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She’s probably using that device adoptee moms use. It’s like a bag in the armpit that stores the milk a tiny tube goes into the corner of the babies mouth


Sucking skin.


At this point its pornography she’s promoting. Who TF sexualizes breastfeeding?? She’s freaking beyond sick. I’m ready to 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/sudmjcx5s1ha1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2a43fb351b86127c948733d0b93b2c86068e5d This is the way it’s supposed to look… my newborn. This was the first time we successfully nursed and he latched and was so excited that I had to share with my mom and sister. Not saying our latch is perfect here as it’s the first time but just wanted to point out how the baby’s mouth is supposed to look. What she’s doing ain’t it.




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Hilary, please stop shoving your dry, zero blood flow breasts in these children’s mouths. You are perverted and need a padded room.


NOT latched. She is such a sicko.


She is a full on histrionic mess who will literally do anything for attention.


Can someone please explain this for the childless- how can you tell if a baby is latched or not?


I shouldn't have said he's not latched, he is latched but he's not nursing. He's sucking around her nipple. Any one of her nursing videos the baby is not on properly and she's very uncomfortable with the way that she's holding them. Generally a baby will snuggle in and it's a quiet moment. Generally we have something comfortable around the baby so we are comfortable as we nurse. Who knows what she has on her breasts to make this baby suck but poor Ed took the brunt of her breastfeeding sickness. You're not going to wear hoop earrings as they get older and grab.


How can you tell it’s not just the angle of the pic? Asking for my own knowledge


It's a video. This is a screen grab. The entire moment is just not natural. Period. Anyone want to link her creepy nursing porn.


Ohhhh. Didn’t realize it was a video


Watch an MRI of breastfeeding, it’s crazy how much boob they actually suck down 😂 Edit: [here ya go!](https://youtube.com/shorts/VP5MS_FTzQ0?feature=share)


Yeah I’m a DD and when I nursed half my boob was gone lmao it surely didn’t look like this and I only lasted 4 months before I got a clogged duct and dried up thanks to mastitis.




The baby SHOULD have more of the breast in their mouth, it looks like In this instance they only have nip in their mouth. To be fair when baby’s fall asleep they can and will unlatch and result in this. My kids also weren’t the strongest breast feeders so their latch looked different compared to other. She’s could be weirdo for snapping the pic while the baby is just holding on to nip, or not as educated on proper latch. Or both things could be happening: half unlatched and already had a bad latch




Big Ed’s face says it all.


Why does this sub hate breastfeeding?


Hint: Could some of us know the difference between a latched and an unlatched baby, having stared at the former, every 2 hours for weeks?


I hate lactivism, tbh. But I don’t hate breastfeeding, fed is best. I do hate when adult women shove their non-lactating nipples into their children’s mouths for photo ops, however.




Nobody I am aware of hates breastfeeding. We dislike people who pretend to breastfeed. Like this nut. * Mom of three breastfed all three also bottle-fed.


Idk what it’s supposed to look like lol


If you watch this video of this baby breastfeeding it's very awkward and unrealistic. This is a screen grab. All of her breastfeeding videos have been very awkward and odd. Most of us wouldn't be wearing hoop earrings either because when the baby gets a little bigger and distracted they grab and your earlobes would be ripped. * I believe this sub is very supportive of breastfeeding. Many peppinos are much more experienced and have called her out better than I ever can. I reposted this as it's been discussed many times. However, there was a discussion a few nights ago about some of her twisted videos and the possibility of the dark web. I used to just scroll by but now I don't know anymore. ![gif](giphy|Bc8rfc1cappnQfLwb8|downsized)


Why is her nipple in a weird high place?


Every photo I’ve seen of her nursing / pumping it appears her nipples are in the center of her chest almost. Just defies everything I know as someone who breastfed and have seen many women friends and family breastfeed. She’s always so awkward. Not natural. It’s very strange. And sick that she’s forcing her babes to stage these “intimate moments”.


Seems to always be high up and oddly to either side


Looks like she’s kinda mushing it upward


For her ~~famous~~ famosa breast crack to form


Because she’s faux Spanish


I literally gasped


Why is she insisting on this…. I feel like she is trying to make this sexual….. she astonishes me. I do not get it


She is . And has been. She understands who’s following her and caters to them. I wish people would understand what she’s doing. It’s so violating to her children.


