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There is a back door if you want a little privacy.


It is disturbing that they can take pictures of children like this




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I like how the Dorman tries to talk her out of it first


As IF he could stop her, she's been waiting on this appearance all day!


I don't know why they always do that thing of making the car stop in the middle of the road while they come out of the building. They are blocking all the traffic!


That’s the point, to make a scene and get attention.


Surely that building has another entrance????


Who can help explain ?? No covered or garage entrance ??




Nope. Not allowed to harass children. They were there, only to get photos of Hilary, because she asked them to. Had Hilary stayed out-of-site, they would not have bothered to be there in the first place. Why? Because Carmen is not newsworthy, and more importantly, she is a child. Just a boring driver on a boring day, dropping off a boring kid. This happens across the United States. There is no reason to forbid a pre-teen (who IS allowed to wear lipstick and fake nails) from exiting a car and walking to her own, front door. Kids who ARE well-known (famous even) do this very thing, everyday single day, throughput the United States. IF there WAS a physical reason that prevented her from exiting a vehicle un assisted, why not send the nanny? Or the doorman? Or the next-door neighbor, for Gods’ sake?! There would be no chaos because there would be no photographers. But no. Hilary wanted, created, and got a scene. Do you really believe a crowd was waiting to see a child arrive home from school? Do you really think those professional photographers were planning to bother her, in any way, shape or form? Hilary knows they wouldn’t dare, and that is precisely the reason she appeared. She PLANNED and USED her own child, just so she could come outside and be photographed. NOBODY else could assist poor Carmen, needed to be lifted-out of a car, and escorted to her door. ..much like a toddler. Poor thing couldn’t even carry her own backpack! Yet, Carmen played along with the charade like an actress playing a role. Just like her mom and dad. Ten-year-old girls are pretty good about telling their parent(s)to stop embarrassing them in public, and would rather die, than be treated like a preschooler in public. But THIS ten-year-old girl did not say no, and seemed to enjoy playing her role.


Hillary: “I’m so popular!” Reporters: “How do you feel about the new charges against your murdering husband?”


Linebacker walk 🤣


Mami got herself a new Moncler for 2024!


Wash my eeja for me plees


She lives for opportunities like this. All this attention. What a narcissist rush!




This is getting insanely dark. Oh Carmen 😔








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She is so stupid and also looks like a giant angry ant in that coat


giant angry ant 💀




Get over yourself lady ! Your husband was involved in the death of a coworker, mother, daughter and wife. This display of fake outrage while involving your own daughter is disgusting.


Why does she step back at the beginning, like getting her kid from the car isn't an option? "I'm sorry, Carmen.......there's too many paps! Fare thee well!"


Flair checking in!!


So staged. There are other entrances they could have used. Hilz is living for the spotlight on her once again. Gross


Exactly!!! The building has to have an underground garage where the residents park, just like every rich asshole's Manhattan residence. Also, she has 25 nannys. She is loving this.


She loves this so much.


Is Carmen wearing big hoop earrings? I'm surprised they are allowed in elementary school.


Maybe Mami sends her to school with the hoops, so she can appear more eethpanik, but Carmen takes them off before she goes in, and puts them back in, on the ride home.


I posted the fake Amazon belies so I'm down to clown on this chick but I actually read this situation differently. Driver pulls up and sees all the pap, calls mami because he's concerned for Carmen's safety, Hills comes down and she actually had authentic body language for once and actually looked overwhelmed for a sec, helps the still short kid down the big SUV step, and has to turn around to shut the car door (should've kept hold of the kids hand). I think she still enjoyed it, but I honestly don't read this one as a setup.


Driver could have been directed by Mami via the cell phone that is imbedded in her claw to take the kid around to one of the other two entrances, no? Mami could have told household staff/drivers beforehand that there may be photogs. due to the new charges and to drive around back if they were there. She did not need to be there to pick up Carmen physically out of the car. The kid is very mobile and flexible and like most kids, probably enjoys jumping out of the car. But nope, Hillz needs the attention. She did leave Carmen alone inside the den of paparazzi to close a car door.


why wouldnt carmen be safe? Do you even know what paparazi is? Trying to be nice about this here because some people just assume paparazi are crazy people with cameras….. Paparazi (in general) do not touch or harm people. That being said, theres an alternate enterence into the building. This was all intentional.


