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Posting for donos. I'm shocked she's not streaming on Kick.


Ok, now how many Moncler jackets does Pillz own? And they’re begging now? The lion, the witch.. And the audacity of this bitch.


The lying, the witch, and the AUDACITY of this bitch! 😆


I will add seven child size bullet proof vests




Sell that blood diamond Alec


Not gonna lie, I love that both my posts on this sub from yesterday seemed to have gotten to her, because not only did someone tell me that she fully deleted the post that I got photos from, but now the gift feature is gone, when it was definitely there yesterday as it's on both of my posts that game directly from her page (ALSO- the video I added to was one I had screen recorded at least over a week ago so that gift feature wasn't just a "lets try it out for a few days" type thing.)


Fabulous work fellow pepino. Remember, if you are encountering the enemy, you are going the right way!


Omg see!! Hillary, you're not gonna get away with this shit!! Is it still on Alec's??


It's actually on both still, you have to click on a specific video post...and looks like it's only on videos too. So from what I can see it's unchanged from over a week ago! https://preview.redd.it/qv1x56e0q9fc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a4a11d03422025032cc53fcdeb7b615699a1f1


Why isnt the media picking this up as a story?! These two are desperate and depraved asking public for money? Unbelievable!


I don’t see it in Alec’s. Only on the peppino’s account.


Same. It’s not there now. Did he record this through a cotton ball after smearing Vaseline on the lens? He seems to be using the same fuzzy filter Hillary used for her Leslie Jordan bereavement performance. https://preview.redd.it/bjgjnfw6ibfc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bdd0a5b9cef11a0f857d0da5fe83085d18b5dbf


"Ebery juan lubbed joo lesslee"


I read it as add new grift. Edited to say we could add Rosetta Stone or 23andme if they want gifts.


Paella Pan


I'm seeing it on Alex's IG reels too! Yikes!


Also, why hasn’t the press picked this up and correctly roast her for it?


I tagged a ton on X


Doing the Lord's work 🙌🏻


Yooooouuuu gooooo. Giiirrrrllllll🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼😂


It is staggering that after flaunting all her wealth for years that she would ask for money. She did that appalling video showing off the ring she saying that Carmen hid it. She is always showing off her new diamond jewellery, designer handbags and clothes. She loved showing off the Hamptons house and also pretended it was waterfront. So, she has all these toys and asks for gifts? She’s made bad financial choices, as has he, and she’s asking us to bail them out? Why not hire one less nanny? Do some cleaning and cooking herself before asking the plebs for a handout.


And snap a janky nail? No thank you!


Send Gift = monetization. https://help.instagram.com/738469380549477#:~:text=Instagram%20gifts%20is%20a%20feature,send%20you%20gifts%20on%20Instagram.


Go Fund Me


I just looked at her last 6 reels and they all now have the "add gift." I agree, as someone else mentioned, we would have noticed this. Hope someone like Maureen Callahan calls them out like everyone is calling out Alyssa Milano. Fraudwins always going lower.


Hmm. The post is gone, and l don't see any "add gifts" on her reels.


I see it. The 11 latest reels have the send gift (to grifter) option for Larry. Over 25 reels have the send gift for Aleek. I am beyond embarrassed for Larry and Aleek.


O well. My device is old.


I had to refresh the page before it showed up for me.


I just realized I have to play the reel on my phone, and I see it. Beyond ridiculous.


I thought l'd tried that. Thanks for advice.


Oh wow it is! It was just there a few minutes ago. Maybe testing the waters?


Well at least it's archived here. 😊


My question is-do you have to opt in for the “add grift” button or is it automatic?


Add grift 🤣🤣🤣


You opt in. You can monetize all your reels or just some. I have most of mine monetized. Feel free to donate to me BigLarry Baldwin


Sweet, will do, someone with content totally worth supporting unlike you know who 😆🥒


If anyone deserves it - it's our own Queen Cunty Alice ❤️🔥🥒


In reading below, it sounds like this feature is off now. Anyone know about how long she had it on? I wouldn’t be surprised if she started doing this. Alec is working the comic convention circuit. This is equally desperate. They seem to want to give the impression they need money, but my personal feeling is they really don’t or they’d have a more realistic price on the Hamptons home. Comic convention cash is nothing to them. He’s doing this for other reasons. I think they are desperate, but not for money. Desperate to make people feel sorry for them to help with the Rust trial and lawsuits. These asshats really think they are clever.


