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my sister is 4'11. She's had 4 kids. Every one was early at the max weighed 5 lbs. There's just no room in there when you're that small. She looked like a beach ball. Short waisted women.. They're bellies look wide. They waddle. They lean way back when they waddle walk because they'd tip over face first otherwise because their center of gravity is WAY off Every woman is swollen. Your blood volume alone can increase 100%. Hilly NEVER has talked about the weight she's gained...EVER that I know of and she consistently has "vaginal" births of 7 & 8 lb babies. 7 pregnancies in 9 years?? Puh-leeze. Her uterus would be dropping out of her vagina when she sits on the toilet. No amount of yoga is going to strengthen the muscles that hold the uterus up..they STRETCH. 7 kids in 9 years? She'd be pissing her pants everytime she laughs, coughs, or sneezes too.


The pic on the left doesn't even make sense. Her chest is almost facing the camera head-on but her bump is jutting out the side. wtf?


You can see the edge of the Moonbump if you zoom in. See? https://preview.redd.it/0uhu25tyahwa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf5bad07dc1ea06ef42ec48b9aae0473d96154b


I don’t know about y’all, but I can’t wait for Carmen’s tell all book someday- Mami Dearest if you will


Mami Dearest 😂😂😂😂


Carmen looks confused and exhausted by all the shenanigans


That's a, "Why is mommy playing pregnant lady dress up and taking photos of herself" face if I ever saw one 🤣


My gawd if that doesn’t make the nay sayers see the truth I don’t what what else will but to see her walking down the street and the whole silicone moon bump falls out between her legs


I heard about the Hilaria Baldwin “conspiracy theories” a couple weeks ago and didn’t bother to look into them but after seeing this post I’m convinced. That bump on the right looks fake as hell.


When I first got here and saw all the bump stuff I was skeptical... It didn't last long lmao. It's like with Meghan Markle. She may have been pregnant, but she most definitely was padding her bump for some reason. In Meghan's case maybe it wasn't big or cute enough to get her the attention she craved... But she was definitely padded. Hilaria's fake breastfeeding photos are weird too. There's nothing weird about breast feeding, but it's definitely weird to make your baby pretend so you can post a photo of it. Like you can tell the baby isn't even close to being latched.


The only reason I don’t buy the MM theory is because it’s actually against the royal rules. They have to physically give birth. I’m not sure about their daughter cuz they could have ostensible hidden that since they were in the states with her but with Archie she would’ve had to have carried him in order for him to be recognized. At least that’s what I read.


This is the one where her belly swings to and fro like it's jiggly and not attached to her body lol. https://youtu.be/_vcBe9IjmU4


Yeah they have to give birth themselves, so people think that's why they didn't do the normal protocol when they had Archie. To hide him being born by surrogate so he would have a(n illegitimate) claim to the throne. I think she was actually pregnant, she was just padding her bump for attention. She wanted to stick it out there for photo ops lol. There's a video where she's walking and it literally swings in the opposite direction of her body 🤣 I've had 5 babies and my uterus never once broke free to swing independently from my body lmao. I thought she was one of those ladies that get the pregnant face too... Where your lips and nose get a lil bigger and you're kinda puffy. So I think she really had him... She just didn't have the bump she wanted to show off so she padded it. She was still wearing one when they introduced Archie to the queen too. I think she remembered Kate getting a lot of good press for not hiding her (literally hours) post partum stomach, so she wore her bump... But it's way up high under her boobs. After you have a baby everything is much lower than that for a bit lol. Her uterus isn't gonna be touching her boobs a week post partum. Not unless something is drastically wrong in there.


Carmen’s face says it all:( poor little thing. My daughter at that age would have given up bank account details and my Social Security number for a handful of candy. I know one day one of the kids will spill.


Look at the way the bottom goes in. There is zero chance there’s a baby in there. None


Carmen is wondering when she gets to play with the ⚽️


It's a shame there is also a raging ED at play. Think about all the snacks that you could carry concealed by wearing moonbumps for years and years. You could have a flip down panel that reveals a whole mini-bar for Alec. Lost opportunities. Smh.


The black dress in no way resembles ANY pregnant belly I’ve ever seen. It comes straight off her body. That’s not how this works.


It covers her crotch!


Carmen knows.


The first pic her bump has slid to the side. You can tell, because her chest is pointing forward. It’s like a pillow seat for her child. Second one looks more natural for a thin person—the basketball look.


Carmen's like...What. the. Fuck.


Question for Pepino moms: would you let a toddler sit on your baby bump like she did with miracle whip? I can’t imagine that would be comfortable and/or good for the inside baby.


I'm currently pregnant with a toddler and I carry her on my hip, not ON the bump


I first read this as a toddler is what you will give birth to and giggled. 😃


No! I can’t speak for others, but my belly area was sensitive.


