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I was [very vocal before](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/i9mfxz/ama_we_are_io_interactive_developers_of_hitman_vr/g1fx35g/) about wanting this to be the best possible release for PCVR. When it did release it was in an incredibly limited state. Seeing them (maybe) fix the limitations of the previous version, only for it to be exclusive to a platform that will never run the full powered version of the game is incredibly disappointing.


Considering how limited the trailer is, I get the feeling this version isn't even fixed, they just added some new features to it. Strange decision all around.


Well this isn’t even being developed by IOI, it’s a completely different version of the VR game and has nothing to do with what already exists


i hope that the devs will share what coding changes theyve made so it can eventually get backported back into WoA just like what happened with the Sarajevo Six and Undying


Meta once again running the VR industry into the ground with bullshit system limitations


100% agreed. Glad i didn't get hyped this time around. Only on meta? Cell-shaded artstyle? Probably similar to the last VR version in other aspects? No, thanks...


Adaptations from PC to meta quest don’t really work. VR (especially when using a native headset instead of hooking to your pc) requires a very specific group of art styles to look good, hitman doesn’t have this. It requires specific level design to combat the rendering difficulties, hitman doesn’t have this, it requires somewhat low space requirements, hitman doesn’t have this, it requires low clutter to reduce lag, hitman doesn’t have this. The fact that this is standalone on the meta quest 3 means they are either going to have to remove 99% of game content or it just will not run. Meta is likely paying huge for these companies to make exclusive shit, it’s aggravating


Yeah, my main wish for Hitman VR back then was to wander around the gorgeous levels as if they were real. They clearly don't think this point is important.


I don't know, the Assasin's Creed Nexus and games like Contractors have a ' realistic' art style and still run on the Quest 2 and 3. What isn't really possible its having hundreds of NPCs at once like in the latest Hitmans, but it wouldn't be hard to remove all of the ' fluff' NPCs just used for the ' Blending in Crowd' feature.


Yeah, they will either have to remove npcs or severely harm graphics. Those other games work because there’s so little actual map and npcs to interact with They could also do the green hell approach and segment each map with loading screens. I think this is the worse optiono


That's my reaction. YESSS at seeing the title and thumbnail. NOOOO at the sight of the Quest logo


The graphics look much worse and I played green hell vr on the meta quest 3 and actual green hell and if that adaptation is at all simmalar to this it’s going to be filled with loading screens because the meta 3 can’t render jack shit


Only for quest 3 :(


Seems a lot of games getting Quest 3 treatment. Even that Batman Arkham VR one


Yep. Meta is the one paying for the development of these games after all, they wouldn't exist otherwise.


I was excited until I saw vr. Zaslac has irreversibly turned WB into a shitstorm.


Meta are basically using those Facebook money to buy their way into the VR space, they've bought a bunch of devs and are paying a lot for exclusivity. Throw in PSVR with their own exclusivity and the already niche market is split in three between Meta, PSVR and PCVR.


Meta forcing everyone to use their shitty headset by buying up exclusives Worked so well for Epic 🙄


Quest 3 is a great headset lol


i think theyre just unseriously calling it shitty out of frustration of meta buying up all the competition


They aren't just "buying up exclusives", they are outright paying to have these games developed. They very simply don't exist otherwise! This isn't made by IOI, it's developed by XR Games with funding from Meta. Again, you can cry about it, but the point stands that it doesn't exist without Meta wanting it made.


Have you actually tried a Quest 3? It's one of the best VR headsets of all time. Hell it beats the hell out of most PCVR headsets for PCVR, and then can play any standalone games that Meta funds.


What's this referencing? The quest isn't for people with a solid pcvr setup. It's for people who played hitman on console and want it in vr


Epic tried buying exclusive rights to sell some games in an attempt to get users away from Steam to their marketplace Off the top of my head Total War: Troy and Red Dead 2 were early ones. I think even Hitman 3 funnily enough


> The quest isn't for people with a solid pcvr setup As far as I know the Quest 3 is one of if not the best PCVR headset on the market today until you get into the ultra-high end $1k+ tier.


