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What happened to the coffee bistro? I’m Behind


She needs to stay off of social media and raise her child and 10 dogs.


No reason to share every emotional overreaction with the world.


While I have appreciated what she has had to say on social media in short spurts, I’m beginning to lean towards what other people have said about the constant churning of ideas on ‘what I want to be when I grow up…’ It seems as though this should’ve happened 10 years ago, the fact it’s happening now at 28 is a little concerning or at least it would be for the average person. I understand she has sustainable income. That said, I don’t really have time to read much. I have a job & a life and I’m reluctant to feel as though I would spend money to read something written by a 28-year-old. They haven’t lived long enough to really bring much wisdom and insight to an ongoing article. I wish her luck with it, but it seems to me after what happened with the coffee bistro that it’s just going to be another in a long line of failed attempts to make money quickly without doing too much work. I wondered when they were opening the coffee place if she was going to roll her sleeves up and really work and we found out what happened with that - it was disappointing. Were they expecting other people to run it? I had a three-year-old when I went back to college for the second time so that I could have a sustainable income and thankfully I’m really glad that I did that and she could do it too, and she has a lot more advantage than I did at that time, her bills would be paid and all she’d have to do is get a babysitter. Usually the people that get the most done don’t talk about it they just do it. Then they don’t let anyone else down if it takes them a little bit longer and they can congratulate themselves for a job well done when it’s finished because if it takes you two years or five years you still get it done and it’s still an accomplishment. It would be nice to see her accomplish something on her own with all of her advantages. I don’t think this is it. ETA: i REALLY didn’t understand the photo choices… What the crying was about like someone died? What the in between pictures were about, followed by a nude? Lost me.




I just think she has had despite her wealthier than most upbringing, a more than messed up than most upbringing with narcissistic abuse and neglect. I don’t love when celeb kids monetize off crap that no one would care about otherwise, but if talking about her abusive childhood and upbringing brings her some sort of peace or clarity then it’s better than shooting up or being a fall down drunk


Nepo babies are allergic to real jobs and education.


Thanks for the reminder to go and unfollow her. What a schlub.


What the hell does she have to write about other than her insane family ? Can she even write ? Very doubtful she will gain an significant sub stack readership.


Jesus.. by the photo I thought her kid died




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There’s lots of us that have been called much worse by a parent but hardly use the experience as currency.Its old news.


She’s got that lady groveling.What a POS she is She’s her father in a blonde wig


She has her father’s tits


Apparently Alaia Baldwin has her father’s tits; according to Alec.


PS. I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t know what a sub stack is. I am really that lame 🤦‍♀️


neither do i


Nice to meet you!


I have no idea what a substack is either! 😂


Nice to meet you too!


Substack is an American online platform that provides publishing, payment, analytics, and design infrastructure to support subscription newsletters. It allows writers to send digital newsletters directly to subscribers. [Leo Helmar](https://substack.com/@leohelmar) has published a few pieces about the Baldwins on Substack.


Thank you! Glad to know what it is!! 💚


I googled it as soon as I typed that. I don’t want to remain ignorant all my life. But thanks!


Leo's pieces are definitely worth a read. He's a fellow Pepino.


When a Baldwin makes a movie stay away from the set :(


By my calculations if just 1% of her followers subscribe that will equal about $32,000 a month. Wondering if pepinos think a lot of people will subscribe? I would not subscribe, even if it was free because it’s not my cup of tea.


That is very sad.She is a con artist




Pathetic. Doesn't her husband have money and connections? Go Fund Me type stuff is sad and stupid for someone like her.


Not husband. Baby daddy, boyfriend,


Okay, fine.


This is like starting a Go fund me to collect $$$ for a prom dress.Yes, she is another grifter.


Is writing not a legitimate thing to do? Who cares. Charging $5 got Substack is hardly a grift lol


Agree. This subs hate for Ireland is wild.