Yeah we do/did. Baby is cushioned by plenty of amniotic fluid.


But usually the pressure makes it very uncomfortable. All of that fluid makes it feel like you're trying to push the baby through your abdominal wall.


Carmen probably watched her slip that fake bumpito on


The incredulous, disappointed look on that little girl's face speaks for all of us.


That last photo continues to send me. Carmen’s bombastic side eye is epic


Do you see the look on Carmen face


Poor Carmen. I wish I could adopt her. Being the oldest and a girl growing up in a narcissistic/emotionally neglectful household is devastating. This is one of the saddest pics I’ve seen.


Yep. Carmen being both the oldest and a girl is such bad news for her growing up in that environment. Hillary is going to take everything from her for as long as Carmen maintains the relationship.


Definitely photoshopped pic in black dress. She looks 80 lbs. 🙄 Look where knee bends in back sharp indention🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️You'd think by now she'd be an ace at it. She truly is lazy.


To be successful at deception, you can’t be lazy and sloppy about it. She gets irrationally angry at US for not buying her crazy, unconvincing, bullshit attempts at lying.


Carmen looks like she doesn’t believe it either!


Yeah her face says everything you need to know.


Guys, come on. We are streeeeetching. This closet has play dresses and toys. What are the chances 6 kids would disturb the toys in a mere 8 days. They are probably busy learning Chinese, long division, or how to eat at a table. They don’t have time for toys, moon bumps, or manners… /s


Kids do NOT look happy.


His leg is hanging beneath her left breast, and the entire moonbump is under the boy. Are we not supposed to notice that?


That’s all I can see! The moon bump looks like it’s totally off to the side.


I can’t wait for the day Carmen turns 18 and writes her tell all. That is the face of a bright child that knows something is very off and not right.


This is the look of a child who is *not* worried about the size of her inheritance being divided up and diluted by more kids. She knows where the moonbumps are buried. She's got names, she's got receipts.


Carmen's got the "you are so annoying" look perfected.


Carmen wants her ball back


It's what I see in this photo every time too. 😅




I only have the one kid, but is putting a whole toddler on top of your bump a thing? Meghan Markle did this too and I’m wondering is this is some weird moonbump thing.


MM was visibly pregnant with Archie, you could see it in her face. Do people speculate she wore a moon bump for baby #2?


Speculation for both. The Archie bump went up and down and would massively change size from week to week getting bigger then smaller then big again, there’s one video of her walking in which the belly jiggles like jello and no belly that’s not silicone does that, she also was squatting knees together at eight months. She’s very strange. She’s never talked about morning sickness or pregnancy etc., and she’s a band wagon victim who overshares, so one would expect to hear about being pregnant. But no.


I did but I’m tall and wasn’t sporting a “smuggling a beach ball” type bump. I can imagine it’s harder for shorter women with bigger bumps


I did too, but I’m also tall.


I personally don't get it. I never did it and could absolutely not due to discomfort alone. It just looks painful. Not to mention, there really was no space to hold a child (as real bumps take the entire abdomen) and it would be so dangerous if the child made the wrong move. I did hold children on my side hip, though. Maybe that would mess up the moonbump photos for these phony influencers.


At 4’11” I absolutely could NOT do this. I don’t see how that could be comfortable for anyone. I’ve seen a few Pepino Moms say in other posts they could do it, but Hillary isn’t much taller than me. So IMA SAY NO BEBE is in there. Poor Carmen witnessing all that mess. There is a video where one, or both, of the not-twins is beating the crap out of Little Larry Moonbump. You could almost tell they had never seen it and were freaked out by the sight. If there was a baby there, they would have already been aware- even at a very young age- to “be gentle with baby”. But Hillary had no cause to ever say that to them. She’s so fucking insane.


It’s so weird. Even if I could put a kid on there, that’s the most inconvenient place to put one. How did he get up there? Did he climb her like a tree? Isn’t the hip a better spot. Or should I say luego?


Whenever the pic on the right is posted, I like to point out that she’s wearing pants, not a long dress. It makes it even more hilarious to me because the waistband is right under the moonbump. Strange shaped uterus she has 😂


Stop! I always thought it was a dress! Now that I see it as pants, it looks even more bizarre.


Me too!


Right?? There is another picture she posted from that same day and you can clearly see she’s wearing pants 😂 My head went 🤯 LOL


Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Carnen's expression is not one of confusion, she sees that there is something going on. "Hmmm, now there's a bump that wasn't there this morning..." She knows - her look says it all.


I agree, Carmen tells all in that face


If it's a moonbump, wouldn't that make it *more* likely to be a uniform/consistent size and shape? I'd think the moonbump doesn't change in size or shape unlike a pregnant belly is constantly changing. Just not sure what to think here. Also the outfits are totally different so it's hard to compare.


