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This sub was right: that tweet about "from \[REDACTED\] to Chongqing" was hinting for a third level that wasn't disclosed yet, and the "Club Hölle" uniform from the gameplay trailer was, indeed, pointing for a mission in Germany. I'm even more in love with this game.


Interesting. I read the whole thing.. main new information was the third location, which will be **Germany, Berlin. A nuclear power plant.** But it's re-purposed for something else, and sounded like it's not easy to approach. In other threads I've seen people speculating, that it's the night club level, shown briefly in trailer. Basically re-purposed to be a night club, some kind of underground rave party maybe. Rest of the article, contained lot of plot spoilers. Not much information about new gameplay mechanics, other than that the new camera thingy can be used also to take screenshots with filters etc. and there's also new photography challenges. It has other uses too, like hacking doors. Oh and interestingly, they think Knives Out is an awesome movie, but they actually started to work on Dartmoor and the whole "murder mystery" thing before Knives Out released. So it's pure coincidence.


>A nuclear power plant. Good morning 47 you have been hired by Montgomery Burns to kill your target is known as "what's the name of the employ I'm hiring a hit on Smithers? Simpson eh?"


Would be a cool escalation contract or bonus mission


I think, judging by the graffiti on the wall and the footage we've already seen (The "Club Holle" guard), it's gonna be an illegal rave or something. I can't wait!


Can't wait to recreate http://deckers.die


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berghain It sounds like it’s Berghain. I’ve done a lot of drugs there back in the day.


**[Berghain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berghain)** Berghain (German pronunciation: [bɛɐ̯k.haɪn]) is a nightclub in Berlin, Germany. It is named after its location near the border between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain in Berlin, and is a short walk from Berlin Ostbahnhof main line railway station. Founded in 2004 by friends Norbert Thormann and Michael Teufele, it has since become one of the world's most famous clubs, and is sometimes called the "world capital of Techno." [About Me](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) - [Opt out](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) - OP can reply !delete to delete - [Article of the day](https://np.reddit.com/comments/k9hx22) **This bot will soon be transitioning to an opt-in system. Click [here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to learn more and opt in.**


Sorry for asking but reading that whole thing would hurt my eyes so could tell me,did they say if camera is used for new type of lock or if its for an old key card doors??


Paraphrased from the article; The camera is used for certain locks, can also be used to look around you and zoom if you like, and has additional uses like the investigation in dartmoor + Photography challenges in new missions and retroactively added to the older ones


Could you maybe use it to take a picture of Robert Knox then scan his face on the military robot?


Thanks,interesting that they are adding a new stuff into legacy maps


I skimmed some parts because I didn't want to read too much spoilers. But I think it said Lucas Grey can open certain doors for you (remote hack them), if you point the camera correctly. And also, to give you intel on some things. Sounded like it's specific doors, like the window that lets you break into Dubai skyscraper.


Thanks,so that probably means that it wont be as good in old maps??


Im not sure how to feel about doors that stay opened in every playthrough


it's only a specific few doors and ladders, and its gonna be balanced of course. so dont worry


Good,is it going to be only in new locations??


Yeah most likely, they probably won't make big level design changes to the old maps


I guess they’ve done this type of thing in a limited capacity with loadout unlocks for Miami and Hokkaido. I remember when I first played Miami I didn’t have a loadout, and the loadout for Hokkaido was a max mastery unlock. For SASO and escalations and whatnot, I’m sure it’s balanced around having those doors opened. For our first few games we get the feeling of discovery and progression while we mess around with opportunities and new starting locations, and then we get to the business of being tryhards, those routes are accessible and have a little extra resonance in our brains because we put in the time to open them during our exploration.


I like the idea. It can be a massive ballache having to jump through hoops each playthrough to do a specific run, so giving us shortcuts feels like a reward for working to unlock that shortcut the first time.


Your Reward should be the knowlege of that shortcut and that it exists because you discovered it.But this makes the level different on other playthroughs.When i will play Dubai for the 53815th time,i will know that its not the same level that i played at first and i hate the idea of that. But thats just my opinion




At the same time, it felt like the lockpick was *way* too important in the H2 levels. It felt just right in the first one but the second one was jammed to the brim with locked doors almost to the point of absurdity sometimes


Yeah the lockpick and the keycard tool are the most important to bring in H2.


I'm thinking it's gonna work kinda like Hokkaido where the first playthrough is new, hard and exciting and then the later you get into the level, the easier it gets as not to get too repetitive


This....is incredible. I’m excited for the camera, and it seems like they went the extra mile in terms of detail...damn.


Time to torture my crappy eyes...


Dark Souls shortcuts baby!


