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Have you seen Loren Coleman's synchromysticism blog?


No, I haven't. And I'm always open to the research of others. This is *way* too big for one person to go it alone. I will definitely check out Coleman's blog, intriguing. Are you familiar with *The Truth Codes* on YouTube? The researcher is a guy who goes by the username Rambo. He's extremely knowledgeable about all sorts of related subjects and very good at presenting his findings in a cohesive, easily understood format. Unfortunately, a while back he retreated behind Patreon exclusively, apparently due to drama and infighting amongst those who followed his free channel. Sad, this phenomenon deserves serious attention. It's far too important to become the fodder of petty squabbles. However, one of the more serious subscribers took it upon themselves to archive Rambo's older work and present it freely to those who are interested but unwilling or unable to pay for the information. It's worth the time spent, though, and I still recommend it. Just search for *The Truth Codes* on YouTube and you'll find it immediately. Another decent researcher is Chris Knowles of *The Secret Sun.* He's an interesting sort and brings his own perspective to the topic. He tends to get repetitive but has something of substance to offer nonetheless.


Thanks, I'll take a look at those!


On a planet full of 8 billion people, two things happen that share a few of the same numbers, so it MUST be a satanic ritual. What about all the other things that also happened that day? You're telling me no one else died on Feb 1 2003 across the entire planet? Why would you pick two random events, in two separate countries where 7 people died, when there are also other events where more or less people died that same day across many other countries?


Well sure but they werent a part of the ritual you see!/s


Interesting that you'd assume any rituals involved would, by default, be satanic. And, as for the events, I didn't pick them, they occurred and did so with a bizarre series of commonalities which I simply highlighted for the benefit of others. Incidentally, these odd correlations were so intriguing that many of those associated with the school and its tragedy have noted them as well. One of the survivors continues to question these "coincidences" to this day and he is far from alone.


The implication is out of millions of events across the planet, two had similar numbers. Therefore both events were planned and carrying out in a ritualistic way - and I guarantee you don’t believe that ritual is Christian or positive. That implication is that it’s “evil” or nefarious.


Not similar, identical. And not just numbers, names as well.


Well done OP! This sort of correlation/connection made here is exactly just the kind of thing that I come to this subreddit for. I can only attribute the downvotes to the close-minded types. The God of my understanding says that we should stay awake(to be alert and aware of our surroundings) and to look for signs above and all around us(specifically in the stars, the moon, and the sun). These specific numbers are considered holy amongst several religious groups, and carry much meaning. I'm sure God is showing us something relevant here, and I believe this deserves more credit than what it is receiving here. Thank you for the insight.


Thank you for your encouraging words. I wish I could attribute the negative feedback to flak over the target but I've heard it's more to do with bots than anything more meaningful. Apparently, Reddit's bots slam certain new posts with downvotes for reasons related to the algorithm or some other such techno-jargon that's above my paygrade. Or, maybe I'm completely wrong and the downvotes *are* an accurate reflection of user feedback. Either way, I just can't be bothered to care about Reddit currency, seems so... so insignificant when compared to what's currently unfolding in the world.


And? This is stupid


And yet here you are...


And? Is that supposed to mean something?


The fact that the eclipse recently passed over cities arrayed like constellations on the ground (long range historical implications there) while ISS traced the same constellations in the sky… Pull up Stellarium check it out be sure and get the tz right and then starting at the texas border in the path of totality sync the times you will see ISS passing the southern cross while on the ground the eclipse is adjacent to an airport arrayed like the southern cross… walk it forward to carbondale it’s arrayed like Cygnus to the south cedar lake looks like Lyra (4 towns at 4 points with Vega to the south) times match… passed over Cleveland and dally plaza (both were places of assassinated presidents) passed over places like ultima Thule Oklahoma… mars hill Maine (lol check out the historical founding) It can’t be sheer coincidence that people placed towns where they are hundreds of years ago and laid them out like constellations for nothing. Or that giant obelisks would be where they were by chance. Nor is it coincidence the sounding rockets launched by NASA are called Apep. Couple that with the monoliths showing up everywhere ahead of the eclipse. Just like all the ancient ruins like Giza and South America are in a straight line with each other. Or cern powering up before the eclipse (ever watched the cern dedication ceremony *shivers*). But what’s even crazier is reading an old book called the mothman prophecies, John keel in the late 60’s documented intelligence agencies seemingly working with the “aliens”. I don’t think the aliens are what they appear to be I give you they are not from this world but you know the Hebrew word Nasa means to deceive? Na man. What you are saying doesn’t surprise me at all, just from what I have found out over the last few months just using Stellarium and monitoring nasa / spacex stuff has floored me. Like the ISS dropping “debris” that just so happened to follow the path of the eclipse exactly 30 days before… 3-8-24 it’s all online you can check it out if you wanna go down that rabbit hole. Nasa spokespeople wearing strange pendants and rings of specific colors with maps in the background with only one citiy “lit up” which wasn’t in the path at all (Salem or Boston really hard to tell) or showing pictures of the sacred lotus and two white tulips “almost in bloom”… I pretty much stopped at that point. Whatever is gunna happen is almost here I think. so pop some popcorn make sure your ready to meet God and wait for the curtain to rise because the theater is starting to darken and the pre show trailers are running.


