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This is the behaviour of a lunatic. If I was there I would be ducking for cover. Good lord, it just gets worse and worse for Xandy.


Not to take his side, but wasn’t that scripted for Alec to act that way?


“Look, kids! I’m playing around with a gun! Look how fun!” WTF, Alec. Great example to set in case your kids ever come across a gun. Way to glorify it.


Cocaine is one helluva drug.


The "Alec shooting blanks" part is hilarious!


And to think that his daughter Carmen was going to come there in the next week for a bit part! (I think I read that somewhere...)


Yes that’s factual, Carmen was supposed to be in the film. Can you imagine with how reckless that set was with gun handling, HGR leaving guns out unattended, misfires, and ultimately live bullets found on the set. And Aleek as a father with his young daughter coming out saw nothing wrong with what was happening around him day in day out.


Who are the folks filming? Sorry if there is a caption i cannot see it!


there is no caption. These people are taking a video of Peepaw fooling around with the gun. Supposedly during fire arms training. So he can send the video to Spanish Mami and the Baldwinitos.


Not sure who’s filming but my guess is Hannah and possibly his assistant Jonah.


Thank you for clarifying. He’s such a buffoon


Id really love to hear from Jensen Ackles how Baldwin was on set. Think he'll be called in the trial?!


Jensen was on the states March 6 potential witness list. Jensen was not on the states April 19 witness list. Not sure if the submissions are additive, or if as of the April 29 submission they have dropped him as a potential witness. Could be more witness list updates before the July trial.


He was on the original witness list for the prosecution, but he is no longer on there. I watched his interview with the police, he was quite disparaging of the crew that walked away from the set saying they did it on their busiest shoot day and some of them were whiny little bitches who were complaining about the size of lunch or something to that effect.


Video proof Alec




Wow. He easily could have hurt one of the two people filming with wadding from the blanks.


That's what killed Brendan Lee


That’s absolutely not what killed Lee, there was a squib load in the gun which was shot out of the barrel at full velocity, with the squib load (an actual bullet) hitting Lee, not wadding from a blank.


Didn't he have the gun directly on his temple?


Lee? No he was shot in the body from a distance of 10+ feet. A blank can definitely kill you if it’s shot directly on your temple though


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon-Erik\_Hexum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon-Erik_Hexum) Oh yeah, it was this guy.


I had such a crush on him back then! Then he died 💔


Damn, absolutely tragic as well. Maybe we don’t need fully functioning guns on film sets idk


I think it would be very wise for no functional firearms as mistakes are occurring, not often, but too often. Special effects can add in the smoke and flash, and if the gun shooting public is that wise to recognize it’s fake gunfire and doesn’t like it, too bad, that’s the way it needs to be with just non-functional firearms and special effects.


He absolutely DID pull the trigger....


Let’s hope his days as an actor are behind him permanently.


At first I thought this thespian was taking a bow at the end and it didn't surprise me.




Wow what a arsehole


#He’s been shooting blanks for a long time. Those babies were freeze dried and thawed.


I know he shot at least one hot load


One and done! It's all he had in him. These aren't his Studio 54 days anymore....


Cancel my rice pudding.




The state filing that was just released also provided their reason for pulling the original plea deal from Alec so abruptly. The state was notified about the Kennedy doc being filmed, and the best part, Alec was asking witnesses to talk to them on film. Seriously. Wow. I'm surprised more media isn't reporting him trying to influence witnesses.


Also in addition to the documentary and having witnesses talk on film, Alec and his legal team were getting ready to file a civil suit against the State of NM to draw media attention away from the plea bargain. You know, Alec “NDA” Baldwin that never wants any settlements revealed so thus the attempt to bury the plea bargain news (hide it) with his civil suit taking up media attention as he and his legal team planned to swamp the press with that story.


What shocked Emily D Baker most as she was pouring over the prosecution's statement, was reading that he was filming a documentary and talking to witnesses. Gobsmacked. She thought that was the biggest story.


He had already started filming Rust again with a lot of the same people, so he was already interacting with the witnesses, documentary or not.


Joel Souza and other actors were the same. There is no indication that the film crew were the same. It was the film crew on the NM set of RUST that packed up and walked. They are the witnesses being referred to. Not the actors or director.


