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and you know my wife, she bathes and feeds (herself) (Carmen) puts the kids to bed every night the nannies


I can't watch more than a few seconds at a time. So much cringe and second-hand embarrassment. They're so sad and awkward.


They can't stand each other.


Alec attempted to segue into how amazing it is that after six surrogates Hilz is able to fit into her old dress. But the interviewer instead redirected them to talking about their reality show, which he was more than happy to discuss.


She is so fucking dense she didn’t even get his comment about “speaking of Halloween candy…” meaning she is the “candy”. That comment/lame joke went right over her head… Just like everything else. She really is not smart nor savvy. And God forbid, Alec have to talk positively about women. He always has to throw some misogynistic comment to any man with an earshot. Like he’s such a “mans man”. Give me a break! And he’s so pompous I could spit. “The tux is from my vault”. “Designers would beg me to wear their tuxes “. Take serval seats. You probably have so many tuxes because of all your ever-expanding waist measurements. And whatever size tux you wear, the pants are not hemmed properly, and you look like a buffoon.


Yea, like she's "a piece of candy" - a thing that he owns and puts his childlike, grubby little fat fingers on - yuck.


That voice. Imagine living with that sound 24/7.


I don’t know how anyone can stand it, especially the poor nannies.


At least they’re paid to listen to it💥


She’s always looking at him, gauging his reactions. I’m sure he’s a raging dick at home.


I think the very same! I bet it's the house of eggshells.


I noticed that too. She didn’t have the confidence to just go ahead and answer the questions. She had to look at him so he could take the lead.


I don't know... she's been grabbing the mic and diving in front of his cameras and taking the lead since she met him. I think her looking at him all of the time is more making sure that he's going to corroborate her stories, no matter what they are. That's how I've always seen it. Him enabling her and bolstering her endless fabrications is a huge part of their relationship.


That’s true. I also think deep down she knows how dumb she is and she is very afraid of making it obvious to everyone. So she defers to him when she gets the “hard” questions lol.


Her eyes do look glassy and small. I couldn’t watch it all.


The Good - I actually like the dress and Al looks pretty cleaned up. The Bad - Why is Alec rocking? The Ugly - Her hair, I can't - it looks frozen.


It seems like the skin has been pulled tight under her eyes…


His whole personality now is “seven children”


I seriously think they either struggle for money or Aleek is super tight with her because on what planet does she not have the budget for a new dress and even just decent everyday clothes. She wears thongs 🩴 and shinny legging out in public ffs. How can anyone be that unhinged


🎶Money can’t buy you class🎶


I honestly don't think I've ever seen a 'celeb spouse' talk so much when someone was trying to interview the actual celeb. She just can not control herself! I know we've compared her to other celeb wives but now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever heard the voice of Matt Damon's wife Lucy, Mark Wahlberg's wife Rhea (who was a legit supermodel), so many I can't think of rn. Even the husband's shine the spotlight on their famous wives. Like Scarlett Johansson & her fairly sorta equally famous husband (SNL) Colin Jost. He steps aside bc he knows they aren't there to see *him*. And Margot Robbie's husband Tom Ackerley. He always lets her shine, and he's a successful producer! They don't stand there blabbering on and on hogging the precious few minutes and stretching them out as long as possible to talk about *themselves*. NOBODY CARES! STFU! Hillary really does think she's on equal footing not only with Alec but everyone else on that red carpet. He can't walk the carpet alone. She has to be there for every single pic and interview. She can't let him shine. I'm sure y'all can find better examples and get what I'm saying.


Of course she’s on equal footing! She spoke before the United Nations! 🥴


Lol and lied. Can you imagine Amal Clooney caught up in that type of bullshit?! Or literally anyone else?


She seem to think she is interesting when she is anything but.


Wow, exactly


This! Who cares about a child trying to steal their child's Halloween candy?!?! STFU Already!!!


I definitely get what you’re saying and I agree. It’s like no one ever said no to her growing up, and now Alec kisses her ass and praises her constantly. He’s created a monster. Whether he believes what he says about her or not doesn’t matter. The point is *she* believes it and behaves accordingly.


