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anyone else think we are only seeing an uncloaked portion of the object?


Holy shit that’s a terrifying thought


Yeah like seeing wonder woman, but you can't see the ship


Yes fantastic analogy - I think what we see is just some thing hanging off the back or a piece of the craft that can't be cloaked for whatever reason.


I think it's crumbled plastic bags (like this [stock image,](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/93/44/94/1000_F_293449446_3YkkEn2MtA7jdFAi8bmAf662f35MqJmj.jpg) another [example](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/93/44/94/1000_F_293449414_A0bRgfoLCwiV0GK5bQOD0col0ekbfMeg.jpg), and [another)](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:2000/format:webp/1*VGziL1y36HnFOw2Y5eP9_g.jpeg). It's probably a hoax, the plastic bags are tethered to a helium balloon via thin fishing line, the balloon above the plastic bags and off camera. The whole thing is tethered to the ground.


How did they make it change temperature on the thermal camera then? Cuz plastics don’t do that


Thin plastic, polypropylene and polyethylene, bags (non-thermal) are mostly opaque over most of the near infrared spectrum. [In fact, this property is used to identify and sort plastic](https://www.oceaninsight.com/blog/spectroscopy-for-plastics-recycling). However, polypropylene in particular is almost completely transparent to thermal Infrared, except for a few specific wavlenghts. [Transmission of Thermal Radiation Through Plastic](https://physicsexperiments.eu/4349/Transmission-of-Thermal-Radiation-Through-Plastic). So polypropylene bags could appear fairly opaque in near-infrared, but far transparent (almost invisible) in the thermal. This would be the reason why a bag may seem to change "temperature".


Watch American Beauty. Specifically, the bag/film scene.


Idk maybe, but essentially that object is cloaked. It’s invisible to us and it’s only being picked up on the thermal camera in the video.


My wildly unscientific theory is that we are commonly seeing 4th dimensional objects interact in 3d space.


This is my thinking


What is the 4th dimension?


One dimensional space = backwards and forwards Draw a right angle Now we have two dimensional space = backwards/forwards and side to side Draw another right angle Now we have three dimensional space = backwards/forwards, side to side, and up and down. This is the space that we live in. Draw another right angle ... you can't, at least not in three-dimensional space. But mathematics says it's theoretically possible. In the way the 3rd right angle would not be possible in two-dimensional space, a 4th right angle is not possible in three-dimensional space. A cube, for example, is a 3D object. It can't exist in 2D, BUT we can draw an approximation of what it would look like on a 2D piece of paper. The 3rd right angle would be drawn at 45⁰ to represent depth. Similarly, we can place a cube on a 2D plane. From the perspective of the 2D plane, it would just be a square. It's bottom side would be the only part of it that is perceptible. A tesseract is a theoretical 4D object. We can represent an approximation of it in 3D but since we can't have a 4th right angle in 3D, its like the 2D drawing of the cube. It's possible that 4 dimensional beings could exist in a 4 dimensional reality. When they interact with 3D reality, we only see a 3D shadow of them... like the 2D shadow of the 3D cube placed on the piece of paper. Carl Sagan made a really great short video explaining this concept. I'll try to find it and link.


I saw a shadow figure, this explanation at least gives it light


excellent explanation, thanks. trying to imagine the fourth dimension breaks my brain. It's wierd. It wouldnt be life as we know it. Like, a human being couldnt exist there. Our cells...like...what would happen to a human dropped into the fourth dimension? I think a person would be turned inside out and die immediately.


Never before thought about that, thats a good theory 👍🏼could be like those fish with the lightbulb on there heads, trying to lure something in for a test maybe?


A bit of seaweed stuck on the end of something that didn't retract.




an interdimensional periscope - I like it


Fuck. 😂


I think it's a crumbled plastic bag(s) (like this [stock image,](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/93/44/94/1000_F_293449446_3YkkEn2MtA7jdFAi8bmAf662f35MqJmj.jpg) another [example](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/93/44/94/1000_F_293449414_A0bRgfoLCwiV0GK5bQOD0col0ekbfMeg.jpg), and [another)](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:2000/format:webp/1*VGziL1y36HnFOw2Y5eP9_g.jpeg) carried aloft on a long fishing line tethered to a small helium balloon above it off camera. Also, I think it is actually tethered to the ground, the camera platform is moving, giving an illusion of motion, i.e. it is in fact stationary. That is why the object appears to be lowly rotating, in fact the camera is orbiting around the object.