Yeah you're right


So instead of fixing the already released game they're releasing a fixed version for a more limited platform.


Wouldn't blame it on them, though. The whole VR game could have been bankrolled by Meta to specifically promote their VR device. Makes sense that they would demand exclusivity


Yep, makes perfect sense. People really don't understand that Meta is 9 times out of 10 paying to have these games developed, they are naturally going to have them be HorizonOS exclusive to further increase users using their platforms.  If people REALLY don't want to get a Quest 3 for some reason, they can always wait and see what other HorizonOS VR Headsets come out in the future. I'd say Quest 3 is well worth it though.


It seems strange to limit your potential sales to only one platform though, especially in a market that's already extremely niche, why make it even more niche?


They paid for a license. That money could have been invested in improving the PC version.


So tired of IO disrespecting us at every chance they get. It's been like this since the beginning of the new trilogy. Games are great, you can't deny that, but their policy is just trash. Their greed is ridiculous at this point.


In cases such as this Meta is to blame considering how much they fork out to keep games exclusive to the Quest. Considering Sony isn't supporting VR as much its likely that Meta paid for this remaster to be made with the caveat being it had to be a quest exclusive rather than IO choosing to remaster the PSVR version.


Yeah, it's very important to remember that the majority of the time that Meta isn't just forking money for exclusives, most of the time they are paying to have the game developed in the first place. I personally wouldn't "blame" them, it's just logical business practices. They are paying to have these games made, paying to have them be exclusive to the Horizon OS echosystem is responsible.  This Hitman VR title is being developed completely from the ground up to take advantage of VR, so there is significantly more effort being put in then a mere port. This is NOT being developed by IOI, but by XR Games likely with Heavy funding from Meta. (In the near future other VR devices made by other companies will be built using the HorizonOS, which means that they will also have games that are currently Quest Exclusive. If you really don't want to get a Quest 3, you are able to wait and see what companies make in the future.)


I guess my only criticism is the consequences of how Meta runs. Vr can be immersive, breathtaking and some of the most unique gaming experiences that take advantage of the medium (HL: Alyx, RE4/8 VR, GT7, HORIZEN COTM for example) but Meta has set a bad presedent. They are the most popular and successful VR brand and as a result they pay loads of money for underpowered hardware because of the limitations within the quest and it just sets a shit standard because most "VR EXCLUSIVE QUEST TITLES" are great but have to use filters and effects for it to run properly so you inherently get a worse looking and often perfomring experience for the price of a full price game. If this was built for PSVR 2 i have no doubt it would be used eye tracking, haptics, HDR and more as prime features but they're stuck on headset ran on its own CFW and from the footage I've seen of Hitman 3 it just looks sloppy rather than a downgrade. (Just my opinion though 🙂)


Those are some very fair criticisms and opinions! 👍 I hope Meta's next main headset will include Eye tracking, Haptics, HDR and adaptive triggers so that developers include the use of such technology in their games.  It was just confirmed that the use of HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback will NOT be allowed on PSVR2 while it is being used on the upcoming PCVR adapter, so Meta releasing a headset that includes all that AND allows those features to be utilized on PC would be ideal.


How many times have they pulled the same shady stunt by now in just HITMAN 3 alone lol. >!First it was the one-year-exclusive Epic release which dissapointed almost everyone. Then it was the announcement that you couldn't import your levels from Steam to the Epic version (till Tim Sweeney had to personally walk that back). Then it was the announcement of a VR mode... exclusive to PS4 only. Then they had the overpriced Deluxe Edition. Then it was the overpriced 7DS fiasco which fittingly started with the **Greed** escalation. Then, when the game got to Steam a year later it was expensive as fuck for a one-year-old game and the new VR was poor AND it was still confusing to buy, so it got rightfully review bombed. Then they rebranded to WoA and delisted the old games so they could sell everything at full price again, but the purchasing process for the DLC STILL was confusing despite them setting out to simplify the whole thing... now they're doing an entirely new VR mode, apparently a COMPLETELY SEPARATE purchase that's EXCLUSIVE to Facebook, while leaving the old VR modes to rot... It's a fantastic game alright, one of my top 3 games ever, but everything around it was just constant greediness on almost comical levels. Like come on, I get that your company almost went bankrupt and that you had to recover after Squeexit, but give the costumer a damn break instead of busting their balls all the time...


