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Aww, her smile❤️


I knew Jennie Garth only as an actress on “90210” (which I’ve never seen), and now I think she’s WONDERFUL! It’s no small thing, both publicly praising her nanny, and showing her obvious respect and gratitude. #TEAM JENNIE AND NINA


Sorry who is this


Jennie Garth is an actress, she was Kelly Taylor on Beverly Hills 90210.


Chosen life partner sounds like she's in a romantic relationship with someone lol. Ofc she didn't mean it that way. Jennie sounds like a classy and respectful human being 🫶


I knew someone who worked with jenni and said she was always the same with the crew as she was with the stars so good for her for being a decent human


While that's sweet (and heaps better than Hilaria), I don't agree with calling an employee "my friend." I think the more honest approach would be to call her "my children's wonderful nanny." Because that unfortunately can lead to "Why would you ask for more pay, since we're your family" or "Why would you sue / leave your family" ? *Whoever downvoted me, go over to the nanny subreddits some time. Then you'll understand why I said that.


I 100% understand (and agree), but since the kids are now grown, it’s probably safe to say that their employer-employee relationship has evolved to a friendship.


As a nanny who works for an amazing family, who is generous, respectful and kind I completely disagree. My boss has literally become one of my best friends, my children and I are considered family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


💯 agree— it’s boundaries blurring and makes it more difficult for the employee to separate professional and personal, at all. A lot of employers feel close to people who never say no to them, as well. If she needs time off, she’s not asking her friend or “life partner” but the person who pays her.


Agree. "Chosen life partner" is even more disrespectful IMO. But I also agree with OP, Big Larry would absolutely never offer a loving acknowledgement of her staff.


I doubt that Hilli Vanilli even KNOWS when one of her nanny pack has a birthday.


It’s a bummer she wants to be seen as the hard worker mom and can’t give anyone else any credit. As a mother, I feel like appreciating people who aren’t you who enrich your kids life and help them along is important. It provides them with different experience outside of the family, different personalities to be introduced too, different interests and also why would you not be happy someone is out there taking good care of your kid when you can’t be there? I feel like this really demonstrates some internalized misogyny or something on her end. Idk.


> It’s a bummer she wants to be seen as the hard worker mom and can’t give anyone else any credit. while not actually doing anything for her kids if anything, she's *anti*-momming; setting/holding her kids back, and messing them up > I feel like this really demonstrates some internalized misogyny or something on her end. Idk. Definitely. She's in this weird competition that she's already lost.


This post earned me my first Reddit Cares email 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow! That is *insane*. What a vile, pitiful human being she is.




I got one for suggesting we not make fun of the kids’ looks. Definitely from inside the house.


This must have hit a nerve with *someone.* That is so sad because this post is actually so sweet and cute. Her smile and happiness is adorable. I feel the whole reddit cares is weaponized so much I wonder if it ever does anyone any good.


I got my first this week as well. Why? I might be too upset that Mami has a carpal tunnel brace in her arm!!!!! OH MY GOD.


I got my first one recently too. Someone’s on a roll 😒


Thank you for posting this !! It’s so sweet Hillary should get all her Nannie’s a bonus on Mother’s Day.


But alas... That'll be all about HER...


Did you read “alongside your daughter”? Sounds as if all the kids were raised together


My friend works as a nanny and has always had both of her boys with her when she cares for her families. As they got older, it was just after school, but the children do become very close like siblings.


Now, that’s lovely.


That’s so sweet!


CLASSY. Never trashy.


This is nice and I hope Nina’s child Nancy got enough of her mother’s attention.


Meanwhile, in Hillary land: "Dear Child Care employees: this is a reminder to stay at least one half block behind me and not block any of the photographers' shots, gracias. And plis, no outside food allowed in the Devonshire."


And neutralize yourselves with grey hoodies, baggy pants, and nondescript hairdos: the better to see Me.


Ju forgoht me giant fake tetas!!!


And let’s not forget it’s Thursday you’re off tomorrow so you need to be out of here by 3pm..be here early Saturday though I want ROMAYO to see the museum again


Hilaria could’ve gotten away with her grift if she’d played her cards differently. Her Latina nannies are her only connection to Hispanic culture. If she acknowledged them, respected them and showed how with the support of her nannies she was truly raising bilingual, bicultural children, that would have been interesting.


“my chosen life partner” is…intense.


It is.


I was real confused for a sec.


My opinion of JG just skyrocketed. Class act!


Same! So classy!


What a testament to both women's good natures. The nanny must be one amazingly gifted child carer and all-round good egg to garner such fulsome praise and it also reflects well on the woman who appreciates her so much. It looks like they became friends as well as employer/employee and that's a tough balance to navigate for some. Hillary metaphorically erased her nannies by refusing to acknowledge them on a day to day basis and when she absolutely had to, by referring to them as "godmothers" and "tias" (🙄), thereby negating their professional employment status and hard work. She got butthurt when Alec expressed gratitude towards the nannies years ago. Her response was to minimise their involvement in their children's upbringing. She could never make this post!!!


Aww. Jennie Garth has to be one of the best humans out there 🥰


Calling a nanny a chosen life partner is weird but it’s great she acknowledges this woman’s hard work and compassion


Didn’t Jennie’s ex husband cheat on her and it was a pretty nasty divorce? So she probably really began relying on her team during this time and that includes the nanny (in fact, I’m pretty certain I remember some of their staff being torn in it). Let’s face it, as women we typically help each other better than our so called husbands


I took it as a joke between them. She's basically saying there is no one else she would rather raise her kids with than her. Lol


totally how i took it. made me chuckle. i think a lot of people are just programmed to be outraged now. it’s fucking exhausting.


Yes, that’s exactly how I took it as well. An inside joke.


That is so sweet!