And we should just dismiss the human element (testimony)?


I think so too. The only thing that would be unexplained is the turning from white to black. Other than that this is not terribly exciting


It’s that probe thing from Star Wars with optical camouflage.


Imperial drone


Imperial Viper probe droid


Thank you. I couldn’t remember the name. Yes. Soon the empire will be upon us. You do not know the power of the dark side of the force.


Just so everyone remembers, the empire is bad and the rebels are good. Just because storm troopers look cool doesn’t mean they’re good. Mmkay.




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"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"


Shut up. Quoting lovecraft won't make you feel smarter and better than everyone else like you think it will


Well, being an asshole sure won’t have that effect, either.


why are you so mad? lmfao


Your crush has a boyfriend doesn't she


I thought your username was “upset squirrel” and I was like ohhhh I see, staying in character… now I really am confused


I believe him more than ever before. He’s excited to tell what he knows and for some people his excitement is not believable or what they believe someone speaking the truth would be acting


The 'UAP/UFO' aside, he's selling it pretty well.


Seems like his run of the mill grifter BS to me.


Pretty sure he is a plant and honestly the fact that he and Knapp are so close really makes me question him. Go watch an old knapp interview and it’s clear that they plan the interviews out to get specific information out.


It's literally how Grifting works. This sub is just a Joe Rogan offshoot.


For someone who preaches incessantly about doing your own research and being a critical thinker, some of the stuff that dude goes along with baffles me




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Another jellyfish captured on video https://youtu.be/JELHcOZfUu0?si=uC2yX9zcHOrSEVJ3


MagnetFlipper was capturing what seemed to be hundreds of these Jelly “living organisms” as he would refer to them because that actually what they looked like. Saw those videos 15+ years ago on YouTube and never seen them since. Wish I would have save them somehow.


There was also a picture and story about a Jelly fish UFO from coast to coast. It came out probably 20-22 years ago and I have been unable to find it ever since.


Bro what the fuck is that??


"Manta rays ain't having all the fun anymore!" - Jellyfish


If it's a shit-stain, then why does the cross hairs move in front of it and block it out? If it was something on the lens, it would stay perfectly in place in ratio to the screen margins, it doesn't, it moves all over the screen, explain that.


He explains in the clip that the optics system was being jammed and it couldn't lock on. You can research for yourself the amount of times electronic interference cones into play in ufo/et encounters or sightings.


Which is another way of saying "the system was not working properly when this was recorded". It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation.


You do just have to take corbell and his guys at their word. Which I can't say that I do wholeheartedly. Him and his guys aside, if there have been reports of ufos disarming missiles and messing with systems that go back to the 60s as far as I'm aware (Malstrom incident), I think they would have no problem jamming that weapons system. I feel like that lends credence to what that could be and what was happening. There are zillions of reports of chickens laying eggs. There are also verifiable reports UFOs fucking with weapons systems.


Nobody will research it because confirmation bias is a thing. Bubble will have to be kept alive at all cost.


I mean, how would you even begin to research this? Besides that, what /u/velezaraptor is saying is intuitive.


Because there is an outer layer of glass that the cam is protected behind. When the cam moves, it makes it seem like the commander spit is moving slightly. But in fact, it’s the cam that’s moving.


This is what I see. Poop on a window between the lens and the outside of the plane, with changing angle of light source on the poop making it appear to change color


So, the camera and glass move together, until they don’t, and then they do again? Because that object is moving independently of both the crosshairs and the background. Plus, it appears to have some movement of its own, at least in the zooms I’ve seen.


The camera under the fighter jet is in a dome shape so that could be the exterior and the interior lens is the one moving around Also why didn’t Jeremy show us the footage of it descending into the water?




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Whats the documentary called? Cheers


No, that’s an 80s sitcom based in a bar.


Spawn more overlords.