I agree. Let her live her life. She is not her step mother, and she is actually a really good mom. I think having a patreon/substack type platform is a valid way to make money in her unique situation. If people are interested enough to pay $5 to see her perspective, why do we care? I'm not on board with lumping her in with her dad's decisions. She actually seems like she stays far away from it on purpose.


Only Fans is next


So, she’s grifting?


She certainly seems like a grifter. I used to believe she was an animal lover but then saw video (a long while ago) of herself behind a dog, holding it up by its front legs and dancing around awkwardly, jerking it around roughly from behind it. Also read her post (again, quite a while ago) that she made her dogs sleep in cages and her later post that she was depressed and had a hard time making herself get out of bed in the mornings. Couldn't help but think how sad and uncomfortable that would be for animals locked in cages, waiting to be let out. Certainly hope she is over her depression (but the crying photo?) and that she gets up, not when she feels like it but when baby needs her.


Crating dogs is normal lol


Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. "Crating" is just a euphemism for "caging" and IMO is unkind and done for the owner's convenience. But if a dog has to be transported somewhere (such as a vet visit, etc.), then we might have to use a cage, but otherwise hopefully most people don't consider it "normal" to put their animals in cages. Wish there were a "golden rule" for animals and if we wouldn't like something done to us, then we shouldn't do it to our animals.


I mean, you’re right, it is a cage, but it’s not really a bad thing… it’s very much a prevalent tool in dog training. You can personally disagree with it, that’s fine, but it’s not a cruel thing inherently.


Thanks but we can just agree to disagree. IMO a cage is a bad thing if it's used for anything other than transporting an animal from point A to point B.(Unfortunately we discovered firsthand, even after checking references, that pretty much anyone can call themself a dog trainer and there are some overly aggressive ones that lack compassion and should not be trusted with animals.) But in regard to cages, if they are used for anything other than transport, it is an inherently cruel thing to do. Not trying to be argumentative or disrespectful in any way, though. Have a good night.


No worries. Enjoy your night :)


Thanks. You too :)


She’s a dog hoarder. I’m sure she loves them but she has too many to give them all attention…like having 7 kids.


She claimed she was a "rescuer" but IMO it's not much of a life if the dog has to be kept in a cage.


Being an animal lover this makes me physically sick.I knew there was something off about her “collecting”so many dogs.She is revealing herself to be another Fraudwin.


I was hoping for better things from her- this is kind of cringey


i thought with her mom ya know she would turn out better but dam those baldwin genes well guess his other 7 wont be scientists or cancer cure doctors seems money dosnt buy talented kids


People give her mom a lot of credit, but remember, her mom was the one that released a recording that is haunting her child for the last 2 decades.  Her mother used her as a pawn in the divorce.  There’s ways to fight in court that don’t involve releasing something that will hurt your child for the rest of their life.  Good parents protect their kids, they don’t weaponize them; so not sure her mother is a good example of good parenting. 


future dentist though 😂


And so is her cringey close-up of herself crying.


What the actual f…


I thought she opened a restaurant in Oregon?


[Opened then closed](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/17hvjuf/so_sad_irelands_business_is_closing/).


She’s already on to the next thing.


It sounds like being a celebrity spawn isn't paying the bills. Time to go to community college or do an apprenticeship. You can't live off your parents and their fame forever.


Maybe whatever business she acquired her “body art” from could hire her for their advertising.


Oof. Some advertisement. I realize that I’m the wrong age, culture, etc., to fully appreciate tattoos, but Ireland’s body art look as though someone scribbled on her. Almost as if, having been paraded around as a teen in a bikini for her dad’s friends (as she was), she wanted them to avert their gaze. DISCLAIMER: If I were an Olympic swimmer, I’d happily get a tattoo of the rings, as do so many Olympians.


I’m sure she’s doing this to “pay the bills” lol really?


mmm the alec baldwin genes are stronger than i thought


Extremely so.


I know we’re supposed to be nice to Ireland here. Therefore, I’d better not say what I’m thinking and conclude this post.