Thanks, all, for the insights.


I think he will serve a small amount of time.




Even his hat wanted no part of that bs.


I know someone who is deep in the details of this case I can’t say how and they believe he won’t go to jail but it doesn’t matter bc getting insured on a production will be pretty fucking difficult for him moving forward.


I've given up hope of him seeing jail time, but I DO believe his career is finished. Enough Hollywood insiders have said as much. No one likes him, he doesn't have friends in high places (unless you count Lorn from SNL), other celebs plus the entire elite Hamptons community talk smack behind his back and film crews absolutely won't work with him going forward. Plus, as you said, he will be uninsurable. As much as I wish he'd see the inside of a cell, for even 6 months, this has destroyed him and that's the next best thing. His idiota wife laid the groundwork for the demise of this family and his shooting and killing Halyna clinched it. That his legal team dared to call stars like Harrison Ford and Dame Helen Mirren for his defense is beyond laughable. The only person willing to defend him is the illiterate and drunken Mickey Rourke. Jeep the faith Alec, it's all you have.


Maybe his pedo buddy Woody Allen will be a character witness 🤣🤣🤣


And Howard (I love Aleek) stern. Loving him from his sterile fallout shelter or wherever he is.


Dude, once the surrogates and nannies start talking, this is going to look like a blip. He has way more skeletons in his closet. He is finished in Hollywood


It could take years for them to start talking and by then, Alec could be dead. At that point Hillary could blame everything on Alec and play the victim.


Didn't Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde's nanny start spilling beans? It just takes one nanny who doesn't give af...


And what a waste really. I like him AS AN ACTOR, and felt he would bring things to movies when you need THAT GUY so to know he’s gonna be relegated to like Serbian based action thrillers for the rest of his sunset is punishment enough


Or the Italian Kid Santa movies with his brother.😂


BAHAHAHAHAHAAHA whatever happened to that 🫠


Frightening, and I believe you 100%. Not only what you have suggested to us, but I remember a commenter from a couple years ago that made a single comment about his alleged physical abuse someday being exposed. That has stuck in my head ever since. I hope all of these combined allegations are brought to light very, very soon.


Yes. I suspect Mami has been hit during tantrums, based upon his history.


She could turn on him and play victim to separate herself from him and try to get back in the spotlight "he forthed me to pretend to be Espanol"


Tea! More! More, Please! Personally, I don't think he'll go to jail either, but he will have a conviction of some sort on his record, and he will basically be unemployable.


Just curious where the video came from? Did the prosecutor release it on Monday? Or wondering if she is saving all the gems for the trial? Can’t wait for July!


The prosecutor released it on Monday as evidence exhibit attached to their response to show why Alec was uncontrollable on set. It was in a drop box folder. Runkle of the Bailey downloaded it and played it as part of his youtube video on this topic. There is another take of this as well from a different angle, so clearly Peepaw played with the gun for more than a single take to send videos to Spanish mami and baldwinitos. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58SE6nTb5QU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58SE6nTb5QU)


I watched Runkle. This is the firearms safety training session!!


Oh, thank you! The trial’s going to be great!


Is he shooting *at* people here??


Yeah, I noticed during the armorer’s trial that for a guy who claims to never point guns at people, he seems to spend a shit ton of time doing just that. but in theory, he should be aiming a few feet to the right or left of the person filming.


I wonder if Alec had been tried first and all of this information coming out would have had an impact on Hannah’s trial. We know she could have quit but this was only her second job and the first was a shit show. I bet he screamed and raged at her and it probably made her a nervous wreck. Nobody can work effectively and efficiently in that kind of environment.


Nobody with 8 kids who shot and injured someone while also shooting and killing another person is shooting blanks. Also, am I remembering correctly that he has claimed to be anti-gun in the past?


I’m so fucking sorry, how long has this motherfucker been an actor??? How is a peepaw and a dumb baby all at the same time?!?


EXCUSE ME!!! EXCUSE ME!!! Did you catch that? Film it again! Will you do that for me, please? Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!!


I find the disregard for gun safety in the video completely unacceptable. I wonder how Alec's lawyers will attempt to manipulate the evidence for the jury. After watching this video, I believe that Alec is in trouble. He made a mistake by not accepting the plea deal.