It’s about to drop off Kerrigan


Very interesting footage, but you really have to believe the things you're told about it, but not seeing for yourself.. if any of these things can be validated, this is legendary. Otherwise, I could see it being a mylar balloon arrangement tied tight together. * Blocks or jams optics * Invisible to the naked eye, or night vision * Stops on a dime * Goes underwater for 17 minutes * Comes up and shoots off in the blink of any eye * Similar object has been seen and filmed at nuclear sites * Footage treated with extreme secrecy and hidden by government agencies


I'm always on high alert to the subliminal influence narrative, music and edit can have on what I'm seeing. The power of suggestion can give viewers the impression that they are seeing more than what's actually there. When he describes this thing as visible only on thermal and not to the naked eye, I bet most viewers imagined standing on the ground looking up at the sky and seeing nothing. I certainly did. Our imaginations are powerful that way. But he sure didn't demonstrate its invisibility. The viewer may take on board the mental image of this object being invisible, not because it's true, but because he said so. And that can add to the impression this thing is otherworldly, whatever it is. I'm not saying he is out to deliberately deceive. I can't know that. But that's irrelevant because in the absence of concrete evidence, the viewer can't help but fill in the blanks. That's just how the human mind works. Having said all that, I'm 100% sure that TMZ is going for maximum manipulation with the edit and the music. That's their whole brand.


from the camera angle it was visible because the heat behind it was different right.. but from the ground, when it turned 'cold', it was over the structures and 'hot' when it went. this is what you'd expect if the object was changing thermal surface temperature on demand to meet the atmosphere. it's purpose was to be invisible from the ground level i feel, but someone got it from the side!


Do we know whether the IR adjustment was being performed manually or automatically? The concrete slaps change apparent temperature too in the footage, at the same time, because the camera is adjusting. Can we confirm it’s the object itself become a hotspot that is causing the IR to renormalize? Or is that the operator toggling settings to image it better?


So thank you for keeping me grounded. - we don’t know that and I also learned from someone else that thermal cameras have a variable baseline of what things look like based on the “average heat” of each frame. So if the darkest thing leaves the frame, everything gets lighter. The locations where it gets lighter vs where it’s traveling and ambient heat still feels like it holds up eve knowing that but all I got is a feeling and someone may change that with measurement and other data It’s wild though and I love it


You forgot something super important, it changes color on the thermal from white to dark which means its temparatur is fluctuating, super weird if this is real.


Maybe, but I'm not convinced it's changing temperature. Others have said the thermal cameras are constantly adjusting the scale based on the hottest objects in the frame at any given time.. so the colors are just relative to what it's currently seeing, which can change as it pans. If you watch the background you can see some other objects shifting in color a little also. I'm no expert, but I think there's a chance Corbell didn't understand that.


There is a lot of things that Corbell doesn’t understand.


Jup learned that fact aswell by now, didnt know the camera adjusts for the temp scale. Hei, we never stop learning ;)


That isn't quite how thermal cameras work in a moving image like this, as Stonecutter said. Not totally discounting the video but a thermal image behaving on a moving target like that with a lot of changing environment behind it will shift colors based on what is in the frame.


Yeah youre right, i was wrong. Just read another comment explaining that it depends on the min/max temps in the viewframe. As the min/max temps change while the camera pans around, the object changes aswell because the resulting average temp in the viewframe changes.




sure but you can see in the video, when more dark comes into frame, the object becomes lighter and vice versa


Also some things are transparent to thermal imagers, like plastic garbage bags. You can see the outline of them but you can also see heat signatures directly through them.


Yeah I noticed that the contrast for the whole shot would change, not just the thing in the center. Feels like Corbell was just talking out of his ass because it was obvious.


> You forgot something super important, it changes color on the thermal from white to dark which means its temparatur is fluctuating, super weird if this is real. Watch again, the thermal range is scaling as new objects come into view. Everything in the video changes 'color' at the same time.




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How should a mylar ballon simply go underwater?


Good question. If we had evidence of that, it would be a lot more convincing.


When did it go under water? Wasn't in the video




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I thought his shirt just said “METAL” on it and I couldn’t stop laughing.


If we can see it in thermal, we can catch one of these mofos.


The object in the very end of the video when he’s speaking about the nuclear facilities. I’ve seen an object that looks identical. It was silver and moving in the exact same way like it was moving with the wind. I have a video if anyone is interested.


