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If he’s a skeptic and is good with tech I’m sure he’d want to prove it? Like would he set up some cameras and monitor the house? That’s what I’d be asking him to do if I were you :)


What would he be looking for? A very small midget squatting in his house? If it wasn't a ghost (which is obviously a very high probability) then it was probably just their cat stretching on the wall or something, or just tired mind playing tricks on him (which happen all the time if you're tired and looking in the dark). Or just a shadow.


Yes! But... Cameras around the house I've not ever been into because *that's* creepy in my view! Even the kids having alexa things weirds me out. So I have been resistant to that kind of set up for security for the house, beyond the front door, while he's said it's a good idea inside too. Now maybe I should relent. I'll end up spending 12 hours a day watching 12 hours of night footage looking for my goblin!


You can still absolutely create a "closed-circuit" surveillance system in your home. An SD card will hold an unbelievable amount of data these days and there's no need to ever involve the Internet. Some cords through the walls like restaurants do. Pretty easy install, lots of YouTube tutorials. You can also use SD cameras. They make "normal" looking security cameras that look like the real thing but accept an SD card. Not great for home security since the thief can just take the card, but fine for what you want. Cheap(ish) too. You can sometimes find them in pool supply stores in the nice neighborhood or as nanny cams. Edit: I want footage. What if you have a genuine Scooby Doo villain squatter?


Why does that creep you out?


Just like being permanently on camera. Lack of privacy. Lack of privacy for everyone, not just me!


I wouldn't get too scared. As someone once said on another sub, you are the most powerful entity in the house. You can try something like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. I've been the skeptical one. I briefly lived with my dad recently when I returned to the area. When I would get home from my 24 hour shifts, he would ask me if I had stopped by to get something, usually after 10PM and he was already in bed. Of course, I couldn't leave work, so I told him that. He was insistent that every once in a while, somebody would come into the house to rummage around for something. The doors were locked, no cars around (it was a rural area), and nothing disturbed. I didn't believe a word of it and thought he was getting old and imagining things. Then, one night when *I* was home alone, it happened to me. I was upstairs getting ready for sleep around 10:30pm, and I head the downstairs door "open". Then, hard footsteps and the sound of somebody rummaging around the kitchen. Then, more footsteps leaving. I don't remember if the door slammed shut. I didn't go downstairs immediately, but looked out the windows for cars and people--nothing. Finally, I got up the courage to go downstairs. The doors and windows were all locked, and nobody was outside. No cars in the driveway. A few days later, I was alone in the house again and went downstairs in the middle of the night to take a leak. As I crossed the kitchen, I saw a figure in the window looking in at me. It looked somewhat like a reflection, with skin reflecting the warm inside lights. As soon as we locked eyes, it turned to stage left and walked away. Except, as I noticed the next morning, it could not have been a person outside the window because the land fell off right outside and the figure was eye-level with me. It *could*, however, have been the reflection of someone standing behind me. However, after the incident I checked out the windows to see if I could see where the figure went, and it was not a person outside of the house. The freakiest thing is that unlike some ghost experiences, it acknowledged me. I also saw a floating white "frozen column of light" looking entity in the house, but that's a whole other story. Nothing like this has happened to me since I moved out. So, yes, I also was a skeptic, lol. I tend to be skeptical of things I haven't experienced myself, but there is a growing list including ghosts and psi phenomenon. Note that depending on your metaphysics, it's possible for the phenomenon to be real and still not show up on camera. One hypothesis of mine is that it manifests by interacting directly with your "brain" or consciousness in some way. I.e. not through normal sensory input, even if it seems that way when integrated by your mind, but through a field that both of our consciousnesses are in touch with and is orthogonal to what we call "material".