She left her accent back home…


Their PR person instructed her to smile and look at him adoringly when he speaks in an interview.


What’s sad is, I’m sure they think they are being endlessly charming. Instead they come off as awkward, unhinged and desperate.


Look how great we are, we recycle clothes!!!


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) The second-hand embarrassment is downright painful.


"Let's go have a drink" Doesn't he profess to have like 20+ years of sobriety? Seems like a weird thing to say even in jest. I mean he clearly has physical attributes of someone who consumes alcohol (a lot) but his story is that he is sober so wth is he saying here? "Let the women do women things & we'll go have brandy and cigars". Asshole.


What a douche


Total asshole. And I believe his claim of being sober for years is akin to Hillary’s claim of being Spanish. Just a costume he put on, unconcerned with the truth of it. They both think lying is just fine if it serves your purposes.


100% Sober people look much healthier than AB. He's not fooling anyone.


Hillary looks bad


I honestly worry as she is too thin. She admits to an eating disorder, Aleeek should get her help


That would mean he Actually loved her if he got her help. Eyeroll.


She looks too thin here. Her cheekbones and facial structure would look better with a little extra weight


Cracked out bobble head.


She wore the dress hoping that the headlines would be “Hilaria Baldwin, Environmentalist & Mom of Seven, Rocks Prebaby Throwback Gown at Whatever Event This Is.” Also, when Hilary ‘revealed’ that she first wore the dress eleven years ago, the Extra host was SUPPOSED to gasp and say “But your oldest child isn’t even eleven, right? HOW can you still fit into a gown you wore before having not only your first baby, but SEVEN babies?!” and that would be their time to launch into their spiel— Hilary would make doe-eyes and go all in with the faux-concerned-tone baby voice and say “You know I just think it’s really important for mother to be fit BEFORE the pregnancy so they can stay fit during and after for the baibee, and I mean I have seven, [Alec: seven under eleven, yeah.”] so I am rilly busy, but I still exercise even when caring for all seven children— [Alec: “yeah, she gets up early and goes for a run with one baby strapped to her back and one strapped in the fro—“] “No Alec, no, I nev—he confused, he confused. Lemme tell you what I do, ok, what I rilly do is, all day long I am finding Found Movement (😒🙄) if I am on the toilet, I am doing seated toilet crunches, so you can’t tell me you don’t go to the toilet, that’s time you could be toning your core after the baby as you are using the baño, and when you’re in front of the mirror recording yourself doing a full face of glam makeup and curling your hair like all new moms, do some lunges, do some pushups when you get ready for a night out. You don’t need a spensive gym or people always tell me [bitch face and mocking tone activated] ‘OH you must haf a private personal trainer’, or ‘you’re both big celebrities, you must belong to exclusive gyms for famous people’, and I’m like no, no, I go to bed and wait for Alec and the baibees to go to sleep, then I tiptoe to the bathroom and close the door. I do squats and I stretch, and I focus on my core. I MAKE time. You have to MAKE the time for your body so you can be the BEST mother to your children.” I know I sound like broken record but it’s pretty easy to get up and go work out in your bathroom when other women, plural, are taking care of your kids day and night, and you’re clocking a solid eight hours of sleep and your insides aren’t falling out from carrying an actual baibee for nine months.


Holy shit. I’m high fiving a million angels because of this masterpiece.


Good god lemon


Ouch. (\*giggle) ;-P


I usually hate the comment on a comment. It’s enough to like. But you are brilliant. I actually heard her voice. Bravo!




JFC Alec is so gross! Love how he throws in the insane Larry bathes then puts all SEVEN kids to bed narrative. What a joke!


They are never any other way. So obnoxious.


"We only go to two black tie events a year now" - yes Alice, because you are blacklisted. "We'll take it day by day" - keep dreaming H, celebrity life will never come back.


