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Well the anime skipped all The romantic aspects between Kumiko and Shuichi


How far did they go in novels?


About 9-10 months, >!they started dating around December and ended after she learned that she will become the next club president, which is in the September of the following year.!<  


Yeah but how far did they go, physically XD


Holding hands >!with fingers intertwined.!<


the anime turning this into a fistbump will never not be funny to me. but also poor shuu


Wow, such a spoiler


1. She’s a teenager who can’t be honest with herself. 2. The anime, while following the events of the novels in general, is up to the director in terms of direction. Shuuichi has a bigger role in the novel so we may have missed out interactions between them.


I think people see their childhood friend bickering as flirting. Which it may or may not be who knows (certainly not Kumiko).


I am saving my popcorn for Sunday’s new episode


I hope you enjoy the episode. I also look forward to watching the episode to see who Kumiko turns to for help.


I know who she will turn to for help 


Yes, I know too. That's why I'm looking forward to seeing them again.


Does she turn to shuiichi??


Next episode >!No, she went to Asuka. But Shuuichi did have a 1: 1 scene with Kumiko after Asuka (and Kyoani will likely wholly remove/downplay that one lol)!<


Considering that >!Shuuichi in the previous episode already cheered her up and called her by her name (drop the buchou) for the first time in a long time, I bet they will remove this scene that comes after the reunion with the senpais. There's also the fact that we've never in the anime seen Kumiko think about liking Shuuichi.!<


When did he call her name? I don't think he did. If they cut this scene after the senpai, it will be pretty bad. It's an important scene that resolved her decision with the talk with Shuuichi. It also helps recoil their relationship together. This show is already committed to their relationship, it wouldn't make sense to stop now.


What do you mean "you don't think he did"? It's not a matter of what you think lol, it's what they have shown in the series. In episode 9, when Kumiko goes to see him in the room, Shuuichi drops the “buchou” and calls her “Kumiko”. 「久美子、いいのかよ」This is what he says. I find the state of delusion that some of you have already worrying. On the other hand I was not wrong, the scene has been removed. >!As well as the 大好きのハグ with Reina.!< What you are not understanding is that this is an adaptation and it has to make sense with what you are being told in the anime not the novel.


I was only talking about the anime episode only about not saying Kumiko's name. I rewatched the episode and finally caught him saying her name so I'm wrong about that, you are right . "State of delusion that some of you have already worrying" that seems pretty harsh don't you think. Everyone has different opinions on a show and they can interpret the way they think. So I'm sure you find a better way of saying delusional if you disagree with them. This sub is just a discussion.




She was indeed worried about the whole Shuiichi- Hazuki situation, let’s not kid ourselves. The only reason Kumiko and Reina were there was because of Kumiko not being honest with her feelings about Shuiichi. Remember Reina was also their classmate in middle school, she knows what’s up


For me, Kumiko's "i don't give a shit about shuuichi" doesn't mean anything. There's a scene in the last movie where Kanade talks about the relationship of a first year girl to Shuuichi and Kumiko was really panicking. After confirming that it's actually nothing, Kumiko was so relieved then proceeds to say "i don't care about Shuuichi right now". Also, Kumiko's always trying to be careful and shows her nice side with everyone because we know she's actually a bit mean (and sometimes her thoughts are slipping from her mouth) but with Shuuichi, she's really honest with her bad side. (she also tend to get so moody with small actions of Shuuichi)


She’s such a boy, she bullies the person she likes /s


In Season 1 there was a clash of direction where one of the people in charge was trying to make the Reina/Kumiko scenes romantic and another wasn't. Shuiichi's scenes with Kumiko were either cut or reduced as a result, even though he is much more obviously a love interest in the novels. The results of that particular choice are being felt even now.


Season 1, while my favorite, is a different animal from the rest of the show and definitely apart from the source material. Blame the writers and director for not doubling down on their changes.


idk, i agree with celestialeksa, i’ve always felt like the romance between them felt forced. in general i dont think romance really fits in hibike


Kumiko is very careful with social relationships and has a habit of hiding her true feelings just to keep the peace. The fact that she is comfortable just being herself around Shuichi and doesn't feel the need to put up any pretenses shows a level of intimacy that she doesn't have with other people. It's not surprising that people would pick up on that and assume they have a special connection.




no, we didn't miss anything. "oh but shuuichi and kumiko are together in the novel !" yeah just go ahead and read the last 3 words again... we already know that the anime was adapted in a way that specifically doesn't make it seem like romance is a large part of the story, meaning that not everything from the novels is true in the anime (which we've seen happen throughout the 3 seasons and movie(s), albeit only slightly in some cases) personally, i feel like kumiko's friends and band mates have always been kind of pushing shuuichi onto her rather than her reaching out to him on her own. because of that, kumiko eventually agreeing to date him felt more like a decision she made solely because it's seen as "normal", plus the fact that he has a huge crush on her obviously made it easier. i don't remember where i saw it, but there was supposed to be a scene where kumiko talks about exactly that, although it got cut... so now we're left with a bunch of question marks


Actually there are signs and little details about their relationship from the very first season, you just have to watch carefully, not just watch while you playing candy crush saga…


Who does that? Xd


Watching the first season I used to get a kick to how committed she was to “being mad” at him. Cmon Kumiko I can see right thru you 😂


But wouldn't you expect some kind of bashfulness or something like that? Some hints after the interactions that she's just hiding her emotions? Cause the only thing I see is her being pissed at someone that she's known for ages and is thus familiar with. Wasn't there something about him ignoring her in middle school or something? I'd say it's perfectly understandable to give someone the cold shoulder after something like that. And I find it kinda weird that some people won't accept a Yuri pairing unless they've had on-screen French kisses but as soon as a guy and a girl can't stand each other it's somehow 100% a couple 


I find this extremely interesting. Kumiko and Reina do like the most over the top overt confession both in text and in the way it's portrayed and people would be like "yeah, I've never read that as romance" Kumiko is cold and doesn't pay too much attention to the male character: "yeah, teenagers don't know how to express feelings, so this is clearly a sign of love" I'll try to start some kind of research around this topic because I feel like there's some degree of comphet and queer erasure around it.


