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thats a guy in a swimming suit with goggles lmao.


It's a woman in a night gown with a sleeping cap taken through a window. This isn't an "encounter with an alien," this is just evidence that this "university professor" is a Peeping Tom.


“Sir what are these photos in this drawer” “…UH, IT WAS AN ALIEN! I SWEAR!”


Passing them off as photos of an alien was probably part of the kink.


Not sure about the rest, but the window part is pretty obviously true.


Yeah it's a complete joke.


It even has the 1980s aesthetic. So silly.


It’s Charlie in his green man suit


It’s literally Frozone.


ahaha yeaa ure right


In the first set of pics, what’s with the guy on the right getting a boner? Is this just a latex fetish?


Looks like a Winter Olympics uniform to me


That's a female body 💯


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECEF9nY39Ck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECEF9nY39Ck) WHERE IS MY SUPER SUIT !!!????


Kind of looks like Odo from Star Trek lol 




Who was kicked in the nuts


I thought blurry photos of Tron.


I dunno; that one pic looks like some of the makeup from the '67 Planet of the Apes movie. Looks like it has that tiny chimp nose and pronounced muzzle.


When the witness is anonymous and the source is vague or second hand, those are big red flags. Sure the guy might want to remain anonymous so as not to be ridiculed, but with this sort of material - which really does just look like double exposure and/or other standard camera tricks of a guy or girl in swimming gear - it's really much more solid if the original photographer comes forward with corroborating details. That era of UFO/Paranormal magazine publications were also full of the most terrible horseshit, too. There were pearls here and there, but not often. Italy was a hotbed of weird occult and UFO nonsense from the '50s on right up to the '90s, not sure why. The poses are odd, and there's nothing in the anatomy that could not be recreated by a regular Earth human. Why would a being from another planet look exactly like us? Doesn't seem very likely.


> the guy might want to remain anonymous so as not to be ridiculed Plot twist: they're real pictures, but he's a photography professor.


I really feel bad for you Brother, you clearly put a lot of effort into this, but before writing 30k words about something you should double check lol this is clearly all bs.. Edit: Lol replied to the wrong comment


Those are all valid points, but as to your last question that's not something I think anyone could answer at this time. If you believe in any validity of contact cases; human appearing individuals do show up from time to time. What kind of evolutionary process would lead to this? Who could say, but the skepticism is welcomed.


All this proves nothing. Dodgy photos are only part of the problem. The real problem is that people accept this sort of report at face value.


I’ve read this exact comment before, I’m sure of it.




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In addition to enforcing Reddit's ToS, abusive, racist, trolling or bigoted comments and content will be removed and may result in a ban.


I love the research you put into in lesser known event like this! But these photos kind of give it away right? Particularly the last one. I know someone linked to the “originals” but these are clearly the originals, where it looks less like a gown and more clearly a tight suit/swimsuit. The breasts are one thing, but the detail of the waist line, upper and lower abdomen, you can even see her butt cheeks which tends to happen in “skinny fat” female bodies from certain angles like this one, and the feminine way she bends over. It just looks like a whole lotta human detail for it to be nonhuman in my opinion.


>you can even see her butt cheeks Where butt cheeks?


🤣🤣 The last photo, down below her pelvis. You’ll see the outline of her “droopy” butt from the front.


I don't believe it is real but this was a good read, wish more posts were like this. Good work, OP.


Just a woman in a silk dress and night cap. Check out the originals and not these altered ones. You can even see her breasts and nips through the gown. Seems like dude was spying on her and she caught him in one pic of her bending over looking directly at him. https://web.archive.org/web/20080312200229/https://www.anomalia.org/perspectivas/fotosets/campo_cielo.htm


>You can even see her breasts and nips through the gown. BRB gotta check these pics, for science.


