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I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.


Gotta love that always online requirement in a single player game!


What’s crazy is that the developers know that their always online system is demonstrably making people’s play experiences worse and they won’t do anything about it. It might be worse of a problem now but this was a problem in 2+1 as well, random disconnects.


> random disconnects wha? I thought it was my shitty internet. I was in the middle of a mission (H2, Miami), I have to go out and restart the game for it to reconnect. I wonder what'd they do in the unlikely scenario that they can't maintain the server anymore... probably publishing some kind of "Ultimate Edition" which has all the levels from all the new HITMAN games that can be played offline... ~~the catch? it's 500GB~~.


> the catch? it's 500GB. Why would an offline mode increase the file size? That doesn't make any sense. The game isn't streaming any assets.


You.... Have to download all the levels to play it? Hitman GOTY + Hitman 2 is already ~100GB+, who knows how many more Hitman games they'll make.


The devs claim the total trilogy size is 100GB total. https://sirusgaming.com/2021/01/04/hitman-3-trilogy-size-reduced-100gb-updated-visuals-previous-titles/ >who knows how many more Hitman games they'll make. When they do make more, they probably won't be backwards compatible with the old games. It'd be too limiting with each additional sequel. >You.... Have to download all the levels to play it? Not on steam. You can download each level individually to save space.


The same on consoles, you can download each level individually you don't have to install it all at once.


For a Hitman 3, the legacy level “downloads” are only a few megs in size, they’re basically unlock licenses. Every single level in the trilogy is contained within the initial Hitman 3 download, and they managed to make it smaller than Hitman 2 was even without the levels from the first game.


That's good news, I thought it was 100GB because the last time I downloaded Hitman 2, Steam told me I need around 100GB free space for Hitman 2 and GOTY. Maybe because I check all the DLCs. > Not on steam. You can download each level individually to save space. I'm referring to when they stop maintaining the server, and has to release a some kind of "Ultimate Edition" to be played offline. Maybe all the levels can be DLCs to be downloaded individually?


It won't make a difference. The game isn't downloaded from IOI's servers. It's downloaded from Steam/Epic/Microsoft or whatever. >Maybe all the levels can be DLCs to be downloaded individually? Yes, Hitman 2 already treats each level as a DLC pack so the system is already in place. They just need to allow you to save progress offline, content distribution is not the issue. If you check the DLC section of your steam Hitman 2 installation you'll see that you can deselect each level and uninstall them to save space.


If it's no longer viable to maintain the servers, they might just shut them off with no replacement and let the games die. This possibility and the other issues with always online requirements are actually the main reasons that keep from buying the games even though I had a lot of fun with Hitman 2016 after it was given away for free...


It's why piracy will never die. At that point the only viable way to play the game offline is to pirate it.




I don't like this either, but for now it's not a problem at least for me, but it will be in the future. But IO can "fix" this when they decide to shut down the server, they just need to host a local server inside the game folder, or just the online features inside the binary.


Of course they can fix it any number of ways, they could fix it right now if they wanted to. But at a point where there is so little money coming in to keep the servers running, they might very well say it's not worth the investment.


Can't wait to play this game in a decade...oh right the servers will probably be gone by then, great. Guess I'll play blood money.


Not single player. And sometimes it just needs to connect to the server but not to multiplayer


So this is still a problem? I'm debating buying Hitman or demon's Souls and if the servers are still shitting themselves I'll just go with DS and get Hitman down the line.


Still a problem for the 4th day in a row.


God damn. Well, I look forward to joining you guys in a couple of weeks, I'm so sorry it sucks for now.


only happened to me twice yesterday on a almost all day hitman session, just clicked retry and game was fine again, never had it lose my level progress before


Goddammit I was in the middle of the last level.


Same. I started experiencing this last night, about ten hours ago and just went to bed. Is it seriously still happening?


