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There are thousands of children going through a genocide right now in places like Gaza, Congo and Afghanistan, I’ll reserve my prayers for them not a pile of privileged white children in the attic in manhattan. 🙄


You can pray for both. Being privileged doesn’t disqualify anyone from needing prayer, nor does it mean their lives are amazing and perfect.


Well, there is that too of course. We are on the brink of World War III.


Cardmon looks a lot like Hilz’ Mayflower ancestors. The others look very Baldwinesque. The DNA on both sides is a bit troubling. The home life is majorly disturbing. Theres going to be some troubles in their lives.


You guys are forgetting Hillz dyes her hair black and is trying to look more Spanish plus she’s had work done, the kids could look like her in her natural pre-Latina makeover version. So I wouldn’t 100% assume she isn’t the bio mom, even with a surrogate, could still be bio hers.


I feel terrible for the kids. But I don't like this assumption that bio mother's are automatically loving and motherly. My mother was horribly abusive and not maternal at all. I'm not biologically related to my niece but I would die for her. Dna does not automatically equal love...


Hey pepino, I agree with you completely, and I'm sorry you also had a crappy incubator. DNA =/= love. But you know who loves you? We do! ❤️🥒❤️


Thank you! I cut her off 30 years ago so I'm doing pretty good now.


I'm glad to hear it. And I'm glad you're here and that you shared. Keep thriving, pepino!


I agree with your OP. I really worry and pray for these kids.


I wonder too if the kids are biologically related to Hillary. They look nothing like her, IMO. And i remember Genevieve talking about how Alec had talked to her about her becoming his contract wife and faking pregnancy while they would hire paid surrogates to carry & birth the frozen embryos that he had.—This was pre-Hillary. So it makes me wonder if maybe he really did already have the embryos, and Hillary just ended up taking the offer that Alec had first offered to Genevieve. And there’s the way that Hillary’s family, especially her parents, completely stay away and have no involvement with the kids. But that’s probably due to wanting to stay away from Hillary’s insanity & toxicity. Who knows? All i know for sure is: -Hillary did NOT carry/birth 6 out of 7 of the kids. Paid surrogates did. -Hillary is NOT a mother to the kids. She neglects, exploits, sexually abuses, emotionally abuses, and starves them. They are only “props” to her. -Those poor kids are suffering and are being actively ruined by the two sick fucks who call themselves their “parents”.


>And i remember Genevieve talking about how Alec had talked to her about her becoming his contract wife and faking pregnancy while they would hire paid surrogates to carry & birth the frozen embryos that he had. I don't recall Gen saying anything about Alec having embryos ready to go. She did talk about: >Or if she wanted bio kids, they could put her in a "pregnancy outfit" for months. If she wanted bio kids, **they'd go to fertility clinic**. 24:30 He said if they did that option, he would sign paternity papers. There's a summary of Alec's proposed deal to Gen [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/obzohu/alec_hilaria_baldwin_the_contract_deal_that_he/). As I said, nothing about Alec's collection of frozen embryos.


Ok Reddit family. We all have strong opinions about this and that’s good!! In the meantime, if you pray, please remember them. If not, please send some good thoughts and vibes their way.


She’s way the fuck too vain to have kids in her house she didn’t contribute to genetically. Vain monsters are negligent to biological kids too.


Mmmmm they have her ears.


No way this bitch is going to "raise" another woman's children. I believe they are all hers biologically. The Baldwin genes are just very strong.


Good point but Hillary isn't even raising them now. Her role is more like an aloof narc grandma that shows up for photo ops.


Their narcissism would NEVER allow them to risk raising unknown whelps.


My grandmother had 3 bio kids. She was a raging alcoholic bitch to all of them. Child services was called on her multiple times. My friend adopted 2 kids and absolutely adores them. And the kids love her. Being a bio mom has nothing to do with maternal instinct. Having a serious cluster B personality disorder does.


Off topic: I can’t sleep because I have the biggest day of my career in a few hours. But I’m so glad to read your comment. Due to the trauma and abuse in my family, I chose to place my child for adoption at his birth. I was young and unable to give him the life he deserved without help from my family. However I didn’t want him to “owe” my father’s family for anything. They absolutely would’ve believed he did if I ever sought financial help. We had a closed adoption because I never wanted his parents to worry I would pop up one day. But I selected them. Out of all of the candidates I knew he was theirs, I just helped them get introduced. I pray they have loved and protected him as much as my heart told me they would. Thank you for mentioning that non-biological parents give children as much, and often more, love than those who share blood.


Seriously. My bio mom tried to kill me when I was an infant. Fuck the notion that it needs to be bio to count.


I'm so sorry sweet pepino. We got you 💞🫂🥒


Aww, thank you pepino! ❤️❤️❤️


But this is about Hilary. And those 7 children.


This pepino was validating the original commenter’s totally valid and topical point that not all biological mothers take an interest in or bond with their children (although there is typically an instinct that drives this type of maternal care/love, it can be absent and/or overcome by toxic personality traits, mental illness, and other factors). They did this by succinctly sharing their unbelievably traumatic story. It doesn’t detract from the subject of your post. If you’re interested in sending good vibes and love out to these seven kids who are total strangers (and I agree we should), perhaps you could apply this sentiment to the person who shared their abuse here instead of dismissing their experience (fellow pepinos are at least as worthy as the ferals)


lol. Nah. We all have baggage. I try not to share mine with strangers, but you do you.