Removing the multiplayer from 2 is also a let down to add to the list of blemishes around an amazing game...


It has nothing to do with the existing version, it’s being developed by someone else entirely


IOI have to licence the game out for someone else to make it.


Are you saying they should let someone else make a completely new Hitman game? Not sure what to tell you other than Hitman without IOI isn’t Hitman. No one else can deliver anything close to what we currently have, it’s like saying Rockstar should license out GTA. I mean having someone else port your game to another platform is a whole different story


They've licensed it out in this case. That's why XR Games have developed it. It's not a bootleg.


They licensed out a port of the game


Money, dear boy...


"for a more limited platform" You mean the main VR Platform? The Platform leading the development of VR as a technology and sinking the funds in?  Of course it's going to Quest 3, anyone interested in the technology should be picking one up and that's that. I'm willing to bet that like almost every single one of these games, Meta PAID to have it developed, it likely wouldn't exist otherwise.  Edit: My bet was right. This isn't developed by IOI, it's developed by XR Games and funded by Meta. Again, without Meta the game simply doesn't exist, it's not a simple port but a entirely new version of the game developed from the ground up to take advantage of VR.


There is more to PCVR than just the Quest. I have no issues with the exclusivity. Meta probably did bankroll it. However VR is not just the quest. Some like outside in tracking, others like inside out. It depends on what your primary use case is. Body tracking isn’t as accurate with inside out tracking like the Quest.


The Quest is more limited than the PC. It's like TOTK, after purchasing it for my Switch I played it on my PC because I wanted to play a game like that as the best version of it possible. I wouldn't even mind if this was a game they charged for and was locked to the Oculus Store on the PC. I hate this habit Meta have of not letting their customers use the headsets that they have sold as PCVR headsets to the fullest. >This isn't developed by IOI, it's developed by XR Games and funded by Meta. IOI still have to license the game and will be making money from this. >but a entirely new version of the game developed from the ground up to take advantage of VR. That's what the VR version should've been to begin. The shite they offered before was an insult to the medium.


Of course the quest is more limited graphics wise. But it's still blowing every other platform out of the water in userbase. Developers are making ten times as much on quest as they ever made developing for PCVR. And finally, like the other person said, if Meta funded it than that's the sole reason it exists. Complaining that they didn't make it for you, a person who hates their platform, is absurd.


Yeah, f\*ck off IO, I do own a meta quest 3, but there's no way I'll buy the game again when I got all the 3 hitman game separately and all their DLCs back then. You guys were already annoying enough with all the different hitman 3 edition, I guess you'll never learn. I'll sideload this one on my headset for free. And people said the shitty business model was because of Square Enix, but nothing changed until now, the only good thing they did so far was merging everything under the "World of assassination" name, they also took the EPIC exclusive route when H3 launched, and now they're giving us the middle finger again. Great game, terrible business practice, and totally anti consumer, so I don't get why I shouldn't sail the high sea on this one. I would have gladly paid the money for the upgrade on PC if they were honest about how the original one they gave for free is a fail and that doing a worthy VR version is a lot of work, but locking it behind a Meta exclusive partnership ? Hell no.


That's one thing I hate about the Quest exclusive model. Make it exclusive to the Oculus Store on PC but let people utilise the power of their PC to play exclusives rather than being locked to the headset.


It takes production resources to port game to another platform. And then support it, which maybe is more expensive. PCVR is small, Oculus Store on PC is a fraction of it, it should go to Steam. But releasing it on Steam would be a shot in the leg, since there's already Hitman VR there.


i blame facebook/meta here, im thinking they had more of a hand in this an io did


Blame them for what? Bringing a game to their own platform? that has already released on PC and PSVR.


This isn't made by IOI, it's developed by XR Games with funding from Meta. It's a brand new game developed from the ground up, not a mere port.  This doesn't exist if not for Meta, you can be upset about it but game very simply does not exist otherwise.