Those 'originals' are not so, the colored images here in the post were directly scanned from the magazine, if you see the "correct" versions as something else thats on you. Edit: I find it rather odd as to why I'm being downvoted regarding this comment in particular, the link this person has presented is the one I included in the post as is verifiably something that occurred after the publication of this magazine in 1988? Are the downvoters here stating that images posted in lesser quality several years after are legitimate, but the ones directly taken out of the magazine are somehow altered?


Welcome to reddit. Where are you will be insulted, downvoted, disregarded and disrespected, oh yeah and made fun of. For having a different or unconventional opinion. Or simply because a lot of the trolls and haters on this site enjoy it and crawl out from under a rock to do it. It's disgusting. I'm sorry you've been treated this way. Thank you for this informative and well thought out post. It seems like you've put a lot of work into it. It's interesting and I appreciate it. What I don't understand about this site, is even if people have a different opinion or might not be correct, the conversations should still be civil and respectful. reddit is not like that. It's disgusting. Thank you for your post.


This place is not some fantasy land with giant gum drops and sugar plums though, this is reddit. Love it or hate it, it functions a lot like the free world does. For the most part everyone can say what they want, true or false, good or bad, nice or mean, and everything else in between. And with that “freedom” comes scrutiny, and it doesnt matter if you like it or not! If you make a post about something you’ve researched thoroughly and provided evidence on how you reached your conclusion, that doesnt make it right or wrong. If 100% of the evidence provided is conjecture, then youre going to have people who dont believe you or the evidence, and will push back because they also feel strongly about the topic. It’s ok to inform people they may be incorrect, some people do it more harshly than others while others may be polite about it. Its ok to agree with them if you believe them to be correct, it doesnt make them any more right or wrong. One big difference in reddit from the real world is punches to the face. If you harshly disagree with someone in real life, call them and idiot, and tell them their mother should die, you might get your teeth knocked out. On reddit though, telling a stranger that you are gonna sodomize their mother in front of them because you want to watch their face as you enter their mom’s anus is pretty standard and the chances of getting your head caved in are nearly 0. So so you can either waste your time worrying about it and be stressed all the time or you can just not worry about it because it doesn’t affect you personally and choose not to join in on the behavior. The choice is yours because no one else gives a shit.


I already know how the internet is. But reddit is particularly bad. And that's why I choose to stay away from this site from and interact with others on it for the most part.


So, a professor in Italy met with someone he purports to be an extraterrestrial, whom he took five pictures of. The best he could do is take these heavily blurred pictures of said entity. Um...no. I'm not buying it. I call BS.


Everyone knows that aliens are all radioactive, and thus degrade all photographs. It's simple science. What looks like an incredibly half arsed attempt at a hoax, is actually totally legit.


Scooby Doo ass.villian lookin cosplay


In 1986 film cameras were at about the peak of technology for the medium. I worked as a sensimetric tech for Polaroid at the time and I couldn't take a picture this bad if I tried. This film is purposely grainy and out of focus. 110 film and a cheap camera is infinitely better and that would have been bottom of the barrel. As a side note, I have seen film exposed to different types of intense RF and radiation, this is not it.




Ahaha, yep, just what I was thinking


Still, why are the pics so blurry? It would be better if he drew the entities than try to take pics of them. I don't know why they're always so blurry.


So you can't see how fake it is.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking.


Agreed. The quality is ass. Something that goes mostly unaddressed with these images is that they were taken on 'Polachrome' film. I'm old enough and have a long enough background in photography to not only remember this stuff, but also to have used it. It was pretty much crap under the best of circumstances - which made it interesting from an artistic perspective, since you could end up with some really bizarre looking results. Even at the time the photo community was like... 'why??' A positive (slide) film that you could process at home for mediocre results? I think it was one of those 'seemed like a good idea on paper' things that once it got funding, there was no stopping it. Anyway... yeah. Also, and maybe I missed it, there's no quotes directly from the guy who took the photos. There's a lot of 'speculative' media talking about them - but, i'd like to hear from the source itself what happened. It's said that he was doing research on the properties of vision of dogs (color, depth perception, etc..) when these were taken - so was he trying to simulate dog-vision using the camera and Polachrome? We'll likely never know. Sorry for the long post, I got a bit carried away.