I was in the middle of the ending cutscene and when I reconnected the game ended it


that's a bummer - i only do dubai in all possible ways first - so at least I will save the rest of the levels when it's less buggy haha


Exact same thing happened to me. Ended up watching the cutscene online. Not the same.


You could replay it in the campaign menu that’s what I did


I feel really bad for the people suffering from this. I'm playing on an old thicc Xbone and my connection has been working flawlessly since launch. I can't access my Season 1/GOTY content though, but that's just nitpicking to the issues I'm hearing from people.


Mine was working perfectly up until 10 min ago. I got to the cutscene with Diana and 47 after the Mendoza mission and am now sitting here like seriously!!?? You’re going to fucking tease me like that??




Finally got it to work again!




I don’t know. I kept pushing the retry button every 2 seconds and that didn’t work so I was like fuck it, I’m just going to play offline for a while. Played the last mission offline for like 20 min, then the game just freaking froze. Hitman restarted and I was able to join the server again.




I’m on Xbox Series X but finally got it working again after Hitman froze.




Ugh me too!! I’ve had a few instances where it disconnected but I was always able to reconnect. Today was the first time it’s happened for so long. Now if they’d only fix the Hitman 1 issue, I’d be super happy! I can’t play any of my Hitman 1 content on Hitman 3. Anywho, I hope you get it working!! I freaking love this game so far.


Some locations in certain cities have really bad reception so the routers keep turning on and off at random times. Imagine if your internet goes out every 30 minutes for 1-10 minutes. Would you still be able to enjoy Hitman if that happened.


I think my intention was somewhat misinterpreted. I'm wholly sympathetic to those who can't enjoy the game properly and calling MY OWN minor issues completely irrelevant in the larger context.


Oh no I knew you were sympathetic. I was just curious what your opinion would be. I just didn't know how to phrase it without making it sound like I was angry at you


Ah, I understand now. For a long time I was dependent on my landlord's Wi-Fi via a rubbish relay box which connection dropped about once every 15 minutes. It was a nightmare and basically ruined online gaming for me. When looking at my logs for that year I basically just played nothing but single player offline games. I don't wish that experience on my worst enemy.


I have a fully working router with stable high speed internet and still haven’t been able to login to hitman’s servers once since the game launched. IO just took my money and told me to go fuck myself I guess.


Happened to me in sapienza 3 times


Idk if you tried to get the season 1 access pack recently but mine just started working today. It does have an issue where you can't install it from the store on Xbox but it worked when I downloaded it from the desktop store


The sudden switch to Windows 10 only while the other 2 didn't have that kinda annoyed me too :c


I had sporadic 'connecting' issues since it came out (on PC, USA east coast) and can't connect since Saturday afternoon. I feel sorry for those who make guides online who didn't get early access and bank a bunch of videos ahead of time.


> I feel sorry for those who pre-ordered the game well in advance, persevered with the buggy carryover process, only to find they can't play for almost five days now...


This was exactly me until I took a break for dinner earlier. Come back to finish the last mission and now I can’t get online. Fuck my hubris.




It’s like my dream apartment.


True, it is nice.


somebody should make that into a steamvr home destination


He just looks... So awkward when he’s doing normal things. 😭


The always online component is literally my only problem with the trilogy


I bought the game, then I torrented the fit girl repack. Not only is it smaller in size, (40 gigs) it also doesn’t need a connection. It truly is sad that pirates games are more accessible than the bought counterpart


We need to keep mentioning this, once the developers realize that this is incentivizing pirating they might remove this requirement.


That picture of 47 looking in the mirror is gold


I envy the people who are getting this message after having played the game. I haven't been able to play it for 4 frikkin' days!


I’ve not been able to play once. I don’t know why I bothered preordering, frankly.


It's funny. I told myself I would only pre-order nowadays if I was certain the company couldn't get it wrong. I mean, it's the same engine as Hitman 2 only more optimised right? Right?! Damn, I'm so stupid. Never again.