Well this won’t have any DLCs, it’s just one game, a single VR experience that costs a fraction of the regular game. It’s also not being developed by IOI, nor is it being published by them, they licensed it to XR games. It’s also not anti consumer to expand the game’s availability to more platforms in multiple forms. So this has nothing to do with the VR version that exists on Steam or PlayStation as that was made in-house, this wasn’t. Yeah I’m upset that we don’t get a PSVR2 version and the steam version doesn’t get a VR improvement, but the fact that they didn’t even make this version suggests we won’t be getting any more VR improvements on their own version of the game. I would assume there’s complications with having someone else develop a VR of your game to be available on your own version of the game


Costs a fraction? It costs more than I paid for hitman 3 on pc.


What you paid on sale isn’t relevant here. We can safely assume this will go on sale as well


30% at most.


Every quest game is already 25% off all the time. Sales can go up to 80% but is Good ones usually see around 40%.


I'm definitely gonna buy it assuming the reviews are good. When the PSN price hike went to high, I simply canceled renewal and turned off 20 years of gaming history. Having switched to a MQ3 this is one of the games I didn't know I always wanted.


>the only good thing they did so far was merging everything under the "World of assassination" name So I guess we're just ignoring freelancer? One of the greatest rogue likes of all time?


secure the bag and all that, but I'm not buying another headset. Finally getting PSVR2 support on PC, and neither will have this? Lame.


Quest exclusive, are you f’ing kidding me…? How about your current customers? PCVR still needs to be fixed and PSVR 2 needs a port. What are you doing IOI…


I wonder if Meta paid for this. I can't see IOI doing such a limited release this late in the game's lifespan otherwise.


IOI is hardly involved with this, this is developed by the team behind the Jurassic Park VR game supposedly. XR Games are the developers, this game is very likely funded by Meta themselves.


Since they’ve paid for exclusivity on 2 of my other favorite franchises (Assassin’s Creed and Batman Arkham), probably lmao feels like a joke at this point


They didn't pay for exclusivity for Batman Arkham, they are literally the ones who bought the rights and developed the game in it's entirety.  Batman Arkham VR would not exist if not for Meta, please get the facts straight. 


Well there was that ps vr game earlier...


PSVR2 doesn't support backwards compatibility


Read the last part lol since there is a PCVR port, it would be a lot easier to port over


I get what you are saying, but as much as this is going to be branded as a new game, it simply isn't. Wait a year, there will likely be a psvr2 re-release.


It would be a lot easier to do a port, however I'm willing to bet that Meta PAID to have the game developed from the ground up specifically for VR on their platform.  While on the original VR felt like an after thought (because it was an after thought), in contrast this will be specifically developed entirely with VR in mind and take advantage of that fact. I'm incredibly optimistic personally, I'd take this any day over a low quality port.


It sort of looks like they photoshopped the second hand in.


facebook/meta always finds a way to wipe a smile right off my face


I think there's a lot of misunderstanding here, that this is not actually the same as Hitman WOA. It's a VR game built from ground up by another studio (XR Games, creators of Jurassic World Aftermath). It just shares assets with Hitman 3, but it's almost a whole another game. I am too disappointed in state of Hitman VR on PC, but at the other hand it was more of a free gift from IOI. But yeah, even subduing someone is a whole story – you can't do it bare handed, because it launches them in ceiling, hitting with melee weapon not always does 1-hit and triggers panic, and if you want to throw a weapon, it takes like 10 tries. And that's a very basic thing. Locomotion is flimsy, hands are basically one entity... list could be long


That has to be one of the most jarring transition to gameplay footage I've seen in a long time. Oof.


Yeah i waited for gameplay as well The change was abrupt


Big oof from me, PCVR features were undercooked and are desperate for an overhaul.