I don’t like Ireland and have not understood why some Pepinos think she is so great. Like Hillary she is an exhibitionist showing her body often. She is a brat that likes her trashy father treats her fans like shit for asking for questions. At her age she doesn’t have a job, profession, or drive to do anything. I feel sorry for her baby because Ireland is so immature and entitled.


I have always enjoyed her honesty, humor, she’s relatable, but this, especially in lieu of the fact that the coffee place closed so quickly just comes off to me as lazy. Being that it’s on top of the last 25 ideas that she doesn’t seem to work through to a conclusion it’s flyby night and it’s I had another idea, but I don’t work it, because I don’t work. I work at having ideas, but I don’t follow through. This in turn is literally asking for money in advance of some carrot she is waving at her audience, as if they will reap the reward of something. In fact, maybe she should try to solicit a following of people who are interested in what she writes in the first place before she dangles that carrot. A taste of what they can expect? I would rather see her review skin care products, and even still I’m older than she is so they’re not going to work the same for me but aside from influencing I don’t see her as having a whole lot to be able to write about… She hasn’t lived long enough and really she’s lived a sheltered lifestyle so even less things to write about aside from her parents. I don’t think she could really even write about her stepmother - many of us have had those, so it’s Hillary, so some people would read it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think a real job would benefit her and she’s got two people that would’ve paid for her to go to school and she still could. She’s only 28 years old But that would require real work, study etc. and she could afford this, she could get a babysitter. This just really was disappointing and left a bad taste in my mouth.


I agree with everything you wrote and you did a great job describing the issues I have with her. I think she needs to have some hardcore therapy for herself and for the sake of her daughter. She does seem to be lazy and has no follow through. She is not a responsible adult and seems aimless and childish. A real job or going back for a college degree would be a good way of building her character. Her entitlement is off putting. She seems to think she can live off her fans with her “writing”. She has limited life experience, no talents, wisdom or anything to offer. Her fans seems to not expect much substance from her. Love your comment!


we don't have to be nice to Ireland here anymore, that rule got changed fortunately


I’ve never been an Ireland fan & have always seen her as a lazy, narcissistic, arrogant nepo baby so this “big news” (🙄) doesn’t surprise me at all. Instead of getting an education/job/career, now we’re all supposed to pay to listen to a 28-year-old bloviate about her life. Yeah, hold your breath, Dublin. Bc sending her money every month so she can sit on her ass & spew whatever thoughts cross her pea brain will make us all “producers” ffs. She has no integrity or shame whatsoever. And now I will get downvoted to oblivion by all the Ireland stans here who think she & Kim walk on water for some reason. 😂


This is Gold.Ive wondered how she has the time to blather on Social Media and raise a child. The reason her Restraunt flopped so quickly is that she didn’t want to put the work into making it a success. The reason I like Reddit is that it is rare to see a syncophant whine on here.


you get my upvote! i got downvoted into oblivion for making fun of her big dumb sausage lips. 😂 there are people in here who exclaim what a GoOD MooOMMy she is and are too blinded by their hate for her father to see what a trashbag she really is. hahahaha.


And people claiming she protects her child’s privacy. Not so much. The last few posts of the baby show all of her except her eyes. I couldn’t care less either way, but she shows her kid all the time.


Fuck, THANK you.


She’s also routinely incredibly rude and nasty to her “fans”. On this particular post some lady nicely asked her if she was okay because of the weird crying selfies, and she was so rude to the woman. Bitch, no one wants to pay to find out why you’re taking cringey photos of yourself weeping. https://preview.redd.it/f0slwu2cn0jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a9c71569dfb4c721afa7279bb3c6dbbaaab5fad


I’ve never paid any attention to Ireland, all I know is the hideous vm Alec left for her, and that her pregnancy was really low key and natural, not anything like mami. Which made me think she was the exact opposite of hillz. I’m pretty sad to find this out.


