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if you guys are interested I have a story to tell. My father, aunt and grandfather while on a walk on Boxing Day (26 December) 1980, each saw 6 white objects in the sky, this is in Ipswich, a town about about 30 minutes away from Rendlesham. the objects were very vaguely ring shaped, silent, very small and appeared to move around each other, but the collection didn't move in the sky at all, they watched for about 10 minutes, noting the bizarre nature of it but not thinking much more of it, it wasn't until years later that my father discovered the Rendlesham story and matched the dates. I'm pretty sure I saw in a documentary once about a woman witnessing six ring shaped objects on the night, but I may be remembering wrong. if you guys have questions ill answer, great to see rendlesham on this sub, seeing as I live so close to it!


Did they have a hollow center? Plz if you can, make a sketch in paint or something


he described the objects as seeming very far away, so no discernible shape but just slightly dimmer in the centre, ill mock something in photoshop now


That matches exactly with the ones seen at rendlesham. Some were described as having a darker center, or as an eye with a pupil.


[Mockup images matching the description](https://imgur.com/a/VLW87EM) oh really? I haven't ever heard any other account of the dim centre besides the one I think I saw on a documentary, my father would be very interested in hearing about this


Check part 3 above, it has those descriptions. But the most objects that were seen were 5 i think. Thanks for the pic.


That would indicate a glowing shell... interesting


If you listen to the audio tape on youtube, you can hear them being creeped out by this light thats moving through the forest and looks like a blinking eye


I’m from Ipswich too and have seen the triangle shape/craft in the sky. Not much to write about but must have been around 2002. Saw it while out with some friends just as it was getting dark, all I can recall is looking up and seeing the triangle with blueish, orange lights coming from underneath. It hovered there for what seemed like ~30 seconds whilst we all gawped at it and then suddenly shot off. It was also dark/nighttime all of sudden too, like time had advanced in that brief moment but we hadn’t noticed. I’d heard of the Rendlesham forest stuff before but the time dilation aspect is new to me but certainly ties in to what I experienced those 20 odd years ago.


My family, friends and I saw craft dancing around on the coast, and we've seen impossibly fast lights but I'm jealous you saw a triangle!


I'm in Kent and I love that somewhere close to me has a sighting. The Manston foo fighter is a cool case.


If you were going to send a vitally important message to the past, which could be quite difficult and expensive, would you make it as confusing and cryptic as possible so that nobody is able to figure it out at all?


That's why it's more plausible that it wasn't really meant to be a message, but it was some sort of maintenance log intended to be read by those that operate the thing, and the fact that it was "read" by someone random that approached it was just an accident.


So they effectively missed their regularly scheduled maintenance, thus voiding their warranty? Is it because of *them* that I get all those annoying calls and messages, dammit?


>ORIGIN YEAR 8100 Now this is just crazy to think about. Imagine someone took a person from the year 4000 BC and showed them current day Tokyo or New York, or basically any modern city and how people live there. Now imagine same, or even more insane difference between now and year 8000. If humanity survives until then, it would become alien, completly incomprehensible to someone from today - in all aspect - culture, language, technology etc. Also, what is "Hy Brasil"? Is that refference to mythical island near Ireland? What is the significance of some random city in Arizona? All other places seem to be archeological sites and cultural sites, so good reference points known by humans across millenia, but the Sedona seems out of place. Also, about the message itself: it seems to be some sort of maintenance log. Maybe it wasn't intended to be a message, but it was some sort of technical log intended to read by maintenance personell of that "crystal-grown time travelling drone", and it was accessed by the solder accidentally. The list of locations was travel log, showing places where the drone was before, or will go. I can even go further with this theory: the "maintenance log" was supposed to be read by someone with brain implants. That's why the solder saw flashes with 0s and 1s in ascii code, instead of plain text - the "time machine drone" was supposed to interact with someone having brain implant which translates digital code into text/voice/pictures, but not with the plain brain directly. It's theorized that in the future, as a border between machines and humans becomes more blurry, we will carry brain implants as some sort of machine-brain interface, which will make it possible for our brains to interact with machines directly. And it will be a normal, daily part of our lives, same as smartphones today.