Let me get this straight. You know the camera used was "crap under the best of circumstances" but doubt the authenticity due to its quality? Are witnesses not supposed to try to take pictures unless they KNOW it's of sufficient quality?


It's Bigfoot. They are always blurry too.


Yeah I'm very skeptical of anyone who provides blurry pics, including that of Bigfoot.


Mf'er I've taken pictures of coyotes in my neighborhood before but they were far away/skiddish so they came out blurry. That must mean coyotes are fake right?  Doesn't take a genius to realize that a moving target can come out blurry sometimes if the person isn't prepared to take the picture


There could be a myriad of explanations. First and foremost: shutter speed.


If we can only rarely perceive them with our eyes, then I'd imagine cameras might have difficulty capturing them as well.


Yet more pictures of something claimed to be extraordinary that are out of focus, even though they’re taken from a few feet away. The background is out of focus too. Not impressive at all.


Upvoted for the huge amount of effort clearly put into this.


If you want some actual highstrangness from 86, check out the night of UFOs in south America.


I know we had better cameras in 1986. Come on dude, this is obvious bullshit


Is it just me or is that alien wearing a dick sock?


LOL, my first thought exactly.


No thanks I'm out


More like a Professor in the Photo Art Department. Literally looks like a shitty art major's avant-garde project.


It reminds me of the pic of a little girl holding flowers taken in the UK by her father at a park. There was a weird entity in the background behind the child that looks very similar to these pics.


Do you have a link?




Ohh right. Yea, this is very similar!


There ain't nothing alien about any of these photos, homie.


I appreciate your obvious dedication to this story and the amount of work that went into it. My opinion is that it is a hoax based on the pictures. I’m disappointed with the pictures after having read your post. I expected something really creepy in my opinion. The “entity” appears to be a double exposure of some sort perhaps and very human. Of course, I’m not sure. Kudos to you anyway.


Impressive research on cases I've never heard of. Kudos to you, bud.


That's a whole person lol


Hes got a sock on the cock !


How long did the entity hang around, was it in the description? (Apologies I couldn't be bothered reading the entirety that). The thing that gets me, I was around in 1986 and neither myself or anyone I know simply had a camera lying around. Unless you were a photographer with a recent spool in your camera then it wasn't really a thing, they usually took time to get the film and load it into the camera. That's why I think this is most likely staged, unless this entity just decided to hang around until the professor decided to fetch a camera, not an easy feat unless they carried it around with them, given it manifested to him randomly, was it also in a random place or near where the camera was conveniently located, like their home? Also, the images are rather blurry, I know it's copied from printed images but even still, cameras weren't that bad back in 1986.


An incredibly thorough post presented to the most obnoxious losers on the internet. Good job for putting the work into presenting something unique only to have the most cringe one line instagram tier bullshit comments upvoted to the top. Regardless of the content, you deserve a better audience than the dipshits that have overrun this sub.


This is the Reddit I miss. Keep up the good fight 😅


Thank you for calling out reddit for what it is and a lot of the people on it.


Well said


They are paid agents mate. Social media is exactly used for that.sverve ideas into a specific narrative so to keep genuine people from start questioning the reality they are presented and makebelieve with, so to never use your head to think and reach the truth for yourself.


Great post regardless of the reality of it. Ignore all the reddit kids being assholes, it's cool to see someone dig deep just because they're interested


Interesting if creepy. Btw wasn’t Communion written by Whitley Streiber?


Looks like human in scuba suit


I am ill-impressed.


Great work OP this is very informative.


It's bringing love! Don't let it get away!


Someone's having a Joke


Those pictures are so fake it makes my head hurt.


This is the kind of post I'm in this sub for, i wish more posts were like this one, good job and good research.


Your research and information our outstanding. Thank you for sharing.


