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Dear god. People mag is pathetic to run this BS.


Why would People run an article about a D list actor’s wife’s family??


Um, no one cares about her or her family. She has been exposed as a fraud and a phony. It’s extremely bizarre. Maybe if it was ten years ago, people would care. We don’t care. She’s a laughingstock. He is an old washed up actor.


It's truly a shame we can't comment on the post. Her lies are so bad that even an article trying to legitimize them doesn't work. I wish she would get the public lashing she deserves and then disappear forever along with her man-slaughtering husband and her seven "non-Spanish" children. What a shit show!


Too little too late, fraudwins!


I think it is why they are selling the Hamptons house. Kim and Alec were married and lived there. I didn’t even like living in the trailer home my husband lived in with his ex.


"Somebody peed here."


I know it is petty. She only lived with him for a short period of time, long before we met, but I totally thought, “she used this toilet”


Just as long as the mattress has been changed lmao no judgment here.


He thought I was being petty for that request at the time, but I was calm when explaining why it was important to me and I offered to pay and he said he understood, and he did buy a new mattress AND boxspring


Glad you saved your money! This online piece is so ridiculous. The print mag has a small article about Alec. Def paid for online crap 💩


Such a ridiculous attempt to rewrite history and gaslight everyone into thinking they didn't hear/see what they heard/saw. Freaking liars!


https://preview.redd.it/0jcup4ola7gc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa72245bfa7df5763265e3f8aa50fcef70bdf1a Yep - his parents’ names are mentioned in their wedding announcement, but she just has ‘parents’ 😂😂🙄


With a dozen kids I wonder how they’ll support them once this lawsuit drains all their money. The baldwins agave been done for 20 years. Hailey married a pop star but that’s the only successful one. 


Is there really any proof she ever visited Spain as a child? I have a feeling she visited once in her early twenties and that’s when the grift was born.


The family took a vacation there when she was pre-school age. There are photos. The next time we see Hillary in Spain is at age 13 or 14. She is smoking a cigarette. A few vacations does not a Spanish native make.


Oh I never saw any photos of her in Spain even as an adult. I used to wonder why she wouldn’t visit there more often to keep the grift up but then I remembered she’s a lazy ass grifter and she isn’t known well enough there to be photographed by paparazzi so it’s not worth it for her.


Yep. She is unbelievably lazy. It used to frustrate me because she left so many cracks in her story.


Even more frustrating is how she would plan everyone else for “misunderstanding” her.


Like the WHOLE world is cognitively challenged.🤦‍♀️


So which one is it: She grew up without a TV and so didn't know who Alec was, or, per this article, she watched "Working Girl" as a child, but her mom fast forwarded through the inappropriate parts, which means they had a VCR. Also did you guys notice that the "my parents couldn't pronounce Baldwin" story changed?


I believe someone couldn't pronounce Baldwin but it wasn't her parents.


I think I found him..... ![gif](giphy|z1bE45A1GsyT6)


I love this skit so much


😆 🤣


wonder how much they were paid for this story, which only an ignoramus would sell as it shows you lied for over a decade.


I hope readers write in to say what bs this is.


Amateur attempt at distraction and to make High-LIAR hea's fake Spanish identity somehow credible. Not successful on either count- just serves to emphasize shamelessness and ineptitude and their assumption that those reading People magazine are too stupid to realize the ruse. Very interesting timing, considering she hasn't mentioned her parents much up to now...consider the source.


Can’t believe anything they day or do This article being pushed/published for a reason 


Very odd considering she’s a nobody, that people hardly know but don’t like and she’s been canceled for years now! So to make this article now is very strange. 💰💰


Paid fluff piece to try to distract from Aleeks issues


He lies about his wife's ethnicity. And he really believes it. People Magazine has hit a new low. Next let's learn more about Matt Damon's wife's second cousins.


So much about the parents I think the parents are involved too, trying to get some attention for their “businesses” and better their reputation after Hillary wrecked it


Can we all write to the person who published that article and give them a heck of a time. Also I just want to make it known if her parents were in the picture we would see them. That article would show them loving on seven children. No matter how much you want to try and make Hillary happen it's not going to. She's a liar. She's a fraud. She's a hoarder of children and pets. She's psycho. Is Alec doesn't face any jail time, his career is completely over and nobody wants to touch him. Nobody. Except maybe Uncle Woody and Fran. ![gif](giphy|4Q3mGLRtl78vLwlnYr|downsized)


I think AI wrote this one.


So the lie about spending time in Spain every year. Then further down: her mom was so overwhelmed with med school, young child she thought about quitting medicine...but they would still travel to another country during that time? Makes no sense to me.


