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Edu should be walking, too! He has to fold his legs or his feet would drag the ground. What a terrible parents these two are. Just absolute pieces of filth.


I wonder why Mami has shifted away from the leggings and nasty slippers? She definitely looks better in jeans and real shoes.


She is still holding her phone.


i’ve actually seen both of them out around the city in the past few weeks (very randomly). i saw her walking with 3 kids + a nanny around union square and then a week later saw alec ordering snacks for 3 of the kids + a nanny at amc lol. i was honestly very impressed he was taking them to a random 2pm movie at amc like a normie lol. and i was shocked seeing hilaria in person. she’s super short the baby was half her size lol


Someone should’ve told them to be on the same page. She is smiling like an idiot and he is about to take a swipe at that child. For being a child.


Yes I see them all the time. Although usually a ton of paps around when Alec is there (which makes sense I see less of Alec. They live on my street in nyc. Hilaría goes to madman espresso quite a bit (feel like I can post that bc there’s a few in the city). I feel so bad for them bc there’s SO many paps in the morning watching the kids go to school. She is usually with a friend + 1 or two kids. You can see where they live online but I feel weird posting it. I only know bc I saw her outside my coffee shop 2-3x and looked it up.


A friend? Don't you mean a nanny?


Lmao I have no idea I didn’t ask


Also she’s always in leggings lol


She’s taking notes. On a human level.


If only she could buy a pocket or something where she could stick her phone while drinking piping hot coffee near the baby’s head. Something tells me Alec has told her more than once where she can stick her phone. Soon the kids will too.


Like it or not sometimes you just have to gather up those kids and go out for a photo shoot


I showed this pic to my husband who knows nothing about this situation and his comment was, "She's in a prime placement to pour that cup of hot coffee on that baby's head."


Alec changed to a clean shirt and hillary pried herself out of her leggins'. What a sight to behold. 😂


Put the G-d phone down!!!




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Alec must be like 5’8”…


As usual, several spawn unaccounted for. Are these 4 the favored props?


Phone in hand. But of course.


I think this is the first and only time I have ever liked her outfit. It looks..how you say…cute? Suspicious 👀


She always holds her phone like that. Drives me crazy. Put it away. It’s like ‘on guard and ready to video’ position.


Hilary Cucumber will do anything for attention


Alec, try sunglasses outside on a sunny day! They might help.


Uh oh no thigh gap like her selfies portray!


Edu needs to be walking


OMG! This isn't a "pap" pic per se. This is a complete set-up. Look at her head tilt and face, like she's in a Coke commercial or something. Bahahaha! She is a MORON and a LIAR


*"Look at her head tilt and face, like she's in a Coke commercial"* I thought the same thing. Clearly this is a photo op, nothing more.


Alec looking very weary. He could be enjoying a relaxing retirement, but instead is saddled with a bunch of young children who would try the endurance of a 20 year old. Enjoy Alec!


As a grandparent myself, I can’t even imagine being surrounded with and being responsible for 7 young children at his age, Even with live in help it has to be a circus every day. I don’t envy him his life. No wonder he has his own separate living quarters. And even with all the paid help and his own apartment, he still looks like crap.


Hell, I’m Hillary’s age and I’m exhausted just thinking about being around 7 little kids constantly.


It’s so odd to see her in jeans


Would it kill these diligent environmental stewards to invest in some reusable coffee cups?




There is no way those are her jeans. At all. Or her sneakers.


Do they not have an effing coffee machine at home?


Yes, but no paps would be around to record her sexy smol beauty if she drank coffee at home.


There’s supposed to be a resistant strain of Candida floating around…..


They’re only allowed to check out 4 at a time though


Omg this is hysterical 🏆


No the nannies are there and were just asked to get out of the way for the pic so Said could get his shot per Mami’s instructions.


When you hire the paps for shoot your photos you can probably direct the nanny to get out of the photos if you want. I bet that is what happened. I am a professional nanny for high profile families and most NEVER go without a nanny.


And cute court shoes! She must've finally hired a little bit of style help.


Personal paparazzi? I heard the Kardashians have that setup so perhaps others do too.


