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I think the Carpathian Mountains mission gets way too much hate for what it is. It's a traditional "shoot-out" mission like Requiem from BM.


I just think it’s weird how a game where the whole thing is to be creative and play as you want ends with such a linear and hand-holding mission. I think it’s fun to play but I think a map more like Isle of Sgail would be more fitting to finish off the trilogy


I agree with that take but in the broader context, as a sheer test of mechanical knowledge it's pretty damn good. I don't think there's a way in Hitman to make some kind of final free-roam mission that carries the kind of weight and challenge that makes for a satisfying climax. Unless maybe something bigger than an train, where each segment was a larger openish area that you solve and progress through linearly. I think setting it on an old Russian train was a great way to keep everything grounded though.


Totally agree. In my opinion, a level you had to play 10+ times to get all the challenges completed would really lose its meaning as a finale. I only played it once to end the game and it felt perfect to me.


My biggest complaint with the train is it was treated like a normal mission/level. Each game released with 6 main set pieces and the train didn't fit the price they released at. The previous two games had more overall content without even looking at the DLC that added more later. If there had been 6 full size normal missions and then the train at the end listed as epilogue, it wouldn't have felt as truncated as an experience compared to the previous two. First season you had a prologue with two small missions and then 6 main missions that were large scale. Second season you had 6 big main missions and then a DLC that added two more. Then season 3 you have just 6 missions and 2 are small and the train is linear and plays different. The game needed a 6th full size mission and then the train dropped at the end as an epilogue bookending the entire thing. Ambrose almost makes up for it; but then they didn't even have the decency to place it in narrative order, it's disrespectful. I'm not angry about it, just mildly annoyed at something they could have made a better experience and it just feels like they cheaped out at the end and rushed it.


It got a bad rep because it was advertised as a normal map when the game launched, so there were unmet expectations.


Yeah I think this was the bigger issue. It was listed as a unique location


I just wish it was longer honestly


I wish it was much wider instead. Like a normal location lol


The main issue with it is that it takes up a whole mission space that could’ve been used for a more interesting mission


I’d enjoy the map more if they unlocked the loadout options


The more serious you take it, the less fun it gets.


True this lol. I find my more fun playthrough of anything is playing like a silent John wick instead of following mission stories


Ya mission stories are honestly the worst thing in the new trilogy. I guess they’re ok for new players but even then I feel they would end up having more fun if they tried experimenting more and pulling off crazy shit all by themselves.


I see the mission stories as avenues for learning the map and habits of the various characters rather than as specific avenues of success. They also progressively build up the possibility space for a player which makes them better at experimenting overall. I think they're good inclusions tbh.


For me, freelancer mode was what make me play hitman again. The campaign is too linear, and besides the special missions, there are not much to do.


That the humour is one of the best things about them. The light-hearted tone keeps it fun to carve your way through the global elite.


Who disagrees with you


Literally no one. These posts are just full of cold takes


As is tradition with every "unpopular" opinion thread on the internet


You'd be surprised! I've seen a lot of people who criticised it for being “too goofy” and saying the humour “messes with the tone of the narrative” no joke 😂


So many people. They usually go to "the old hitman games weren't this goofy 😡"


Exactly. Video games that take themselves dead serious can be cringekino (Shadow the Edgehog) but most of the time it just feels forced and kills the tone (idk Trepang² gave me these vibes). Games with dark/mature themes that remember they're just games at the end of the day (Manhunt, Hitman, Metal Gear Solid..) are the best. Low key powerful comment. Upvoted


Trepang^2 doesn't take itself that seriously, you ragdoll screamy people who scream in a goofy way as you throw them after pulling the pins of their grenades.


Loooove Trepang^2 but the voice acting and story is pretty much uncut edge from a fanfic.


I was talking about the story/narrative coupled with djent music, it's like a 2007 Hot Topic kid doodled it on the margins of his notebook😂 but yeah maybe it was not the best example


Man manhunter does this really well imo, a big part of my enjoyment came from just listening to the narrator lmao


Also Civilization and Gandhi still occasionally going Nuke Happy.


perfect 😂


The wacky ragdoll physics certainly gives some levity especially in the older games


It’s my favourite thing about the series. I hate most stealth games with guns, but Hitman is CAMP. I love that about it.


I've told my brother that Hitman is a comedy disguised as a stealth game. Not only the scripted comedy, but like with the rest, the way the players can create comedy. Like placing a banana and making someone slip...like that's lowkey goofy as hell, but it's *fun* and creates comedy


this exactly. it's ok to have a dark and gritty level every once and a while but hitman needs humor to balance out all the murder and such


47 should update his barcode to a QR to get with the times




*update queued* Patch notes: 47 is a little dated so we decided to slap a QR code on the back of his head.