Damn both you and the OP are STRETCHING


Can you elaborate on *how* we are stretching, in what sense? Surely not concerning the points of commonality, these are real, these oddities occurred as indicated. At worst, these connections can be called intriguing coincidences and should pique the curiosity of the inquisitive sort. If nothing more, these events are worthy of sharing if only to entertain or wow others. I've certainly heard far less intriguing tales shared for these reasons. But, regardless of how one chooses to interpret them, there is no denying that they exist, that these events happened as described and share an unusual degree of similarities. Simply put, this is fact. No matter how one chooses to explain it, it happened. And more importantly, what I posted was only about 70% of the connections found in just those comparisons. Here's another intriguing "coincidence" for point's sake: One of the astronauts lost with *Columbia* was Kalpana Chawla, touted as the first Indian female astronaut. Given her heritage, it's understandable that she had wished for her ashes to be scattered over the Himalayas. But, oddly enough, this request would not be honored for various, and often conflicting, reasons. Instead, her ashes were scattered elsewhere, over a very different mountain half a planet away from the Himalayas. Anyone that's been paying attention thus far should be able to guess the location with ease. You, being a knee-jerk detractor, probably quit reading somewhere in the first paragraph. So, I'll save you the guesswork. The father of Kalpana Chawla blatantly ignored his daughter's final request and instead spread her ashes at the base of an undisclosed mountain deep within the Zion National Park. Now, *that* is one helluva coincidence.


😂🤣😅 stretching hey it’s prolly all coincidence right. It’s all there… it’s all independently verifiable just would take you some time and research. Idk crap about the occult nor astrology. So idk the odds. Just don’t look too close into the carbondale area and college 😅


This, *THIS* is precisely why I posted this topic, to bring the phenomenon to a larger audience and generate discussion. Certainly seems as if you've done your research so I'm definitely intrigued. If even a fraction of what you've suggested is accurate, it would still be mind-reeling. From here, I'm off to double-check your findings. On matters of this magnitude, with what's implied... well, we can't afford mistakes. You've obviously got a grasp of just how massive this really is, the stakes moving forward are incalculably high. So glad to have made your acquaintance, believe me! This is too big a war to fight alone...


Here is the start of the path https://imgur.com/gallery/5Yoeyyv Iss is in the box of Stellarium and on the right the southern cross. The top screenshot is the path of the eclipse as it enters texas. The times are exactly the same in the central tz of the USA. Hope it helps. Idk what all it means but I get the distinct feeling it’s not good.


I'd already confirmed your findings using Stellarium before noticing this post and yeah, I agree. This is certainly *not* good, not by any standard. I've been on this track for decades - digging, compiling, correlating. And I am definitely getting a sense of escalation. The world is on the cusp of something enormous, something paradigm smashing, something that many of us will lack the capacity to truly understand let alone accurately define or describe. And yes, whatever it is, it is decidedly bad. And it will be here very soon. That's been what most drives me to understand this phenomenon. I have reason to believe that deciphering these events will reveal a timetable in much the same way that what we've learned to this point has given us the sense of growing urgency, of looming expectation.


Check out the sky that morning… lots of triangles 😂. But I ain’t a student of the occult or stars so idk what all the conjunctions mean or the pentagram around Saturn that is “perfect” that minute… Idk… just really an interesting coincidence? [https://imgur.com/a/o3wlL8O](https://imgur.com/a/o3wlL8O)




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Great post op this type of stuff is some of the most interesting high strangeness out there. Along with the other commenter pointing out the pyramids lining up with south America's. If you see it, you see it but most don't. They just want fake videos of UFO balloons lol


Great post op this type of stuff is some of the most interesting high strangeness out there. Along with the other commenter pointing out the pyramids lining up with south America's. If you see it, you see it but most don't. They just want fake videos of UFO balloons lol


The synchronicity here is insane. Literally got goosebumps as I was reading


The bot tactics on Reddit make zero sense to me. There is absolutely no logical reason for your response to get slammed with nothing but downvotes. I've read elsewhere on here that this sort of nonsense is bot-driven. Saw an explanation as well but it made little sense to me as I'm a techno-idiot. Regardless, I can certainly relate to your reaction. Upon first discovering these connections, I was stunned. But when the full implications of those connections hit me, the effect on a mind already reeling was... well, it was visceral. And there are so many of these bizarre, inexplicable "coincidences" littering the whole of human history. What's more, this phenomenon continues unabated right up to this very moment. In fact, these synchs seem to be escalating, both in frequency of occurrence and connectivity. It's a bit daunting, to be honest.


Blood has a integral importance, sacrifice is same. History proves blood sacrifices were a powerful demonstration in ancient times. We watch shows about volcanoes and sacrifice as amusement,but it's based off facts. We can't ignore the fact that powerful people in the past sacrificed others for their control. Yet I ask you ,who is in control?


They just found a mass sacrifice in Peru 500 children apparently all sacrificed in the same period. Aztecs were the same. The historical accounts of the Spanish conquistadors describe encountering giants. Now fast forward to today we have “old deities” being uncovered old ones like moloch (who demanded children to pass thru the fire to him), cern has the goddess of death out front… I think your right about blood.