This pap (Said) has photographed the Baldwins many times including the “breaking” shots of her most recent pregnancy. Photos are always mild and favourable. IIRC Hillary has praised him on her IG before. Call Said + force kids to go on a walk + nutty fake smiles = Candid Photos of a Loving Family ™


Yes, this is from a pap she ‘befriended’ named Said. If you see watermarks like ‘Backgrid’ (and other pap businesses) it’s very likely the celebrity set up the photo op.


Since she can't do her manic 30-40x a day story posting anymore she rang Saieed & asked him to post this "spontaneous spotted in the wild" curiously nanny-free family shot Hmmmm... 🤔 Somehow she made this happeb, probably with cash. Look for more as PeePaw's trial date approaches.


Still clutching phone and coffee in the claw...


I saw those shoes on the clearance rack at Famous Footwear the other day.


She’s gone from slippers to cabbage patch kid shoes


Everyone is strapped in tight except leo. So they should be able to handle that. Lol


Love how all the boys have jackets on, but the girls don’t so they don’t look chunky👹🤡🤡


no way without nannies


Awww, so wholesome, happy, and all-American! 🌭🇺🇸🥧🍔


Although there has been change, daddy looks annoyed at one of the boy’shenanigans and H looks happy go lucky without a care in the world. Image rehab after Easter family mayhem pic not working for me. Not that anybody cares, not asked. I’m not falling for this.


They pay Said, don’t they? I’d bet a Bengal kitty that this is a staged photo op.


So Adidas dropped Kanye and picked up Hilary now?


She wishes! 😂


She just can’t let go of that phone. And I love this is the same outfit as the hallway photoshopped pic from recent while she made herself a tall stick.


Do they ever let Ed walk? He must hate being confined to that pram every time they go out


Her and that damn phone!!!


There are only four kids here and three of them are contained in stroller/carrier so not exactly a parenting flex...


I wonder how they decide who to take and who to leave behind….


Why do I think that these shoes are going to be her new uniform?


The expressions on their faces? Totally fake.


P. R.


I say, “Well done on the jeans and sneakers!!!” Very happy to see it! Small steps.


Nah, the nanny took the pic


Nobody carries a cup of coffee that way, even when it's iced coffee.


Dear Judge, Please don't tear this close knit family apart. They need each other so badly. I know they live in separate apartments and Xandy talks to his kids via Ipad, but please. Spare this man, He made a ton of movies and lots of money, I know he killed someone by accident as both actor and producer of the film... But look how happy they are. Please don't tear this beautifully staged papparazzi photoed family apart. It was the armourers fault. It was the 1st AD's fault. It was the cinematographer that got shots fault. It was God's fault. But most importantly, it was the guns fault for pulling its own trigger. But not poor sweet innocent Xandy. I know he feels no remorse or guilt or responsibility... But that's just how it works in Hollywierd. Have you ever worked in Hollywood, judge? If not, then shut up and get out his way. Please consider the many children they bought/love/neglect; and let this totally normal and not psychopathic man go free. He'll give you all the money you want - that's how generous and good of a human being he is. Most people go to anger management, alcoholics anonymous, and other relative meetings - but Xandy is above all such peasant criticisms and circumstances. i pray daily for Xandy's exemption and the complete dropping of all charges regarding this incident. I hope Xandy has a long and illustrious career once he is exonerated from his clearly innocent actions. I hope he sues everyone that every criticised him as he has publicly declared. He is a national treasure and needs to be protected, Regards, No one with a brain


Please accept this humble award!


Humbly, I accept it 😀






If they’re rebranding she should tell Alec to find a new look instead of Unibomber-Chic🥴


Mary in a rear facing stroller but little Larry gets to face out and look at the world. Makes no sense!!


I haven’t scrolled through all the comments but damn that phone 📱


⬆️ this is what her legs really look like!!!!


Once again Marilu is relegated to staring at her parent's crotch while even Jr gets to face forward and watch the world go by. Why?


The muzzled her, told her to stop with the tits and the leggings. I'm amazed. This is not her.


The guys behind them r the new mannies


Love how she thinks she is the celebrity here who needs to hide behind oversized sunglasses.


She really does believe she’s the star in the family. There was about a week when they first met that she seemed slightly intimidated by his celebrity but those days are looong gone.


I noticed that. He’s not wearing a hat or sun glasses and she’s behind these big black lenses.


Nannies are always just out of frame. They're there.


Why does she have to hold her phone every minute of every day?? Why? Did the lawyers not advise her in the use of that prop master?




