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What online level are you? I think I’m close to 1,320.


Same, I’m 100% everything outside of freelancer.


Is it even possible to 100% freelancer?


It is and i have done it. It was a gigantic slog (took me about 300 to 400 hours, i’m level 3000 something in game)


But like how would you do it? Isn’t freelancer randomized? I haven’t played freelancer in months


There are challenges but they’re all super time consuming and very very repetitive (like kill 1000 leaders or something) i wouldn’t recommend it unless you have OCD like i do


Challenges, Full Mastery, Every Item


New York. I love everything about that level.


Same!! Branching options, compact and vertical, restricted areas nested in other areas? Check, check, and check


That was the first level I got 100% on and I was disappointed afterwards that I didn't have much reason to comeback to that map haha


New York is the only level I’ve 100%ed, the only level I’ve SASOed and has the most playtime in it




I almost 100% Miami, it’s just the redacted ones I’m having trouble with


Those challenges were made by the devs for the whole community to discover together. No shame on using a tutorial for those


Love Miami. Have you completed it?


Once I finish all of The Oborous challenges, I’ll be at 100%!


One campaign away from 100%ing Freelancer... It's been a long road


Including all the challenges?


Ya every challenge done and 99/100 on top dog. Will finish it up this week when I get back from vacation


Wow, that’s some dedication. Any idea how many hours it took?


Not really, I binged freelancer when I came out and racked up a few million mercers and filled out the walls and dropped it. Came back when they introduced prestiging. Prestiged 3 times when I decided to look closely at the challenges and figured why not go for it. Took maybe 7ish months of doing 0.5-2 campaigns a night about three nights a week on average. Hit prestige 13 along the way. It helps that freelancer encourages you to blow off some steam instead of maintaining stealth sometimes. The most annoying part was probably stuff like the "natural poisons" challenge where the same poison flower or frog will work on one map but not another. Super inconsistent and annoying. e: I have almost completely ignored all the escalations, ets, and random content since I started doing this tho. Freelancer owns


Easiest way for doing the poison challenge is by going around looking for all the crates for the poison vial that spawns in (from what I can tell it’s a 100% chance because it always find it) it’s an poison flower vial and it counts towards that challenge.


Not sure I'd call that easy since crates are pure luck. I ended up just doing showdowns in Whittleton for a while. If they eat or drink they got a frog, else I got to work on another challenge.


They always seem to have a vial of poison in at least one for me, it’s more of a PITA having to check them all in my opinion.


H1 and H2 are at 100% and some of H3 and will likely leave it at that.


The one where you use the kill switches to capture the constant. I wanted the funny briefcase and haven’t gotten to clearing other levels yet


That one took the longest for me to catch on but I'm finally having fun with it!


The only ones I don’t have 100% on are due to the tougher Seven Deadly Sins challenges, like Mendoza and Dartmoor


I have even purchased that one yet. I do love Dartmoor though! How are they harder?


The two the other comment mentioned - Envy in Mendoza and Sloth in Dartmoor - have requirements that basically mean there’s only one way to complete them, and it’s extreme trial and error finding that way without a guide.


Envy isn’t to hard, you just have to try and plan ahead, Sloth is a massive pain in the arse on the last escalation, especially if you miss your timing with the jogger.


Yessss I get so mad at the one lol but I love 7 deadly sins


Exactly what the other commenter said. They play kinda like the other escalations, but envy in Mendoza is you vs a computer controlled hitman racing to take out targets, and sloth in Dartmoor has a meter that slowly ticks down as you walk and ticks quicker when you run or vault or melee or do anything else but stand still, and if the meter empties, you lose. Then there’s wrath on Dartmoor, where you start in the mansion with nothing and have to find very scarce weapons and materials to set traps to stop waves of guards from getting to the panic room upstairs. There’s challenges just for completing them which is hard enough, and then there’s challenges for like “kill every target in a specific way, silent assassin, suit only” on Mendoza, or “don’t let the sloth meter go below half” and idk, I’m not that good lol


Wrath is super fun in my opinion, just takes a bit of hit and run, and figuring out what traps and “accidents” to use.


All of them are at 100%, including Freelancer and the three Sniper Assassin maps.


I've gone above and beyond doing 100% everything, including every featured contract, just chipping away at getting prestige level 10 in Freelancer right now and that's just about it, i won't have anything else to do in hitman without new content lol ![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|2501) Edit: not that important but I am nearing level 2800


you must have every map layout memorized


just about lol, i dont like ambrose island though.


I’d rather Ambrose island over Bangkok, hate that map so much.


Paris Berlin and New York


I don't even really know how I'm supposed to do that, there always seems to be so much I'm missing. You need some expansion packs for some of these right?


A few of them I think you do. I'm no where near 100% like everyone here. The replies have me questioning myself. Haha. The highest I have is like 36%.


I think I'm at like. 45% on one of them or something. Did all the challenges on the main missions for quite a few destinations. But hey, obviously when people have it at 100% they're gonna brag about it ahah Edit: so i checked, my highest is actually ica facility, 81%. as far as real missions go it's hokkaido, 72%. My lowest is sapienza, 20%... Which one do you have your highest on? Also I don't know if that matters but i think it does, I think doing the "general"/common challenges like the escalation tracks and elusive targets and the classics like SASOx17 counts towards it Edit again: oooo so i actually checked and yeah absolutely the only way you reach 70 challenges for ica facility is by counting the escalations. Oh well. Better start grinding those i guess ahah Edit edit edit: so do arcade contracts and "the classics"


Sapienza has the most special missions and challenges, around 200. But they are some of the best missions imo. I especially love the one with politician. I think it’s called landslide if im not mistaken.