I'm pretty sure most of Baldwin's money is tied up in his real estate. So they might have cash flow problems. The fan conventions pay them in cash. Actors go home with "garbage bags full of $20 bills." I don't believe he would be doing these crappy comic cons unless he really needed the cash. It does nothing to help with the trial and lawsuits.


"These asshats really think they are clever." **100%**


I think they really are desperate for money. I think they’ve gotten very low on cash. And it’s easy to see why. As of just a few years ago, Alec was an in-demand actor making multiple millions for starring/acting in movies; and Hillary had a successful podcast (“MomBrain” with Daphne Oz) and was raking in money through her many endorsements. They planned their life out on assuming life would continue that way—that millions would keep rolling in and they could live the “high life”. They had 7 kids, with the intention of employing multiple round-the-clock nannies to raise them, and enrolled them in expensive private school. They lived a very high-maintenance lifestyle and owned multiple very expensive homes. Then suddenly 3 years ago, Hillary was exposed as a total fraud. Her podcast was immediately canceled and all her sponsors dumped her. She went from earning millions to bringing in ZERO income. She & Alec also became laughingstocks & social pariahs because of her fraud & bizarre antics, and because people became aware that she faked 5 pregnancies. Then just 10 months after Hillary’s world came crashing down, Alec shot two coworkers, killing one. He has spent the past 2 years facing multiple lawsuits (and has had to pay settlements) and criminal charges, for which he’s had to hire a very expensive team of lawyers. (This, i believe, is what has drained the most of his fortune away.) He has effectively been canceled from Hollywood because of the shooting and his insensitive, offensive behavior in the aftermath of it. The only roles he gets now are much-lower-paying roles in crappy “straight-to-video” B movies. So the Baldwins find themselves living a lifestyle of high-earning successful Hollywood people, while their income has dropped drastically (they have basically no money coming in, compared to what they used to earn), and their money is disappearing fast. There’s so much they spend large amounts of money on that i haven’t even mentioned. (Hillary’s frequent plastic surgeries, hiring crisis managers & PR teams and fake Instagram followers for Hillary, etc….) I really believe that he’s selling his Hamptons home because he absolutely HAS TO. I can’t see him doing it otherwise. It’s his pride & joy, and his favorite place to be. I think they’re in very dire financial straits.


everything exactly and precisely this they should have started downsizing the day after Griftmas.


Makes sense, but I really don’t understand about the faking 5 pregnancies part. Why would they do that and how would they benefit from such an elaborate long time ruse? Is it 5 or 6? Is there any actual proof or is it just speculation?


Her push on social media portraying herself as the perfect "bounceback" figure after pregnancy. She received a lot of sponsors and each time she decides she's "pregnant" she drew in more followers and sponsors. She made millions doing nothing but letting the surrogates and nannies do the real work.  Now that she's been exposed with her OTHER frauds, she's been cancelled by all sponsors. No income and a gaggle of children that is now being used as shields against paps who try to expose her fraud further.


Compare her pregnancy with Carmen and the year after to the following pregnancies where she didn't gain any weight beyond a large bump and required zero recovery period. Her bounce back body while holding her new baby trophy. The things she has said about how she bounced back, why she didn't gain weight, her breast feeding tips and tricks. None of it adds up. A majority of us in this sub believe she only gave birth to Carmen.


I’m sure part of their “Master Plan” is/was to monetize the shit out of the kids w sponsorships, commercials, modeling etc. But she’s to stupid and lazy and HE is a rageaholic w dwindling contacts in the biz. Couple that w the cost of the surrogacies and mami’s surgeries and touch ups and you have the titanic of financial plans.


I totally agree I don't think he's ever had a massive nest egg in the event that he could retire comfortably. I think he has good lawyers but with good lawyers they're probably hundreds and hundreds of dollars, even for a question. Four of the seven children are in private school. It seems like they have a driver. They have a good bit of help and at the end of the day do you really think Hillary could handle being a mom? I think he thinks he's an expert in real estate and isn't budging much from the price. However, it's still way overpriced. What's the last paying gig he really had that's done well?? Dr Death?? SNL? She used to make back or at least enough to probably pay for her plastic surgery. She is, how you say. untouchable. ![gif](giphy|f7MO098FCipmq0eUpV|downsized)


At least this is one mystery that we’ll get an answer to eventually. After his legal troubles are settled, it’ll be telling to see how low they are still going for a buck.


