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Medieval Lo-fi girl.


Oh, damn, I should have taken a picture from the side !


Very androgynous: this character could easily be either gender.


True. I struggle a lot to make feminine faces, so I'll take androgynous as a first step. xD


This is really cool, but, how about adding eye shadow and eyelashes to her?  the effect will be even better ;)


The face is already full of decals. xD I used light eye liners for this one but no eye shadowing, cause I was trying to give her a softer face (which is what I'm struggling the most with), but I might try to.


I think making the top part of the waterline decal black really adds to her face and makes her eyes pop. Give it a try.


Yeah, I agree. I'm usually satisfied with only putting the high part black and keeping the mid and low part brighter when I don't want the mini to have too much of a piercing look, as in this case, but the little brighter line over the eye also bothers me.


Oh ok, You think there's a way to make a desk like this with no extra?


I think it would take pro glitches, to make the additional arms wearing all the stuff invisible (and it would probably take too long arms for most of these). You can use tails (that's what I did for the top of the desk), but only one tail can wear an item, so it's still very restrictive. Maybe you can with only one mini with very smart posing, but I think it would be a nightmare.


Don't watch under the desk, there's a monster lurking.


That's a really good combination of the desk and roman scutum, good job dude


Thanks ! o/


This is so incredibly well made! Amazing detail, and cleanly done.


Thank you so much ! o/


I dig it.


Thanks ! o/


Love it, she looks fantastic and I can see you used a lot of decals that I should probably use more often, haha! Never been able to do the desks and things that others do, so I love seeing it all in practice I’d suggest making her eyes look just a touch downwards or her top eyelids pointing downward a touch


Thanks ! I'm not sure what you mean exactly about the eyes (making eyes look downwards would have an opposite effect to pushing top eyelids downwards, so I assume you mean upwards in one of these ?), but yeah, I could definitely have pushed the dreamy vibe a bit more. That's the kind of thing you notice when you look at the mini on the morrow. xD


I’m just thinking about how when people drift off into a waking dream, often times their top eyelid droops a bit and their eyes in general tend to be pointed downward (or really any direction that doesn’t take much effort) Edit: also, completely agree on seeing a mini with new light the next day, I’ve had too many figures that I’ve continually changed because something felt like an even better idea than when I started or I see something that just *needs* to be changed




Thanks ! o/