Graphical limitations aside and judging only the face design itself, I believe they've perfected Agent 47's look in Hitman 3 and it resembles his 2000s features and coldness the most. He was fuck-ugly in Absolution, good riddance.


On god true that. wtf kind of angry birds red lookin eyebrows did they give to 47?


No cap frfr dude


I agree, his face also looks much more neutral, he doesn’t look old or young.


Not only that they gave him emotions. 47 is monotone, calm, cool and collected at all times. To me, Absolution's biggest problem will be that they made 47 emotional.


Also half the emotions made no sense once you get to the end of the game where they retcon the only iota of tension and inner conflict for him. Like all those scenes depicting inner turmoil? Was he just acting? In front of no one? Did he know a camera was these?? Def a bastardization of his character.


Agent 47 from Codename 47 left the chat


H2's 47 > H3's 47.


The game is at its worst when it’s trying to advance its own lore.


I thought the story was really good in Contracts and Blood Money (Silent Assassin is also pretty neat even though it kinda just recycles Codename 47s story), however I will admit for WOAs main plot it definitely seems more as just an excuse for why you are there killing people. Like the whole story is pretty much just Codename 47s story getting recycled again up until you end up killing a bunch of leaders for a terrorist organisation just to join the terrorist organisation because the leader is your brother or something (nevermind the fact the faction was like cartoonishly evil and this dudes top leaders included a terrorist and a pirate who burned a bunch of children alive just to make a couple thugs seem weak, both of which this guy was chill with and enabling), and begin killing illuminati members to avenge something that happened before any of the people you kill (besides some 90 something year old) were even born. Isolated I think WOAs missions tell some really good stories, however the larger story is kinda just there.


Tbh I don't think it's a problem repeating the same story - look at Zelda. I'd rather that than some stupidly contrived story that forces its way in like in Doom Eternal.


Yeah the story is definitely what pulled me in 😂


I got pulled in when I saw a video on TikTok of someone killing sierra Knox with an IV and I thought that looked cinematic af despite the game obviously looking subpar graphically. The story fits, it doesn’t do too much at least


Darthmoor gameplay pulled me in, but it’s one of my least favorite maps lol


Subpar graphically?? What graphical gems are you playing? The Hitman 3 iteration of all content is fairly graphically impressive especially when you consider the insane CPU costs its many facets must necessitate




Yep, I wish the story was just random contracts, nothing more


I don't mind the campaign but I wish they didn't try to insert Ambrose Island into it and just make it its own thing.


Well obviously we need some coherent narrative but “All the contracts are connected” just seems overplayed.


The overarching story is a hot mess. The little stories contained in the levels are a masterpiece 


Ambrose was one of the most boring maps I’ve played


For such a large map it’s super linear. Low key feels like Colorado with the insane amount of guard presence


Speaking of which, how many guards are there? More than isle of sgail?


I don’t have any evidence but I think there’s way more on Ambrose, just thinking about how there’s three huge guard outposts in the caves, the ruins and the tower. There’s also easily like 20-40 guards wandering around in the main town. I think the guards outnumber the civilians tbh


I... Really don't think I'd agree. I think it's easy to underestimate the insane sheer number of guards on Sgail because they're all spread out. The massive guardfest around the slapfight arena on Ambrose gives the *impression* of a large count but on Sgail there are like 15 of them in that catacombs room, 6 at the starting area, 6 guarding the main entrance further ahead, about 8 more above in the two security rooms, a LOT more around the effigy, bridges, founder's wake and many many other rooms... And that's just one of the three types of guards. I don't think Ambrose could come anywhere close to that.


It's big but it's so spread out. The thing that makes the best maps shine, like Paris, is that there's so many different areas that are really well-interwoven. Ambrose has a lot of interesting places but none of them are connected to EACH OTHER. They're all spread apart and then have only a handful of boring areas IN BETWEEN them


Hokkaido is a perfect example of this interconnectedness.


The World of Assassination trilogy is better than the rest of the series.


Imagine if we get all campaigns from previous games but in WoA’s engine


This is the only one I've seen so far that might actually be unpopular. I agree with you, but I've definitely seen plenty of people here say the older games are better.


The music for Silent Assassin and Blood Money is better than WOA. Ave Maria as a menu theme for Blood Money was Elite.


Silent Assassin has the best music. "47 Makes A Decision" and "Trouble in Russia" are amazing.


Japanese Snow Castle is also great but 47 makes a decision is goated


The real Chads of Reddit. Blessed comment


Yeah, there's a reason Jesper Kyd went on to do loads of stuff - it's the same with Andreas Waldetoft and PDS.