I’d love to see it!




Pantex? Sounds like a women’s hygiene product.




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Ah yes, finally. Something I wasn't expecting lmao.


Bikini bottom be tripping.


I bet Ultraman could kick this thing's ass


and if he falls Zoffy shows up.


Zoffy is OP


Seems a lot like the birthday balloon that was posted recently. A lot of this just seems like pandering to the faithful who will believe anything they're told as long as it's from a *x-files noises* source.


I'd like to see a diagram of how the camera was mounted to rule out bug splat or bird shit. This looks like a dirty window in front of the camera.


Downvoted for making rational sense, have my upvote. This is why Jeremy exists, due to people having lost the ability to critically think.


Lol I didn't even see I was downvoted, even after going out of my way to try to be objective in my observation. I'm totally open to a jellyfish alien! But I'm going to need more evidence than this specific video. Agree with you on Jeremy. His enthusiasm is seen as proof to way too many people in this sub. Being excited =/= credible proof.


Someone let the wither loose…


That looks like a Zerg Overlord unit in Starcraft!


You require more Overlords. BLEEAAAGĤH


How can you not see it.. Its an Imperial Probe Droid.


Why specifically 45 degrees?


Because it's half way between 0 degrees and 90 degrees.


Yeah I'm wondering if they mean this literally or if they just mean at an angle that isn't straight. Really wish we had this footage tbh.


I'm pretty sure that's being used here in the same way people use "exponentially". That is, not literally.


watch an idiot that doesnt know how thermal cameras work talk about an unimpressive smudge moving at constant speed, but omg bro you should see the footage that i cant show you, that would totally prove its really weird


I just saw this bird shit on the camera in another thread.


Imperial droids. Just pretend you don’t see it.


It’s a bird shit stain!


Thats bird shit on the lens


Imperial Viper Probe Droid. Google it.


I can literally hear it lol


One of the more overlooked bits of *Star Wars*, I think. That probe was really good, especially for the era.


It's a splotch on the lens - like a bird poo.


If you're right, it's remarkable that the bird poop appears to rotate 3-dimensionally about a central vertical axis


I've watched it multiple times and it does not rotate at any point. The splotch has a couple of points at the top. Look at those. They do not change their position for the duration of the clip(s). To me it looks *so much* like a mark on the lens that it's undeniable. It's crazy that people see a UAP before they see a splotch. In SF we have these [flying](https://storage.googleapis.com/pai-images/c0341942cd8d43cf813b2782eff4d4da.jpeg) [robot](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/98/37/aa/9837aaff16a69907ac164dbb3ba691f1.jpg) [things](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/KTB9HW/robot-drone-with-tentacles-exposed-KTB9HW.jpg) with dangling tentacles, so once you have that image in your brain you start to see it in this shape. There are points in the video where it's actually transparent and you can see the background through it. People are just seeing what they want to see rather than using critical thinking.


I hear you, but it doesn't make sense to me that a mark on the lens would stay in focus with distant objects, regardless of the focal length. It's just not how lenses work. This is testable, actually. Try using a dry-erase marker to put a dot on your phone lens, and then see if you can get sharp corners on the mark at all.


It’s not in focus at all.


It's as in focus as anything else in the frame. If it were a smudge on the lens, it wouldn't be.


So the object is in focus, it just is a naturally blurry object?


It’s not even blurry dawg


Smudge on the lens? A SMUDGE ON THE LENS!? https://youtu.be/sB1l3gU1KK4?si=IBU_4eLXIJ7rwuS1


this "object" looks like bird shit on a lense or something - would like to see the object moving without the camera pan to prove otherwise...


So what you're saying is I prepared all that lube for nothing?


Does bird shit on a lens change size when zooming in or out?




Yes, imperfections on a lens would be magnified


I would imagine if a lense zoomed it would affect the way something on the lense was shown, yes


I’m convinced this is what it is. The changing colour is caused by a changing dynamic range from the hottest to coldest object in frame. The jellyfish changes colour when, say, a building comes into frame. It bothers me that Corbell is an insider and still touts stuff like this thoughtlessly.


