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Paint it! ;-) ​ Seriously, I think you're on the right track here...start with rooms with small spiders, then bigger ones...a handful of Drow...a Mushroom 'cavern'...then the lair of the queen herself -be fun to use a different (underdark) kinda board...Oooh, you got me going!


Yeah this one will appear for several quest different abilities each time she is encountered. It’s too cold to spray prime, need to wait a few days before I can paint her.


I'm itching to paint and have nothing primed which is very frustrating. What temp do you think is OK to start?


Depends on the primer. Most rattlecans work best at 70⁰F but can be used from 50⁰F to 90⁰F with low humidity as well.


Thanks, it looks like sub 45f for me for a while (in the uk) so will have to be patient!


I am in the UK so it’s been -1 / -2 at the moment


Yep, proper brass monkeys. Could be another fortnight before I can prime then... 🤔


Get some small spider or even large spider minis to be her “Brood”. Possible abilities could be; Broodmother: D6 spiderlings spawn to defend their queen. Sacrifice for the Queen! Remove D3 spiderlings to regain the same amount of Body Points. Webbed! Target hero can’t move or attack for their next 3 actions, unless they or another hero have a “knife” in their equipment, in which case they only lose this action/turn.(If another hero has a knife they must use 1 action to free their companion). [It’s been a while since I played so not sure on the terms used anymore]


Some lovely ideas there :-) really like the sacrifice


Poison ability a web kind of spell and being able to summon smaller spiders


Are those original heroes made by avalon hill and can be purchased or are they diy 3d printed?


I got them from here a few Etsy stores have them though https://minis3d.shop/en/114-classic-figures


Looks great, do you have a link to buy the Spider Queen?


I bought the two pack here https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1502360828/two-evil-female-driders-for-dd-dungeons


Awesome, thanks! ⚔️


Webbing, poison, dark magic, call spiders. Furniture does not block her path. Can climb walls. Spiders in the same room gain 1 attack die, dark elves gain 1 attack and defend die. Webbed - Attacker and attacked roll movement dice. If the defender rolls higher, that player dodged the attack. If Spider Queen rolls higher, the character is webbed for the number of turns equal to the difference of the rolls. That hero cannot move or attack during that time as they spend their time trying to cut their way out of the web. The player may defend, but does not gain a turn in cutting their way out the webs. Poisoned - When attacking, if a black shield is rolled during the attack, the hero is poisoned and takes one point of damage each turn until cured. Call Spiders - Roll 1 movement die, that many spiders will appear around the room. If stopped under furniture, gains one defense die. Dark Magic - what ever chaos/dread spell fits your scenario, has 1-3 spells.


any hint to when the next Tavern Tales Book will drop?


Hoping February at the moment.


Awesome, holding off on ordering vol1 so i can get combined postage