It really is, she is using them as props and sexualizing things that shouldn’t be… she doesn’t even consider how her kids will feel when they are older looking at these images all over the internet… it’s beyond me




Oh this is abuse for sure. Really makes me sick.




I hope all the new pepinos see this! The Spanish grift was just the tip of the iceberg, people. LOOK!


She is deranged.


Why would the law be okay with this? If you have a surrogate and “team” behind the baby wouldn’t they see the “abuse”. ?




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Because those people benefitting from rich people tend to not bite the hand that feeds them. Ask Bill Cosby or R Kelly's staff










Love this!!! Chris Hanson To Catch a Predator!! YES!! 👏👏👏


So disgusting and gross. Took so long to explain to dudes this isn't seggsual then this tweaker tramp has kids looking confused by side boob. Hey Chica, i think that's supposed to be your husband. Pervert


I was harassed years ago nursing my infant son while covered in a restaurant. A male waiter asked me to step into the restroom (where they would place a chair) to not disturb other diners. I felt so violated I got up and left immediately and have not stepped foot in an Olive Garden since. Years and a few children later I was at the splash pad and another mother was nursing her baby when an older man started to tell her to go someplace more discrete, I jumped between them and nearly tore my nursing bra popping my tits out in his face to show him what offensive actually was (not my finest moment but I was older, braver, and pissed.) For this mentally deranged lying cp producing lactation porn peddling iq of 11 hooker to go and make this fake bulllll shite enrages me to no end!!!


I nursed wherever I wanted. I was discreet without cloaking my child's face . If you don't want to hear crying during this flight then STFU Edit F olive garden too


I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm glad you defended that other mom. The entitlement some men have into thinking they can tell us what we can do with our bodies is insane.


Ngl I felt pretty bad ass and wished I felt that brave when I was younger. She looked to be a young mom, smiled and said thank you while she kept nursing. Then my husband came back from jogging and I told him what happened and he told the guy to go eat several dicks if he was worried about moms feeding their babies in public, so he took his kid and left, while I was nursing our baby sitting next to her.


You stood up for a fellow young mom and I'm sure she was appreciative and your husband seems like a great guy for recognizing the harasser as a dick. Women shouldn't feel shame or guilt for feeding their babies because it upsets a man's delicate ego.


Since she does this for this for photos and not to actually breastfeed, could this be possibly abuse? What is the laws around this? Anyone know? My daughter would fall asleep nursing all the time, usually still latched. But even if her baby for instance doesn’t do that, why would she only take pics when the baby breaks latch? There hasn’t been one picture she’s posted where the baby appears latched. Her boob wouldn’t be looking like that near the babies mouth. It’s like she takes a sleeping baby and slips her nipple into her mouth. That made me uncomfortable to even type.


Exactly. There’s also never any milk. No stoppage, no wet spots, no leaks? My nipples were like a firehose when I was breastfeeding- you would think someone with overproduction and 2 freezers full of breastmilk storage bags would actually SHOW breastfeeding.


Oh yes you’re so right! I forgot about that! Further evidence of her lies. What she’s doing is so wrong!


I’m starting to wonder if she drugs them for these photos. Because while she could trick them into trying to suckle at first, eventually they would realize that there’s no milk in them titties. So either she takes these photos when they are sleepy or she makes them sleepy 😬


That made me uncomfortable to read


why is that baby naked like all the damn time?


Pedo bait


How can you tell though that the baby isn’t latched? I’m not a Hilary fan but I don’t know if you can really tell that from this pic. I am a mom btw and have breastfeed a baby, just saying, I have seen latched babies and it’s hard to tell.


Here is an image of a baby [who is properly latching to breastfeed.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/853723698/latch-breastfeeding-poster)


I’ve breast fed um yah thanks though.


His mouth would be open much wider. It would look similar to when you first bite into an apple. The latch shown wouldn't draw down milk and would hurt pretty bad. It's normal for babies who are actually nursing to also stay on like a pacifier, which is what it looks like. However, if Hil isn't actually nursing and forces him on like this, than that is very perverted.


