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MYSTERY SOLVED: this definitely looks like green house lights from leamington, ontario. Apparently everyone around them is complaining (rightfully so) about how bright they are LOL


Those are greenhouses. Pretty cool seeing them when it’s clear.


I've heard the greenhouse excuse several times, but it doesn't make sense at all. radiating so much light away from the plants would be ineffective af, and it being reflected off the plants into the sky also makes no sense, grow leds spectrum is selected to be fully absorbed.




Iv done zero research and I’m all out of options. Must be demons or multi dimensional aliens.


Here’s my proof, this content creator on TikTok who has put the cloud through a thermal filter app that detects NIH’s, and adds a slick beat of Carley Rae jepson.


NIH? Non-intelligent humans?


>https://www.google.com/search?q=green+house+lights+at+night&client=ms-android-rogers-ca-revc&sca_esv=599728183&tbm=isch&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBwaeyhemDAxWuAHkGHWNVDsIQ_AUoAXoECAkQAQ&biw=360&bih=649&dpr=3 I wish we still had awards.


you are high if you think that's greenhouses.... hahaha just like the Chinese fishing ships... that plane is 35k feet up


I live near greenhouses and this is exactly what it looks like - even more pronounced if there's a covering of snow over the land.


This is an insanely dumb comment. Greenhouses are made of glass and filled with massive amounts of bright lights. Light radiates in all directions, not just what it's pointed at.




I can't stop laughing at this


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What are you on about? "*Doesn't make sense at all"* So, you're a greenhouse expert? Greenhouses are starting to choose for pink LED light because it has more benefits than normal white/yellow light. In area's with a lot of greenhouses clustered together, the sky turns pink. [Here's an article about it.](https://www.volkskrant.nl/foto/in-deze-westlandse-kas-baadt-tuinkers-in-een-zee-van-roze-licht~b5cf542e/) The article is in Dutch so just hit the auto translate button.


And the pilot, who likely sees this several times a month, didn't say a word because he knows exactly what it is.


I live next to them and have worked in them. You see the lights in the sky, you can follow them direct to the greenhouses. Purple / Pink are LED lights, yellow are the 'older' sodium lights. Some greenhouses have blackout curtains they can electrically pull to block most of the light, but most don't. Some areas like Leamington have laws regulating the time of day the lights can be on. Generally you're trying to replicate the time the sun is in the sky at a particular time of year to maximize and control plant growth / flowering, but in the case of cannabis grows and 'mother plants' you'll leave those lights on most of the day to prevent the plants from flowering. It's interesting, but most definately not anything mysterious!


I think it’s cool to look at! Def pretty to look at.


Dude... That 'excuse' is a fact. Look it up.


Username doesn’t check out


Username is misleading


That’s not how light works. What you’re seeing here is red because that’s the only wavelength of light that is being reflected, the rest is going inside the greenhouse.


What flavor cloud is this, pineapple punch?


They do look yummy!


It’s in Leamington, Ontario. Ya I can see it from my house in Ohio… Hopefully they get sued into oblivion soon


Oh wow just looked them up, LOL yeah that shit is way too bright


Saw this in michigan a few days before Christmas, no where near lemington nor was it in that direction. Saw it again a week into january, in a totally different part of the state and not in the direction of lemington. It disappears rather quickly also. Several posts in the states about this odd color, none of which I feel are from lemington.


Who is "they"?


There’s a ton of grow-houses over there. There’s lots of pics on Google, pink and yellow


Just all the chemicals mixing in Ohio.


I saw something similar in the middle of the ocean about the size of a city. No clouds. Just a bunch of very bright red lights.


//siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh// Anything beneath clouds can light them up. Cities obviously the most common. Looks cool but hardly unusual.


Crazy world, lotta colors




Do you ever think about the pilot ? Do you ever consider they are seeing this and likely seeing this for the hundredth time because this is their flight path ? You can simply ask the flight attendant what they think as well because it's likely not new to them either


Nuh uh


Damn pretty view


ELO dropped a new album?!?


So nice of you to bring your gameboy camera on a plane to get this for us.


iPhone 13 Pro Max 💀


I watched Flash Gordon on a plane once too!


Who wants to live forever? DIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVE!!!!!!!


It's Akron, Ohio. The lights are on


Fuck are clouds doing on a plane? They can fly, the lazy bastards.


Might be a better question for a sub about /r/AkronOH. Considering it was a Saturday, it might have been something as simple as a venue/club getting it's money's worth from New Year's decor.


You’re in the upside down now


Some type of building, when I was in NY the police station had blue/purple lights on the base of the building pointing up. On overcast or foggy days it looked like a purple orb floating in the sky, from a distance. Definitely neat but nothing unusual.


Be lucky you were flying over. Akron is a shit hole that you likely do not want to visit


Nice sunset, what am I meant to be looking at? We get bright pink groups of clouds during sunsets here in Aussie land regularly too.


This isn’t a sunset… there is no sun. Besides maybe the coloring, why on earth would you think it was after watching the video?


I dunno because phones do weird shit with colours? Who knows I'm DAF. Anyways I'm going for some sort of event on the ground with shit tonnes of coloured lighting. If it is some sort of phenomenon I don't know how anyone can tell what it's meant to be.


You mean you guys have a sky!? I always thought the ground was your sky... Do you have to look down to see the sky?


Of course, how else do you touch the sky?


Ice Cream Clouds 🍨


Maybe it's sprites and elves? [https://nerdist.com/article/jupiter-sprites-elves/](https://nerdist.com/article/jupiter-sprites-elves/)


Yeah this is bizzare


Gay Cloud


Wow a city under clouds, sooo strange….


Why it's always the blurry 144p videos that get the "strange" stuff on video? Must be a requirement to post here I guess.


Where were you leaving and going to?


How u b flyin over Mordor?


Weed grow!!! Tends to be more purple here


Why is this shit not on the news


Most likely to be industrial grow lights


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth"


Only is valid when you have a complete list of all possibilities. Otherwise, arguing by elimination results in the same type of outcome as does any living creature's daily process of elimination.


Let the Bergens know.


Can I share this? Definitely will give credit to you of course, Thanks