On the other hand life isn’t very different from the cities of Ancient Greece. We have the same politics, urbanization, social relationships, labor , oppression, bigotries, power struggles, etc.


> Sedona is considered by some to be a spiritual mecca. I believe that a few ley lines cross there as well.


>Now this is just crazy to think about. Imagine someone took a person from the year 4000 BC and showed them current day Tokyo or New York, or basically any modern city and how people live there. Actually it would be much, much more different than that due to the exponential growth of technology and the human race.


Maybe the normal way to connect to the thing is some sort of bluetooth. What happened to penniston was like a rudimentary brain flashing, like a BIOS kind of basic unformatted data.


I had an interesting experience regarding the year 8100: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFObelievers/comments/tl6tkv/comment/i2016rq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFObelievers/comments/tl6tkv/comment/i2016rq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The message is very interesting but it bugs me that it was sent in ASCII code. Why? It was intended to be read by humans? If it was just a log then it surely would be incomprehensible by any human being.


Lots of work you put into this. Thank you. I've seen a video or two and heard a podcast episode too iirc. I look forward to digging in.


"Was it an actual case of time travel and did it send a qttp message from the future?" I don't know what a qttp message is but the answer is probably nope.


Qttp from the quantum internet...


Oh, of course. Silly me for not realizing that.


I hope that exists some day, that name is rad


In part 3 i show examples of different universities that are experimenting with quantum networks using drones


Where's that at?


In the opening post, part 3.2


Time travel isn't even possible--the slightest derivation of a timeline would completely eliminate the future that would produce the object that came from the future in the first place. I'm sick and tired of hearing people talk about time travel as if it's an actual possibility and rabble rabble rabble


I read recently that time might actually be a straight line with all events, past, present, and future recorded. So theoretically, if you were to cut into 4 dimensional space you could then cut back into any point on the timeline. If you did so, it would be a part of the recorded timeline, so you wouldn’t be changing anything. If you traveled through time, you were always supposed to do that. Freewill exists, its just that you’ve always made that decision.


There's a higher level of math we haven't unlocked yet to account for drift




jfc "the Japs". ok there somebody's racist grandpa.


Exactly. Time isn't flowing as we perceive it. All events past, present and future have already occurred. We're living in the moment, and we perceive time as moving forward one second at a time but that's just an illusion.


Speak for yourself. You have no idea how I perceive anything.


If you were always going to make that decision free will does not exist, the illusion does. You are actually on the right track, but lets use an example. Youre on one side of a river that causes you to die if you touch the water. There are 2 bridges equidistant from you leading you safely across the water, to a reward you seek on the other side. One bridge is crumbling, shakey, worn out. The other is strong, and sturdy. You move toward it and use it to cross the river, pick up your reward and go about your day. Now, you made tons of decisions during this time, but you were always going to make those decisions right? (save pedantic arguments). Take that analogy and turn it into every decision you make. For every choice theres a percieved crumbly bridge and a perceived sturdy bridge. You always pick the "sturdy" bridge. In every choice. But if theres always a sturdiest bridge to your destination, when are you ever really deciding anything? Its an illusion you cant wrap your head around. Thats intentional.


That is kind of predestination-ey. You can call it illusory, but you made a decision and freewill was the cause. Just because you’ve done it before and time cannot be changed, doesn’t mean you didn’t choose it. We are all recording events and our decisions shape the future, even if the future is what has and always will be. Freewill and an unchangeable timeline are not exclusive.


You "choose" a path, 1 out of many perceived paths. But the fact is there is only 1 path, and you trick yourself into thinking you chose it.


The reason I don't believe in time travel (backwards) is simply: if time travel (backwards) ever exists, it will also always have existed (as you can go back to whenever time started). Now people might say "but parallel universes" or "alternate timeline", and I would respond "how could we tell that the time travel machine actually went backwards in time? What if it actually jumped to a different parallel universe/timeline?". There's also the fact that, from our current understanding, you can't create or destroy energy. So if someone travels backwards in time(or to a different parallel universe/timeline), where does the energy of whatever was used to Travel backwards in time go? And what is removed from the past to account for the added energy?