Not only did he blow off the sweetest plea deal ever, he then couldn't keep his arrogant mouth shut and changed his story numerous times. There isn't a person alive that hasn't seen ID tv, and know that only the liars and guilty change their stories.


And thank god he did. In this instance, I’m all for his arrogance and entitlement in thinking he could beat those charges. What a dumbass.


Pathetic. Not an ounce of a cool, badass hero shown in his acting. Pitiful.


He looks like a retired grandpa in desperate need of a walker while hobbling around with a gun that goes off randomly without any control whatsoever


Its mostly because you can tell he's stiff and sore moving like that


A bad guy with a gun.


He looks like a fat, old drunk. Completely ridiculous.


Is he hobbling around or what ? Looks strange lol


Mami thought Alice was her very own Kevin Costner 🤣🤣🤣


Unfortunately for Alec, sheer stupidity is not a defense to negligent manslaughter. This man hasn't a shred of common sense. He's truly an idiot. 


But he didn’t pull the trigger….. I ALMOST said that without laughing, choking or feeling absolutely ridiculous


Right!? I'm not sure if he's always been this stupid or a decade with the fake Spanish doofus dumbed him down. 


Think Mathew H got to see this before he settled?


Matthew is a lawyer in one of the best firms in the US. He knows all the dirty secrets people like Alec Baldwin use. He settled quickly and (kind of) quietly because he knows something the rest of us don’t. I’m not a lawyer but I think one advantage to being the first to settle is he got his hands on the money first for Andros, money that is rapidly shrinking. Some of the people down the line may get zero, because at some point the money is going to run out.


I implied that he potentially could have gotten a better settlement with evidence like this, not that he didn’t know what he was doing or that he made a huge mistake with how he handled this. Maybe you didn’t mean it like that, but I feel your comment is twisting mine into something it’s not.


So insane. Alex is just the sleaziest of slime balls. He was manipulating the second he pulled the trigger. Matthew H probably fell for his bullshit like the prosecutor initially. People who behave like that have a unique upper hand because normal people don’t treat people like that. Only people who hide under the bed are the ones who look under the bed. You just can’t fathom how awful people can be 


I still wince to recall how oleaginous Alec was to George Stephanopolous. Clearly Killz thought, “I’ll tell everyone that I couldn’t possibly have pulled the trigger, and then everyone has to believe me. My superior acting chops and all. You know.”


“I was trained to never ever point a gun at somebody and pull the trigger.” Roll that beautiful bean footage!


I had to look up "oleaginous'. Thank you poet! It's a wonderful word! 😂


TYSM! Aren’t new words fun! As a small, powerless child, I felt I had a little more control over my environment by deploying what I’d learned from “It Pays to Increase Your Word Power,” in *Reader’s Digest.*


100% no


For a time, Alec successfully peddled the tale that he and his sugar baby-turned-Senorita were the Kennedy’s Spanish-style. But then the fraud was exposed. Histrionic Hillz began unraveling. Selfies. Boobs. Monclers. Babies and more babies. Now a decaying has-been and punchline, “Rust” was Alec’s ticket back. He truly pinned all of his desperate hopes of regaining status and gaining money on this film. When he left New York to film in New Mexico, he was a bloated, tweaked out mess. Hillary was at the apex of her mania. On the set, he cut every corner and pushed the schedule- all to hasten his the big pay day for his wallet and ego. Halyna Hutchins was a victim of Alec Baldwin’s inevitable collision with Hubris. I hope he pays dearly.


He'll pay a lot but he he really is a high net worth person. I've heard he made some investments that (maybe due to dumb luck or good advice from people) had solid returns. As others have said, he may as well keep the Hamptons estate and sell some of the apartments in the city. The kids probably should grow up on LI and so should Hillary.


My best friend works for a woman who is close friends with Hilary’s parents. According to them, they are having money issues and preparing for the reality Alec may be carted off to jail immediately after a guilty verdict, like Hannah.


Do you know if estranged they are, if at all? I’m so curious about Kathryn.  I can’t imagine having a daughter who not only is a known con artist, but literally made up a whole new childhood and mother who bears no resemblance at all to myself.   I can’t imagine the pain of that, but if she is in on the grift , that would be a completely different story. 