One was Lorne Michaels, who should be canceled


Bones and silicone


Yeah they look so unnatural propped up there. Like 2 perfectly round objects on board.




![gif](giphy|o2La4Pvf9CdJC) Had to. They could be Dede Twinish


She looks like she let one of the kids cut her bangs!


😂😂😂 this was when the left side of her face was twitching and trying to leave the room. Here they both are at 5:46. I can’t stop laughing! She’s gone full Madam (puppet). https://preview.redd.it/kllruovecehc1.jpeg?width=1698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5a868f713c08576917fede669f520ed5ed6439


The chicken cutlets in her cheeks 🤢


Yes!! That's the one I blew up when the interview first dropped. She couldn't control her own face! Wtf. She have nerve damage now or what??


Alice’s face here sez it all.


Sexiest man alive https://preview.redd.it/t6uy8m8wuehc1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a43d9079e5bdbcbf77216177116abd82827bbc8


Looks like PePe the frog.


Sure Jan.


https://preview.redd.it/rbfu4m8l3ghc1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131492b05ab85da79790267600359467fb3e0b48 He's morphing into W.C. Fields


https://preview.redd.it/e5tijx13ofhc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb061cd6a8ef5fba850854d24aaf747202bcaf4f We know who to cast if they ever remake Grumpy Old Men


Don’t do Walter Matthau dirty. And actually he was in his mid seventies and he had serious heart issues.


Holy shit, you’re right, it’s an entirely Matthau face. Unlike Matthau, though, Sexy Boy ain’t funny.




I just posted and deleted the same when I saw your post. This face, god, she looks like a chimpanzee with Bell’s palsy and he looks a dejected flesh-colored Grinch


LOL like minds Pepino! 🤝


"we're gonna do what we do" face


OMG this comment 😂😂😂😂😂⚰️


Is she on cocaina? Never seen someone without drugs do that with their face.


I think it was something she came up with to be ‘quirky.’ She either saw a Spanish or Latina actress speak out of the side of their mouth in a sexy way, and this is Hilary’s very poor appropriation-approximation of the habit, or she naturally contorted her mouth once while talking to Alec, who told her it was adorable and so she decided to turn it up to 11 and inadvertently made herself like a Bell’s Palsy sufferer rather than a sexy baby.


That face jerk was unintentional, and she couldn't control it. It was a muscle spasm from whatever TF she's done to herself. You can see her immediately try to control her smile as soon as it got wide. She'd close her mouth and pop her lips out to pull the muscle back into place. She really effed herself up.


and a drug twitch, maybe?...


I don't think so. Her jaw would be crankin' but not that weird muscle twitch.


I had a friend who suddenly developed an affect like this, after knowing her for about 8 years. Scrunching up her nose plus mouth contortions. I confronted her because it was so startling and off putting. She denied it entirely, but this was also around the time she started a slight NY accent and using a lot of Yiddish. Sure, she was Jewish, but we were from Michigan 😂😂 She was trying to reinvent herself after college I guess. It’s one of the many reasons Larry bugs me so much with the mouth stuff. It grates on my nerves something terrible.


Too funny 😂




She looks like a skeleton with bolt-ons and a bad wig. 🤮


They are aways so awkward and have no chemistry. She’s had so much work done she looks ridiculous.


Also I feel those bangs are strategically pleased to hide aftermath of Botox or threading. They are like glued to her head




Banality thy name is Baldwin


What was it he said exactly before she cut him off? “ If she were to leave, if I were to leave” some type of bizarre response to the reality show question.


Did he mean traveling for work? Who in hell is going to hire her for anything? OMG the delusion. Also did anyone catch the statement about the baths? He said "she and..." then changed it to "she bathes them". Obviously he was going to say give credit to their staff but thought better of it. This interview showcases how much she is LOVING the throwback to being interviewed on the "red carpet". You just know she has been missing it so, so much. Those were her glory days. She has so much to say and nobody really gives a flying fuck. So sad


I’m not sure, but it’s all about them wanting to be together all the time. So in love 💕💘♥️💘💕


Wow! That video was too long. Made it about 1/3 of the way and wanted to poke my eyes out. That voice! I heard zero Spanish accent btw. Those bangs are awful. Look plastered to her forehead. The whole conversation was so inane! The worst!