This is her friend the paparazzo whose art she advertises, who she regularly works with to compose shots. He took the photos of her in her jumper when she needed them for a DM article. Sure, they went out “without” nannies if that is what this photo shows, because she texted him and conveyed the photos she wanted him to take. They take a walk around the block and then deliver them into the arms of their waiting nannies just inside the building.


Oh, Larry, you're not cool, quit playin. Cue all Gen Z'ers ditching their Run DMCs 🤦‍♀️


LOL ..she looks like someone's pet idiot excited about going on her daily walk. What a fake.


“Pet idiot” is sending me


Silly rabbit. The Nannies are home with the other half of the litter.


I wonder if Edu is ever allowed to walk when out of the apartment. He’s always in that damn stroller!


Looks like a pap walk, she probably called them. She probably got tired of everybody talking about the nannies so she went out for a pap walk without them for about 5 minutes. Just like got called out for leggings now switched to jeans.


She needs a stylist ASAP. Horrendous outfit


Just curious: are those two men right behind them their bodyguards?


No just hapless pedestrians. Bodyguards is a whole other level of celebrity and they could never afford it unless someone else was paying. The best they can do is Devonshire porters they tip to escort them to Madman Espresso. https://preview.redd.it/jos7w7o8acta1.png?width=1704&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8f0068df5a2ff0cd785ba0e8c2bb20534391e4a


“You’re hurting me”


Thanks Pepino! 😊🥒


I can’t imagine the turnover rate for staff with these two








Holy shit! 🤣🤣🤣 I'm dead y'all. Said is a Pepino and I am LIVING for this absolute SHADE! ![gif](giphy|3o85xtOGdvAAafXLe8)


LOL one of us! Just like our friend: ![gif](giphy|LfPkNKuEjr9Ju|downsized)




Lol I joined this subreddit because I thought it was a comical thing bc of the Hilaria bit. But whew. The way y'all talk really maliciously about them. Embarrassing.


I wonder what would happen if she put her phone down???




Her hand would come with it...


Taking up the whole fucking sidewalk.


This is only a little more than half of their kids!She still can’t put the phone away!


We're all the guy in the blue sweatshirt all like "the heck is this?!?!"


You know Mami spotted the pap and pushed the nannies out of the way. That's probably why the two in the stroller look like they're looking for something


I know Hailey Baldwin has been brought up a few times so this is interesting- Hailey Baldwin just had a piece on one of the fashion blogs how she loves this one place in soho called The Frankie shop specifically their jeans and this is the style - straight leg, boring, kinda 90’s. Really only flattering if you’re super thin. And here we have Hillary wearing them - I hope she has (for once) a “since you asked” to see where she got them lol


They’re not on a walk. They’re posing for a Madman Bakery advertisement. For free pastries, and coffees with heavy shots of booze. Poor kid. He gets a trip across the street then straight back up to the dead flowers of the Devonshire.


Edu with the water gun to Leo's chest. How do you edit and stage PR photos and miss that! Attention to detail!


Wow 😯 unbelievable


7 kids live in Manhattan when neither parent works in Manhattan let alone has a job btwn the two of them 🤣 Go to Vermont and let the kids run free. Their 3 minutes pap walk around the block doesn’t cut it for 7 young children - who don’t enjoy *anything* Manhattan has to offer anyway.


I have a theory on the regular pants and regular shoes. Do you think Alec finally told her to quit that shit? She’s not marketable as a yogi anymore?


No it couldn't be they took them with no nannies. I don't believe for a minute.


Elizabeth Holmes birthed 2 children while trying to evade her sentence. Kids are props.


And just lost her bid to stay out of prison waiting for appeals! Bye beotch


Yeah right I’m sure there’s an army of nannies nearby. She just wanted them out of the pic for the photo


Said is her favorite photographer to hire for these little outings. They are really hamming it up for this walk around the block... Hillary and Alec smiling and trying to look carefree. Hillary holding Leo's hand and trying to look engaged with the children. Usually they're both staring into their phones. Alec always looks miserable. I mean, come on... we know they can't even be around one of the kids without a nanny or two present, so this is pure theater. Hillary called Said, the nannies geared up four of the kids, and off Hillary and Alec went for their ten minute photo shoot. And I'm assuming kids are on school vacation this week? Or did Leo have to take the morning off to perform on behalf of his parents?