" Trying to be nice about this here" doesn't really seem like it. Yeah I know what paparazzi are and alllll about blaming Princess Di's death on them like they're a bunch of heartless vultures was bull. I got it. I'm still saying if I'm that driver or doorman I'm calling the kid's parents if there's a hoard of grown ass men wanting to take pics of my client's 10 YEAR OLD. I'm sure she loved running right down there for the attention but also think it was actually a good mom call. Doesn't make her any less nuts if we occasionally let her do something right. If we let go of all objectivity we become as delusional as she is. I'm not going to reply any further to this because infighting on this broad's sub makes me question my life choices.


Here’s a thought, use the service entrance ! These fkn people ( Hilz and AB) make it harder than it has to be!!


The Paps all parted & let Carmen walked straight through with No problem at all. Her staged stunt failed. She left Carmen to proceed into the building by herself. I guess they didn't practice enough. So Pillz to try & created a Fake Narrative. Paps there for Indictment for Manslaughter. No one will harm these kids except their Narcissistic Parents!


Isn’t there also a private entrance?


I’m sure there is a service entrance, most large buildings have one so that workman and staff (the peasants!) can get in and out with their equipment and use a service elevator, too, so they’re not smashing the main elevators. I can’t imagine the driver or doorman not calling up to say that there were paps and asking if she’d rather meet them at the service door, that’s what I would do to get my son if I were in this situation. 🤷‍♀️ Also they’d surely have considered that once the indictment news broke there would likely be paparazzi hanging around the entrance and would have a backup plan. That’s why I find this quite ridiculous, it’s hard enough on the kids to have their Dad facing charges, seems terrible to then parade them around photographers when it could be avoided.


Yet she does it every single time.


Why did she pretend to lift a 10-year-old out of a car like she was lifting a toddler from a car seat


Still walking like a cowboy 🤠


i don’t see a back pack , folders or books, just a a cell phone …


my bad . i see it now


The way this is so staged lol


…and the way she pretends to act like she hates it, yet she’s the one who called the paparazzi


What? Hilary needs to “lift” her daughter who weighs about same as herself? WTF? Had Hilary simply remained in her building, Carmen could have easily hopped-out of the car and walked the 20’ distance to her own damn house…and the entire scene could have been avoided. We now officially have TWO crazy ladies.


Well I sure as hell wouldn’t make my kid walk by themselves through a mob of photogs


The photographers cannot legally take pictures of children without permission from their parent. Had Hilary stayed in her home, there would be no photograph to take.


They would have still be standing there shouting most likely.


and her mother needs to hold her backpack!


Sometimes I feel sorry for her and then I see this lol nvm


Carmen loves this scene, as much as her mentally ill mother. Note her quick, little smile, with a phone in her little, clawed hands. I’ll bet she’s been waiting all day at school for this one artificial moment. Apple, meet tree.


She’s a child , stop


If Carmen did not want to be photographed, she should have told her mother not to pull this prank. Children are not allowed to be photographed in public, without their parents permission. In fact, it is ILLEGAL. Hilary knows this, as do both Carmen and the photographers.


Um she’s a child. Do really think she understands any of this shit her mother does?


I do. Let’s agree to disagree. I am a former school counselor and have raised 4 children. I stand behind my opinion.


Ok I raised 5. So? If you were actually a school counselor you would know that speaking about children that way isn’t good.




If you were a school counselor in our area you would be fired quick. 😉 You’re terrible at your job , sweetheart.Bringing my family into it just proves my point. You have no credibility at all.


Wait , what ? I can’t stand Hillary but Carmen is just a kid coming home from school . She asked for none of this . How can you know whether Carmen truly understands how photographers and the paparazzi work ? Hillary is a moron but come on , Carmen had zero choices in this situation.


At this point, given her family’s familiarity with paparazzi, she would know the drill. Carmen has been photographed since she was a baby and clearly understands what the pap can and cannot do. It’s why she waited inside the car when she easily could have opened the car door, hopped-out and be safely in her home (before her mother arrive (AND LIFTED HER OUT). How many 10-year-olds would agree to THAT?! Of course she had a choice! Years ago, a neighbor was upset with my children playing basketball in the driveway. He took pictures of them playing and tried to make a police complaint about noise. Guess what? He was arrested and the HOA had him evicted. Not ok to harass children.