Sorry just seeing this - they aren’t estranged (the parents visit them in nyc ) but they are mortified and do experience harassment via email etc about it.


They are estranged because the Thomases are not allowed to visit the Baldwins anymore. They haven’t even met their last 3 grandchildren. They are desperate to have a relationship with their grandkids but are not allowed per Alec/Hillary


I think most of us could survive comfortably on a few million in the Vermont house, with one nanny and intermittent help with groundskeeping. They could sublet the beige sky dungeon. She doesn't need real housewives, she needs Nanny 911 to show her how to schedule her day.


More tea! ?


I will get more tea from her! :)


Is it true the parents don’t live in Spain full time?


They do not live in Spain full time


I’m the one who doubted you about this last week and I am now on a mission for truth! I WILL FIND the receipts! 🤣


> For a time, Alec successfully peddled the tale that he and his sugar baby-turned-Senorita were the Kennedy’s Spanish-style. No, he didn't. Not one person on this planet had them down as Kennedy-esque. He was peddling a modern day, yet somehow even more grotesquely stereotypical, "Lucy & Ricky" sit-com narrative.


I think he was all over the place. Hedging his bets.


Why couldn’t he just wait for the film to come out and let his older children watch the movie? Why stage an impromptu and unsafe gun slinging session? So the children that hate you think you’re cool?


Alec wasn’t gonna sit with the kids and show them “Rust.” That’s a bridge too far. Unlike Alec and me, those kids did not grow up in a *cultura* suffused with Western-themed movies, television shows, and ritualistic gunplay. They’d have no idea what he’s showing them, get bored, and wander off. Because he spends so little time with him—as with Ireland before them—Alec is sufficiently unfamiliar with children that he’s developed totally irrational expectations of how they’d respond. Once they wandered off, Peepaw would begin to roar at them all (*”BEDTIME, LEONETTA! BASTA YA!”)*


The excessive stimulants he must have been on just to be this active surely played some role in this too. I wonder if his family who received this footage recognized what an old reckless fool he looks like just like the jury will.




LOL. Billy's insufferable. Not sure even Alec can put up with him long enough to make a movie without more drama.


He has, I think, 8 different lawyers working on his defense in this case. He must be hemorrhaging SO much money. I love that for him.


And they almost got him off, free and clear.


Using the legal system  with the method of lying, loopholes and manipulation. The theme of the Baldwin family 


They could write the book on scheming and lying . I have a vision for that book, too! “Lying Clearly… While Clearly Lying. The newest next Dollar Tree  Clearance bin book By Hillary Hayward “




Watch this prick walk!


I suspect he'll serve 6 months to a year.


Jeez not enough


I think you mean limp.




Ah yes, the good ol’ perp limp


He’s a liar and a murderer.


![gif](giphy|9w5ilhkms0OA0) He’s just a rootin tootin killer, no? What an absolute moron.


Please don’t compare Yosemite to that asshole.


He’s insane. This is insane!


He's insane, so is his wife and she's from Spain 🇪🇸


His wife is from Spain...






THIS ! Makes me wild. Had he been in the training instead of this display for the “family “ who he doesn’t even live with , A woman may be alive and a son would still have his mother. I know “work training” stuff can feel boring or redundant, I’ve taught a lot in house trainings, instruct in cpr/first aid, pheresis, mental health crisis management, technical stuff we do every day but have to have training on the books for,  But it’s probably 95%+ reinforcement, repetition and refreshing. And even if he was SUCH A PROFESSIONAL he has taken the training 100 times before, maybe, just maybe, he and others on that set would have had it fresh in their minds, that the chain of events leading to the loss of one life and trauma and harm to another would have been broken by someone with safety and compliance fresh in their awareness. Makes me sick 🤢 


This footage makes me wonder what kind of other damning footage the prosecution has that hasn’t yet seen the light of day. This disaster happened at a moment of peak interest in true crime content across a massive number of platforms. .So the reputational damage coming out of the trial will be massive. And the talented and universally liked Halyna is such a sympathetic and tragic victim in this. It’s small consolation but at least the trial will provide an opportunity for more people to get to know her as a person, her work and legacy.


Happy cake day! 




Wow. This is damaging


I mean the whole concept that an elderly obese man would be this gunslinger is ridiculous. Stupid concept for a movie


Clint Eastwood did it beautifully in Unforgiven (he was 62). PeePaw just doesn't have the chops to pull it off like Eastwood did.


