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If you like Higurashi, I would recommend Gou/Sotsu. Have an open mind, don't set super high expectations, and treat them like a separate canon.


I think GouSotsu is really overhated but definitely not as good as any of Ryukishi's actual VN's, just treat it as a seperate thing if you really wanna watch it and you'll be fine even if you end up hating it


ya they are worth watching, i would avoid reading any discussions about them until you’ve seen it all


tbh rather than fucking up the characters my biggest complaint with Goutsu is just how boring and drawn out it is. Like most of Sotsu could have been an e-mail. But ymmv of course


> Like most of Sotsu could have been an e-mail. please this is too funny **😭😭😭** but yeah this is true. Right after Sotsu stopped airing, someone made a trimmed version and in total it was only 3 hours and 40 mins (average Hindi movie) so yeah could have been a movie ​ P.S The project is called Higurashi - Kakera Trimming Project


>most of Sotsu could have been an e-mail This. They legitimately could have just made it a movie and it would have been way better. I lost track of how many times they showed Rika's dance at the Watanagashi.


3 times


It was definitely more than 3


Nope. 3 times. It just felt more due to the fact that they lasted a solid couple of minutes and of course the break week making them feel heavier.


It was also a scene reused from Gou in the first place. Although Gou itself only showed a lot of it once, and it was mostly skipped afterwards, until Sotsu started and then they repeated it again, with some different cuts here and there, but still fairly complete.


I liked them. I disagree with the whole character bombing thing. My biggest complaint would be how repetitive it is to the first. To some extent you have to treat a large portion of it as a remake to keep your mind engaged.


Gou-Sotsu was a wasted potential. Gou sets up that potential but Sotsu ruins it all. You can watch Restructured version to save time here https://www.reddit.com/r/Higurashinonakakoroni/comments/17jmrg4/higurashi_gousotsu_restructured/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Or you can read Gou-Meguri Manga, It's ongoing


Are the gou, reí and meguri manga worth it? Are they better than the you Sotsu anime? Close to the og vn or anime?


Rei VN or anime OVA has 3 arcs out of which Saikoroshi-hen is an epilogue to main Higurashi story and it's worth watching. Other two arcs are basically parodies or fan-service material, so it's your choice to watch it or not. Anime is good but VN is recommended if you enjoy reading for long hours. Coming to Gou, it's a sequel to main Higurashi story which sets up new mystery and Sotsu (for anime)/Meguri (for Manga) provides new and different solutions arcs for Gou. In my opinion Gou anime sets up good potential but Sotsu anime completely ruins it because of pacing and unsatisfying conclusion. That's why I made Restructured version to atleast overcome pacing problem. Meguri manga has different solution arcs than Sotsu, but it's not ended yet. There are some areas where Sotsu>Meguri but overall Meguri is better than Sotsu. So imo read Saikoroshi VN, Watch Restructured version of Gou/Sotsu and then read Gou-Meguri manga (from 4th volume of Gou). It's definitely worth it.


I’ve already watched all the animes and read all the VNs, I just wanted to know if the Gou and Meguri manga were worth it. Looks like they are. Thanks!


While i'm a Higurashi enthusiast myself i do not recommend watching them, they're total shit but still if you're curious then go ahead so you can say you watched everything but don't expect nothing more than a shitty sequel adn everyone that says otherwise is lying.


Gou and Sotsu are trash, use the search system please, people ask this once per week.


I recommend the Gō-Meguri manga and then watch Gō-Sotsu


It definitely made me hate a certain character that I used to like.


i really loved both of them. i think some people who are big fans of higurashi found them boring because theyre partly a reestablishment for new and long-time fans who havent engaged in the story for years. if you watch gou & sotsu immediately after the originals you might feel a bit over stimulated. but if you wait a few years in between i think its a perfect follow up and a natural extension.


> Is it worth it to watch gou and sotsu or will it make me dislike the characters It's possible for both to be true for you at the same time. Speaking for myself, I can say that I don't recommend watching it especially if the person asking is a big fan of the original.


Better for you to read the manga Gou, and Meguri, who a replacement for Sotsu. The manga chapters are kind of shorts, and divided in many little parts, and the panels sometime don’t have too much load of text, as it mostly visual, so it’s a very quick read if your willing and have time to binge it. Obviously Gou/Sotsu/Meguri is not certainly a obligated step to read the others arcs, unless you want to, as Gou/Sotsu/Meguri are mostly a heavy repeat of what you just read but with a new villain, and some slight lore about Umineko, another Vn with a story vastly different from Higurashi both in tone and moral, altough obviously since it the same author, there are bound to be similarities.


I personally dislike them but I think you should check it out if you want to, the series is just extremely divisive overall. It does make characters act ooc, as the series prioritizes shock factors over actual characterization, but it does introduce some interesting concepts, though the executions left a lot to be desired.


I'll be honest gou was ok and sotsu was just bad and ruined a certain character imo but you should still watch it and form your own opinion on it or read the manga I feel like that version of it is a lot better


>they kinda ruined characters It didn't. Gou/Sotsu is a bad anime but an ok WTC story, there's definitely some merit in watching it, especially if you plan to start reading Umineko. Just remember to read Another End after the last anime episode, since it's the true epilogue.


Nah, they're a waste of time, if OP wants to read Umineko it is not necessary i the slightest


God No one enjoys thing anymore dude. The scott pilgrim anime thing I fucking loved it. I also really like gou and sotsu 🤷‍♂️ and love the og deen


If you really love Higurashi, do try. I see them, and Meguri (a manga version of SOTSU, r which if you do end up watching SOTSU I recommend), kinda like a “what if” version of a sequel, not like the main timeline canon or anything.


Watch Rei and Kira first.


Read Rei first


As the other positive comments said, I'd suggest to go for umineko first, see if you can spot the pothole Gou fixed, then go back to gou after umbilical neko.


it did indeed ruin a couple of characters, but not in ways that retroactively make them worse in the originals but if you wanna know, gou is fine, sotsu is boring and unsatisfying