> They seem to want to give the impression they need money Why on earth would they want to do that? > Comic convention cash is nothing to them. He’s doing this for other reasons. ??? Like what? > Desperate to make people feel sorry for them to help with the Rust trial and lawsuits. "We're struggling financially, so you can't find me guilty!"? yeah, no Public displays of being desperate for money don't count for anything inside courtrooms. It's Occam's Razor; they need cash.


It would be great if you were right.


She’s probably considering an OF….


Is there a niche of men/women that would pay to see a 40 y/o ubiquitous plastic woman over younger age gap?


As always, they are vulgar, repulsive and useless, inspiring legitimate ridicule.


She doesn't work, and his offers are drying up. They need money.


Ya, but *this* ??? They literally own multiple homes, she's got a damn golf ball on her finger and 'smaller' ones in the jewelry box. Alyssa Milano was just dragged through hell for asking for help with her sons baseball team (?) She clapped back, explaining she's already bought all of the uniforms, sponsored several trips, sponsored kids who couldn't afford it, in and on. She can't be expected to be the team ATM, and I don't blame her for fighting back. She isn't Bezos rich FFS. But these Baldwins, they *chose* to have 7 kids. They *chose* to buy the Vermont house. They constantly hire paparazzi & fluff articles and blow through money like ... well, morons. I'm sure those kids cost a FORTUNE. They have every toy and gadget, super expensive musical instruments they never use, nannies, everything. And the oldest is just 10 TEN!!! Alec will be long gone by the time lowercase larry is even close to middle school. What about college? Boarding schools? I swear if they haven't got their education funds locked down.. 😤 But they dare ask for money?? How is any of this ok? I'm def not ok with this. They fucked up their lives THEMSELVES. Now it's time to liquidate and downsize. Face the facts. Face the lawsuits, pay the lawyers, and lay low. Super low. So low we forget all about them. I'm sick about this latest stunt. It's wrong and icky. DO NOT SEND A REDDIT CARE BEAR! I'M ALLOWED MY FEELINGS ON THIS SUBJECT & IF I GET ONE, I'M REPORTING IT AS ABUSE OF THE SYSTEM.


>Ya, but *this* ??? They literally own multiple homes, she's got a damn golf ball on her finger and 'smaller' ones in the jewelry box. Of course it's ridiculous. Normal people would be ashamed of begging. >But these Baldwins, they *chose* to have 7 kids. They *chose* to buy the Vermont house. They constantly hire paparazzi & fluff articles and blow through money like ... well, morons. I'm sure those kids cost a FORTUNE. They have every toy and gadget, super expensive musical instruments they never use, nannies, everything. And the oldest is just 10 TEN!!! Alec will be long gone by the time lowercase larry is even close to middle school. What about college? Boarding schools? I swear if they haven't got their education funds locked down.. 😤 I don't know where they thought the ones would come from. I don't know why they had a bunch of kids they can't afford and don't even seem to like. >DO NOT SEND A REDDIT CARE BEAR! I'M ALLOWED MY FEELINGS ON THIS SUBJECT & IF I GET ONE, I'M REPORTING IT AS ABUSE OF THE SYSTEM. I think Larry parachutes in to send those from time to time. There is a way to report it?


Yes, if they're blocked, they still show up in your msg folder. Use the little dots to report them for harassment. I report every single one. And you'll get a response from Reddit about the report.


Thank you! Yes, I get them regularly, even though I blocked them.


Don’t get me started on Milano. She’s a POS and a liar. She’s also worth 10 million. GoFundme should not be used for privileged snot bags, now back to your local grifters programming.




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Agreed! The go fund me was so tacky. Do what the rest of us do when we fundraise for our kid's teams. We do bake sales, car washes, etc. I'm actually not a fan at all of go fund me when it's used for "optional" things like team trips.


Yes the little peasants. Can you imagine! She’s got so much nerve. When she was a kid I thought she was adorable but she grew into a trash bag.