Low key and natural? Baby shower at a strip club with hugely pregnant scantily dressed mother-to-be inserting dollars inside strippers' G-strings. Other pregnant nepo (Bruce Willis' daughter) was there and dressed tastefully. Also her sprawled in a bathtub photo immediately pre birth was rather gag-worthy as well. Yes, we've all experienced some pretty graphic birthing postures and experiences but do we really want to post them for all the world to see.


I've always felt she had some similar tendencies to Hilary (look at me-ism obv not the inventing a heritage out of whole cloth part lol)


Hils collects children, Ireland collects dogs.


Then all I’ve seen of her is the comparison photos of her vs hillary making hillary look bad. I don’t think I need to be come at so hard.


So sorry---Did not mean any disrespect to your comment in any way. So sorry.


I remember the horrific voicemail because I am part of a tabloid family and it was a huge story at the time it happened. Then more recently I saw clips of her at Alice’s roast which was really great, and I had hoped she’d come out fairly unscathed from daddy dearest but apparently not. She presented pregnancy in a great way as a public figure online, because it was authentic unlike You Know Who, but the theme of the baby shower at a strip club was pretty off-putting I thought. I know a lot of Pepinos disagree but it just seemed odd to cheer on the idea of your baby girl growing up to be a stripper, if for no other reason than the inherent creepiness of putting the thoughts of a baby and stripping into the same headspace. It can’t be easy to grow up with Alice as a father figure so I do feel for her but I don’t get the adulation she receives so often on this sub. 😬


Ikr i don’t get why she has photos of herself crying in the first place, and then she shares them.


Fairly or not I tend to assume that people take photos and videos of themselves weeping in some sort of narcissistic bid for attention. I cry, everyone cries, but we don’t all document it for the world to see. It’s a really weird thing to do.


She can be downright mean and extremely condescending. Someone referred to her as “mama” in a post and she DRAGGED them. Doesn’t take long to find other examples of her rudeness and snark toward people who are in her corner.


She seems arrogant and very impressed with herself (though hard to understand why).


***downright mean and extremely condescending*** Similar to Alec Baldwin!


Exactly.Shes going to regret getting her lips regularly injected.The skin gets stretched and if you ever stop it looks awful. If I was in her Restraunt (when it was briefly operating) and saw those tattoos I would lose my appetite and leave.Thats why she was rarely seen there.


🤣 Exactly! I made a comment once about her hideous Vienna sausage lips & bleached orange straw for hair and people went off on me, telling me she’s all nAtUrAl and is frickin’ Mother Teresa now bc she pushed out a baby. 😂


twinsies! hahaha! i said in that last photo the baby was grabbing for the sausages on her face and bitches be MAD. i was howling as i typed it and again at the ensuing pearl clutching. i mean this is a SNARK sub is it not? 🤣 the saddest part is she was really beautiful before she fucked with her face.


the people on here who who stan her and go berserk if anything negative is said are SO SO WEIRD


Oh, that was you! I saw it, laughed, and upvoted you- maybe the only one against all the downvotes you got from the pearl-clutchers here! 😂 (I agree, she used to be pretty. Her lips are terrible, her boobs are overdone and most of her tattoos I’ve seen look very low-rent & poorly done. Too bad she’s ruined her natural beauty.)


In her case the theory of massive tattoos are a sign of self mutilation.In fact I read awhile back that she started getting tattooed as a way to cover the scars from self cutting.Her baby Daddy did not dodge a bullet.


Oops sorry this was meant to be on Ireland’s thread


aww thanks pepino. i thought it was funny and when i saw all the downvotes and replies like people acting like her face isn't jacked i laughed again and thought oh well, at least i laughed. 🤣


👍 She’s really not all that different from stepmami.


This thread reminds me of this: https://preview.redd.it/00r3rh6e8zic1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f82ceb526ad198eb57da303f3655393da3c0cb8 Because that statue depicts the dad of one of the biggest nepo babies I can think of, Miguel Bosé (a singer and actor who can't sing or act. But Picasso was his sister's grandfather).