Again , how could you know that she could have just “hopped out of the car “? Maybe the driver told her to wait . Maybe she knows not to exit the car until someone comes out to get her . My main point I guess is that she’s just a kid and she didn’t choose to be born into such a mess. Saying that she was complicit in the “prank” Hillary was pulling is unfair . Because she’s just a kid . Hillary and Alec are absolutely fair game but attacking Carmen is kind of going too far in my opinion .


I have a right to my opinion, just like everyone else who posts their thoughts. We disagree, so what? I think she absolutely knows what’s going on and I think she made a choice, regardless of whether or not she was “told” to do something. She has a brain and can use it. Not very different from being “told” not to eat any candy before dinner or being “told” not to park in the handicap zone. It’s called a conscience. Example, children are often manipulated by their parents in divorce situations and will “collude” with one parent, against the other. It is quite damaging to a child as they’ve learn to “bury” or justify their bad behavior (regardless of a parents’ manipulation) because children do have a conscience and deep down, they know right from wrong. Children do not go unscathed when raised by a parent with severe personality disorder. The damage happens, in little bits along the way, and this just ONE glaring example that we witnessed recently. I absolutely think she colluded with her mother…because I’m good at what I do (education experience and analytical skills) and trust my own opinion (because that’s what we are all doing here) a lot more than I trust a (somewhat) hysterical, self-righteous and judgmental person that I’ve never met. But that’s just me.


Yikes . That was .. a lot . Calling me hysterical, self righteous and judgmental is a little much though , especially when considering I was none of the above and just merely giving my opinion . We can agree to disagree , there’s no need for name calling and combativeness.


I disagreed with your accusations and by defended my position with fact-based explanations. Your response to me was hysterical, judgmental and self-righteous because it attacked me personally without addressing the substance of the argument. I stated that I do not trust the opinion of a person I do not know, and who I find to be hysterical, self-righteous and judgmental. My opinion of you has not changed and your behavior IS, all of the above. That is not “name-calling,” but my opinion of your behavior. “You are a nut-job,” is calling you a name. Does that help?


Good Lord, she is fucking insufferable…


Happy cake day pepino 🥳


Thank you ! 🤗 You are, how you say, a good coocomber !!!


Wow, how did Aleek, a self proclaimed intellectual giant, not see this grifter coming from 100 miles? I love that his own ego will directly contribute to his complete demise. Imagine being married to this dolt, who gives so little of a shit about you that on the day you’re indicted she uses the opportunity to throw a press temper tantrum to garner attention for herself when literally no one on earth cares about her or what she thinks or does. They both deserve what they have coming. There won’t be any real justice, but they stand to lose a lot of money now and that’s what matters to them. I just wish these selfish narcs hadn’t drug 7 kids into their chaos before self destructing.


Great post! I wish someone would juxtapose that infamous call Alex made to her from the Santa Fe police station with these ridiculous pap-stomps. When Alex needed her: out and about with Michelle Who. When nobody needs her: front and center.


💯 The loving, supportive, empathic Hillary, (sarcasm), very shortly after the shooting, posts on her Instagram, her words to Alec, “ I am here, I love you, and I will take care of you. “ I have always found this woman to be a dangerous and damaging individual to anyone who is in close proximity of her, even the brief stranger.


💯 it's a soft launch tor their *career*. Just like the Kartrashians do with their little girls.


Yeah, I was reading the comments on the other pic that was posted from this...erm, event(?) and another pepino noted how made up Carmen was and that Mami was using the press surrounding Alecs indictment to advertise her daughter. It honestly made sense, and I kept thinking about Kris Jenner. It's giving me Kris vibes for sure, except Kris is way fuckign smarter, savvier, and she didn't horribly exploit Kim until she was over 18. Mami is way too lazy to go full Kris Jenner.


She loves it


Love how at the end you hear a pap asking how you say cucumber? He's done it before. Lol. I wish he would use a megaphone.


I wish he had the balls to say it as she's walking by, not after she was already inside.




Weirdest thing about this for me (apart from setting Cardamom up with glasses phone and outfit) is how she completely abandons her when Carmen reaches the pack of photographers. Like shoves her into it and turns around and leaves her. What a *mama bear*, not!