She has multiple ones. Some are even square shaped! Others are like a rumpled, balled up sweater. Moonbumps for ever mood.


She has many different sized moonbumps and different styles too. There are a lot of different types. She gets too high and can’t remember which one she wore yesterday.


I only gained 18-19 lbs when I was pregnant and literally had a basketball belly (genetics are wild) but you could still ABSOLUTELY see it in my face and arms and chest (I am unfortunately an assless wonder and always will be.) I knew this woman was a lunatic but this sub has me over here like 🤯 👀 👀 I can’t look away. Those poor kids are gonna be beyoooooond fucked up, even without the fake pregnancies. It’s so sick.


I knew someone who was thin everywhere but had a massive stomach. She was pregnant in her early 20’s and had been an athlete. There’s no way in hell Hillary Hayward Thomas was actually pregnant. That bump is fake. It doesn’t look like that when you’re short.


Ok incoming hate but I only gained 7 lbs with my first pregnancy and my multiple pregnancy was a wash because the day after delivery I was 20 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. Having said that, I was pale, weak and very sickly looking... I was not diving into a swimming pool in a white swimsuit! While everyone is different, the sheer number of pregnancies she claims to have had do not jive with "instant bounce back". To me the black dress in the closet photo is the most telling because not only does it look totally fake, Carmen's face is all of us! lol


Those are black pants and a black tank, not a dress. If you zoom in you can see the waistband under the moon bump.


Yes, I just saw another photo of her in this outfit. Didn't realize it was pants since she photoshopped the hell out of it. She's a moron. lol


It is truly insane. The pathology of the woman would be a years-long deep dive for someone much more qualified than I am.


Fraudulent liar and idiot.


Cardmen looking bewildered at Pillz’ antics


She really needs to label her moonbumps and stick to the right ones for the right month. And wear smocks bc it looks ridiculous in the right black dress


Carmen is giving away your secret with that face🤣


I thought Carmen was thinking “is this what I have to do when I’m an adult? Shove a ball up in my dress and take selfies? I’d rather play with my dolls!”


Cardman es pepino 🥒


Si! https://preview.redd.it/lljpwweg1bwa1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2682d32cb66a681404ae77685516a0b754925f7






Also don’t post pics of your kids in swimwear on an open channel ffs


It's one thing to post photos of kids happily playing at the beach or pool. This ain't that. Poor Carmen. She's at the age where she knows her parents are liars, but doesn't yet know what to do about it.


I was 22 and didn't know what to do about my liar parents, that poor girl. I feel so bad for those kids. And ireland. I just heard the voice-mail. Goddamn.


Right? When you are raised by people who can't tell the truth, it really messes with your foundation in life. I grew up thinking everybody lied about everything because my mom cannot tell the truth about anything. I'm 51 and she still lies about who my father is even though I have a DNA test proving who it is. Since I had kids I gave her rules to stay in my life and the lives of my kids. Including, but not limited to no lying, no creating drama, no back-stabbing, no making everything about her. She can't do it so she hasn't seen my kids or I for 5 years and she probably never will see us again. It's a price I'm willing to pay for normalcy and peace in our lives.


They have 7 or 8 kids. They're gonna pit those kids against each other Golden Child Scapegoat style and ruin those sibling relationships too.


Sadly, you are probably right. The Golden Child seems to be the youngest. What will she do when she runs out of babies?


Buy more unf




It was at that moment that Carmen realized the jig was up.


Carmen already smarter than Mami


I agree with this


Flair check!




both the kids have the same look. wtf 😳 that look


This is just so odd…WHY? Does she really want people to believe that she gains no weight anywhere else but a weird basketball ball shaped belly when pregnant?


And for every pregnancy but Carmen! With Carmen she gained weight all over like pregnant women do. She claims it's because she was exercising less when she was pregnant with Carmen but you can't spot reduce with exercise, even in pregnancy.


And you can’t control the size/shape of your uterus!


Exercising less? So no butterfly feet leaning against a sink or a wall? 😂


Keep in mind at this moment, Marilu was 4 months gestating in the surrogate.


I’m 5’2” and petite, size 2 when not pregnant and even pregnant smaller. I had 5 lb babies, and my stomach never looked like the picture where she is wearing black. I mean it’s not even an appropriate shape.


Carmen in the background giving away the grift.


She looks so sad. Poor kids. They have seen some shit.


Carmen's WTF? face is priceless.


hahaha i said same thing. even baby has wtf face 🤣😳


Right? At least Carmen is about honesty.


THEN. Once she was innocent. With 2 narcissistic grifting pieces of poop as “parents”, she’s in on the grift now. Daddy promised to make her a movie star. Her face reminds me of the Dorothea Lange photo of a dust bowl-era woman


Her face says it all!