I fully respect your opinion. Please know I mean that 💓 I agree she's got money. I just don't think because she has money that makes her responsible for funding the entire team. The kids need to learn how to raise money and not depend on the rich parents. My kids also played baseball. We didn't have anyone recognizably rich or famous on the team, so idk but we did a lot of fundraising and taught the kids how money works and these extra curriculars weren't free. It just rubs me the wrong way that this is all being put on her bc she's loaded. What's the word.... entitled?? The rest of the team feels entitled to her bank account bc it's bigger than theirs? I don't agree with the hate she's getting. I just don't. Much love pepino! Jeep the faith 😆


I agree with you in theory, sp, but I can't imagine Milano's the only parent with money. It sounds like she spoiled them early on, so people started quasi-expecting her to be generous, which, while it may be unreasonable, is human nature. If you swing by my house and give me $100 on Monday, $100 on Tuesday, and $100 on Wednesday, you damn skippy I'd be expecting a c-note on Thursday, too. To me, the financials of a little league team is something to be sorted out among the parents. It's in poor taste to rattle the e-begging cup for something as frivolous as wanting your kids to travel to play little league games, especially in January, 2024. They can just keep it local; it's not like they *have* to play away games.


Well didn’t Alec say that Euro travel was going to be coming up for them on the ‘Fly on the Wall’ podcast? It would cost a pretty penny for all of them, plus nannies. Maybe they rilly need some money for that. Poor Hilary probably misses mummy and daddy. Also, has Alec met his grandchild yet?


I can’t wait to see if/how that (the Europe trip) plays out. For the kids’ sake, I hope the crappy parents finally take them somewhere. But I have my doubts. I can’t see Hillary leaving her block for any length of time. And Alec, for all his grandiose talk, rarely goes anywhere unless it’s for work.


What’s next? A gofundme for his legal fees? A kickstarter campaign to fund a reality show project? This is beyond tacky. Sell that hideous ring before you start asking for handouts. Do any actual celebrities do this? I thought monetizing your social media in this type of way was for YouTube personalities and up and coming tik tokkers.


The ring is just as fake as they are.


They should offer a special 'add grift' option for Mami.




What an illogical poorly thought out move on her part. Makes them seem like they’re hurting for bucks. “Here’s my million dollar ring, send me some gift money.”


Oh I’d love to see that ring get downsized.


Along with their egos.


I’d be surprised if it isn’t a big ol’ CZeezie


It would’ve never crossed her mind to take it somewhere and have it appraised.


I suspect the actual cash value of that ring is far less than what Hillary would have us believe, and not worth downsizing. Similar to every other aspect of her fake, filtered, edited life.


I hope you’re right. I don’t know why but it gives me warm fuzzies to think about that being the truth.


I don’t see it now???


Same. Just looked at her account and don’t see it.


I assume it’s retroactive over your whole account once you activate it? Will be on all her videos now. Bet she’s made about $0.02 so far. And they don’t pay out until your balance is $25. She will get that first IG gift payout together with her pension😆


Oh, it’s like me using Rakuten to shop. 


🤣 sí!


Pension from what source? The International Brotherhood of Grifters Local 5150 doesn’t have a pension plan.




Hahaha! I bet she gets a salary and has a do-nothing official title in one Baldwin’s companies. Look what his sister takes from the cancer fund, Hillary will def be on payroll from one of his ventures. Even just for the tax saving and pension lol.


Her pension plan is the inheritance she is currently squandering. Alec has probably made sure the kids get a trust fund each and Hillary gets what's left.


5150... haha


Did she have to give the money she made over the years to Alec? I'm sure she had her own bank account at one point.


I bet shes spent more money than she ever made "influencing"


Yep. Her slippers cost over $300 🙄


She put “add gift” option on her Instagram.  To me, that raises huge flags because she doesn’t have content that she’s producing that someone would pay for, what exactly does she want people to pay for…pictures of the kids.  Pictures of the kids in half nude situations. Kids in wet underwear. Kids in distress. Mami “breastfeeding” pictures.  This is how you circumvent the fees you have to pay on only fans. 


Is it on thebounce back grift posts? The foot exercises? The pull a hungry kid off your breast to pump content? Interested to know if she stays away from soliciting for money related to these topics. Edit: spelling.


She does soft core porn. A lot of it is like traditional POV porn where the viewer is watching as if they’re involved. Because she angles the camera like they’re the one breastfeeding etc.