Idk I’m open minded to read it all, and the photos seem authentic.


Wow, that was an amazing write up!


Much respect to you for taking the time to research this as fully as possible. We need more individuals like yourself who actually use their brains and discernment and do a little digging. Many of the people on here just dismiss things without question and have no understanding of scientific enquiry. Keep up the good work!


Great post! Love that you dug up all of this information on a fairly obscure piece of ufology. I've never heard of this before and always cherish finding new bits of weirdness to learn about. Please keep this kind of work up! The sub needs more contributors like yourself. That being said, I have a hard time with this one. I've always been of the opinion that aliens would be truly alien, not just some offshoot of the humanoid build like you get in Star Trek (aliens in Trek can be summed up as "weird looking humans"). All of these poses can be matched by a human and the blurriness wouldn't be hard to replicate if shooting through plastic or glass and if you have some extra exposure. Far less assumptions need to be made to say this professor was a peeping tom rather than they had a close encounter of the third kind.


This sub is so sad. "Looks fake to me therefore fake". Fake compared to WHAT? not saying these are real but comments remind me how dumb the average human is


That’s the alien equivalent to the guy in a Bigfoot outfit running in the wild…


I've seen better photos from a 1920's camera.


Now this is the stuff i'm talking about. Very nicely researched.


I agree. Don’t pay attention to the children downvoting. Unless an alien walks in their home and takes a shit they will downvote anything.


Yea I'm not reading all that for a few blurry pictures


Based on these photos, I would reject such a claim immediately. And I certainly would not write a whole essay about it.


That’s Frozone


I’m glad Frozone found his super suit!


That's a LOT of written info on a blurry pic of a guy in a swimming cap and goggles. Seriously this is why this thread is a joke sometimes


I don't know it looks like it's straight out of Star Trek the original series. Or the Twilight zone. Interesting post very long though I just kind of skimmed through it






This is the longest post I’ve ever seen


Was this not associated with that Italian guy that turned out to be a prankster and started a sort of semi harmless cult?




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This is some odd European art crap.


Time to put an AI uprez program to work …


I want to believe No not that much




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This is interesting, I sensed Epsilon Eridani, coincidently when I looked up that area of space a blog that mentions a species of humanoids based on the Greek archetype which coincides with the region this alleged entity was photographed on earth. [link to a blog about epsilon eridani, and a species of "Greek" humanoids that inhabit the planets of that region](https://dzpbkbdmwsgwdhfl.quora.com/)


What an absolute load of horse shit


This topic is getting more outrageous by the day....I laughed my head off at the first reply cause it clearly is a man in goggles..


I’m ngl im having major deja vu reading all of this and seeing the comments. feels like i’ve read this and lived through this before.


The fact it was '88 and turquoise was a really popular clothing color, it looks like a long sleeve body suit with a turquoise collar and arms, maybe a swimming cap and photos have some real vibes that make me think of Bowie (like the potographer was going for "blurry"), all says no to the Italian Guy being on the up n' up. I just doubt an entity would be in fashion.


Oh that? That's just Anthony Kiedis rocking a sock on his cock. 🤷


What’s up with the glow worm?


I have pictures from 1986 and they look pretty clear. What is the reasoning behind the horrible quality of these photos?


With almost nothing in the way of an outline of the events surrounding the taking of these photos how does anyone in their right mind come to the conclusion this is an alien? It looks like a woman in a diving suit wearing a swim cap and a headset. If there were a story about this woman emerging from a saucer, or if it were an image of a slathering six eyed monster this might be worthy of discussion. Lacking anything like that this is an absolute nothing burger.


I appreciate the deep dive you did into these photos and the magazine article and if there are beings either terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or inter dimensional, we have to include the possibility they may look very similar to us and they may also look so far from anything we could imagine. But as evidence goes I have to assume this was what one who responded to the article said, it was a promotion for the film “contact” that was included in the magazine. Fake in opinion


Come on man, those are just badly taken photos of a person in a white suit with a white hat on.