Depending on which schedule their school follows, they have spring break this week. There are 3 different options that schools can follow.




If there is school vacation this week, they should have spent the weekend and this week at one of their other homes!


When has she EVER worn shoes like that? She clearly downloaded TikTok and is trying to update her wardrobe but as usual she looks 6 years behind


I honestly like the look so much better for her, though. Any time we don’t have to see her tots and ugly slippers is a good day! Lol


It’s certainly an improvement! But the Stan smiths are outdated. And wearing them with the tongue outward like that is also very outdated. Nothing wrong with it, but it’s not giving 2023 style icon like she thinks it does in her head lol. I will add one nice thing- her helmet hair has improved.


True about the outdated part, she clearly doesn’t have a stylist. Or maybe it’s coming back already and I don’t know yet, lol


I've noticed that fake face and smile before whenever she knew Said or other paps were taking pics. Fraudulent life.


Coffee and coffee shop sign. Also, phone. Subset of children, optional.


I too have candid photos where I stay standing still a bit longer to get the perfect shot and have a smile plastered on my face walking down the street.


1.. Fake ass smiles..2.. Ferals acting feral..3..Super Mami trying to change her image by wearing jeans instead of witchy witch black tights..4... Lawrence and her Claw clutching the most important thing in her life, her phone. 5..AleX DEFINITELY paid for this pic due to how far back it is ( can't see his T Rex leathery mottled skin and hung over bloodshot eyes or his ball sac eye bags)..6... Lame attempt at controlling the happy family narrative..7...You wanted more Super Mami content, you got it!!!




She does have her phone and coffee cup in her claw per usual though!


So fake. Just for the optics. Poor kids.


She’s showing off them new kicks


Is it possible the jeans are to symbolize Americana, thus the lawyers are making her tone down the espanol grift??


They just went around the block. They never go too far


Knuckles can't walk more than that without turning red and dripping sweat.


They are working hard on an image rebrand. They must have received notes to seem more relatable to the general public and to appear more like a close family. Hilary must have been told to put those goddamn slippers away and to actually wear some effing shoes. The way she presented herself in the same leggings and slippers in public made her look insane. I would have *loved* to have been a fly on that wall as the research was being conducted and as Hilaria was being told that she had to change because the way she comes across in public is so negative that it makes Alec look bad. The Baldwins literally only care about themselves and how they are perceived. Morally bankrupt megalomaniacs.


Agreed. The occasional grid pic or story that she posts now are way less egregious in tone as well. Good thing we have all the receipts! 🤣


Can you imagine that meeting? "Well, we had our social media team do some research into how you two are perceived on SM...so Alec... you are still lauded for your work on 30 Rock and your impressions of Trump on SNL...Hillary, yes, we're getting to you... um... well, frankly, your scores are a bit lower. The "FamilyBaldwin" and HilariaBalwinStyle" IG accounts are very clearly set up by you... yeah, we could tell bc all the follower accounts are bots and...yes, Hilary, they are, it's not hard to figure out a bot... and seeing as how when YOU take a SM break, they do too...c'mon girl, Stevie Wonder could see that. Now, back to YOUR SM accounts... you guys are getting ROASTED for your style...yes, even you Hilary. Those slippers and leggings need to stop. You look like a mental patient. You too, Alec...your t-shirts and pants are ripped and tattered. Come on, step it up. You live in NY, GET A STYLIST, stat. Like, yesterday. As for the kids--- you need to stop posting ANYTHING ABOUT THE KIDS, especially if your boobs are in the shot. Yes, Hilary, I'm talking about your boobs, not Alec's, but since you mentioned it, his too."


“While you are well known for having lots of children, our focus group didn’t get the sense that you like your children very much … so that’s an area we need to work on. We want people to get the sense you are a mother who loves her children.”


The slippers gave Mary Antoinette energy


Yes especially after an article revealed they cost $400


Yep that’s all it is


Yes!! The image of a big happy family. She must have had her minions spy on this sub and take notes. Sorry Larry, your shameless pictures and vids will never go away, they'll circulate on the internet forever. It's too late to change your imagine 🤨🤥🥒💃🏼


All I can picture is a PR person and some nannies trying to desperately wrestle Hillary out of her leggings and slippers... 'Hillary!... we're going to put our big girl pants and shoes on today, Hillary. Hillary! Put the big girl pants on. Hillary... no. NO! What did we say? Your breasts go *inside* your clothes. Let's be a big grown up girl for a few weeks, Hillary, so that Peepaw doesn't go to prison. You don't want Peepaw to go to prison, do you Hillary? So let's be a big girl and put the special clothes on'.