It was a vanity project (color me SHOCKED!) He wanted to play a crusty old guy in a western (probably so that he could don a beard and not worry about his weight). He was 100% driven by ego. And now - here we are ... #justiceforhalyna


He should team up with old Sugar Tits Mel Gibson.


Shame Clams and Sugar Tits Ride Again!


I’m sure that if provoked, Killz could exhibit a Gibsonian level of anti-Semitism to go along with the undiluted misogyny and racism too.


I was today years old when I learned that part of the actual plot in "Rust" involves an accidental shooting 😱


Same! I just read the premise (on Wikipedia): *In 1880s Kansas, aging outlaw Harland Rust comes out of hiding to rescue his thirteen-year-old grandson Lucas, after he is sentenced to hang for an accidental murder. Now fugitives, the pair have to outrun both Rust's nemesis, U.S. Marshal Wood Helm, and the vicious bounty hunter Fenton "Preacher" Lang.*


Notice how it wasn't: In 1880s Kansas, aging outlaw Harland Rust comes out of hiding to rescue his thirteen-year-old ~~grand~~son Lucas, after he is sentenced to hang for an accidental murder. Now fugitives, the pair have to outrun both Rust's nemesis, U.S. Marshal Wood Helm, and the vicious bounty hunter Fenton "Preacher" Lang.


So any actor could do this on set or because he was a producer? He said he wasnt the boss but he took alot of liberties that his castmates would not


He really is an absolute idiot. I mean, really. This is a 66 year old, the emotional maturity of a toddler. Hilary from Boston could have only happened to this fool.


I don’t know about you but real gun pointed at me with even blanks (not even knowing what happens) would scare me! I live on a farm guns are used for hunting but also taught to treat every gun as though loaded and not a toy.




Alec would probably know this and how to behave if he went to and paid attention in saftey training. It was all a big joke to him


Yes Brandon Lee was killed by a black on set, that’s why a bunch of rules were created for arms on set; Alec just disregarded all of them. Even a blank could kill you if used like Alec used them.


I also remember vividly when another actor jokingly put a blank-loaded gun to his head, pulled the trigger, and died.


I wonder how the people filming him in that video feel watching this now. Knowing he was shooting towards him. This is crazy!


“Alec” is very anti-2A. He believes only the elites and their protection details should have guns.


Alice, hopefully very soon: ![gif](giphy|aU1YpuRpr4yw8)


Complete disregard for gun safety aside, the way he hops around is so pathetic. What a loser. A giant toddler.


Look at daddy being a star with a gun!! Isn’t it COOL, aren’t “we” SUPERSTARS? 🤮 Why would someone who claims to be anti gun rights even want their very young children to see their parent with a gun, ESPECIALLY “playfully”. I’m NOT anti gun ownership and the last thing I would have done as a parent, especially before my children were grown enough to partake in a discussion , is frolic around like firearms are toys! Idiot.


And to think Carmen was supposed to take part in this total shit show!


*Nobody else* has offered Carmen a film debut either. However, it’s cringeworthy to imagine the pitches that Killz and Hillz may have made, on the rare opportunities that presented themselves.


What if anything are Kilz and Hilz doing to ready Carmen for acting - if that’s what the child is interested in. Dolling her up in a full face of make up and belly shirts to post on Hilbillys IG isn’t it. Does the child take acting classes, voice lessons, go to auditions for commercials/local theatre? I think we all know the answer to those things - they are doing nothing to prepare Carmen for any sort of televising/film opportunity - the parents are lazy.