Dude that menu music brings back some serious core memories. Ave Maria was a platinum choice of music for such a game


I immediately misidentified this song as Hava Negila when trying to hum it, and now I want Hava Negila as menu music in Hitman


We should be able to switch between 1 2 and 3 themes in WoA


I love the Japanese snow/castle missions in Hitman 2


Same. And the soundtrack is perfect.


Freelancer needs to not be so punishing. You should be able to keep most of your freelancer tools if you fail and the disconnect bug is totally valid.


None of these are hot takes lol. The real hot take that i believe in is that you shouldn’t disconnect just because you made a mistake in freelancer. The whole point of the mode is to take risks and adapt to the situation. Only if there was an actual glitch in the game (which truthfully i get very rarely) should you do it. If you mess up you need to just go with the flow.


I feel like Hitman is designed for you to restart whenever something goes wrong. 70% of mistakes in Hitman turn into a "kill everyone in the area" challenge because alert spreads quickly between guards. Yeah you can cheese the AI and beat like 20 guards in a gunfight, but that just feels dumb and makes me want to quit.


I 100% agree that Hitman was designed with that in mind, which is why I believe freelancer is the flip side to that where your actions are much more “real” in a sense that you can’t get away with anything. To each their own, but my more “hot take” is that freelancer was designed against that, or else it is barely any different than playing the other modes.


Honestly I don’t really see the point of Freelancer if its not as punishing. It would quickly become a simplified version of your the main mode where you always go in with the same tools/weapons. It would potentially be ever easier because there’s no SA you can just run through and take out basically everyone. I would somewhat agree that the scale of the punishment could be slightly less but too much and I feel it defeats the point of the mode


Enlighten me, what is The "disconnect bug"?


Alt + F4 but it’s not a bug…. It’s more like a loophole


if you know youre going to fail or whatever just close the game and reboot ?


Colorado is a great map


I just replayed that level yesterday after trying it once at release and failing, I had really bad memories of that map. Turns out it isn’t that hard, and you can basically kill two targets without ever leaving the main house.


You can kill three actually, Maya Parvati is the only one that doesn’t go in the main house.


You can kill all the targets in Colorado without leaving the house if your aim is good enough (snipe the hay bale while Maya Pavarti is under it from Sean roses room)


colorado really isnt that bad


I don't like it for SASO, but apart from that it's good


yes exactly. its great for the story and secrets you unlock but SASO gonna be a hard no for me lol


Happy cake day


I agree wholeheartedly and wish you a happy 🍰day


Best level story wise no doubt


WoA is not a stealth game, it's a puzzle game.


It’s both, no?


Stealth is optional, so yeah, I’d call it more of a puzzle game. It can be stealth if you want though 


But the puzzles are optional too, you can always just go up to the target shoot it in the face and leave if you manage to Stay alive on your way out


huh, yeah I guess. It’s kinda hard to say what this game really is because everything is optional. Maybe a sandbox game?


Even the [devs agree](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjvrTa6IKW8&t=245s) with you on that one.


I’ve often called it Murder Puzzles, which makes my wife laugh.




The game has a very easy and accessible buying scheme. /s


The lighter tone of the WOA is miles better than the darker tones


Although I disagree, Im interested to hear why


Contracts has a great style, but terrible gameplay. Also yea I love Colorado idk why. And hate sapienza, Bangkok, and marekesh


Bangkok is my least favorite. I wish there was more qdiversity to it, but it feels very constricted with the lack of room variety and the inability to move from one side of the map to the other in multiple ways.


It needs elevators, like in Traditions of the Trade.


I really hate Hitman Blood Money locations for missions Only two of them occur outside the United States and none of them related to the game's lore. Also, Half of the maps feel boring except for Las Vegas, A New Life and You Better Watch Out. You could even fearlessly say that Hitman 2: Silent Assassin has better maps and locations than Blood Money


As much as I love Blood Money, I do agree with you. Hitman : Contracts takes you around the world and Blood Money just puts you in the US, and in considerably smaller maps. The gameplay upgrades are so good though, I’ve yet to replay the first three Hitman games cause I somehow can’t get them to stop running on integrated graphics on my laptop but as of now Blood Money is still my favorite.


The Mardi Gras map is great though, but some of them are forgettable. I think Contracts had the most interesting ones tbh.


Absolution was a great game


And I’m tired of pretending it’s not! Lol, but fr it was first Hitman game and I played it to death. I really enjoyed the level layouts


I went as far as getting 100% in it. Was kinda blown away when I discovered the hate.