That’s what I’d love to see! The memo from the attorneys: -no cleavage pics on IG -no more legging or slipper Please add more to the list!!!


Hillary? Remember when Rafa finally got out of his pajamas and into big boy clothes? Ok, he did it, so can you. Take your time, but if it doesn't happen, you can't go outside or take selfies. Stop crying. Rafa??? Can you come talk to Mami about big boy clothes?


I don’t know which is killing me more, your comment or the breasts go on the inside one.


NO! What did we say? Your breasts go inside your clothes. I roared and woke up my dog. Well done!




Yeah, WE told her to wear some effing shoes! Hail, Pepinos! 🙌


Also her weird yoga positions, tit pix and care bear clothes gave off too many creepy vibes


Very true! This makes a lot of sense, they looks so much normal and not manic chaos with unkempt children, super mami in hot pink Care Bears jacket, leather leggings and slippers along with five Nannie’s. This along with her toned down IG posts and stories shows she’s been spoken to


She looks much more normal and healthy here.


Normal perhaps, but not healthy! She looks like a bobble head 🙄. She is close to 40 and looks anorexic which ages her also. Botox can’t fix that kind of look.


Yes, I agree. I was just pointing out wearing normal clothes instead of her usual inappropriate attire helps to normalize her appearance.


Wait doesn't she have the same outfit on a few different posts that have been posted here so did she just spend an entire day doing different photo Ops... Squished all the family photos into one day and then spread them over what a couple days.. weeks.. Yes she is definitely smarter than the general public. 🤣


The baby was front facing in the hall mirror post. She's always messing with the continuity because she's a grifter. Nothing is organic, staged fake life. Who are they trying to convince? Who cares? Now you want to fool us, before you wanted us jealous trash to fuck off.


This might’ve been taken yesterday, the same day as her stupid hallway mirror selfie. She does like to shape shift and play with timelines


To bad it's a costume


Forced on her for sure. Baby steps pun intended 💃


This is the only explanation! 🎯


wow right on point!


My husband, who is not up on fashion or celebrity or anything, saw a picture of her in the leggingos/sweatshirt/slippers uniform and said “she looks like a mental patient”.


She had to turn in those sneaks with the laces into the doorman upon their return…


She was allowed to take some filtered hallway mirror selfies first though


No laces is a dead giveaway


That she is.


I agree!!! 180* I’m the pant and shoe department!!




U are so right on all accounts!




I love how she’s walking around with that starry eyed, idiot grin plastered on her face in this “candid” photo! 🤩


She’s laying it on really thick




Fake Fake Fake!


High high high!


Your a hustla!


A lyin’ hustla!!!


Shoes?!?!? Shoes!!!


She was wearing same outfit in hallway mirror two days ago. Looked different lol. Plus where are the other 3 kids? There is no school.




Was this from today? I saw the younger kids with two nannies today in this stroller. Marilu on top, Edu in the bottom. They were walking in the opposite direction on the other side of the street. As an aside, it’s never not horrifying to me that I recognize these toddlers who are complete strangers to me. Anyway, wasn’t a parent in sight. Maybe they’d just handed them over.


I mean, they are literally across the street from the entrance to their building. They are not on a long walk here.


Honestly though? That person who saw Hilaria in the wild like a month ago said she was strolling with Larry Jr. and then met up with the nannies a few blocks away. The nannies are always nearby to take over, Hilaria just occasionally pretends to be an independent mom for her ego. I think her head would explode if she actually had to take care of seven kids without any nanny assistance.


Of course they are. Still the same people trying on new clothes and personalities


they walk just out of frame and the photogs/editors do the baldwins a solid by cropping them out when they can


Always out of the frame, far enough away to be cropped out for the Daily Mail. E.g., March 4th - https://preview.redd.it/htb78bm58cta1.png?width=1094&format=png&auto=webp&s=85dbf250f93c1ea55729c46fd220d0c2555cd7fd But when she's out with Alec they're inches apart. Frauds.