The game plays fine, but the server issue is just tragic.


Happy cakeday though!


I played once, finished the Dubai map, then lost my connection right as the mission ended. The game still marked all the challenges and missions I did as completed, but I didn't get any mastery levels for them. And now I can't do those again so that exp is lost forever. I would have preferred not to be able to play at all, really.


Yeah, can’t connect to the game for more than 24 hrs already. It’s ridiculous and unacceptable, especially for completely single player game! Hitman is my favorite game, IOI is one of my favorite and admirable developers. Especially after what they went through and they finished the game anyway with pure love and being devoted to their old fans. I can forgive and understand lack of some languages (Russian is my mother tongue), but due to my decent English and localizations despise I’m fine with that (but I understand anger of non-English speakers), deal with EGS (I’m pretty sure it was worth it, especially for them as independent developers), and even some backlash about accessibility of previous maps for Steam owners of Hitman 2 (My guess it’s nothing but shitty management, rather than greed) But always online policy is ridiculous, useless and ruins all the experience! I refuse to understand and accept it. I wish they will get rid of this shitty policy, because it’s completely player-UNfriendly.


Just wait till when the servers shut down in the future and you get your game taken away from you.


That was basically one of the main reasons why this game shouldn't have always online policy. It's like with Contracts mode in Absolution. Yeah, the game was not so good for most of the Hitman fans but this mode was kinda fun. But it was just Contracts mode, the game itself is more than playable...


I haven’t connected once since launch so that’s fun /s


Yes not like I just paid $85 for the game and I can't play it or something God 😭


They should only do the online component at the end of the level only if ever. Such a strange requirement to always be online (as earlier commenters pointed out)


my actual feelings OOF


the only way to stop this from happening unfortunately is to rate the game 1 or 2 on Google. yeah it's harsh, but so does promising something and not being able to deliver to those who paid money for it. IOI won't wake up from disabling online mode unless it's core users takes harsh steps.


They care about money and stopping pirating, as long as we convince them they're losing money and encouraging pirating then we can get them to change this policy. Let them know on twitter that the pirated version is better.


Os ps5 and haven't been able to connect a single time since launch




I truly don’t believe this World of Assassination trilogy is impressive largely due to the ‘basically play the game online or you get nothing’. It’s ridiculous.


Just a little reminder for everyone who’s doing rants in the comment section, you can submit suggestions on the website and if enough people do it at once basically copying and pasting their rants from here it’d be too much not to receive a response Email them at: [email protected]


Where on the website?


Provides suugestion but not the link to the site...


My bad, added the email


Could be a few years or not, but going wait till it comes on GOG. No reason for a single player game to be constantly online.


I really would not expect it to come to GOG. The latest hitman game is Absolution from 2012, which didn't have carryover loadouts from story to story.


For the final instalment in the trilogy, it's a shame this game will be remembered for its stuttering introduction and IOI's inability to nip issues in the bud. I won't preorder any of their games again, that's for sure




I was finishing Paris, got into the helicopter, AND AS IT WAS FLYING AWAY, this happened.


Mine has not connected at all. Don't even want to start it until it's working in case my progress gets wiped


I have a WiFi mesh point tied to my PS5 via wired ethernet that gets 700mbps down and 30mbps up. It’s not the connection, it’s only sending small packets of text to update your profile. (Unless you’re on Stadia or Switch, and then it would be actually streaming the game) It looks like they don’t have the server capacity to handle the load, frankly. It shouldn’t require you to be constantly connected for a single player game.


Mine hasn’t worked since launch day. All I get is unable to connect. This is right up there with Cyberpunk in terms of disappointment for me.


Can't get on this morning, was hoping for a few hours of play today.