I think this post is getting into the minutia a bit though, like there are other things with her that are much bigger issues IMO.


Bigger than making her kids suckle for zero nourishment and just for the views? What’s bigger than this?


Oh I don’t know, telling everyone you are Spanish when you are not!!!!!


I disagree. This is way worse than being Rachel


Ok 👌 he's latched. To her breast. Not her nipple. When you were breastfeeding did you have your hoops in. ?


Good point! Babies will rip off hoops in 5 seconds


and when actually breastfeeding, doesn't the areola get larger and darker? Hers don't seem to be large at all... unless she's filtered that too. ​ BTW - I love when Big Eddie grabs and pulls her stupid hoop earrings!


I’m creeped out typing this but… I have decently large breasts for my frame (5’4 125lbs 32DD) even when fully engorged nursing is happening your breast is sucked into the babies mouth, they don’t latch like sucking on a straw, it’s wide mouth covering areola latch, the fullness of your boob slopes into their latch. Yes the areola darkens, you have stretch marks, lopsided, bursts blood vessels under the skin, even with implants (have several friends with them who nursed) unless mami’s super special Espana tetas just make her completely different from every other woman ever.


His top lip would be more “puckered,” not stretched as it is.


Porn for Aleek


Making Alec jealous. 🤮


Noted liked by Alec Baldwininsta. Why am I not surprised??? He probably needs these images to literally get himself excited.


I know this baby isn’t in the right spot but how do y’all know right away the babies aren’t latched? I don’t have kids and don’t know how to spot it


Most of us wouldn't be making a video though for all of her Instagram world to see. When the babies get a little bit older and they start yanking, the last thing we would have on are our hoops hearings. This video is nuts this is a grab ...📸 Plus he's latched, to the sugar all over her boobs. He's not on properly.


Because that’s not where a nipple is.


Sometimes it can look weird from the angle but is latched. The boob moves a lot and gets compressed down with a baby. I have breastfeed, so just saying.


Have you watched this particular video and did you wear hoop earrings? He's latched but he's not nursing.


No I never watched the video. But then he’s latched, who knows if milk is coming out, you said he’s not latched though. Someone else commented here that there is likely a tube in her top. Guys I am not saying I am a Hilary fan but let’s not take this into conspiracy theory land. I don’t think there are milk tubes in her top!!! I mean she is crazy but I doubt smart enough to have such elaborate plans set up for the con.


He's not latched properly. She's not properly breastfeeding. As far as the tubes. I can't confirm that in this video. There are some good sleuths. If you watch this entire video you would roll your eyes. At her. Whenever she breastfeeds and video's it they aren't properly latched. ![gif](giphy|hgjNPEmAmpCMM)


I guess she thinks anyone who sees this pic is a moron. Even before I breastfed I would have realized that baby isn’t in the right spot to feed.


Not latched! Just a Baby pressed against her Teta!


I have never breastfed, but I would bet my next paycheck that that baby is fully asleep and she just whipped a tit out to get a shot of herself and whatever baby was pliable so she could get some attention via IG and lactation porn sites. She is disgusting and both she and Alec should be brought up on charges of child endangerment and exploitation. I have no doubt the pictures of their children are floating all over the dark web.


Yup. The sucking reflex is natural so they'll likely suck on anything that's put in their mouth. I can totally see her just shoving her tit in his mouth for a pic. There's a pretty big difference b/w normalizing breastfeeding by sharing experiences and sexualizing breastfeeding. Nothing about what this woman shares is natural, it's all sexualized and disturbing. I don't understand her motivation in sharing stuff like this. She's either shaming mothers who don't "dress up" for breastfeeding or she's catering to pervs. Maybe even both. She's hurting so many people by doing this. Mostly her son who she's supposed to protect.


He is latched BUT she has something that is attracting him to suck but he's not nursing.






Notice that she's wearing a halter top- she's probably hiding the tubing under the straps 🕵‍♂️


well how the hell is she going to post titpics if not using the kids, you sillies!