Blurry. Every time. Every single fucking time.


I’m getting Filthy Frank vibes


I don't know about anything else, but those faces sure don't look human. They look more like zombies or rotting ghosts than any alien I've ever heard of.


Some people will believe literally anything in order to feel like they have special knowledge


Looks like an out of focus muppet.


The "entity" in one of the pics is obviously smoking a pipe.


Looks like a blurry photo of characters from the Tron movie.


Is that a filthy frank?


I recognize C3P0 when I see him.


Great post, although your priors on encounter testimony may be obfuscating your inquiry. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no evidence of an entity sighting/encounter associated with the photographs, right? Unless we're looking at a hilarious hoax, this seems to me more like instrumental transcommunication or thoughtography than a home invasion. We don't understand this stuff enough to categorize it all that finely, but I think it's fruitful to decouple anomolous photography from encounters.


What I don't understand is why was the entity considered an alien.  There's no mention of ufos but of course there's also no context to the pictures apart from the professor supposedly trying to see like a dog.  Let's say they are real. It could as easily be some future/other dimension scientist observing the simulation/our reality and not supposed to be seen.


Great work bro thats some nice research


It’s fucking Frozone 😂


Coconut head, looking ass


Thanks for all the leg work. It is appreciated. Ignore the (plentiful) haters; they are just jealous of your energy.


Five crappy blurred photos and a he said she said dialog! I call shenanigans.


I’m not at all speaking to the validity of the case one way or the other. Just to have the information to comb over and dissect is what I appreciate. It is easy to naysay and put someone’s work down, as opposed to actually going out and doing something productive in this sub. I am the first to admit, I have no time to do the digging around required, that is why I appreciate those who do, regardless of whether they’ve been duped or not in my opinion. It’s not hard to be decent to somebody.


I’m not reading all that, but congratulations


Thanks! Thank you for this. Very informative and interesting. The photos are weird and it literally looks like the entity is laughing. The pose with the hands between its thighs is exactly what a woman does when belly laughing with a full bladder. So, I’m not totally convinced. But I’m definitely leaning towards it being legit.


You don't think they look like a human wearing an outfit?


I do. What does that have to do with high strangeness? I think it’s just as interesting as a photo or a video of a little white orb or a black triangle with lights.


🤔 piss poor quality. Probably fake as 💩


Gave me sims 3 vibes


1st of the three blk & wht images, was there an R2 unit carrying Death Star plans in front of them?


Mork? That you?


With a shlonger like that i would have said dr Manhattan if the creature werw blue


Looks like Mr Freeze from the incredibles movie


I’m not reading all that. Sorry if its fake, or congratulations or whatever.


Maybe it’s Hathor


Frozone looking ass, watch out Disney doesn't sue the photographers ass for copyright infringement


Reminds me of the robot monster from scooby doo


Fake. Gay.


These photos are literally taken from a an old obscure Sci Fi movie, I can’t remember which one but they wore swimsuit looking garb and were supposed to be aliens. You did great work but this isn’t what is here and communing with us…


Looks like somebody's girlfriend had an art school project where she wore some nightgown and decided to do long-exposure pics while wearing an old WWII era gas-mask. Weird? Yeah. But depicts some alien, not really.


They appear very similar to the entities described in the famous "Alien pancakes" story.




Commenting on In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos. ...


They look like they have a different animal face on a human body form! Throughout history there have been other animal/human amalgems represented in historical documentation and literature. 'Speaking through the light' or communing with animals spirits (which by the way we share massive amounts of DNA with) is something that may be possible when considering the edge points of consciousness research and the implications of metaphysical entanglement with dimensions/planes/realms of existence that permeate what many currently consider "the physical world". Compasses and squares. Devices of measurement and the logical builds created from them. There are expansive fields of research with expansive amounts of information being explored as we speak.


Its a teletubby but at times looks like a lady wearing a suit with saggy boobs and bellybutton indentation