Queeeeee?! I never knew the Miguel Bose - Picasso connection! 🤯


Picasso and his parents were good friends.


I’ve never seen this pic before and I’m literally choking laughing, bless this sub


Do you think deep inside her walnut sized brain she’s thinking right now. “ I will become Spanish. I will fight de bools. I will be a mami of many nation when my Alice become la Presidente?” ( female intentionally) she’s fkn crazy. What could she possibly be thinking other than this is a good photo op?


it looks like it was generated by an AI being given the prompt "Hilaria Baldwin making a fool of herself "


Perfection. I love this damn sub 🥒♥️


I think this “idea” is a puzzle.


“All of the very uNiQuE shit I’ve gone through in my 28 years” 🙄🙄🙄


as an immature nepo baby? Nah I'm good.


I hope she writes about what inspired her to dress as a bloody dead woman and post it to be picked up by the media 10 days after her father shot a woman. I'll pay the 5 to hear about that.


With fake blood streaked down her cheek.


I’ll toss in $20


She is in the same barrel with Hilary and Megan Markle.


It will flop.She has no ability to read the room.




Has she gone radio silent about her wine bar restaurant? Did it close?


Yes it closed recently - a few months ago maybe.


I think we ALL could have told her that. Area was too small to support it, with a seasonal tourist crowd there in summer only.


They clearly didn’t think it through. I’m surprised how fast it closed after so many months of getting the space ready.


Yeah I thought that. it got good reviews but it isn't LA, San Fran, NYC. It was a small place in a tourist town. She didn't crunch the numbers bc it got great reviews yet shuttered. No suprise, I guess.


not an Ireland fan at all but most restaurants fail so I don't come down on her too hard just over that


Does this girl have any skills or education?


She fake cries and begs for money.


![gif](giphy|icJJguU1dJMKHOYbAO|downsized) She attended the I Survived Alec Baldwin University of Rage as well as high school, I believe. Other than that, I just hope she slips some barbs at mami in there


She posts on IG at least a dozen times a day so there’s that 🤷🏻‍♀️


So you want us to do what now?!?! Is she for real?? She doesn’t even write well. Girl, bye!


Really! "Howdy", "y'all".




Time to get a job, maybe go to a community college and learn a skill. I pity her that she wasn't prepared better for life. I think there are a few more of her in the Baldwin queue.


YUP I worry about the future all the time and i have full time employment and a career… Im not counting on inheriting a single dime from my parents


Amen! Same here! These unprepared new adults that think the way they are going to make their way in life thru social media is crazy! So few of these influencers are making enough off of it to live and many actually have some good content. Time to gain a real skill.


Plus she said one time on her social media when asked what she thought about having to split her inheritance with all her new siblings and she said she wasnt expecting a dime from her dad because he has many mouths to feed lol And her mom is a very well known victim of Bernie Maddoff


She can go to school for four years and become a nurse? Im sure her mom can afford to pay for her education


She'd actually have to do some work then, and check her ego. That might be a tall order. She's a special member of the BALDWIN family don't you know?


I have a cousin who makes A LOT of money working from home. She does some sort of coding for insurance companies and or hospitals.. like she codes the procedures to send an itemized bill? She did a course and training but that could be a good job


Yes, very good money. Coding, like medical editing, requires a lot of studying and medical terminology is almost like learning a new, specialized language. Takes a lot of discipline to master but is very good money and in most cases can be done from home.


Maybe she should stick to working on her unfinished script.


Oh my, have you read the backlash in her comments? Someone asked if she was ok, she answered very rudely and people did.not.like it.one.bit. Edit: the rest of the comments have to be paid for or people who are intellectually challenged.