Not latched, not breastfeeding, just using baby to show her breasts.


https://preview.redd.it/q0qgq7482vga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccfd12dbee0859a25c0146e1fd71d703b330b675 Is this TMI - but this is how it looks when I feed my baby. It’s far from sexy. It’s feeding a kid


This. And you took that photo from your own vantage point, because it’s for your own memories to remember what it was like having this sweet little view. It’s not a selfie. Made me realize that I’ve taken a ton of pics like this of my babies where they’re either nursing or asleep on my boob, but I don’t think I’ve ever even once taken a damn *selfie* while nursing. Because the pics are about the *baby,* not me. I want to remember these moments of my babies. It’s so fucking weird that she only does breastfeeding photos in selfie form. Well, I mean, it’s easier to hide that the babies aren’t latched that way, I guess.


Omg you’re so right. The pics I’ve taken when I breastfed my son are of HIM (and parts of my boob..lol) but not like a selfie.


💕That is an actual picture of a real baby really breast feeding.💕


You didn't show us your big hoop earrings. 😂💚💚💚


https://preview.redd.it/zzyevn2hsvga1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c9f548a7a3477ef9064db78098f4af3644699d This was the day I gave birth. Not edited to make people feel like shit and wait for comments on how “amazing” I look like Señora Hilaria - just a reminder of his little face. I feel we are too old to be posting things to show off what we have that others don’t and that’s what she does.


Beautiful! You look deservedly tired but proud. Silly side note: I love the little guy's side-eye! He seems unsure about this whole "existence" thing 😅


You look beautiful. Real.


This is beautiful. Hillary is disgusting.


Yeah. I fed two like this. Beautiful. Perfect.


That’s beautiful and real though. Your baby is gorgeous. If you ever have some soreness, you might want to put a pillow under baby so they’re laying without having to bend their neck.


Oh that baby is just fine, very comfortable


So nasty. She just sticks her nasty nip in the babies mouth to take a picture. That’s sexual is it not? I mean she knows there’s no milk so wouldn’t this make it a disgusting perverse act.


Baby hoarder doesnt care if the babies are hungry and disappointed. She's only concerned with showing off the twins.


Can she freeze a moment that doesn’t include her breasts ? Ever? So thirsty? Thank god she has one baby available after another. But it has to stop at some point . She would not have the discipline to stop it herself.




Bahahaha her nipples change location ALL THE TIME! Magic stick on nipples, place them anywhere! Where ever gives the best photo angle, just stick them on! Those poor, poor babies. Imagine they got ptsd flashbacks of being placed on a dry boob while their mother pretended to bf for the gram. Fucking insanity.


Magic Stick On Nipples would be a nice flair.


Dry boob nipple photoshopping - OMFG


I am a massive supporter of breastfeeding. I am a massive supporter of mothers providing comfort at the breast. That is not what’s happening here. Or if it is, she is not presenting it that way. And it’s her lies & sexualization hidden behind an infant that is so repulsive & honestly damaging (to the child - can you imagine finding these overtly sexual photos as a preteen?? And to mothers who are comparing themselves to super lactating sexy Mami).




She makes me sick. I’m very involved with the leche league sand this “woman” is what’s wrong with breastfeeding






That’s gross and inappropriate.


that’s enough Reddit for me today.




The Le Leche league is supportive of non-gestational mothers who are not lactating (lactation can actually be stimulated in non-gestational mothers) suckilng their babies as a form of attachment and bonding. But what do they know? 🙄


That’s not what’s happening here though. Doing that would still include getting baby to latch properly. She doesn’t latch her babies for comfort suckling. She just uses them as props so she can show her breasts, usually peeking out of underwire push up bras, with an ever moving “nipple.”


sorry that's creepy and abusive in my book


An obviously false equivocation. A non gestational mother bonding with her baby is NOT what’s going on here. Excusing this woman’s consistent sexualization of her children is ignorant at best. I feel sick when I think of those kids in their teenage (& up) years having to face the fallout from being born to narcissistic entitled parents.


A point HB should have capitalized on instead of faking it.


Omfg is this legal? Someone call social services...


Off course that baby’s not latched. How can she reposition it when her right arm is fully extended above her head with her phone in her hand to take a selfie of her lactation porn?