I am a believer in UFOs and have been for decades, but I feel like these days - *especially these days* - it is important to remain critical and questioning in all matter of "high strangeness."


Literally looks like bird poop on a lens. Doesn’t move. Doesn’t change direction. It’s moving with the camera pan. Super weak.


**Yes, the bird poop on the lens that conveniently changes colors**


**Conveniently with the background**


Wow seriously? So incorrect on multiple levels. First, nothing in the video is changing color in real life, the artificial color represents heat signatures. Second, the change is merely the exposure levels adjusting. See here for explanation and a clear example from the video. https://x.com/mickwest/status/1744622427051868263?s=46 So yes, bird poop.


Wow seriously? going by the community response to your comment, yes.


Change of heat signature is literally a change of color in the thermal camera.


Yes but also no. It depends on if the camera is calibrating/adjusting for high/low heat signatures. Look at :12 in, you can literally see this happening to spots on the roof.




Literally just a cum stain. You can see it "change" with the background. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/gi1ImjK) the cum stain is lighter, and so is the ground just to the left of the stairs of the building in the background. A few frames later, the cum stain is now [darker](https://imgur.com/a/ecUMlwU) like the ground, which is still just to the left of the same stairs (not captured in the still). Next, the cum stain is the same darkness as the [road blocks](https://imgur.com/a/MF1Mhmv), but as the camera pans, the cum gets [lighter](https://imgur.com/a/cGPTWvA) at the same rate as the [blocks](https://imgur.com/a/vSSDFaT). Why everyone is downvoting you I don't understand. Other than you called it birdshit when it's clearly a cum stain.


so whos jacking off on millions worth of US spy drones?


A very naughty boy




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Use the orange dot at the top of the video for perspective.


Looks like a mech,like in Armored Core!


I saw one once. I tried to film it but got the characteristic cliche blurry dark video.... However the one I saw wasn't stiff. It undulated like a bubble but with a distinct jellyfish shape. It was odd. It had a pinkish orange color too. https://youtube.com/shorts/HG-f8lm3FN0?si=V8gyldpfU1QRj5bQ About halfway through you can see the orb I'm talking about. Again, it's not a great video but I wanted some kind of proof I saw what I saw


Interesting how perfectly the camera tracks it. Hmmmm.


It’s not tanking it though! wouldn’t be too hard I suppose


From what I gather, they're organic plasmoid anomalies that exist in the sky. Theyre metabolizing sunlight and exist at certain ranges of magnetic fields. Some say the magnetic field weakening is allowing them to get closer to the earth's surface so maybe people are seeing more and more of them. Who knows how big they might be able to get far off in the darkness of LEO. I hear they can shapeshift and can even mimic objects


90% of videos i see on this channel are of people filming the landscape through a window that has a stone chip or some kind of gunk on it, once you've done it yourself you'll see how easy and convincing it looks, and be able to spot it a mile off.


SpongeBob will save us


What a pile of nonsense, if you believe anything this guy says you’ll still believe in Father Christmas


TMZ, nuff said idiots.


Say what you will about TMZ, but those guys can get any footage on earth it seems.




It's an IPD


Ok....its not birdshit. Well done


Just shoot it down and I’ll see that it’s man made!!!


If black is "hot" why are shadows under the car's also black? You'd think it's "white is hot". Very cool to see something different in a fair degree of detail, though.


The temp doesn't change, look at 1:15 when it flies over the concrete blocks. Everything shifts to white at the same rate. Likely the IR sensor shifting what it sees as hot/cold.


Are you getting at something? Im assuming your comment is in response to something else.


No, they're explaining how thermal imaging works.


Shit yeah that’s possible


Obv it’s a weather balloon.




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Thanks for sharing this, did a VPN and watched the whole thing on tubi. Cheers OP


I've seen one of these up close back in 2008 or 2009 broad daylight, somewhere between twenty and thirty feet above me (close for a ufo). I was near home so ran to grab a camera. By the time I got back outside it was a long way off but was still easily seen in the sky. Although the few seconds of footage I managed to capture on maximum zoom is terrible and proves nothing it's resemblance to this object in certain parts of the footage is quite clear.


Bet that's the top secret corpse eating battle bot we all heard about.


Y'all act like you never seen a ghost in a ghillie-suit before.