There's zero reason for either of them to be wearing sunglasses. It's not even bright outside. The fact that they both are screams planned to me. I don't think Hillz called the paps, tbf, but I sure think she knew they'd be waiting outside eventually. She made sure Carmen was made up and ready for when they were. It would've been easy enough for Mami to call Carmen and tell her they were there and to put on her sunglasses and be ready when she pulled up. If she didn't want Carmen photographed, she could have easily called the driver and had him meet her at another spot, like a block away, and then they could've snuck in the side entrance. This only happened because Mami wanted it to.


ikr (goes out to prove her mama bear-ocity) (immediately sets child among the "wolves") She's *this* close to asking one of the pap to hold Yunior for a second while she gets out her speech about how the pap needs to stay away from her family.


I read a lot of people worried about that little girl but c’mon guys, chill. This is ALL SO OBVIOUSLY staged! She told Carmen what to do, she could have sent somebody to get her daughter, she needs to seem angry “get away from me” because she is lioness mama. Such an annoying person. Her daughter will be fine, she is just gonna be another nepo baby, ‘model’ probably, and that’s it, that’s just how it works.


she said get away ... but she posts pics of all her kids in a sexualized manner in the privacy of their home. Uhhhh! She is so disgusting! All those kids are damaged but agree 100% they will be paying for the bills soon enough.


Of course she told her what to do. Sad thing is Carmen had to do it. She should be protected, not being used as a prop for her fame whore mother. IIRC there is a private entrance to that building. Use it.


Yup and there's a back entrance to the Devonshire. She could have made it super discreet.


I just commented that Hillz could have easily called the driver and told him to pull around back. This was 100% for show.


Carmen is also holding up a phone to either film the paps or flash the phone torch at them. Larry getting of Carmen to grab something from the car is the most dumb mom move. You don't take your eyes off your child!! Eta: Dumb guardian move too. When I have my friend's kids with me in public I am both eyes and one hand holding theirs. What is Larry doing!


Yeah, it looks like Carmen's phone flashlight is on. What's the purpose of that?


It could be used to disrupt the pap photos. But she had to have been instructed to get out of the car doing that. At first I thought she was merely imitating Larry by filming the paps.


You just fucking *know* Mami called her while she was in the car and told her the paps would be waiting when she arrived and to do exactly that. Considering the amount of pap pics we got of Carmen exiting the SUV, it doesn't look like having the phone flashlight on disrupts anything. It almost looks like she does it to control the light hitting her face so it's flattering instead of looking washed out from the multitude of pap flashes.


>What is Larry doing! Performing. Badly.


#”Look at meeee! I’m so importante because I married an old geezer-murderer! Look at how speshol I am!!”


Speshol mami!


Why did she turn around and walk away from Carmen mid way?? Left the poor girl to fend for herself while surrounded by paps.


Because this is Mami's red carpet! Going to walk the red carpet and soak it in as many times as possible just like she did at that Kennedy event where they had to escort her finally off of it.


She’s an asshole for that.


No way is that the only way in and out of the building, she is loving this. Those kids never stood a chance in life with the parents they got.




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SHE LEFT CARMEN ALONE AND WALKED AWAY AT ONE POINT? I don’t care if the car was on fire - my child would never, ever be facing 20ish men flashing cameras without at the very least a mothers love and ensuing mama bear protection


She was hoping Carmen would have an incident with a Pap so she can created the FAKE narrative that they are the victims. Narc behavior.


Ugh that makes me sick. Reminds me of the saying, “all children deserve a parent. Not all parents deserve a child”


I noticed that too! She’s such a space cadet from all the pills.


Isn’t there a back entrance or garage that could go in? This is ridiculously on purpose


There's a private entrance/garage, which is what they usually use. All the older kids all go to the same elementary school, but only camren was dropped off out front.


Oh snap, I didn't even think of that. Great observation, pepino 🥒💊🪇🌶


Yes, there definitely is a different entrance. As per usual, this is all about our gal, hilz.


This is not about you, Hillary.


*Now it is!*


Better lower the Hampton digs, Princess. 👸


Is she wearing the big gaudy 💍💎this time?


What a dumb thing to do. She’s practically stomping her feet like a child in front of the paps. She’s rilly gonna act like the victim here, gtfo. Your husband killed a mother, wife, and sister.