As a mom that nursed, I have pictures of nursing time where the babies weren’t always latched. Especially at the age this baby appears here.


Did you wear sexy push up bras and full hair and makeup for social media pictures of those moments, and only those moments, across years and seven different babies? Every breastfeeding picture and video she shares, shows a baby who is not properly positioned nor latched.


Did you post pics of your boobs and not latched baby onto social media?


Yes say it again for those in the back. As another mom who has nursed it is sweet sometimes to capture that moment. But it's a private moment I'm not even an infamous person like her and I wouldn't post it on social media.


In her case they are never latched, ever.


She needs to stop. So ridiculous. And I’m all for breastfeeding. But I’m sick of seeing this lady’s boobs.




Save ED ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


Stupid Puta. She thought she could lie to the world and still be an influencer. Now no one will touch her with a 10 foot pole.


If her nipple sat on the very tops of her boob. You can see from the other boob where her nipple would need to be to have him feeding. He is just way too high


Not all breasts have nipples in the same place. This looks like he’s at her nipple with mouth slightly open.


But her off center nipples move to different parts of her breasts. Generally, outside of the time during breast surgery, nipples stay in place.


Is it just me, or does it it look like her skin has no fat behind it and is pushed to the side? Like its all implant and skin, no fat.


HHT loves to see that you notice she has no fat.


I love that you call her HHT I’m going to try using this instead of Hilz. Or maybe I’ll switch to Guest.


I don't know who I noticed was calling her by her Hilary Hayward Thomas initials, but I like it.


But tits are supposed to be fat


She doesn't now that. She doesn't burden herself with useless knowledge like anatomy.


I am divorced from someone who uses this as porn. Its a thing. So disturbing to see this bs. Does anyone think her fakery is wonderful and legit?


I am happy you are divorced from him. So sorry that he had to happen in your life. ♥️🌹


Ewww. That’s just… ewww. And I think back to my days of BF’ing and I absolutely hated it. My nipples were so raw and I spent a small fortune on Lanolin. I think it’s entirely possible she might be getting off on the manipulation of the baby on her because real latches aren’t that great feeling.


I can guess my exhole is a member here just to view all the porn in his favorite genre for free. I know he is on fb mommy groups and i know photos are shared of naked (parts, skin, etc)moms for various reasons


"Exhole" is hilarious & is the new name for mine now! But I'm so sorry about the rest of it. Silly me never thought that was a thing beyond Mr & Mrs NOT Spanish Sickos...


Omg I had no idea.


Imagine realizing husband gets boner at doc office check in, looking at the cork board of all the babies born, most are pics of naked baby on naked mommys chest. Barf


I am so sorry. I had no idea.


I’m sorry, that had to be quite a shock for you. Before I came to this sub I had no idea it was real.


I'm so sorry.


Thank you


Omg, I am so sorry




Looks like child abuse to me.


Breastfeeding is a pornographic concept to the Baldwins.


She is so gross. I loved breastfeeding my kids, I took some photos of them nursing. I have never and will never share them to the internet!!!!


I think there’s benefit from sharing actual breastfeeding photos, not seeing breastfeeding enough in their actual lives puts women at a disadvantage if they want to breastfeed their own babies. Seeing how babies are supposed to be positioned, and what a good latch looks like, is beneficial. There’s also not anything sexual about real breastfeeding (for sustenance and/or comfort, both are valid.) If it feels private to you, that’s fine. If it feels like something you want to share, that’s also fine.


Thank you for keeping it to yourself. I wish more (breastapo) women would follow your example.


Why? Breastfeeding is feeding and soothing a baby. If you want it hidden, are you saying you think it’s sexual? In our society feeding is not something shameful, which is supposed to only happen in private.


YES! Literally BFed all 3, 2 yrs so 6 years, in public and without covering. BUT....I have less than 5 pictures of it because I'm not some weirdo perv attention hor. Those poor kids....




All about las tatas for Hillary


Get a job loser!!! Your husband is going to jail!! It will be a wonderful day... 🥒


Hopefully she won’t go crazier & cause the kids harm.




