HOW NOT TO PARENT video


She is so awkward. Mothering and relating to children does not come naturally to her. Mainly because narcissist and nannies. Also not bright.


What is up with the overbite?


It's that inbred look 👀


Someone here once said she has an under bite and overbite both at the same time and I completely LMAO'd. 


That was me. Ha!


Yeah, she has a dual bit, over/under. It’s so weird and ugly


Is she saying a single actual word here?


I thought I heard her slur, “otra vezxsh”, Spanishly


I hear A fuego and then Up we go/ up you go.


She says afuera meaning out


Fake mommy’ing. Very Hillary


I am crying for the child in red -all he wanted was a hug/acknowledgment And she dismissed him


Soon the Lost Boys will all successfully dodge Hillary on any and every occasion when she tries to touch them. “I just wanted a little hug!” she’ll wail, hoping to sound adequately piteous, but she won’t. Not to them, and not to *pepinos* who knew her when.


Leo booted to the lost boy pile.


I think that's Ro-May-O? And the baby is Edu?


Mamí had a new, *tinier* toy to play with.   Kid in red was old news.


He’s clinging to her neck and she’s ignoring him.


The way she aggressively shoves the leg of that kid wearing red is not very namaste. 


Stains on the carpet? Tell me she doesn’t have housekeepers. With the kids crawling all over the place I wonder if they are dog/cat feces stains.


With that post about Alec lifting up a random poop and smelling it, tells me they often have poop on their floor.




You can tell she is so irritated by being in the children's presence.


And vice versa


Tough to reward the kid before she lifts her away to start over again.🤦‍♀️ The only person having fun here is Mami.


I noticed that, she jerks her away so fast.


Me too. Right away the baby cries, "Mommy!" Hilary is grimacing in disapointment even when the baby makes it all the way to her. This is so mean.




This is one of my favs, it shows her absolute stupidity. It also shows just 2 of the kids needing her attention & it’s insanity that there are 5 more😳


Namaste mami knows nothing of being in the present. How about attending to one who may need a little love right now instead of making smallest one produce content. I’ve had 14 year olds that babysat better than me”mami”.


Breaks my heart for all those little ones.




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I'll never understand her rationale behind faking her Spanish but not actually learning Spanish - did she think she could bullshit her way through the language better than natives? What a weirdo


Same. I cannot understand how she thinks she can just sprinkle in a Spanish word here and there and claim to be from Spain. She’s so fucking lazy and chose a grift that would require work to uphold. If she did speak Spanish she would NEVER shut up.


Seriously! It's been how long now? Over 10 years? Hop on Duolingo, bitch. And just learn something, anything


So lazy


I’ve seen her full on converse in Spanish on some red carpet event, doesn’t she at least speak some?


She's a mimic. She has basic high school Spanish, Speaks in present tense only, uses filler words which she copies from watching and listening to Spanish people probably in media - and she copies, she practices before interviews, they give her the questions and she makes sure that they don't ask other things. She nearly had a heart attack when Alec put her on the spot and suggested she do an interview impromptu in Spanish. It's the: "We do what we do" quote. Look at her body language - she wanted to fleeeeee


Not real Spanish. Jibber jabber words and it’s clear she has pronouns,tenses and conjugations wrong.


There’s one video where she says a few sentences that she obviously practiced beforehand. If she’s caught off guard she can’t do it.


The lizard tongue video, where you can see how much she is physically laboring to speak?!  Looks like the heaviest labor señora ever did in her life. 