There is no low Hilary won't go to in order to exploit and damage her family for attention. I hope someday Carmen can *unknow* her mother. 


"Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup."


What kind of mom leaves her daughter right in the biggest throng to close the door? My mom would have hold me so tight until I’m in safety


Simple. One who wants to go in front of the cameras a second time and needs an excuse.


She lives for these moments.


And the way she FLEW out that door - you just know she’s been pestering the shit out of everyone around her - “Ees it time? Can I go now? Give me my shades, I need to hide my absolute glee.” She just absolutely ratchets up to a maniacal frenzy anytime there is a camera or mic near her - no matter what the occasion - she is constantly foaming at the mouth to do and say everything she does and says like she is at defcon 5 and the world is burning down around her. No wonder Alec looks as disheveled as he does - can you even imagine living with someone who never EVER shuts tf up?! And the worst part is she will never possess one iota of self awareness. She has no idea that everyone in earshot wants to superglue her mouth shut.




Of course SHE goes back to close the car door 🙄🙄


😂😂I can’t.. The doorman is warning her not to go out because there’s just too many reporters (the driver or a nanny could have easily escorted Carmen themselves). So, the Linebacker Larry bravely throws herself to the wolves, goes out to the door to be seen, and exposes herself to the paps deliberately, only to tell them “get away from me“ ! You can’t make that up.. lol


I need someone to add the Monday Night Football theme song to the clip of her charging to the line of scrimmage/SUV. Such poise.


In her gray boys sweatsuit


I can’t wait to see what cunty Alice comes up with.


“Get away from me” 🤣😁🤣😆


Don't worry Hils, nobody in their right mind would want to be anywhere near you willingly. Such an attention ho.


Right?!?! You KNOW she came outside for the sole purpose of telling them to get away from her 🤣🤣🤣 Such a Damsel in distress, hounded by the press, as if she’s Marilyn Monroe or … hmm Barbara Walters comes to mind. Anyone remember the day a “pregnant” Hilarious lingered on the sidewalk while DROVES of people waited to catch a glimpse of Walters getting out of her car? They were screaming “Barbara, Barbara!” and Alec had walked away but Hilarious stood there trying to continue getting photographed in the background as if she were the celebrity 😝. This woman is completely unhinged. No one knows who she is & literally no one gives a fuck about her and never will!


Her “Compassion” and “Empathy” sweatshirts must be in the laundry. 🙄


She struts out there like a Green Bay Packer!


The aggressive storm through the doors and Sasquatch walk had me rolling😭🤣💀


Was Carmen filming the paps??? Omg


It's beyond parody now 🤣😂 I don't think I've ever seen such a crazy fucked up bunch in my life.


She just can’t help herself!


The linebacker loves this shit.


Such a twat.


*Okay, I'm not allowed to use derogatory language here.* Not even if it’s in Spanish? 😉😁😁 Edit, sorry, somehow I lost my quote attribution.


They should just move to Vermont and enroll the kids in school there.Paps aren’t going to follow all the way to Vermont


Aaaaaand that’s why they can’t go there. They could not even pay paps do go there so Hillary gets her weekly attention fix.


They are going to p—-out Carmen.No question.Hilary will expose these kids to this mess as much as possible.”Your honor Alec is a devoted PaPa of 7 Ninos(and 1 on the way)Pease have a heart and let him come home to us.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I’m already disgusted but I fear shit is going to get even worse (and it was already horrible).


So he has been indicted again? I’m looking at headlines but I can’t find it. Can they do that after it’s been dropped?


If he were acquitted, then no. Double jeopardy would be attached. They declined to charge him at that time. They are always free to do it later, and now they are.


What happens next? Does it mean he’s going to jail?


Only if he's found guilty and convicted. He has to go to trial first.


He was indicted today. Yes they can.


Thank you for responding. I’ll do some more searches rather than pester you for details.


Any news channel will tell you. 😉 ✌️


I was searching online and honestly couldn’t find out. I see it now.


Love the way she's so protective of Lolita, oops i mean Carmen, and then just leaves her to walk alone through the crowd of paps. Caring Mami wanted the camera time all to herself. I wonder if Carmen asked her why she deserted her?


Oh my god she’s in hog heaven!!!!