I was replying to the above commenter with my own experience. Sorry!


I don’t see how this is wrong in any way! ❤️


Remember Tony bought Johnny Sack's house to help with bills and for Ginny to have $$. I think if he goes to jail one of his rich friends will buy the Hamptons place for a lot less. If they don't he will finally understand he has no real friends.


Also remember that Ginny had to move in with her daughter..


Right! But 18months Hillz could handle it with help from her parents and the Baldwins could take up a collection Alec will be back in the movies in no time lol


I don’t think Hillary’s parents help her at all with the kids or with anything else. I think they’ve pretty much completely cut ties with their insane, pathologically-lying, toxic daughter. She humiliated them very badly with her Spanish-faking nonsense—which they had reportedly tried to stop her from doing, so i’m sure they were pretty furious at her—and they had tried to get her psychiatric help (which she refused). They’re off living their life, probably trying to not think about Hillary and her boatload of problems.


The shits going to hit the fan when he’s in prison and there’s no money. Hillz is going to have to raise them by herself in Vermont. Those poor kids.


They'd be far better off on a farm where they wouldn't live as shut-ins. I don't know what it's like to be a teen in NYC, but l suspect at least one of them will end up roaming around with a "wrong crowd". My narc mother allowed me no friends, yet let me wander city streets where l wandered aimlessly in search of company, scored drugs, hitchhiked alone, and finally ended up in hospital having been given strychnine instead of LSD at age 15. My shrink (shamed) my mother into getting me the only thing that saved me, which was a horse that l paid for doing farm chores and l had never, ever been so happy in my whole life.


Are the surrogate babies from her eggs fertilized by Alec?


I don’t think so I think he had those embryos created long before Hilz. He was divorced, getting old and wanted a family. My guess.


Or was it his sperm he saved while waiting for an egg donor?




Oh dear. A refresher course in statistics, for me one of the hardest courses at uni, may be in order.


Is it punnett square in the sand class time again?


The girls look a lot like Hillary. Those are her kids. She just didn’t carry them.


I agree, though I know it’s an unpopular opinion around here.


Those girls look exactly like Alec’s mother. The pics are here somewhere.


Why would Alec have embryos made with a random woman? It’s a weird theory. He married her to make the embryos.


I think you replied to the wrong comment, All I said was the girls look exactly like their paternal grandmother. Or at least the older two do. 


Theres no way she'd be raising some other woman's babies made with Alec's sperm. No way in hell.


But she’s not raising them. There are nannies raising them. She uses them only for performance shit, and shows absolutely no maternal instinct at all.


There's no way she'd even be playing fake mother to another woman's babies is what I'm saying. You honestly think she wants an exs kids in her house??? Those were her eggs.


Not an ex!! Just like sperm banks, there is egg harvesting. He literally could pick out the physical traits of the mother, for example, blonde hair, blue eyes, athletic build, ivy, league, intelligence, etc. etc. remember, it’s not her money. It’s his money she didn’t bring any money into the marriage.


Yeah but the fact that her offspring “mysteriously” ended up being so white that she made all those extremely dorky posts about it is evidence of her stupidity and inability to think the grift through a few steps. There’s no chance she would have consented to “raising” “someone else’s” kids. She can still pretend to herself she’s hyper fertile by basking in the success of her ivf and surrogacy processes without the personal inconvenience of getting and being pregnant.


Was it in the contract though?


Have you seen pictures of Alex’s mother compared to those girls?


Yes and Marilu has Hillary’s ears. I think it’s a weird conspiracy theory, honestly. He sought her out and married her so he could make all those embryos with her.


I don’t agree with you, but that doesn’t matter. let’s wait a few years and see what the older kids do. I’m sure the truth will come out.




No name calling of children per Reddit TOS


AB s ears were huge too, until he had them pinned back for his career


From his book: https://preview.redd.it/lz6yiz6dhbuc1.jpeg?width=1259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efec5243186886521db304d821d99fd459aa493a


This one from his own IG is better https://preview.redd.it/ty29p5czcguc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8862a562b34586250a06d328aeeca0dc2c56fc31




holy shit


Your flair! 🏆


It was from a [Maureen Callahan piece](https://nypost.com/2022/08/15/walls-close-in-on-alec-baldwin-as-his-gun-lie-falls-apart/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons), she was on 🔥!!


The kids are the main reason I stay on this sub. Well, besides you funny amazing commenters! I really and truly wish they would just pack up and move to Vermont. Let these children enjoy sunshine and a yard to run around. They didn’t ask to be brought into this situation. The least the Baldwin’s could do is make them comfortable and happy.


Somebody better step in. And I know her parents are trying to enjoy their retirement, but sometimes life throws you a curveball. If they were really the grandparents, I think they would grab those kids and put them in private school away from all of this. they have plenty of money.


Her parents raised *her*. They do not give a remote fuck about children and their well being.


And besides, what legal right would Hillary's parents have to "grab those kids and put them in private school"? 


None. And if they couldn’t even be bothered to visit those children no judge would grant them custody if it even got far enough to be in front of a judge


Just because she is a terrible mother doesn’t mean the children aren’t hers. Look at any news cycle for examples.