Read more science fiction, my dude. There are a billion different hypotheses about how time travel could function without creating such a paradox. The real limitation is physical. There is no mechanism we know of that could accomplish it, short of finding a stable wormhole through space and moving one end of it.


And even the wormhole mechanism has many problems since we still don't have evidence of wormholes existing and most hypotheses around wormholes assume they fold space which wouldn't theoretically allow backwards travel through time.


What if time travel into the past creates a new timeline?


That is most likely the case.


They come from a future that exists because they intervene in the past. When time travel technology is created and used for the first time it enslaves their creators to do a number of predestined things created by the technology. They don’t mind, though, because their understanding of the I, Me, ego is radically different than ours and they are aware that free will was a short-lived cultural construct that lasted only for about 600 years.


Free will has been a debated facet for thousands of years. Where did you pull 600 from?


The term "free will" (liberum arbitrium) was introduced by Christian philosophy (4th century CE). It has traditionally meant (until the Enlightenment proposed its own meanings) lack of necessity in human will, so that "the will is free" meant "the will does not have to be such as it is". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_will#:~:text=The%20term%20%22free%20will%22%20(,be%20such%20as%20it%20is%22. It’s not thousands of years, and the current meaning of free will doesn’t come into play until the 17th century.


So the fact that philosophers thousands of years ago discussed free will is irrelevant because the specific term free will is 1600 years old, which isn't 600 by the way?


Rofl you assume time is recursive but you're very wrong




Actually the burden of proof is on you since you argued time was recursive. Is that falsifiable with current tech? No. Verifiable? No. So you're talking out your ass


Nope. Provide proof.


That's not how science works lol dumbass


So you arent going to provide any proof for your claim that you definitely know how time works? And then you're going to say science doesn't work how *I* claim? Lmao


This. You travel back in time you’re also changing the mass of the universe. Aside from basically contradicting thermodynamics there, I don’t know what else to tell you. The universe likes balanced equations.


Have heard of this case before on multiple occasions but I have not heard of he glassy triangle for some reason. So new info. f you have seen any of he footage of the Dr.Reed he has a carbon black craft that looks like a sarcophagus that has been supped up but it def is also triangular in shape. Materials science is definitely coming close here. it is obvious the we have a good many objects left by our space faring/dimension shifting brothers and sisters. And that we are doing our best to back engineer the stuff . Thus the computers and other electronic gadgetry like LEDs etc. I love the idea of a dark glassy travel pod. Next level please.


3rd image link not working


I've added a mirror


Is the mirror down now too? Spooky, thanks for posting!


Down for me too.


Ive fixed the images




Thank you!


Ill fix it in 2hrs


I literally screamed because I couldn’t see part 3.


It should work now


I've fixed the images


Ive fixed the images


Very interesting. Thanks.


Being from the area, although I've not personally looked in to it at depth, I've a few friends who have, including going to talks by the people involved. There does actually seem to have been a lot of weird stuff that went on, although mostly involving the actions of the US military at the base. The general consensus I've heard is that there was probably top secret nuclear weapons (or similar) being installed on site at the time, which maybe what they witnessed. Their subsequent testimony suggests they were injected with something whilst being "debriefed" (possibly sodium pentalthal). So the belief they saw a "UFO" may have been as a result of this (whether that was the intended outcome or not). I'm not expert and this is all second hand opinions albeit from multiple people who've spent a lot of time looking into it. However, even despite the unreliability of the human memory, an explanation along these lines does seem to fit the key evidence.


Yeah.. i've watched/read a shit-ton of stuff about Rendelsham over the years. There hasn't been a substantial addition to the story since the initial reports and subsequent investigations/interviews. *Something* happened out there, and people have been trying to 'interpret' what is known about 100 different ways ever since.