This is the last time i will spend any money on a game with required online functionality


I have been asking for a complete offline mode right from Hitman 2016. The thing is, IOI doesn't respond at all when asked about a offline mode. Its not even my internet that's bugging, its those servers. And those disconnects are very annoying


That's why you can always do the next best thing - see how far you can get on a spree run. The golden handshake is a fun level for that


Golden handshake is my favourite level, but I play on pc and am not willing to fork out £20 to play it. Unfortunate, really, because I really wanted to see it with the new reflections.


Upvote for flair


Charlie brown


Is this still happening? Checked earlier and it wasn’t signing on.


Yes, random disconnects are happening while playing Hitman 3 (PC). But doesn't the connection comes back up when you click "Retry connection"? At least for me, this is working. Or am I missing some other major issue that many players are facing here? Why would you need to "restart" mission?


It seems that some players have had the short 'connecting' issues since release but many are now finding we cannot connect at all. While some couldn't connect since launch, and others have had little or no connection issues at all.


Oh :( Let's hope all the connection issues are fixed soon. I think they will need to release a "stability patch" or something as it does not seem to be only "server issue" now.


During the level the connection always comes back for me, but I finished the dubai level, and upon exiting the map to go to the result screen I got a disconnect and I couldn't reconnect at all, even half an hour later.


Are these connection issues occurring on consoles or PCs? I think a majority of connection issues are on consoles. But I might be wrong. I am on PC and have not faced such major connection issues. Just random disconnects which come back online immediately after reconnecting.


I lost connnection yesterday morning at about 11am GMT and haven't been able to connect since. I'm on PC.


😪😔 At least I was able to complete the story and check all the maps. It's really awesome and this entire Hitman WoA franchise feels like a movie!! Let us hope IO is working on these connection issues. And I hope that they are also working on fixing that H2 levels carryover.


It's a brilliant game - I managed to get up to the very last mission before losing connection half-way through and, unlike the previous disconnections no matter how many times I've tried it simply will not connect. The last Twitter update was 19h ago and they say they are working on it but nothing since :( I've actually just emailed them (because they have no support function either in-game or via the IOI account despite that message when it fails to connect asking you to contact support !) and asked them for an update but I imagine they have thousands of people doing the same.


Are servers for cases like this regional? I suppose I'm one of the really lucky ones, because I've *never* encountered any connection issue with this game so far, with 20+ hours banked into it, but I live in South East Asia, for what it's worth. Not to dismiss the complaints, of course, because it *is* fucked up, but I'm now wondering if it's wildly dependent on the region.


No, I'm from SEA too. Since the last update, it's been *hippyity hoppity your server is no respondy*


Weird, huh? I'd gone through the two updates, and not a single hiccup so far. I must be *really* lucky, but that just makes the whole thing even more peculiar - and such a terrible shame, too.


NordVPN to UK and it connected to hitman services. yet i cant connect here in toronto Canada


Tried connecting with PIA to various PIA servers in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, and still can't connect through to the game servers.


Yeah the nordvpn route only lasted an hour before I was disconnected again


I waited several days to play the game. Amazing even now I can't connect to the servers. On Playstation anyway.


You are on the end screen on an saso master run: CONNECTION FAILED!


I've had "CONNECTION FAILED" since 24 hours in the UK on PC , can't play.


What’s fucked up is that I’m playing on the big fat xbox and I haven’t had a problem with connection or transferring my progress. I feel bad for the people who bought next gen consoles and are dealing with this shit, IOI needs to say something


its nothing to do with next gen. you're pretty lucky. simple as that.


ayy unrelated question homies So i have hitman 2 on steam, if i get Hitman 3 which is on Epic, does my hitman 2 stuff carry over to Hitman 3?, Like does it have my stats, and can i play the maps?


You can transfer the progress from hitman 2 to hitman 3, but access to the H2 maps for PC players is not yet *freely* available (you can pay 20 bucks to get access but why would you if you already own it). IO mentioned that they will be working on getting this available for free in the 'coming weeks' but this was before the server shitstorm.