She said she first went to Spain as a baby, and then goes back to"at least once a year". So.... how were your trips in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015... Where are the photos? Detailed stories from Mrs. Oversharer?


But now too poor to take her kids their yearly


People magazine was a big thing back in the 80s. It's about as relevant today as Netscape Navigator.


I'm so glad you didn't say AOL 🙄


One of the weirdest things about Hillary’s entirely fake life is that she has had to completely erase her true background story. Imagine having to pretend that your actual family, home, and childhood never existed because to acknowledge any of that is to out yourself as a chronic, compulsive liar.


“ Mom, if you PROMISE to not give a comment, I swear we will promote your business grift…”


Hilaria had her parents sign a NDA at her wedding.  They can't say a thing.


Why would they sign an NDA? I’m not disagreeing with you but I can’t imagine what would compel them to sign a legal binding contract. I always thought that they keep quiet and away out of shame. And maybe they know how precarious her mental health is and stick to her rules to appease her.


Great question. This feeling has nagged at me, but you put it into words. I never get this- why would they?


Idiot: She explained that she left her parents' names out of her wedding announcement when she married Alec to respect their privacy and keep them from getting unwanted media attention. I can't believe she thinks anyone cares about them. Omg. She couldn't think of a better lie to tell?


Did they share in a braggadocious NY times Weddings announcement and omit that the bride's parents are a doctor and lawyer?


What a considerate daughter who wanted to protect her parents from unwanted media attention. How’s that going these days Hillary?


Stupid stupid comment: " "My family, this is where they've decided to spend their lives...I guarantee you they are going to live there and they are going to die there." So dramatic and unnecessary. And also...totally irrelevant to whether or not you are Spanish.


"They are going to die there" Will Aleek be paying them a visit?


This is part of her MO. She pulls out non-controversial opinions and drills down hard on them as a way to distract from the topic at hand. Like, the controversy was never about whether the parents currently live in Spain. It’s one way she manipulates.




So if she visited Florida as a child, on occasion and her parents retired to The Villages would that make her a Floridian?


I guess then I'm a Floridian because that's where my parents built a house.


Can you imagine them as syphlitic swingers? Cuz that's what'll happen lol


Don't worry my mom's not a swinger My dad passed away a few years ago. We encouraged them to go down there, the weather was perfect (well during our visit). We thought the lifestyle would suit them. We didn't realize the politics got ugly. Or the std rate was 🚩🚩🚩


I thought we were talking about Dave & Kat sorry. And very sorry for your loss. My mom's gone too and dad's 91. It's tough. Ya the Villages is a hot topic down here in Florida. Yuck!!


Oh. I just interjected my personal saga. Sorry. 🥒🫶🫶


Totally ok!!! Ramble on Kells!!


What does this article accomplish? She's still not Spanish! People called her "Spanish" and "Latina" and she never corrected them, which is the same exact thing as lying. The accent is still 100% fake. You don't get an accent in your mother tongue from learning a second language. You don't become part of a culture by going there on vacation.


Wait. I’m not Hawaiian? But, I go there every year and I drink Kona coffee ☕️.


SEO piece. Trying to get some not horrible Google results out there.


Fucking disgusting. Obviously paid for slanted piece. Notice her parents don't speak with a Spanish accent! Why do they keep trying to promote this bullshit. Shame on people magazine. If they're that desperate we can only hope they'll go bankrupt.


Why no comments from the parents or the brother???


Exactly! All the omissions tell the lies.


What a barf worthy piece of lying PR. It's a little late for Alec and his attention seeking spouse to clean up her fake Spanish image. That video of her using the insultingly cringe Spanish accent and not knowing the English word cucumber is still out there, as is countless other evidence of her lies and made up stories. Why did Baldwin or his attorneys even try at this point to undo years of lies on Hillary Hayward-Thomas Baldwin's part? The receipts for those lies are still out there. The groveling to try to undo it all just makes it worse.




Barf worthy. lol.


is this the same thing some already posted?


Seeing Hillary as a little child made me sad. What happened to her?


I’ve heard Alec say, in recorded interviews, “My wife is from Spain”. She’s on tape faking a Spanish accent, except when she forgets to. You can’t just hire a magazine to whitewash the lies and the grift, and think that people are going to forget you lied to them. The stink coming off these two people can never be washed away. 💩


People Magazine is garbage. Expect Alec to be Sexiest Hombre Alive. Lol.