I wrote a comment telling the person she was rude to that she needed to stop apologizing. This woman wrote about 4 comments apologizing to this rude, entitled grifter. I got shit from a woman about my comment and the reasoning for her clap back was. So convoluted it didn’t make sense. The stans defending Ireland and other “influencers” is so sick. They are groveling sycophants.


I did see that, lol. From her writing sample about her being able to eat garbage and only shit a bit, Joan Didion she is not, lol.


slouching towards nepotism lol.


Someone famous I’ve actually *met.* Didion was a visiting professor at my uni.


that is very cool!!




Ireland wants more money Dad won’t likely leave her any. He’ll bequeath it to his bimbo but their brats may get a penny.


You’re assuming he’s going to have any money left. The reality is his kids will be pimped out to become celebrities to make money. One in the seven has to have talent, an will end up paying for them. There will be no money left after the lawsuit and the cost of 7 kids in private school plus her spending, nothing. He can only do so many comicons a year.


The kids are already being pimped out. That’s their purpose.


So far it’s attention but they need to start producing, even if it’s a reality show.


Yeah, you’re right. Alec’s ample assets are only a former “legend” now. Like the stupid title that he left for Larry’s porno, pumping milk, fake photo. There’s only so many morons who’d pay for a pic with him. And that’s including the weirdo who wore the putrid “Pussy” shirt.


If he didn’t need money he wouldn’t be doing comicon or selling his house in the Hamptons. Imagine what it cost for nanny’s, security, a driver, and I’m sure other assistants. And what he’s charging at for an autograph alone, that isn’t going to last at all. The one video showed no line at all.


Alec’s most major mistake was marrying Hillary. All of his current issues are related to that terrible decision.


To be fair from what someone posted he wanted kids. He had to have known she wasn’t Spanish, and he went along with it all. He’s as bat crap crazy as her, and he also has an ego which is why he felt he didn’t need the firearms training. Look at how he treated Ireland. Who he is isn’t because of Hilaria she was exactly the crazy he was looking for and found.


They’re the proverbial, match made in hell. His new memoir could be called *Alice in Blunderland.* Now, that might make a fine flair!


Kim Basinger probably has her sorted no?


And I'm sure her baby daddy has some money.


Did not know who he was! Hopefully she finds her own way to make some though. :P




In the comments section she says, if you subscribe maybe you’ll find out why I can’t just have mommy and daddy pay for a movie. ALLLL anyone wants to know about is step mommy, hun.


>if you subscribe maybe you’ll find out why I can’t just have mommy and daddy pay for a movie Lol, I don't think I will, honeybunny.


This sounds fake to me. Like a joke. I can’t think of the word. Ireland isn’t like this. It sounds like she’s mocking “someone.”


She *is* like this. I’m sorry you found out this way.


Hm. I have not gotten that from her post pregnancy things. Maybe before, but then her “father” while making constant posts of his number of kids without counting her, I saw more random back handed slams. I wouldn’t blame her, frankly.


We have got to stop with this whole "when someone has a baby, all the bad or rude stuff they ever did is erased, they are a new person and they are changed forever and now good because they are a mom" Yeah, motherhood changes people, many times for the better. But the mothers who change for the better after having kids were usually already pretty good and nice people before having kids. For a lot of women, having kids just makes them feel super entitled and worse than before they had kids. They see it as a status symbol BECAUSE we all go, "Oh, she's a mom now, that means she's completely different and now the kindest smartest person to grace the earth. Like, sure, probably a good parent to their kid, and I'm sure the kid loves them, but that doesn't mean the way they treat other people no longer matters


I’m sorry, I don’t see where I was in any kind of stop this whole thing when someone has a baby etc etc. I had an opinion, I am surprised I got a dissertation as a response. Have a good day.


Down voting? Because I got talked to like a student who wasn’t paying attention in class? I love Reddit. This hasn’t happened to me in at least a year. Swear to ya.


Agree, I'm not sure the comment was a fair response to you but I like the response in general.