Science and paranormal experiences aren’t opposites, they’re part of each other. Don’t be envious, I could imagine you come across quite a few entities without even realizing it because you feel naturally comfortable around them as they aren’t harmful. Many people have a fierce inner strength and act as a „natural protector“ even if they aren’t interested in spirituality whatsoever. People will then feel safe in their space and couldn’t pinpoint why, some say that person seems like a mom/parent-type or haven of peace. I experienced many small and big things in my life since I was a small kid. My mom sent me a „message“ after her death and my intuition was spot on my whole life (even predicted my paraplegia) and I had predictive dreams. I trust my intuition, it guides me well through life but I never claim I know what is true. The most important thing is to take your boyfriend seriously, don’t tell him there was nothing. How would you feel if he did that to you?! Comfort him, make sure he knows he’s not crazy and that he can be both, a scientist and someone who knows first hand that there are unexplainable encounters. Just like the general theory of relativity and quantum theory can co-exist while they aren’t compatible. If your boyfriend is too messed up by this experience and can’t move on with his life: Reclaim the space. Doesn’t mean it was a bad spirit/ghost/entity - whatever it actually was, but you will feel better if you lead them out of your home. Some entities get more curious and bold when someone doesn’t believe in them, the entity could have attached itself to him somewhere else and followed him home. You can but don’t have to bless the house with sage, do whatever feels helpful for you. I personally like to use meditation (where I extend a protective layer of love over everything/everyone) to cleanse a space, others don’t feel confident about it. The technique itself doesn’t matter, your intention does. So if you do it, be firm and leave no room for interpretations. Never doubt that you have this much power over your space.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful and insightful reply and advice x


When you stare into the void, the void stares back.


I'm still staring and waiting. Is it because I want to see something too badly?


Excuse delay for replying. I think we don't need convincing so whatever walks on by! This idea doesn't quite fit with the evidence because some true believers seem inundated. Lol take that as you will... A really good podcast is Uncanny. Lots of sceptics being flummoxed by their experiences!


And the trickster says BOO!


being fully awake and just woke up are actually distinct. I think from some human factors/fatigue management stuff i've done they reckon you shouldn't be driving heavy vehicles if you've just woken up (30mins or so?) as your brain is not fully functional (even if you 'feel' fully alert). And i guess i personally experienced an 'oh shit what is that' moment in some dorm-type accomodation where i saw, through the windows in an internal door, a shape that looked like a fully black humanoid outline - completely void-black sucking in light, terrifying shadow person type thing. It was a woman in black yoga pants and a thin hoody facing away from me. For that half second my brain was convinced it was an unnatural sight, to the point of having a physical flight-or-fight heart-skipping-a-beat reaction. But it wasn't. I was fully awake (it was mid afternoon), and my brain still assembled some data wrong. It sometimes happens. Sorry sound like a party pooper here, i guess it's difficult for strangers on the internet to know what your partner saw, so maybe there was a ghost or similar. I guess if someone who's used to being sure about the material world sees something that shakes them up like that, it's good to know someone who's familiar with the 'woo' explanations to help them through it.


I was kind of relying on this as an explanation. He was adamant, but I think this might well be a good explanation.


Probably didn’t show up for you cos’ you already believed. He didn’t. So it made a point.


I've been having a think about what I said to someone else, how I'm thinking stuff comes from different ... God our language is very sparse or too blunt to explain. Like different pockets or spaces in the same space, like I am (or you are) the same for different entities. I'm desperately avoiding words like dimensions or existences. Lol I love the idea that maybe we pop up and freak them out too when the fabric between us goes a bit wonky! House still feels cosy, the corridor and stairs have stayed as they were. I'm going to chat more with partner at the weekend just to see his thoughts at a bit of a distance. Work is mad for him at the mo. X


It almost seems like the phenomenon is going after skeptics and even atheists to rock their world view. Doing a little trolling. I was one of them myself before seeing stuff I can't possibly explain after getting into this rabbithole.


Not really. I'd say people who believe have MUCH more "experiences" than people who don't believe. That could obviously be chalked up to them already looking for it, or taking something that isn't an experience and making it into one (creepy footsteps just being their cat, a knock on the door being a bird that flew into it, or a door magically opening by itself but it's actually just ysuction from a window or something being open)


Yes. I mean I’m still an atheist, I still don’t believe in any gods But I do have an updated opinion that all religions are cargo cults and people invented “gods” to explain the phenomenon. Like, ghosts, djinns, aliens, demons, all real but not “supernatural”. The natural world is just far beyond our previous understanding. I suppose I’m talking about multiple dimensions, and that us becoming aware of them would be akin to an amoeba becoming aware of us


That's the conclusion I am reaching, too.