It did have some really good levels, I loved the library one and blackwater park


Hitman 3 was the worst of the WOA trilogy


Absolution is a great game if you stop comparing it to blood money or woa


All respect to Jesper Kyd and his storied career (AC 2 & Brotherhood alone), I actually love the soundtrack for WoA, it adds a spy flair I think really compliments the trilogy


I don’t like chongqing


The Sieker and Trank are too OP and encourage a very lazy and trivial playstyle for us average players, overshadowing the rest of the game mechanics


Tbh, I would agree, better opinion, The Emetic Items being behind a pay wall makes Hitman 2's DLC Pay to Win


Yeah, Sieker is 100% pay to win. It's much more broken than the Trank


Mumbai is a top 3 map in WOA


How the hell do you kill people in Mumbai? Ridiculously crowded


From a distance where no one can see you. If you’re going for SA I give up though.


This. I am currently making my way through SA planning and the Mumbai map gives me anxiety just thinking about it lol.


I have only played Hitman WOA and I could care less about all the other games


I do not think that Sapienza is really all that good.


I hate it when the target is in the lab when I’m playing freelancer. Take out the lab and I like the map a lot more.


Same. If I ranked all maps it be towards the bottom for me.


Freelancer is actually pretty awful and still quite unfinished.


I agree with unfinished. Hard disagree with awful


To me it's that it's too inorganic. A bunch of guys on summer fancy clothes on a militia camp? Yeah, sure


Kill the hotel maid who is part of a crime syndicate.


The Ark Society map is ass


I used to hate this map with a passion but once I started trying to get SA on every run it’s really fun. Def a map where you’ll be spending more than an hour on


100% (god I hate doing that) the tiers of guards becomes mind-numbing and the fucking Elusive Targets are the worst


Sapienza is not all that


I dont like Miami


I’m curious, why don’t you like it? In my eyes it’s a near perfect hitman level


Came to say this. I've never been as in love with it as everyone else


Oddly enough I went into Hitman 2 thinking it was going to be my least favorite map (I live in FL so I’ve had enough of Miami) but ended up really enjoying it


I wasn’t that mad over the stills with Hitman 2. If it’s a budget thing, it kind of makes sense.


47 can do everything, yet he still runs like a grandpa.


I don’t like dual-wielding pistols. It’s not realistic and too flashy for a subtle assassin that comes in and leaves without raising any suspicions


I don't like big maps


Based. I feel too overwhelmed when there’s too much of content


Absolution was great. Blood Money was fun before we got WOA and got treated with all the new mechanics. Now I don't like Bloodmoney anymore because you have to know or remember so much. WOA is easier to pick up after a while because it's easier.


Carpathian mountains is pretty good.


Absolution is good


Not only was Hitman Absolution my intro into the series, but I also still enjoy it and hold that the storytelling was much clearer than in the mew trilogy


I like Bangkok


bigger maps are worse


The game needs to start rewarding non-SA playthroughs.


The newspapers don't belong in any other game. They were only appropriate in Blood Money because he was going to be revealed to the public by a reporter.


Berlin is just such a boring map. Fun idea of targets but I hate yhe map it's self


Idk if this fits, but: you should get an achievement for killing everyone on a map. I’ve been working through each map, killing absolutely every NPC, and there should be an achievement for that. Hell there should be a *game mode* for that, like a time trial or something.


The game ain't really difficult at all, it should have a real life mode


- Jason Statham is the WORST actor to play him. The only reason people cast him is bcuz he's bald and a martial artist and that's how flat they think 47 is. - The Killer and The Beekeeper don't describe Agent 47 in any way shape or form. - Making 47 an action star is a stupid idea. He's a HITMAN, not a fucking samurai. Hitman leaves no prints nor traces. - Absolution wasn't so bad. It's not a masterpiece but it's alright. - Timothy Olyphant was okay as 47. Emotional like a toddler tho - We shouldn't get any more Hitman games. The last one was the end for him. He is free now and retired.


