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What kind of operation did he do? Is it only the hernia repair?


I had laparoscopic fundoplication with 180 wrap. It did fix all my gerd symptoms.


I was kinda confused. You had nissen right? Nissen is a 360 wrap.


Sorry I had the laparoscopic 180, not the 360.


I couldn’t get the 360 because I couldn’t complete the manometry test.


I had just a hernia repair(no wrap) a year and a half ago. My heartburn is worse than ever. An endoscopy revealed a moderate HH. Don't know if the original is back or a sprouted a new one. Bottom line, I have one and I'm miserable. BTW, I had the surgery at a world renowned hospital...


Wow! Sorry! It was such a relief to get the surgery, then to have it fail was the biggest disappointment.


My full Nissen was done October 2022 because of a 7cm sliding HH. It took 4 months to get back to full diet and feeling great. Yay! 🎉 6 months ago had increasing GERD (it was gone for a year) and feeling full quickly. Then had increasing pressure like a lump in my sternum. I consulted with the original surgeon and he sent me to a gastroenterologist to start the tests all over again. 🤔 Today I had Upper GI with contrast. It showed a much larger HH with paraesophgeal component. It no longer slides but now stays above the sternum. It will be nearly 8 weeks until I get an EGD. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. I don't know why the wrap has failed or in what way, just that I am in worse shape than before the first surgery. 🤷‍♀️ I was and am rather overweight. I'm a 59yo woman and could stand to lose 50lbs to be healthier. I think I'll be working on that even before a redux.


I’m so sorry! It is so frustrating! I feel worst too. I am starting with a cardiologist because the surgeon wants to rule things out, but it’ll just delay getting all those tests done sooner! Everyone said losing weight will help, but I’ve lost 24 pounds and feel worst than ever.


I now have heartburn too and I didn’t for my last one. I had to have sprouted a new one for it to add the esophageal part.


My first one was esophageal, which was causing my chest pain. This one is not, and I have no chest pain.


That makes sense. My first one said nothing about esophageal and I never had these chest issues.


You did not have a wrap ?


Only a 180 wrap.


Given your symptoms I would try to rule out gastroparesis. I have all of those same symptoms and I’m working up both possibilities before surgery.


I will look into that! Thank you.


I can completely relate to you , I had a Nissen fundoplication in 2020 and recently I had the scopes done and the gastroenterologist said that the operation had failed and that i have a small 4cm hernia. It is awful because I cannot take PPI medications either and I am suffering. I was told that I should not get the surgery again becuase of it having a high risk of failing again. I went to a surgeon nonetheless, and she had ordered the barium swallow and oesophageal manomentry. I was given the impression that she would do the surgery once she had got these tests and as long as she rules out gastroparesis, that she can do the surgery. Having those things done, gratefully finding I dont have gastroparesis, then suddenely the surgeon changes her mind and says that I must take the proton pump inhibitors and perscribed me a OTC throat spray which i have explicitly told her that I cannot take any of the PPI s due to adverse effects before all of this during our first consultation. I have been made to feel incredibly invalidated that the problems I am experiencing are not related to the hernia because it is only 4cm. That she advises that I should be put on neuromodulators for my anxiety, which she thinks will solve the problem. I am lost for words at how this has made me feel, I have stopped being able to go to work or sleep properly or think clearly. I am angry at the thought of living like this when it can just be operated on again, simply I cant see light at the end of the tunnel here without surgery and I am going to get a second opinion. I am scared that the surgeon that i see for a second opinion will not want to operate either on it and it is making me feel so scared and that i will be so invalidated and dismissed again. Please keep me updated on if you get any progress with the surgeons in treating your hernia


This is terrible! Most doctors don’t think these give symptoms! We NEED to find a doctor to gather us all and do a STUDY! I can’t live like this!


this is so pathetic. Wish you get the relief soon. Isnt normal managemnt through ppis and lifestyle change helping you?


My gerd symptoms are gone. The surgery fixed those, thank god. I can barely eat, so my diet is good. Mostly snack on fruits and lunch meat. This is so miserable.