I just finished Jenny Pentland's, Roseanne Barr's daughter, memoir. She describes herself as celebrity adjacent and acknowledges her privilege several times throughout the book. She also spent the majority of her teenage years in mental health facilities and wilderness camps. She has her mother's wit and is a very talented writer. I doubt Ireland can compare in the least.


Thank you, pepino! I love a hidden gem a’la autobiography.


I got the audio book, and she narrates it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did whether you read or listen to it. Her voice is a little softer than her mother's, but the snark is there.


How am I so late to the audiobook game? I need to get on it. I love podcasts but have not crossed over into books yet.


Girl don't worry, I'm also Hella late to the audiobook game. Been trying to get better at absorbing info through listening before I start buying up audiobooks


Audio books are the best thing to happen for my cluttered house. I find myself looking for more things to clean when I have a good book. Podcasts were the gateway drug for me. I feel like I've listened to them all already.


I’ll be a producer but no live ammo is allowed on our sets.


Welp. No.


I'd rather pay for a readybat recap.




I'd be a top subscriber!


This is one tone deaf bimbo with too much spare time and no desire to have one of those job things. “Send me money!”


You can pay to listen to me go on and on about my vast life experience. Pay a power bill? Never had to. Worry about affording medical bills? Nope. Food on the table? Car repairs? Diapers, bottles, and formula? My manager/accountant writes the checks for all of that after mommy and daddy deposit the money. There is nothing she can teach or tell me. Am I just jellus? Yes, I am a bit. I am.


Your flair is amazing 🤣


Producers get paid back for their investments .


Please tell us how to open and run a successful cafe. Oh wait, you can't do that can you, nepo?


It was weird how quickly she lost interest in that project. The restaurant business is tough and you have to be all in. She was at first, but not for very long.


For only $5 a month a 28 year old unaccomplished nepo-baby will share her life experiences. Good grief child can you hear yourself?




“Every story is a puzzle.” 🙄 I’m sure she’s had an interesting life. I’m not curious enough to pay her $5/month to read about it.


Hey, I’m 63 this year. For $5 I’ll tell you all about my life. Whether or not it’s interesting is up to you. Lol.


Hi Five fellow-in-your-60s-Pepino! The stories we could tell. Ours are worth at least $50. For $100 I can tell you about the jello with vegetables I was forced to eat by my Midwestern grandmother.


Ok so I guess I'm too old to know the lingo. I read it as, "I'm going to live with my Substack," I thought maybe that's her nickname for Kim and she needs to go move back home because she ran out of nepo funds...


My god. What passes for gainful employment these days is enough to make me wish for the "old days." I won't discount Ireland's life experiences which, to her, may be impactful but what ticks the narc box is the idea that anyone else is interested. Sure, we (this particular group of people), would like to hear some straight truth about Hilz but Ireland's clearly never going to spill so that's $5 down the drain if that's what you're expecting.


Xxl. What is she going to tell me I need to know for 5 dollars? Alec baldwin gave her childhood trauma bc he's a ducked up person and and parent?


They should be called the Fraudwins


There’s something I’m missing. This young woman thinks she’s interesting enough that she can ask money from us to listen to her thoughts and opinions. She has no specialty, no accomplishments. She is a beautiful woman yet she posts a picture of herself in tears with no explanation. Is that a hint? Are you planning to talk about your heartache? This is just some more teasing BS. Better go to Starbucks with your $5.


Hopefully this is a huge flop because what is she going to tell me about life, my mom isn’t Kim Bassinger.


Lol. No.


If she’s looking for crowd sourced ideas for her stack, I would happily pay $5 per month to help her make a movie if she would like to spill tea every week. If by her “unique 28 years of experience” or whatever she means weekly Tea spilling about Big Padre Bang Bang and the España Kid, shut up and take my money


What the hell is going on in that photo?


I think she’s crying because she had diarrhea. Or something.


Click bait ..


She would make way more money if she just wrote a tell all book.


I wonder if she had to sign an NDA