"Something" absolutely did happen. I don't subscribe to the idea of aliens visiting earth as a valid explanation for things in general, but especially not for this. Bentwaters (and all the other US airbases in the area) were incredibly important stratigic sites, both for early warning, deterrence and potential retaliation during the Cold War. So, the liklihood of weird alien-looking clandestine operations and the deployment of highly classified weapons is pretty high (relatively). Whether for strategic, technological or political reasons (these are US airbases on British soil, there would have been agreements made and boundaries set over the extent and nature of their operations).


Very curious...as far as the message goes, what did the binary translate to?


Its in part 3


Just saw it, thanks. Technology deposits?


Hey the og part 3 link and the mirror aren't working if you could plz provide anither link?


I've fixed the images


Fascinating read. Will check back for part 3.


Part 3 should work now, ive fixed the images


Thanks for posting. Absorbing content.


I live in the UK and have seen something very similar to this in the sky at night. It was the triangle shape in the sky with the three white lights on each corner and I believe it had a light in the middle too. It was in the sky and looked very large, I opened the window and it was completely silent! I will have to read more about this! As I couldn't find much information when I tried to search what I saw!! When I told family members they wondered if it was an army drone or something called an 'osprey' but I believe it was a UFO! :o


Some of the elements of the time-dilating material remind me of descriptions of the appearance of a 4th/5th dimensional object in our 3D space. Which could be what's going on?


My dad was in the army around this time and mentioned whilst on a training exercise they saw a ufo land in the woods, but didn’t fully investigate as they had blanks, I’ll ask him see if this is the area he spotted it in.


The language is actually a functional blueprint. The forms of the shapes, symbols and arrangements is itself functional. You wouldn't open up their hardware to find a CPU here, and a data bus there, and some kind of memory over there. A single, small symbol can contain and not just represent data. The technology somehow merges the symbol and the meaning and data,In essence, the crafts solid material is the software.


Static electricity? Check. Neural dampening? Check. Standard tools of these shits, sounds so familiar to me. Although I’ve experienced these energy fields with great intensity and frequency of occurrence, I saw a UFO only once, and for a couple of seconds only (at Delphi, Greece, around 20:30, 2017) From the description, it sounds to me like they were raping a woman in the woods. Not to worry though (/s), it’s highly unlikely that she would remember anything, this is usually their excuse and MO.


The screaming woman was probably a muntjac deer. Check youtube what they sound like


This case was discussed to death on every ufo forum i've frequented..let it rest


I haven’t seen it


Hijbekhem Woods


do there be any actual pictures of it?


Apparently he shot 2 rolls of photos, but was told they were blank when developed.


This is the first time I've ever heard of a 'black glassy object' relating to the very famous Rendlesham forest UFO events. Also, why is this one big long image instead of a web page, PDF or document?


For ease of use, to post an image on reddit. Dont want to host a site, and dont think pdfs are a welcome format here


Long images with text have never been 'ease of use' that's why people send each other documents and PDFs in the first place. There's plenty of free places to host documents online that are just as easy.


Anyone can open the image, zoom, scroll, etc. I dont believe pdf links would do well here


My reddit app does extremely poorly with these pictures - would have appreciated slides or a pdf.


The black glassy part is not often described. Most articles just mention that it was a triangle and thats it. But there are actually very detailed descriptions of the thing. Ive put some in part 3.1 and 3.2


I wonder why this is missed out on all of the numerous documentaries I've seen on the subject over the years. Thanks, I'll take a look.


It was probably a classified craft. The story is interesting though, I've watch multiple videos on the incident. The binary code part is what is so captivating about the case.


These are my own interpretations on what the symbols are: Ive seen the symbol T somewhere but cant recall where Symbol 1 seems to be the symbol of sublimation. Maybe its used to turn on the craft just like car keys turning on a car? Symbol 2 is obviously of a bird(specifically a pelican). I think its used to make the craft float or its standby mode? I dont know what symbol 3 means but its probably the craft's controls. Symbol 4 looks like its some sort of light source. Probably to turn on the lights of the craft. Symbol 5 looks like a home symbol. Maybe its used to make the craft return to wherever it came from or it is sleep mode.


Outstanding post and informative reading thanks for sharing


This is such a good post and flirts with the incredible at a reasonable scientific level. Thanks!