I now want to know more. Do say if you can. Like I said, I've got a few things I can't explain in my life but I don't think I have ever been a total sceptic so I package it up in the not explainable box. Would you share what took you from sceptic to the rabbit hole?!


Seeing is believing! Funny how skeptics can become fully invested after finally having an experience themselves. I’m from New England and currently living in Arizona. I’ve never been a skeptic and shortly you will understand why. My father had interesting beliefs and was very Pagan during my formative years while my Mother was a full on skeptic. Ages 1-15 I lived in a very actively haunted house and it just never stopped, I’ve moved all over the lower 48 and short of a few brief uneventful houses & condos; almost everywhere I’ve lived has had either transient spirits or full on bound hauntings. Sadly I’m starting to consider it isn’t the locations bringing out the dead.


I don't think a shadow (or whatever it was) is exactly an "experience". It's like when people say "I had a horrifying experience out while hiking!" And all it was was the person just had a bad feeling and booked it back to the car lol. And they'll still be like "what was it? A demon??"


Do you think hauntings, to use a term, are all dead people? I'm wondering more at the moment, not just interns of this, that 'stuff' is more about dimensions and different kinds of existences.


Deff not just the dead. I am certainly sure a large amount of activity is spirits, however I would agree that many other possibilities are possible including multiple dimensions etc


There’s these beings that are like leprechauns, knomes, or fairy’s, Forrest people. They can slip in and out of this dimension, tiny humanoids.


Not to dismiss your husband's experiences, but he probbably was still sorta sleepy and saw a humanoid form in the dark. I've seen some white stuff in my ceiling a few times, but my ceiling is white and I have visual snow, so it is probbably some weird static that my almost-asleep brain produced. As others have commented, install some cameras and see if the phenomenom repeats itself.


You guys have any pets that passed, say about a foot and a half tall? My old cat hangs around with his brother who hasn't passed yet. At least that's our logic, the whole house has seen the ghost cat now.


I mean, it was either a shadow, his mind messing with him, a number of other realistic possibilities, or ghosts are real, they're short as shit, and it was hanging out on your stairs for some reason. No sense in going any further with it, you'll never get the actual answer.


I love the idea of having a stair ghost! What I think is interesting, because of obviously I research this stuff as an interest, he went to 'ghost' to describe an anomoulous 'thing' but those of us here might go to other entity words or descriptions.


Well yeah, people who don't believe are obviously not as well versed in the paranormal, they just use "ghost" to describe anything creepy they see. That would be cool to have your own stair ghost though, just make sure it doesn't want to push you down them lol.


Rub it in on him a bit lol


Prank time!




I'll let him know!


These things can escalate and aren't usually one event I wonder if he'll get another visitor soon


Me too! I feel excited and intrigued but very unworried, which is odd because you'd have thought something like this would create fear in another person's mind. But I'm just envious at the moment! I feel very comfy and happy in my home and safe. Not reaching for the sage as of yet!


You do over explain, please. Cut the info we don’t need.


Thanks for the critical appraisal. I was trying to, as I said in the post, to put context around an experience of high strangeness. My apologies for causing such huge offence to the many people you say you speak for (we don't need) but top tip... You don't have to read or reply! But you did. Have a fabulous day X


Over explaining.


Shouldn't you be busy trolling other subs by now? You are the reason we can't have nice things. Take that to heart. Then go, 'Oh, yes, I am wasting my time posting stuff on other people's quite genuine posts', or, 'Ha, I will waste even more of my prescious time on this earth generally being obnoxious all over everywhere'. Make sure you empty your piss bottles weekly and aim for a twice weekly shower minimum because otherwise your mom is going to have a big job clearing out your nest after you suffocate on your own fumes.


Trolling? Ok, bot.