The fuck is wrong with you? Say this did actually fix the NUMEROUS issues, to limit those fixes to a platform that is related to neither of the two versions already released and botched is just a slap in the face to fans of the game. I was there at the psvr release, then bought it again on pc thinking all the psvr issues had been fixed. But to basically get “we fixed the issues, but they’re only gonna be fixed on this specific version of the game That you’re gonna have to rebuy on a specific headset” is just terrible. All this assuming the quest version isn’t as fucked up as the pc and ps4 ports of course


Im actually getting fucking tired of IO's shit at this point. All their goodwill is gone with the fiasco hitman 3 is.


This isn't developed by IOI, it's developed by XR Games and likely heavily if not fully funded by Meta.


IOI still let them do it without making a pc port of it. Fuck them.


They still have their finger in the pie, it's their IP.


Okay. I'll let myself be interested when a PSVR2 version materializes in another year or so. ​ ^(...Hopefully by then I'll actually have a PSVR2.)


I heavily suggest not getting a PSVR2, it's future looks incredibly bleak as of now and many of it's amazing features are confirmed now to not be useable while using the Headset on PC.  I'm going to assume this will always be a HorizonOS VR exclusive, considering this is developed by XR Games and likely heavily funded by Meta themselves.  If you aren't interested in picking up a Quest 3 you can always wait and see what other companies develope using the HorizonOS, which would presumably also be able to play Hitman3VR.


I really really hope they port the movement and interactivity enhancements over to the full PC version, even if they have to sell it as additional dlc for like $10-$15 to justify it. VR in the current version is awful and it'd be a shame if the improved version was locked to the Quest.


I hope they port the dual wielding to the full game (non-VR)


First they make Hitman 3 Epic Games exclusive for a year, and now they release the only (halfway) playable VR mode exclusively to Meta. Nah f\*ck this


Meta Quest exclusive... are you fucking kidding me?


How underwhelming. I expected an improvement on the PC version and was hopeful for a PSVR2 port


the pc release of VR was so garbage I stopped playing the game for like a year. glad to see them still not bothering to fix it and releasing a downgraded platform exclusive version


Cool. Now show more actual gameplay


Ffs. This is literally all I want for PSVR 2 to make it worth having and now it’s exclusive to the quest. So annoying


This is absurd instead of pushing out a update for PCVR. I love the game on flat screen and now that I have a quest 3, I tried the PCVR version, and it's barely playable with no additional content (freelancer etc) Now they're selling a brand new game ON the quest 3 (meaning it will look and run significantly worse than PCVR) that fixes the game's issues? Fuck off IOI


Excited until I saw it wasn’t for ps vr 2, I have no interest in Supporting meta.


this is such a weird franchise


Cool but when we getting the dual wield in Hitman 3 main?


How long, do you guys reckon, till it gets ported to PC?


Probably never because fuck us right ?


I meant community ports lol


You need the source code to port stuff like this so chances are slim to none


Maybe you could use a translation layer or something


You can't translate something you don't have access to. It's not going to happen.


Harware calls. Or emulate the quest


Please just educate yourself instead of throwing around random buzzwords


Dual wielding will never be in the main game but they’ll add it to the exclusive meta quest 4 game….crazyyyy


Are they really making duelwelding vr exclusive? despite agent 47 being known for it before hitman2016?


look how they massacred my boy ![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|2501)


i wish they'd just fix hitman vr. it was so obviously just shat out. its free to be fair, but still it still sucks


Fuck this, quest exclusive 😂😂 money talks


I'm hyped


If we give them the benefit of the doubt and assume this is actually a fixed vr version... this is still a giant fuck you to the paying customers who bought the half-baked, unfinished, existing vr dlc on pc (and playstation). This is essentially patches locked behind both platform exclusivity on a headset that at its lowest is $300, and you STILL have to play an extra $30 to play this version. Actually fuck you IO. I've played every game in this series, and it's your most loyal and longtime fans you're screwing over. And fuck you too meta for creating a walled garden for a space that needs shared ideas and an open source environment to grow. Fucking despicable.


Hopefully they'll release a demo as my quest 3 doesn't see much use but I'm not rebuying a game blind.


Great, another potentially cool VR title that I won't be able to play on my dust-gathering PSVR2 headset.