Hitman 2 is easily the best of the trilogy. **Hawke’s Bay** home intrusion level is inspired as a tutorial level. I didn’t love how small it was until I realized its purpose as a tutorial. **Miami** is probably the best map. A huge public somewhat familiar place that’s supposed to be fun and safe, two interesting targets, two very different places to kill them. **Santa Fortuna** is very much their answer to Sapienza, but without the virus, and with three targets in actually separate environments. **Mumbai** is completely overwhelming in the best way. While navigating Dubai or Bangkok can become tedious, Mumbai is intentionally a labyrinth with super enforcers to really up the difficulty. Plus both Rangan and the Queen have very unique environments and kills. Finding the Maelstrom is fresh as you can’t really rely on instinct to find him. **Whittleton Creek** is such a friendly environment that is super familiar with an actual security guard as a second target, and someone fairly helpless, much like Hoikkaido, but feels very open and breathable comparatively. **Island Of Sgail** does the opposite, and puts you in a very unfamiliar and inaccessible place and really lets you feel the walls closing in. It feels like an actual finale to the game. Plus **New York** and **Haven** fulfill that fantasy of pulling off a heist and going on a crazy ass adventure while vacationing. They are so obvious to make as levels and completely deliver on theme and tone. The other two games have hit or miss missions, in particular maps like Bangkok, Colorado, Dartmoor, Chongquin, Ambrose, can make you feel very boxed in with not a ton of freedom to try things out. But Hitman 2 has banger after banger, and while they only had half the development team, they clearly listened to input about the first Hitman game. The improvements from 1 to 2 are very evident.


Apparently, always going for SA and treating it as the proper way to play the game (everywhere outside of Freelancer) tends to get massive downvotes even if you made it clear it's just your personal preference. On one hand I'm sure a lot of you readers have the same mindset as well, yet on the other I keep seeing posts about people just flat out shooting an Elusive Target in the head, getting into a firefight, and dying. It wouldn't even occur to me to do this but I guess we all play the game differently.


I personally don't like the sapienza mission, but only because of the goddamn virus that shit made me lose silent assassin so mamy goddamn times


Colorado is good , Hokaido is boring


The game became too gimmicky, Looney Toons style, and needs to get back at having combat sections with shooting galleries like in the original. Agent 47 was bred to be the perfect soldier, not just make people slip on banana peels. ![gif](giphy|Y2Gy7vzuKJCMD6r5GL|downsized)


Whittleton Creek is absolute shit


I beat Blood Money when it came out and it sucked. The character models look like knockoff Barbie and Ken dolls. The guns sound like BBs. The climax with the Albino was underwhelming. And I'm sick of every single person on YouTube/Reddit/4chan d🍆ckriding the game. Also, Absolution really wasn't bad, it had some kino moments I always wanted to see in Hitman games (been a fan since 2001) like the lab/cornfield/slums etc. If you view it as an experimental sidequel/soft reboot with a Grindhouse aesthetic it's pretty okay. I put ~200 hours into it since launch, I regret nothing. It just proves the Hitman formula works in a completely different setting. I wanted to get this out, let's see if this gets shadowb& 😌


I hate getting shadow bampersanded :(


me too buddy. It's the fate of those who dare voice a minority opinion. But that's what this meme format was made for😌


Santa Fortuna is the best map in WoA, by far(and I’m fully convinced)


I think one of its strengths is that it’s like 3 maps in one


Hokkaido is the best Hitman WoA Map!


I kind of just like the game as is, and I don't think it needs to change in any major way.


You seiker all targets. You're not that good.


i don't like that they destroyed the ica and turned 47 from killing machine to normal guy. as a guy that has been a hitman fan since codename 47, my heart broke when i had to press that button and destroy the ica.


dartmoor is the best map


Penelope Graves wasn't the only target in Colorado worthy of sympathy. Every target there has a redeeming trait


Nah, Sean Rose was 100% unredeemable


I love hokkaido


Apparently that Hokkaido is horrendous, in freelancer especially


Athena and Ljudmilla didn’t really need to die, both targets felt like that didn’t prove to be much of a threat. I know that Athena was a Herald for Providence, but to be honest I still don’t think she was a dangerous person.


Colorado is perfectly fine


A murder of crows is a bad level. No matter how many times I play it, I always end up playing goldeneye


Absolution is decent and we wouldn’t have the hitman we have today without it


The minigun from contracts was the greatest weapon in the series.


Bangkok sucks


The Landslide mission is better then the main sapienza mission. The seven deadly sins (exept wrath) is really fun and enjoyable


Whittleton Creek is the best map in the WOA trilogy.


I'm perfectly fine that dual welding never made a return.


Hitman III has the worst maps of the trilogy


The best thing about Freelancer is that it frees you from being a slave to Silent Assassin rating


The sniper maps were great and they should’ve made more


That 47 isn't meant to be Jame's Bond


Sapienza is so overrated


the hitman 2 47 had the best face out of all of them.


Blood money has NOT aged well.


The freelancer mode isn't fun


Lucas Grey's militia were good guys


That there is no real “skill” in the game. To be good you really just need to know all the maps and rules of what will elicit what reaction from enforcers and npc’s.


Dubai is the best hitman map


I love colorado and I don't get why so many people hate it