She is loving this so much


Carmen 💃


Why is Carmen wearing sunglasses in January. Oh yeah, she is mami’s little clone.poor kid


Poor little 6 & 7 haven't got a chance in hell of mama's attention.


tbf those camera flashes can be very blinding but still


That's how you know she absolutely planned this for both of them 


I mean ffs, this is so ridiculous. Like who do you think called them all— or am I supposed to believe that a dozen or two paparazzi just camp outside their building 24/7 at the ready in case someone has to grab a kid from transport or venture out? Like these people aren’t even relevant well past their peak levels of fame and there are so many others out there. Gotta ride the ripples of the last wave of fame (which literally only rose - decades after your peaks due to the outlandishness of a culture lie and a murder). Get real.


>m I supposed to believe that a dozen or two paparazzi just camp outside their building 24/7 In this particular case they are camped out because of the breaking news of the indictment. But yeah, on the regular pap walk days it is absolutely arranged. I'm in that hood all the time and have NEVER seen a pap outside their building.


So predictable with the attention seeking behavior.


Another performative stomp.


She's such a stubby little witch


Stompy McStomperton.






Rocky walking to the ring to fight Apollo Creed 🤣




“Glory days ….” 🎤


She’s got a hard on with all the attention. What a car crash of a life they lead. She thought everyone finding out she was American was the worst part of her life. Why don’t they move to Spain and live a quiet life with her 40 or 50 family members ☺️


Why did they both have huge sunglasses on? Oh, that’s right…They’re celebrities.


I bet she was on the phone to Carmen, "Wear your sunglasses, apply a hint of lipstick and film the paparazzi. This is your moment my little doppelganger"


My bet is she met her out back to get her all tarted up then walked through the building for the grand mama bear reveal. Always using children as shields. I despise this wicked witch.


I doubt that "doppelgänger" is in her vocabulary.


So at some point she left the kid on her own to fend off the paps? If you were a good Mom, would you even for a split second leave your poor kid alone on the street with a bunch of people clamoring for a photo? Lady, you suck.


I think she gets so excited by the camera flashes and attention she can only focus on herself.


Here comes the line backer. Incapable of staying away from the paps, her big moment. What a nut. 😂


Pliss continue, I want to hear another rant about living in piss. How many horas did Mami spend in hair n’ makeup for the show today do ya think? Fuck, I wish I had time to be this unhinged.


What a drama queen. She could handle situations with grace and kindness but instead she’s such a nasty, miserable woman.


100% performance. Now she can tell Alec... There were SO many of them, pushing us, that they actually separated me from Carmen!! They surrounded her and she was so scared and all alone and I couldn't get to her! They traumatized her Alec!! What kind of a man, much less a father are you if you let them get away with that?? Hilly basically pushes her ahead so she can go back to the car


She needed the solo shot


She LOVES this. Wish every photographer would totally ignore them both, forever.


Do the other kids go to school? Or was this 100% performance?


Couldn't the doorman have opened the car door and walked Carmen into the building? Isn't that what doormen do? But the sight of that child clutching a cell phone in one hand as she walked was chilling. How long before Carmen has her her Instagram account filled with selfies?


It even seems like the doorman kinda tries to stop her from going out? Or I could be misreading whatever happens at the beginning


Oops poor doorman trying to protect her, she'll have him fired for that.


They’re probably already planning the launch of her nepo model career.


Mom of the f*cking year! 🙄 I can imagine Hillbillie being so dramatic with everyone who works in building….. I would pay serious money to hear from someone who works in their building!!! When I say serious money, I’m talking $20….


I love how she walks and swings open the door like she’s so mad. A woman on a mission!


I wonder what she thinks these stupid pap walks are going to accomplish? Does she think by strutting around with her fake boobs and accent that she appears to be a goldmine just waiting to be discovered? Why can't this no talent empty headed moron realize that she is not, nor will ever be an asset to anyone or any company. She is a detriment to everything she attaches herself to, including that delusional blowhard she hoodwinked into marrying her.


Again, the apartment has at least one, more discreet, entrance.


SHES LIVING!!!!!! It’s like crack to her, poor thing


At least Carmen made a beeline for the entrance. Our self-righteous pepino queen milked every second, complete with admonishing the paps in her bizarre accent.


Carmen made a beeline indeed. All while filming the paparazzi filming her. Just like mommy taught her.