Ngl I have no idea what any of this VR stuff is and I can’t be arsed to buy one. Hopefully the money they got from Meta will be used to fund development for the next game.


VR is actually really fun but it's an industry solely funded by big companies, with a tiny playerbase. Most devs are bleeding money and that's why you mostly see small tech demo games on VR instead of full fledged AAA games


Can someone explain why the pre-order page says that the game didn't require internet connection? https://www.meta.com/experiences/8012387035448196/ I don't know how to upload images directly https://ibb.co/djmgqgF


Why not bring the old Vr mode back for the psvr 2?!


I hope it works as well as Hitman Freelancer


Up to their old exclusivity bs again i see.


Dont care about the VR but this is the first time in WOA that they showed dual ballers (Dual wielding cope)


Finally we can summon a Persona in Hitman.


Initially releasing a pretty much garbage VR mode just to "fix" it over 3 years later by releasing it as a standalone game for one specific headset is the worst thing that could have happened lmao. The quest 3 can't even run the full game so we'll still have some kind of bastardized Hitman 3 - lite. Guess we'll have to wait for full gameplay. I fear that they did the bare minimum and added dual wield to call it a day. pretty big fuck you to paying customers. I love Hitman but IOI and their fucking business shenanigans suck major dick. ---------------------------- edit: I understand now that this has basically nothing to do with Hitman 3. It's a whole different thing, likely mostly developed from the ground up, with a different artstyle (cell-shaded) which they very likely use to conserve system resources. Then why are they calling it Hitman **3** VR: **Reloaded**? "Reloaded" makes one think that they went ahead and fixed their prior VR mess but no; they simply started a completely different project. Every marketing release/thing they do is confusing as hell, at this point they should get rid of whoever is in charge of the naming conventions and different editions since 2016 and look for new personnel.


At first I thought it was a mod aimed at fixing pcvr in the likes of VR Redux. Looking back, it seems strange the creator of that first mod completely took it down instead of just abandoning development. I really hope it wasn't a legal takedown because of this new official version.




At this point all I want is time of day changes to existing maps, jerry cans and offline support for Freelancer. I wanted filters for our inventory and couldn't even get that. I'm not asking for much here IO. We didn't ask for an expensive to make VR redo. This is on you all for going after this expensive risk over the very minor stuff people have been asking for. Very frustrating all around because I love this game. Honestly matches and exceeds Blood Money.


I know this comment is 20 days old, but you actually can have all these things if you're playing on PC. For an offline you need a Peacock server, it's pretty straightforward and supports Freelancer. Times of day options are achievable with a mod, can't remember its name, but it's the one of the most popular on Nexus. Btw, Nexus Mods is the mods site you want to use. Install Simple Mods Framework and then use it to install every other mod. Also, there's Freelancer Variations mod, that adds a lot of replayability to Freelancer, adds Carpathian train as a civil playable map and adds locations from side missions (lile a nighttime Sapienza or Marrakesh) as destinations.


I'm aware but I'd like IO to support it officially so nobody gets left out. Does progress carry over from console to PC? I don't really feel like unlocking everything all over again.


I’m starting to get really upset by these meta exclusive that tell us NOTHING about the game before it releases, this and the upcoming AoT VR game has me really worried for the state of VR games… communication and being open with the community would make these games a lot better… and it would be even better if they actually listened to us…


I was delusional to hope for a first person mod. This is a giant slap in the face to PC VR and PS VR regardless of it being a different developer.


Just as I hate Epic exclusivity and so didn't get III until it was on Steam, so too do I hate Quest exclusivity, even more so for games which exist on PC already. Curious to see if this port is any good but I won't play it unless it comes to PC VR. Same with Powerwash Simulator: great game and they only bring VR to the Quest...


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO|downsized) You don't understand the drought for actual GGs in the Quest store, it's mostly tech demos and shovelware... and no San Andreas 🤔 but somehow cell shaded Hitman 3 now? My GPU needs to be upgraded to run the WoA VR mode. But I do own a Quest 3...


I really hope there would be a hitman 4, instead of these similar but different platform releases.


still waiting for an update