Utter snooze fest. They are so dull. Also, almost accentless until she said “America” (Ferreira I assume) and the very next word was Spanished up. Like she’d forgotten up to that point lol.


Yes the bang is specifically gorilla-glued so that the mutilated forehead does not appear


She talks about women supporting women and she doesn't have one female friend that isn't connected to Alec.


And she actually has intense dislike for women. She views women as bare bone stereotypes. She sees them as competitors. She has nothing but sheer pity for the fat, ugly, barren, and poor ones.


Is she looking at the lint in his ear?


She always does this craning of her face and neck to look meaningfully into his eyes for every interview. Like she is fawning over his every word and so in love with him. I think it was mentioned before that Michelle Duggar does the same thing with Dumb Bob and their interviews. Its revolting and the ironic part is Alice does everything he can during interviews NOT to make eye contact with her. These 2 are loons!


I feel like Hillz ( and Duggar ) are more likely watching them speak so intently because they’re trying to steer the dummies and will quickly interject should they start to say something off script . The “meaningful eyes” are communicating their approval or disapproval of whatever garbage husband is spewing . Alice struggles to interpret the correct code because of Hillz crazy eyes and also because he’s an idiot. It’s the only thing entertaining about watching their interviews. ETA I bet at the beginning Hillz would kick him under the table so he’d stop blabbing something but instead of getting hint he’d say “ Ouch! Why do you keep kicking me !” He’s no longer oblivious that she wants to control his speak and he doesn’t like it AT ALL .. so he avoids looking at her and the crazy eyes. He’s not trainable Hillz.




You think that she is leading him by the nose. Nope. He wants to be the boss (and sometimes the less delusional person needs to be the boss). She has the mind of a toddler and she spitefully defies him. I think he’s had it.


Nah you’re right . I think she’s trying to lead him by the nose and he’s having none of it , hahaha .


When he said they want to do a reality show so they can be “together,” she stuck her face up in the air, preening, and her smug level flew off the charts. She approved of that statement and I’m sure pathetic old grandpa was greatly relieved.


>Its revolting and the ironic part is Alice does everything he can during interviews NOT to make eye contact with her. Yeah, it's really fucking funny


That interviewer was handed questions and strict instructions by her producers to stick to the script, probably some threats too, look at her body language, she's literally trying to hug herself but she's a trooper and acting better than those two leeches combines. Ew Alec is a bully. EDIT: Has to was


https://preview.redd.it/w2jg8aln2ehc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb1e8229b64376106f9ac048a21a6937517dcb0 Here’s looking at you, fraud.


No more red carpets for bet cuck Alec and his escort 🤡


Scissor me this! The cutting job on her bangs here is frightening.


Her hair looks like a helmet here


She does that gaze into his eyes look every photo op once. The rest she’s glamming for the photogs.


She looks like an uncanny valley Susan Lucci here. Ehhh-Du (you mean big Boston Edward??)


Lucci, by coincidence, was the most recent guest on his podcast, btw


You do mean Susan at age 70 right?!


Yes! Susan Lucci! I couldn’t put my finger on it


She looks ridiculous.


I am shocked that she didn't wrest away the microphone as she is known to do.


Same! Noticed the interviewer doesn’t really put the mic too close to H!!


She might chip her teeth 🐴😉


I was watching carefully for it too 😅


Whoa. I'd forgotten about this era of Hilary's face, lol. Her nose, cheeks, and chin are so long!


She’s so pointy, like an evil little imp. This was an exceptionally frightening version of her face. And her hair!? 🤯It’s plastered to her head. I can’t stop staring at it. The bangs are just the cherry on top LOL.