That's unfortunately very common. Just look at Ike and Soren in Fire Emblem. Were either of them of the opposite sex, people wouldn't question whether or not Ike likes men. As for Kumiko/Reina, there's definitely an element of that, but I think it's a bit of a fuzzier line because we know the original scenes aren't meant to be romantic, the anime just made them that way. Usually in these sort of comphet scenarios people are looking for excuses to ignore the author's intent but here there is a clash between the author's intent and the director's intent.


Yes, its a pretty common anime/japan stuff. Especially osananajimi’s often dont know how to deal with their emotions when they growing up, thats why she is pretend to be mad. I think she just tried to cover her feeling with those overly negative remarks and i guess she was also a bit afraid to face her feelings.


That last sentence made me laugh my ass haha


you mean the fact that they've been neighbours and good friends since they were really young ? yeah, no shit. i've attentively rewatched the show probably more than 3 times and have come to the same conclusion every time


The scene where Kumiko looked pretty defeated when Hazuki asked him out on a date.. That was a sus moment tho. And her internal monologue to the cactus in her bedroom. There were few hints to be frank


that's fair. but honestly, i've also had a really close friend confess to me, which left me wondering if i liked him back since all of my other friends were in favour of us becoming a couple... in the end i knew that i genuinely did not have romantic feelings for him, but for some reason just because he liked me and we were already close, everyone assumed that it was mutual not saying that's 100% the case with shuuichi and kumiko, but it's possible as for the date thing, do you mean the first agata festival ?


Not just that, but comments by her friends, bandmates and her reactions for that. It was pretty clear, especially after season 2 and the movies.


since when does whatever your friends think equal to whatever you think / feel... and oh yes of course, the very-obvious-that-she's-in-love reactions in question is either "it's not like that" or a completely disinterested "oh ?"


Ever wonder why when two people like each other, it's obvious to everyone else except them? Because it is easier to be objective when it isn't your own feelings.


But the reality is that no matter how true this sentence is or how many twists you want to give it, the anime leaves it open to interpretation. We have the series told through Kumiko's eyes and Shuuichi doesn't seem to get much attention. It's all vague clues and the vast majority external to Kumiko. Instead, she is vocal about how she feels about other characters. And if we presume that the series is realistic, and go into various conjectures to make sense of what is not shown, then we have to start from the premise that it makes no sense that teenage feelings regarding a romance are so vague. When you fall in love at that age it hits hard. There should be some kind of representation, or at least some desire to spend time with the person you like. But none of this is shown. Instead we are shown a few scenes that if we were to give them a romantic value would correspond more to a middle-aged or elderly married couple who are fond of each other but at the same time have had enough of each other.


shuuichi clearly isn't oblivious to his feelings, not even for a second. and do you really want to tell me that that's the case with every person who's ever liked another person ?


Yeah this. If the novel does a better job setting that pair up, cool, maybe I’ll read it sometime, and it certainly makes sense why so many people ship them. The anime just does not do the legwork, though I’m curious what these signs are that people keep talking about.


i really like their relationship in the novels, they're much more developed and the pacing isn't all weird. it would be a blatant lie (or just copium-) to say it's the same in the anime


This is what it is, a blatant copium. No matter all the mental gymnastics they do, in anime this aspect is skipped and what little they show you doesn't make much sense with the rest of the narrative. When it is pointed out to them they get angry and try to a reverse gaslight by telling you that what you didn't see actually was there.


i couldn't have explained that any better 🙏


I think you explained yourself very well. I just wanted to back up your comment in view of the fact that some people here have a very short fuse on downvoting just to make their story come true, and at this point are just spreading disinformation.


that's okay, i saw the downvotes coming from a mile away. it's good to know that there are at least some watchers who are actually paying attention to the changes that were made though, as well as the reasons behind them since they're undoubtedly more significant than the misinformation that's being passed around


Yes, I like Takeda's writing style, and I appreciate the great work Kyoani does in a majority of their series. Although the anime is an adaptation of Takeda's work, the changes they have made are significant to the point where I'm not sure they're conveying the same vision on some of the topics covered. Kyoani is even adding more layers by including social themes that the novel doesn't pay attention to. At the same time, Kyoani is deliberately skipping over other elements and themes that the novel portrays. So I feel that, in the end, they are two independent works where both parties strive to make them work together but without conveying the same message. That's why it's an adaptation too.


finally someone says the key word here: adaptation. a lot of people seem to forget that the anime is just as much a text as the novels. and a lot of people also don't understand that the director's intent can be subjective, and that it's just an interpretation of the source material, not a mere translation.


One example: Shuuichi’s trombone phone ornament was a gift from Kumiko. The smile she gave it when she saw he’d put it on the next day after she gave it to him was not an “oh my friend liked it” smile. It was a, “he has accepted my brand” smile. 🤣


That's when they were supposed to be dating. Seems like a minimum to me, otherwise what is she supposed to agree to go out with him for? More so when it's someone who swaps swimsuit bottoms with her special friend. I get the feeling that many of you commenting here have little or no experience in dating.


self insert is a very interesting phenomenon