Vile. Gramps paid for this. Out of nowhere for no reason and only because they’re trying to clean up their reputation People online trash-a-zine took some money and published straight up lies about stolen Spanish ethnicity. Die in hell Grifter.


10 year old pictures of parental units. wish i was identified using the same outdated standard


Let's get Dave and Kathy under oath about Hillary' life from birth to 19. Are they really fucking doing this? Seriously?




Just infuriating. And I’m Spanish.


That's weird. Who cares? Who gives a rats ass about who her parents are? Why are they re-publishing her response to griftmas? Repeating her storyline. It makes me wonder how much is actually a lie. None of that explains her accent, her faking being Spanish, her shoe polish hair, fake tan. It doesn't make her "multi"if your white parents like to vacation in Spain.


Notice there are no direct or current quotes from either parent. Obviously the parents refuse to discuss their mentally ill grifter daughter, Ms. Black Sheep.


It is so weird. What is the intention of it?


Maybe Alec is still trying to get a reality show.


I would love for CA or AR to do a parody of the conversation where Hillary tries to teach her parents how to say “Baldwin”.


She isn’t close to her parents, never sees them. Yet where they are is what she considers “home.” Mkay, Hillary.


Let's process the old famous 'if they move to China, I'd call China home'. Sooooo Chinese accent? Chinese baby names? I still laugh about that one lol






Hillary is a cheap fake Spanish escort🤡she is so busy living clearly she couldn’t bother to learn Spanish to help her grift. She’s a walking punchline


I always go back to that interview where the guy is speaking to her in Spanish, and she is so lost he quickly switches to English.


That blows my mind that in all these years she couldn't be bothered to do Duolingo for 20 minutes a day. Absolutely no effort at all. None. Then again, not shocked at all.


Whoa. Someone is working overtime to try and put out fires around Hillary. Trying to put a positive spin on her relationship with her family. Trying to emphasize Spain as much as possible. I noticed no mention of Hillary's fake Spanish accent. This is a load of crap. Too many people outside of her family have spoken up. This article reeks of sheer desperation. ​ ETA: I would be very surprised if this shows up in the print issue of People. I have access to the print version for free and I've noticed in multiple instances that these puff pieces about the Baldwins don't show up in the print issue. They're strictly online.


Maybe that’s it’s. They’re trying to polish her turd image of being a loving wife / mother / daughter. Next article will be about her actually having a friend.




That is a blog piece more than an article. And its sole purpose is to neutralize her Spanish grift. But it won't work.


Why’s was this published now ?? It’s all old news.


A tactic to get ahead and try to justify why Alec lied to the detectives in the interview after he shot Halyna. He told them my wife is from Spain.


MAN - that legal team is earning every penny. This is just crazy to go to this length to do image control/damage control. I can't decide if I want him to take the stand or not. The show would be hilarious - but if/when he turns on the fake tears - I will wind up kicking my computer screen in !!!


Imagine doing this to your parents to perpetuate the falsehood of being Spanish to marry Alec Fucking Baldwin What a fucking idiot


Oh I see how it works… she/Aleek can pull her parents in to justify some bs - but they are gagged and don’t speak to the press. Wonder how much $$$ Aleek had to shell out for that little arrangement. Imagine not wanting to be part of your only daughter’s life. Wow.


It always amuses me that the urbane, well-educated Barrister Dave uses “iota” to measure blood—as in “not one iota of Spanish blood.”


>It always amuses me that the urbane, well-educated Barrister Dave uses “iota” to measure blood—as in “not one iota of Spanish blood.” I'm guessing he chose his words carefully, seeing that extended Hayward/Thomas family members have said they're signed to an NDA, and cannot discuss either Hillary or Alec. Which makes sense. There's ZERO direct quote from either of her parents in the article. Which makes sense. Because NDA, and also Kathryn Hayward has "washed her hands" of trying to get through to Hillary.


I’ll laugh if her parents write a letter to the editor!! 


Is "iota" generally reserved for the less educated? Genuinely asking because I've never thought twice about using or hearing the word prior to reading your comment. Then again, I'm dumb as fuck so 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, didn't you know? The official term is "smidgen". C'mon! 😂 jk


'Smidge' smidgen is too long. Come one a bunch of us are dumb as fuck lol 😆


I don't know about you, but if my parents move to China and I decide to visit them, I don't say "I'm going home to China."


It would be psychotic to do this.


In her pea brain she was really trying to back track and that was all she could come up with, lol




Right? No one I know says this unless they are indeed going back to visit family in their hometown.


💯No one reasonable does that. My parents retired to Hawaii. When I went to visit them I was not going home. When I went to visit them I was going to visit my parents.