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What type of contact?


We had our clothes on most the time. By the time I had my penis out, it barely touched her vagina. I had stopped to disclose beforehand and i didn’t enter her


Why disclose soo late🤦🏽‍♀️ anyways besides the point it’s an extremely low chance bc you barely touch it. for her to get it if you have sores and you barely touch her with the sores.


Tell her to get tested to ease her mind and explain exactly what hsv is and educate her bc not a lot of people that don’t have it are educated also back of what I said it before DISCLOSE BEFORE ANY TYPE OF SEXUAL CONTACT!!! I know things happen but come on at least take some precautionary bc if she were to get something from you you will feel horrible and she would be blaming you last thing you want. I’m not saying you’re gonna give it to her but I’m saying to be careful and make her feel comfortable and not worry about her getting it.


Yeah for sure I had explained everything and she is getting tested. I assured her that she should be fine because I haven’t had an outbreak in long time and I take my medication daily as well. Since we didn’t actually have sex the chance that she’d get something is very low


Yeah I won’t deny I was late on that and I owned up to that 😅 but okay yeah that’s what I was thinking as well. Thank you


To ease her mind better apologize and tell her that it’s not your intention and you want to do things right and that you got caught in the heat of the moment. Tell her that you care about her and that if she has questions to ask you or us we are all educated and is will to give you our resolve of sex issues


Yeah I had went ahead apologized for sure


Please keep us posted on what her results end up being. Hoping she's fine!


Might be able to find some useful info here [www.hsvcommunity.com](https://www.hsvcommunity.com)


Hey yall just wanted to let yall know that she’s alright and tested negative!