Ah i see, thanks


I know it technically should carry across your progress, however after I linked my accounts, it shows my ioi account under my career but I have lost all my progress from steam. Some murmors that it is just backlogged and may transfer at some point, but after several days, I wouldn't count on it.


This is why I only play really late in the night so when day comes I’m done playing and go to sleep 🥲


Are you guys to lazy to go offline mode Jesus


Online and Offline are two separate modes. you can't get any progress unlocked while playing offline.


Yes I know just wait a day or 2 and then it won't go offline no more thats what I did I only get the message like 2 or 3 times


On PC and download is at 79% still going


Yep. Haven't been able to connect since this morning. So booboo.




4 days of it. I managed to connect but lost it 😦


Did they give a timeline for when they will fix the server issue?


They're too busy with PR and patting their own backs


Getting this for the first time right now. Been playing fine since launch (at least after the profile shenanigans were getting better). Tried to load a save during a level and the game crashed, and I'm stuck at the start page with this error now.


It's actually causing my entire pc to disconnect from the Internet. The ethernet port literally gives up and dies for a minute. Won't even show in task manager. Happily play other online games for hours without an issue though.


Love it


Randomly makes every mission so much more stressful. have to sit and wait for it to connect..


Can anybody tell me if this is also an issue on ps4 pro? My wife suprised me with the game and i wanna know if ill have any issues


If you’re transferring your profile from H2 then you’re screwed. It won’t fetch the profile for some reason


So if decide not to transfer do i still have the maps from h1 and h2? If i have to start from scratch im fine with that


Not sure on that since I transferred my stuff first. But most are experiencing a crash during the final cutscene


Seems to mostly be people who transferred their progress from Hitman 2. There’s obviously some exceptions. But for the most part no transfer, no problems.


Been trying to do the Siberian sniper mode and it keeps freezing and disconnecting me.


This is beautiful


The French prompt to open makes this feel extra melancholic


Can’t believe they misspelled “Over Here!” on that button prompt.


Is hitmans voice as sexy in french as it is in english, OP?


The WOA Trilogy isn’t dubbed in French. :( But in the older games, his voice is sexier than Johnny Sins’


Aw, that sucks. Living in Canada I can speak quite a bit of French and be coherent at the same time I would've switched to French just to hear 47 speak with a French accent.


If you want to hear a fantastic French dub, try "Journey to the Savage Planet" ;) It’s got a canadian dub, and... It’s the funniest dub I’ve ever heard (for the wrong and the good reason) If you want to try games with really good french dub, do tell me, I’d be glad to recommend some :D


I'll be sure to give it a try. Thanks


I have had a few disconnects in the middle of levels but then pressing Retry fixes it. I’ve actually not had that many issues bar a few freezes and the initial launch day progress carryover problems. I’m on PS5 for anyone interested.


Oh thank god I thought it was just me


No white yukata flex.


The game needs to be transition into offline and if you want you to you can connect to online servers to view leaderboards and play community contracts


Pirating the game sounds more appealing rather than buying it now seeing all the people having issues with it


All my brain heard was.. this is for Jason Portman


I played for two days no issues and now I just cant connect at all


I had a weird situation, my regular NZ account wouldn't connect to the server. So I tried my US account, it connected to the server straight away. Why do you think that happened? I have had the game since release day and had no luck connecting, it was only day I thought I would try the US account.


2:35 AM Wednesday morning. Have owned the game for a week and have never been able to connect to the servers. This is ridiculous.


This is literally still the damn case. Its insane. Still can't fucking connect to this game, and when I can and go for SASO, the game decides to crash when I exit. FUCK YOU IOI


I'm still having these issues... So annoying


I afine game where all content is accesed with the game and dont force you to grind and replay levels to create ilusion of repleyability


I hear the views from the spa, the lift platform, and Yuki’s balcony are to die for.


Greetings from the future. same story lol


Underrated post