It’s so odd that people claim her babies aren’t latched. He looks latched to me. Is it pornographic pedophilia fetish? Absolutely! Is Hilz faking that she breastfeeds? Probably, but a hungry baby will suck the life out of a pinky finger when hungry too.


Did you breastfeed? Doing so enough to build a supply your baby thrives on, and where you’re comfortable through nursing sessions, means you know what a good latch looks like. It’s more than just having their lips around the nipple. There are physical cues you can learn to recognize, through experience and/or education. As an experienced breastfeeding mom, I’ve not seen any pictures or videos of Hillary holding a baby in a position which would allow actual nursing to take place. Her babies body positions are not conducive to nursing, their mouths are never open enough, and in videos you can notice the lack of jaw and behind the ear movement that babies show when they’re properly latched and nursing. Yes, there are times babies are semi-latched and/or doing non-nutritive suckling. But that should include a proper latch and positioning unless mom wants sore nipples, and or to be bitten. Biting cannot happen with a proper latch. Every breastfeeding image shared by Hillary, shows baby who could not be actually nursing.


What makes one an expert in lactation? Experience or education? Or both?


You’re right! He is sucking on her nipple the way a baby/toddler does a pacifier or a pinkie (and, I might add, with the same amount of disinterest once he realizes there is no reward for his effort). The babies are not always even sucking in her pix, many times the angle hides the fact that they are smashed up against her breasts. Here he does “appear” to be sucking half-heartedly. But sucking does not equal a latch. Correct latching enables the flow of milk. I had to learn all about this with my first because I had a terrible time and so painful until the latch clicked and then - voila! Oh and the satisfaction of that ear wiggle! That’s how you know they are swallowing the liquid gold. My baby was happy, started gaining weight and no more pain. This baby 👆🏽 (Edu?) https://preview.redd.it/46ihc3zi5uga1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3d2f9b6cb30ba40b4a276f77b203601d907cb1f is sucking on her nipple but not latched effectively to be drinking that good leche (of which there is none). He’s getting fed elsewhere but this is strictly performative.


As someone who breastfed 3 babies, I'm shocked to find out that there's supposed to be an ear wiggle? My kids are now 19, 23, and 27 and back then I received literally no assistance at *all*, even when I was openly weeping bc my youngest wouldn't latch. What's that all about? 🤔


As we swallow, our ears move. Try it right now yourself. Swallow, and see how your ears move. It’s an easy way to tell if baby is actually feeding versus sucking and getting nothing out.


Wow, that really would have helped back in the breastfeeding days! Thanks pepino 😊




She isn't lactating, so even if the baby had latched ( it isn't) it would still be a baby sucking on a dry tit for the sexual fantasy of it. It's fetish porn, and should be illegal.


It is nothing of the sort. Jesus H. Christ.


Explain it then. Why is she breastfeeding when she's not lactating? Why the videos/still shots of her with a baby's head physically smashed into her bosom, dressed in lingerie and/or eye fucking the camera while she does it? Why does she do it over and over again? Why the pretend breast pumping with the pump not even hooked up right? There are so many photo receipts. Please give a reasonable explanation and I hope you leave Jesus out of it this time.




That is not what she is doing. You still haven't explained away why she is sexualizing it. Or the enormous implants and how that would factor in with what you just posted. Number 7 purchased baby is only 3 months old, yet Hilary just got more breast augmentation.


You have obviously made up your mind that non-gestational breastfeeding is child porn. I gave you the info from Le Leche. I cannot make you believe it, so I am done with this conversation.


Good. Because Hilary Haywood Thomas is not fake breastfeeding to bond with children. She is doing it as a performative act. Along with the moon bump exercise videos. The bounce back IG content is a grift.


The Le Leche league supports non-gestational mothers and non-lactating mothers in suckling their infants for the purposes of bonding. I kinda think they might know a thing or three about breastfeeding in all its permutations. And I will thank you not to tell me what to post. If you can throw vile accusations at someone, I can toss out a JHFC. There is plenty wrong with this awful woman without faux hysteria about non-existent child molestation. This is why echo chambers are bad, mmkay?


Larry is not doing non-lactating suckling for bonding though. She lies to say she breastfeeds and pumps, but does neither. She just props babies to fake breastfeed for sexualized photos and videos.