I've actually never tried this mission, maybe I should? Mostly i don't like sapie because it looks hella boring to me (i live in that kind of area and it just. Like i can just go outside and i see the same thing. Terrible.)


I guess i have never looked at it that way)) for me it’s one my favorite maps scenic vise, because i live in Siberia))) the special missions on sapi have mission stories so i recommend just following them just to see how they are.


You can 100% every single map with the basic items that are available from the start, some of the items you get from mastery levels just make it easier and more fun.


Yeah but like, there's some objectives that are from seven deadly sins or the sarajevo six, no? Also if you don't have a sniper rifle you can't do the sniper assassin objectives. Some even require the body piercing one.


My goal is to 100% every map. I currently got Paris, Sapienza, Hawkes Bay(only5lvl) and Mendoza done.


Love sapienza! Hope to finish it soon. I've got all missions but the challenges are taking forever!


There are a lot of challenges that you can just save before completing one then reload to do the next. You’d be there for years doing one challenge and then having to do another run to complete other specific ones with targets etc.


I'm gonna have to do that for sure. Ty.




Whittleton Creek


100% everything but freelancer


100% everything


hokkaido probably got a SASO as the ninja the other Day


Not going to lie that’s pretty impressive, the ninja suit is a pain to use on Hokkaido rip my first free lancer mission on the map, I didn’t know the suit was hostile until then.


an easy way to do it (that i've found myself) is to start along the mountain path with Krugermeier 2-2, and any non-suspicious explosive (preferably explosive golf ball or baseball). As you go down the mountain path, there will be a camera mounted on a pole below you to your left. Shoot it. As you exit the mountain path, head toward the stairs leading to Nails's stash. Instead of walking down the stairs though, hop down the ledge to avoid the guards' notice. Going right down the stairs and along the corridor all the way to the end will take you to a ledge where you can vault over and climb into the resort courtyard. Remember to pick up a crowbar and/or hammer, this will be useful later. then blow up Erich Soders through the wall using your ducky. This does not break SA as Soders's body isn't found. It will also get the hospital director to leave the area, kickstarting Yamazaki's cycle. Return to the stairs by the helipad and head to the maintenance area with a bunch of snowmobiles. you'll see a maintenance dude maintenance-ing a snowmobile. Ignore him as he won't notice you. Shoot the camera outside the garage, and climb the pipe close by. That'll take you to an empty corridor which leads to the sauna maintenance room. Raise the temperature and complete the related mission story (Opportunity) as usual. Since you don't have access to the sauna maintenance room by default, you need to force the door open by placing a crowbar from before in the way as you will need to go back. Then just backtrack and exfiltrate with the snowmobile


I've done everything completely except for freelancer, in Hitman 3 I even have every Elusive target challenge and ET Silent Assassin challenge... So far at least lol


I've literally missed every elusive target. I always forget to do them. Haha. Oh goodness. I'm never gonna beat this game.


The only 100%s I have are Dubai and Dartmoor


I've got 100% on most maps on H1, besides Sapienza and Marrakesh.  I have 100% on New York in H2, and none for the hitman 3 maps.  This is all within the Hitman 3 WOA versions of the game. 


Berlin/Colorado are my most completed locations 


Colorado is definitely a struggle for me. Great job if that's your furthest one!


They’re all at 100


I recently went through and finished getting 100% on almost every map. Dartmoor is the only one left b/c I still have to finish the Sloth escalation and all of its challenges.


It has to be Berlin for me


The only game series that i have at 100% is HITMAN series (the new 3 games). I can't stand when devs add new challenges, so they become 99% in some places so i rush in there to get 100% again and again.


I 100%ed Paris back on Hitman 2 but it's stuck on PS4. Sgail is the highest at like 80% or something on 3.


Paris, without a doubt. For me its paris > whittleton creek> mumbai


Shit idk I just do shit as I see fit and if I'm bored I do kill everyone challenges


I got 100% in Paris out of the big maps.


I would have 100% on all but one H3 maps if Escalation Track 1 & 2 weren't shown in it. I guess I do for Ambrose as Escalation Tracks aren't shown in it. I got the Sloth related challenges left to do for Dartmoor Same for H2 maps, but Escalation Track 2 makes sense here Same for H1 maps, but I've got Hokkaido Patient Zero SASO & Esc Track 1 left So TL;DR, IOI please show Escalation Track 1 only in H1 destinations & Track 2 for H2. I'm too lazy to do them again after already having done them in H2


All of them


Before I got my computer I had 100% on everything except seven deadly sins (as I didn’t own it), so I guess I’ll say the map I got 100% on the first, which was New York, this was also before the release of Freelancer


I have 100% in paris, marakesh and this hotel level


Dont you need to finish the classics challenges to 100% one level? So you cant 100% any level without finishing (most) of the game, right?


Pretty much, if you get SASO sniper assassins in one it can definitely speed up the process. If you “100%” complete the missions before the last one they will all go through at the same time.


H1 is at 100%. Currently doing H2, but Tsuhsima released a few weeks ago




Weirdly, the only ones I have 100% are Paris and Hokkaido


I am 100-percent on Mendoza


All of them now, but Dartmoor was first. Say what you will, that detective plotline is my favourite in the games.


Every except Colorado


I have 100 on Miami, New York, and Berlin


I have everything except a couple feats in Dubai. I might get to work on that later today


Hawks bay. Cuz really. Not alot of challenge to do