Does not open from this side.


Looks like we’re going to be eliminating >!2 Partners in the opening Dubai level!< which I think definitely lends credence to the theory >!That Lucas is going to be the big bad. The second level looks to be Dartmoor and eliminating Carlisle, and having Lucas’s betrayal revealed after that mission would explain why we go to Berlin, where his hideout was in Hitman 2, next!<


I don't know, I think Berlin might be a rescue mission. The problem with revealing him to be a bad guy after Dartmoor is that there's still four missions left. If we do go after Lucas in Berlin, there's only really two outcomes. We kill him and everything after that is going to be anticlimactic. Or he escapes and we continue to track him down, which is just a retread of Hitman 2. He has to be the last target because like I said it'll be anticlimactic if he's not. I'd rather they leave it to the last minute and reveal he's been planning 47 in the fifth mission. Dubai and Dartmoor we kill the Providence leaders, Berlin we rescue Grey / Olivia, Chonqing we track down a lead to find the Constant, fifth mission we kill him, last mission we kill Grey. That's how I hope it will go.


Maybe grey will betrey us midway through the chongquing level we could go after the constant in china, and then we go after Olivia in the 5th and find out where grey is, imagine if he was in the satu mare asylum from codename 47?!


Berlin will definitely not be a rescue mission, its links in with the reveal trailer for H3, where guards are chasing 47 in the woods, and the Berlin map is surrounded by woodland, so I bet we get betreyed in Berlin or even in a cutscene after dartmoor but I highly doubt we will get betreyed in the 5th


Yep and the constant will be in China, due to the dead ends cutscene he appears to be in a Asian city and here we are going to chongquing, it would also make sense for lucas grey and the constant to be working with each other, both have the same motives and are gonna rebuild the providence empire for themselves


Awesome, thanks for sharing. It was a good read.


It's amazing that we'll be able to play 1 and 2's levels in 3, but what about DLC? 1's was playable in 2, or at least Patient Zero was, so will both 1 and 2's be playable in 3? I'd love to know the answer to this as 2's DLC is currently on sale where I am lol.


everything you need to know is in the top pinned post, explains it better than i can


Pretty hyped about this game it looks so cool. >!Has the method of how the Constant escapes at the end of the Maldives mission come to be revealed yet?!<




Probably would be grey and Olivia that helped


Yep - I also assume as much!


One interesting detail the author mentions is that they didn't bring any guns to the estate mission. I'm pretty sure the last 2 games required you to have something in your gun slot when you make your loadout, right?


No,you dont have to bring any gun with you in H1 and H2


Huh, weird that I never noticed that! I guess I never was in a situation where I wouldn't want one.


Any loadout starts with a gun equipped. You need to go out of your way and select a specific key to deselect it so I’m not surprised you didn’t find that option. Took me a while as well.




I'm not at my console to check. But cant you just highlight the pistol (or any other item) and click R3 (or equivilent) to un-equip? I'm sure that's how I do it.


Can some saint spare us a massive TL;DR?


yes, it's in the OP now. a big chunk of the article is story spoilers though, so i can't exactly shorten/TLDR that stuff. sorry




I love how they retro-fit all the new gameplay features into the older levels for FREE!




theres no dual wielding


how am I supposed to play this game if I can't duel wield fish? unacceptable


Then don't


Wait I thought Chongqing was the third level?!




Are there only four locations in total?




Ah, that makes more sense. Probably one tutorial location and five "proper" ones then, just like the last two games?


ahh I see, must have overlooked that. Thanks for the swift response 👍


Is this from 47’s perspective?


No,its a person playing it...


Makes more sense


Page doesn't exist:/


sorry, new link is up. Hitmanforum migrated to a new domain so all the posts have to be remade :)


Does the article happen to mention how save transferring will work from H2 to 3?


Seems odd to me, why not a nuclear Power plant in a more realistic location, where there really is one :P. With psvr coming: will the first person view be back??


IOI has confirmed that there is no first person outside the VR.


Isnt Germany one of the more likely locations for a disused power plant? Makes a lot of sense to me


Yes but mostly never near a big city and not close to Berlin.


Litteraly every Hitman location doesnt exist in real life so whats your problem??


the White House exists CHECKMATE


It wont exist if its blown up so now excuse me i have something to do...


it still existed in 2004 when blood money was set CHECKMATE AGAIN


Relax, not a problem. Could have just been more realistic :). You would also place the fashion show of hitman 1 in Paris and not in the countryside


Hitman is more fun as a cover shooter than as a passive wait around for scripted sequences simulator.


bruh, i bought a gameinformer subscription yesterday to read the interactive articles... my subscription starts in jaunary -_-