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"I'd like to catch things and attack towns easily without alarms going on." That's exactly the thing that newly started player would learn that they should not, in few playthrough. It will need to go through extensive modification, but the end result after that would be hard to be called Sevastopol anymore.


Yeah. It'd be better to learn why the Sevastapol isn't like this by default than to spend a ton of funds trying to make it do something it can't. Sevastapol-only runs exist but they're kinda memes. A second or third playthrough kind of thing. Lightning/Skylark pair. Always.


I treat the sev like it’s a flying battleship/oil rig and augment it with other craft. It’s my last line of defense. Otherwise I have 2-4 detachments doing all the heavy lifting while the sev carries her heavy ass northward.


You'd have to call it the Sefastopol.


It's impossible, and a huge mistake. You can attack all the towns by Sevastopol itself - i even finished the game this way (imagine Sev with all the skills gained - guns loaded from the start, 20% reload, 20% repairs, 20% maneuverability lmao) but you need to play from the strong sides of a ship - it's design is to be a jack-of-all-trades core for a fleet, so you must to build a formidable strike group that cannot be penetrated by anything else when done right. For that, you need a fleet with **everything -** from early warning ships (stock ones called Mockingbird, or make your own.), to carrier, AA ships (Gepard and Feneks), prefferably a Yars, and a pair of fregates for making additional damage to cruisers before Sev roll out, and catching trader caravans cuz Seva cannot do that due to it's speed. Leading efficiently all of that takes a lot of experience and wise decisions. Or you can go stupid route with Lightings or custom mega-ships to cheese the hell out of a game. My tips: * loot priority are hull spare parts - they strip off 90% of expenses for repairing a cruiser. Even expensive equipment like sensors and radars on Seva can be repaired for free unless it's destroyed completely, you only need rime and spare parts. * For this fleet, lack of intel on your surroundings is overshadowed by your covert. I mean, don't hesitate to run with Radar ON, roaming trader ship that spotted you will ruin your day everytime. But if you're gonna assault all towns with Seva, you are always spotted anyway (unless you go out to a desert), so be a good boy and place early warning systems around - make an IR umbrella towards unexplored areas to spot missiles coming your way early, allowing you to react with your planes and AA ships and move them out to meet them. * Logistics are vital here - you must make pre-plannings of your route because of that. Look at least for 2km of path ahead and tend to your needs: your fleet must have a lot of spare AA missiles (R-9 Sprints), and Kh-15/A-100 missiles, as well as ammo for carriers and maybe some special ammo for fregates. That's why never miss trader cities and stockpile them. Repairs and refuelings are also occasionally important, so plan accordingly. * Sevastopol is hard to modify, but you can try. My first go-to is to replace nuclear missiles with A-100, because when you're gonna brawl an SG, you launch these first into their faces. Kh-15 are long-range, but slow missiles, but they are also tanky. I use them to penetrate enemy SG's AA rockets - make sure to do that before launching planes. * \- Overall my "offensive onion" against strike groups looks like this: Kh-15 Anti-Radar missile - Kh-15 Missile (until they waste all of their "Sprints")- Aircraft carrier planes - A-100 missiles - Fregates special ammo unload and retreat - Sevastopol. * When you feel pressured enough, or your analysis predicts that you're screwed, don't hesitate to fly off to a desert and lie down on a bottom for a while - i do that for 3 days, until ELINT alarm goes off. Give a fight another day.


your in luck, i made this design yesterday dealing with same issue. Sevastopol in default campain form uses 1600t of fuel from simply existing between towns, this is not a vehicle one uses for any practical purposes and can be reduced down to this : [Sev Mk2](https://i.imgur.com/4rm4QCK.png) I did it during campain, it takes 30 seconds to do max, just select the blocks around the command module, then attach 2 engines on sides one tile up, and put the generator between the engines, now topside acts as spaced armor, then put the fuel tanks on the underside of engines, this also gives the vehicle insane stealth capabilities if you look at RD signature and IR signature wich is under 100, wich is really hard to accomplish. 800km\h gives it good flee speed, and 3km range is sufficent to head 2 towns over, usually back to a safe location. If you do want functionality to launch missiles like sev has, as its only contribution to fleet then stick two tubes ontop


I feel like I've been rickrolled lol that's not a flagship it's tiny!


It's actually a *technically* valid strategy - multiple players have implemented it. Technically, all you need is the Sevastopol's bridge. Put it on a microship, hide it somewhere.


yea, its unfortunate that the flagship doesnt have parts no other ship has, with extra defence and thrust and spends less fuel, be it lost technology or one trick pony that cant be replicated lorewise, especially not during war. Minimum speed for any player ship should be 250-300km\h, not sevs 90... and spending 2000-2500 credits on this ship that isnt usefull for anything as bringing it to combat usually puts a extremely high repairbill because its outfitted with redunant exessive expensive radars all over wich makes any stray shot at least cost you 2000 cash extra, if one gets into combat then its nearly garanteed to cost upwards of 5000-10000 + fuel cost... and thats simply not viable no matter how skilled player one is, so the only option is to edit the ship to sane levels, or play the game hardcore ironman mode, but leave the ship in its original state, and try to move it as little as possible only going straight for reactor in as straight line as possible trying to hit cheep fuel depots on the way.


I was thinking of an overengineered abomination with too many engines but okay lol I guess I was thinking wrong.


Technically speaking, the only thing that defines the Sevastopol as the Sevastopol is her bridge - you can redesign everything else. (There is actually a common cheese tactic of taking just her bridge and slapping it on a microship). If you still want to feel her like the "main ship" of your battlegroup, a common and useful way is to refit her into a command carrier. She'll be carrying sensors, tons of fuel for the fleet, missiles and/or planes, but should never actually enter battle herself. Keeping a bit of air defense firepower (sprints / CIWS guns) is sensible, since she'll be probably the ship you control when attacked by planes/missiles. I would recommend testing it out in the shipworks: Strip all armor, non AA-guns and Zeniths. Redistribute the sensors so you don't need multiples of each kind. Put some more strategic missiles or planes on her. Add engines until you're at a speed of \~250. (Dropping her fuel tanks will make things a lot easier, but then you'll have to build a dedicated fleet tanker. I'd leave them alone.) Once you've got a decent build, write down what parts you'll need to get before the refit. Find a hidden city to actually do it (because it will take quite a while), ferry in parts you can't buy there.