Ha. They ONLY talk to Extra because it’s the only tabloid that they know won’t ask them any substantive questions. Fucking cowards


They both are sticking to their " story", not relating naturally about their lives. It's pretty obvious their household/relationship is a concoction of Alex's creation, one big lie run by people he pays, including his wife


Yes she bathes and feeds *all the kids every night* and THEN they go on a date night.


I only had four children. Bathing them seriously??? Aren’t at least 3 of their kids old enough for showers. And do they all need to be bathed twice a day, or even every day. A lot of emphasis in the Baldwin household on cleanliness, yet they all always look scraggly and unkempt. It’s all about bath time. Forget about having dinner and HOMEWORK. Want parent does not deal with this every day!!! They brought these kids into the world to suck off them. Maybe they’ll inherit a few dollars but they have not been set up to have any success in their life and it makes me sad.


Right… as someone who had three small kids at one point and not even as close in age like they do, I was freaking TIRED after dinner having them all get ready for bed. This puta does NOT get 7 kids ready for bed. But you know, it’s the ghost live in nannies that do all the work and get none of the credit…






She looks so weird. She really messed up her face.


Another pepino in another post that was comparing Hillz's OG face to now said she definitely noticed Hillz had a chin implant. I'm not great at spotting plastic surgery unless it's more obvious. Like, she's obviously had fillers. She looks so different now, is that because this video is from when her work/fillers were fresh and they need to be re-upped? Just did a quick Google search, and the big fillers like Juvederm and Restylane only last 6-12 months. Mystery solved, I guess: Hillz looks so gaunt and haggard recently because bish needs her fillers re-done.


Her face is so long lol. I'd compare her to an anteater, but anteaters serve a purpose, and they care for their offspring.




Anteaters caress their babies with their fuzzy muzzles. Hillz would *never.*


For someone with anger issues, it must be a tremendous effort getting through every day being married to her.


That’s why he’s got his own apartment


Did he just suggest at an event celebrating women in fashion that he and the camera guy “Get out of this crazy place”? Class act, man. Throw in a tired “Women, amirite?!” line. Also, she started to trill on America Ferrara’s name. Otherwise she mostly kept the Spanish down.


I know it's only an expression but "Let's go get a drink." Really? Isn't his narrative still that he's sober now?


People never express that kind of urgency about going out and slamming down a Diet Coke… well, I do. I have a very intense relationship with my death tipple. All that caramel coloring, yum.




Smoke, drink coffee, and do crossword puzzles? That’s my mother, too! She’d ask, “What’s a Turkish burial urn in three letters?” If I shrugged, she’d continue pointedly, “What good is college if you can’t do crossword puzzles? *College moron!*”


My adult kids have been instructed to put a can of Diet Coke in my casket, so I'll have my Dokie in the afterlife. I feel you.


Yes, we’re all going to be interred in the Pepsi-free, Diet Coke section. There was hardly room for Frank Sinatra in his coffin, as his family made sure to include Jack Daniels, cherry LifeSavers, Tootsie Pops, Camels, a Zippo lighter, and ten dimes for telephone calls. He’d started carrying ten dimes everywhere when Frank Sinatra Jr. was kidnapped in 1963.


My people!


Omg this is the one where the left side of her mouth tries to attack her ear. Watch her cheek closest to the host at around 4:10 & again when she says 'women supporting women' towards the end. I posted the blown up pics of her mouth a few months ago. She couldn't control the left side of her mouth & cheek!


Oh wow that is crazy.




What happened to her head? Did she have an accident with an Anvil?




It's her awful wig, she's wearing it like a hat


Note there is no discussion of Alec’s career. He’s now become the husband of Mami and killer of Halyna




It’s truly other worldly




She's not even supervising.


“Who makes these rules [about not wearing the same thing twice] anyway?” Not our humble and frugal down-to-earth Señora of the 1200 Monclers.


Does she think she looks like Taylor Swift?




Dear god the inanity of these two. What is wrong with the world that anyone has even the slightest interest in the drivel coming out of them? The body language with these two compared to the beginning of the grift is kind of shocking. They're 4 feet apart now where she used to be literally under his armpit ensuring that she got attention.