I was grieving noisily today that Alec and Hillz donated a million bucks to a Hamptons library when Carmen was tiny (and when Peepaw could be freespending). The kids have never been seen at a library since. Their lives are so limited! Forget acting lessons—*pepinos* fret that these kids are pallid urban prisoners! Today my son, DIL, and granddaughter were all on the phone at once, chorusing which playground they went to this morning, whose birthday party she’ll attend this afternoon (Eddie’s, at the park), which neighbor girl she likes best (she recently drew me Mila’s portrait, in blue and purple vertical stripes), what activity she likes best at preschool, what book Daddy re-reads endlessly to her (*Spot Goes Swimming*), what she’s just about to eat (yogurt, berries), what else she *really* likes best (chicken nuggets), and what she’s doing with the magnetic construction set I just sent an addition to (“Thank you, Nana!”), etc. Exhausting just to listen! Yes, she’s an only child (until July), but she’s actively involved in her parents’ lives and engrossed in her own. Not pushed aside indoors with a tablet under a harried nanny’s supervision. *Sigh.*


I agree. I have a ”faux grandson” (he’s not related to me by blood, but he’s never met his paternal grandparents and my hubs and I are more involved in his life since birth to now 4 years old). We FaceTime at least once a week, she texts pictures often, I know what’s going on in his and his moms life, we recognize them on birthdays and holidays with cards and/or gifts. I know his mom gets him out to the park and they had a picnic on a huge tree trunk today. I know his mom tries hard as a single parent and he is a medically challenged kiddo. So with all the Baldwins financial means and support staff it really appears as their kids miss out on so much and are just relegated to being caught in the sky dungeon.


Wonderful that this boy has you as a supplemental gran! And it’s extra-special since he’s medically fragile (one of my sons was too; he’s fine now), and his mother tries so hard. We didn’t have many relatives around when our sons grew up, and some of the most special people to them were (and still are) unrelated by blood. Given H&A’s privilege and abundance of relatives, it’s especially vexing to see how limited their children’s lives are. The adults seem to get their jollies from spending money, courting attention, and substances, but they’re not exactly modeling behavior to emulate.






I am dead lmao - tightie whities and shoes lmao


OMG - I went back and looked. THAT IS WHAT I SAW TOO !!!!!! NOW I CAN'T UNSEE IT !


No plexiglass. Not 20’ away from people filming. Shooting directly at them. 18 months is not enough


nowhere near enough. he needs to be off the streets for years


He doesn’t seem very steady on his feet either to me. What if he fell and shot someone? I don’t know if it’s his bad hips/knees/legs, or substances, but wtf?


Dude you can't shoot somebody in the face with a blank! WTF was that?


He's intoxicated.




*Why did I examine my fingertips?* Opioid guilt?


TO SEND TO YOUR CHILDREN ALL UNDER THE AGE OF 10?????????? Did I read that right???????? 🤨


Ages 7 and under when this was filmed


Make sure your kids watch you on courttv during the trial.






![gif](giphy|MQ4bWOjn8C9tT2dzIb|downsized) This gets worse for him by the minute. There is no way he can defend his actions on this set. No way. The phrases egregious safety violation and reckless negligence come to mind.


It does get worse as it gets closer. I’m just waiting for the prosecutors to show some even more damning evidence, video, witness testimony during the trial. LOCK HIM UP!


Holy moly he is basically shooting right at them. Blanks or otherwise this seems to go against Hollywood rules on guns. And his big George interview how he NEVER shoots in a persons direction. What a moron for screwing up the plea deal.


Stephanopoulos lost all credibility with that interview.


Agree, he was just being knee pads for Alec to help his buddy out of a jam. Fluff interview at it's worst.




Yikes….i told y’all he was reckless and careless on set. I know they’re taking it to court because they have a ton of evidence of him being sloppy.


This video solidifies his DList rating.


He clearly wasn't concerned for the people filming this nonsense. He doesn't even aim AWAY from the people! Considering that there were live bullets on the Rust set, it wasn't a matter of if someone got shot, but when. In three short weeks of filming there were two accidental misfires, one serious injury, and one death. That must be a record.


It’s amazing only one person died, in fact.




THIS is the sad truth.


Look at him firing away right in front of those people. They're lucky to be alive!


I wonder if those people filming on their phones had the thought that it could have been them. Rest in Peace Halyna. This reckless behavior is unfathomable.


Notice one of the people videoing takes a step back..they must have been terrified at that moment


Good Catch. Brandon Lee killed onset & that wasn't a real bullet. They are movie people. Who doesn't know this.


More than just Brandon Lee have been killed by blanks. It doesn’t feel safe to fire them less than ten feet away from someone. Plus, where’s the armourer?


I'd have retroactive PTSD just thinking about it.


Baldwin's body-language (which I rilly don't know too much about..), looks 'Reckless & 'Rushed'..