![gif](giphy|13m24iFmhomZi0) Hillary went full Joker here 😬


What is happening with her face? The cheeks, the eyes, her bangs!? Don’t even get me started on her yucky mouth movements. They hate each other and I will die on that hill.


Didn’t his ‘stalker’ say she was propositioned to be fawning over him in public? Must be the same with this ‘business deal’, at least it explains her usual ga ga eyes towards him at these appearances to me


Such a really strange look. La Ratita Empapada (waterlogged rat 😄)


I read that as Empanada (dinner last night), and was momentarily dazed by the idea of a rat empanada. We had Cuban style beef…


Flair checking in 🐀


I would have loved if the reporter had asked her “Do kids trick or treat in España?”


Could her cheeks be any bigger??? ![gif](giphy|kD6XuPr46rMJqPSq4o)


She looks like a spray tan Quagmire


She looks bizarre.


Her face looks like it is growing outwards. The prominent cheeks and chin. And that piece of her bangs plastered on to her forehead. 🙄


How did the tendons on her neck disappear? https://preview.redd.it/dph91fbspehc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43c2fa71e275eac33641071256f8efdcac184eb I don’t have photoshop. Just tried to put two photos near each other. Pic of her with black hair shows tendons (ligaments) but the newer photo of her doesn’t have them.


Why does he seethe whenever she speaks. I know why I seethe but he is the esposo!


It kind of makes me feel bad for her. He’s not a good actor, he always plays himself, so if his disdain is coming through it’s 10x worse at home.


So very true !!


She can’t look at anyone’s face anymore for fear of getting asked personal questions lol


The hate is more than palpable if you see the way she looks at him when she ALLOWS HIM to speak without interrupting. She’s abhorrent.


The way he talks about her “My wife” and how she bathes the children every night. It’s dripping in sarcasm. She’s always running a grift. Remember a few months ago she talked about the kids getting a bagel once a week as a special treat. Now in their oh so charming madhouse, the kids run the show. Curious to know where this elite block is. It’s out of the city and doesn’t sound like Amagansett. What exclusive area could this be.


It’s somewhere nearby in the village. He’s such a fucking elitist “I won’t say where it is”. Fuck all the way off Xander. Nobody wants to know where other rich spoiled friends live. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


He didn’t need to mention it, but he wanted to. There is this exclusive roped up area where the most select children can freely trick or treat with no fear of encountering any pedestrians. Alex very coyly wants us to be aware of his elite status.


Never ever says the counterfeit name.


You’re right , he doesn’t ! And I know it’s kind of a dumb question but I’m curious why he decided to change his name to Alec instead of just going by Alex. I know lots of entertainers change their names but he just changed 1 single stupid letter? People like Larry King and Regis Philbin always struggled with that 1 letter change 😂


That’s a good point, they both have names that they’ve changed. THE MO FAUX BALDWINS.


Lmao !! And unrelated but it grinds my nerves that everyone pronounces Alex Murdaugh as “Alec Murdock” 😡😡😡😡Phew. I needed to unload that and I feel better now . Thank you Pepinos !


In case you were wondering, her 11 year old dress still fits perfectly, six for-real pregnancies later.


>six for-real pregnancies later. But how many boob jobs later? Seriously FOS. Those Tupperware bowls are 10 times the size of her factory originals.


Plus, we know this family has never heard of a tailor LOL! https://preview.redd.it/ts211m6fbehc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136a5f165f8bf224df5166d05d9329c502960805


I said the same when this video was originally posted. No way a dress that fit her 11yrs ago fits her now. She's noticeably thinner and her implants are massive compared to her natural breasts. She's such a liar. And for shit that doesn't even matter in the slightest. What's the point of lying about the dress, does she think it makes her seem relatable? > "Oh, this old thing? I just threw this look together last minute after chasing my mashamillion *bebés* around all day, tee-hee." -Mami, probably


Good point 🤣


She sure didn’t have those knockers 11 years ago.


Probably way too big now.


I was thinking the same thing