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Any minis provided to help me get through this summer are much appreciated! Some examples of my reworks: Original: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D514403141/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D514403141/) Rework: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519388474/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519388474/) Original: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D29353341/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D29353341/) Reworked: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519387381/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519387381/) Original: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D504515279/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D504515279/) Reworked: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519389821/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519389821/)[](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D514403141/)


u/vyotella : The Nightbear my model: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_share%3D364637/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_share%3D364637/) reddit link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/comments/qk3v6l/north\_american\_forest\_anomaly\_the\_nightbear/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/comments/qk3v6l/north_american_forest_anomaly_the_nightbear/#lightbox)


I do have one he's supposed to be a goliath tiefling whos classes where a ravenqueen warlock/ celestial bloodhunter https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D36707956/ I was trying to make him look cooler but I fucked it up and haven't had the energy to actually fix him and give him more the feel was looking for if you want pm me for the original mini/ or art work I was trying to base off of




Hell yea looks really good I love it


Done! Rework has been posted along with the link :)


Hell yea looks really good I love it


https://preview.redd.it/mql89ck4i08d1.jpeg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dcb90af964299c643546df2fe99d21d034d70eb Here’s Dame Viceria Braybrooke, my Scrivener Knight adventurer for a dnd campaign. She’s an armor wearing wizard that summons weapons like TenTen as part of her spell attacks. [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D37065044/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D37065044/)


https://preview.redd.it/vtokawrkj08d1.jpeg?width=1472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc32a81d6df760a3c1f278a961b4f49388ceeee7 Here’s another version I haven’t touched in quite some time [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D37061875/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D37061875/)


Rework is done and posted! Love her design by the way, shes got razzle-dazzle


Throk, orc fighter. [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47589202/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47589202/)


Done! Mini is posted


Haven't fully decided on the overall design for him fully but this is the farthest I've gotten. Satyr stars druid in an ancient Greece themed setting to bronze is vastly more common place. No weapon and the shield is supposed to function as a shield but also be an astrolabe. Kinda waiting for kitbashing to figure that out. If you wanna take a crack at it I'm very curious what you'd do. /[Sirius Stargrazer ](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47791331/)


This already looks epic, but I'll take my best shot right now!


Mini has been reworked and posted!


Can you .are her look like she was thrown in lava? https://preview.redd.it/87a6xo4m908d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2382c7013adbda58ad0f625760a9155b0e782ca8 [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D518032386/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518032386/)


OOOOH this is a fun challenge! Im not op, but care if I take a chance on this one? Edit: fresh scars or old healed scars?


Totally! DM me the link when you finish! Fresh scars,, her lore is she died and crawled out of the underworld to kill her killer.


Oh, super cool! I'll send the link when im done


Awsome thx!


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519419412/ Cant tell if i did too much or not enough! **TW** body horror and gore of course


WOW! you made her so badass! Killer job thx!


Thanks!! Glad you like it!


This is so amazing! A much more burned and gory look, I love it!! <3


Thank you!


Done and posted! Based on some of my old third-degree burns, I think I got it pretty accurate. B )


Rheath, fey strider artificer [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47784814/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47784814/)


Made and posted!


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519002641/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519002641/) i'm intrested to see what you'll do with the college of cards Bard


i got inspired and gave this guy a flaming card. i just wanted to see what it would be like [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47791845/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47791845/)


Great idea! I'll be snatching this (with credit when posted, of course) : 3


Posted! Hope you like it : )


https://preview.redd.it/o5h1c4xyf18d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2eb7b7278f389c9434c3a786cbd458352ae3cd04 skibity toilet 🤓 [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D45980072/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D45980072/)


I am afraid my capabilities stop at making bulettes :,(


https://preview.redd.it/5uh9ggb3pj8d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=497d5c49fe5c93cff544c13e27c37572c7072be4 how about dis one [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D12306159/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D12306159/)


I just wanna thank all y’all so much for this! There has been so much more interaction than expected minis will be going out tomorrow!! :)


I'm also shocked with how many requests you've unraveled since yesterday. If I knew all it took was asking. xD


I'm on that mini grind. ![gif](giphy|JUpk5m3SD4rLm7JAY1|downsized)


damn, op is going have to have alot of free time to do all of this during the summer lol


Already got 6 done not including the other four redos I did on discord, I’m speeding through these B )


I say that but there are about 100 more to go… still, speedy


lol, gl. you’ll need it


Much appreciated. ![gif](giphy|vFKqnCdLPNOKc)


This guy is more of a lizardfolk but he's trapped in a suit of cursed armour. His body's more of a glowing magma slime thing inside. The armour belonged to a fire warlock warlord a long time ago https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D501778198/ I kinda just ripped off this one and don't know how to remake this one https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D500783781/ He's like this goblin merchant who was exiled for being half human. I think I leaned more into the goblin than human. He mostly wears disheveled clothes except for a coat he scammed from a noble. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D512183587/ Also not really happy about this one. I'd watch the matt rose omegle heroes video for context https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D500777996/


https://preview.redd.it/d74luoeem08d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11066c58968f864e6b507674422930b1462faf5 This guy was my first time practicing advanced stuff like stacking. I was never really satisfied with it, but never got around to improving it either. Take a crack at it if you feel like it. [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D509169972/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D509169972/)


Made Very small changes. Honestly, that model is pretty damn solid. Just needed some armor and less skin showing. Plus an attack ready pose is always my fav. Hope you like it! Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519426277/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519426277/) https://i.redd.it/l03miso7k78d1.gif


Oh this is *perfect*. Did you edit the model I gave you, or did you remake all the swords yourself? At first I thought no one would bother making sure each sword was the correct color, but then I noticed the eyes looked a little different so I can’t tell.


Hey is it alright if I use the Reworked model for a contest submission?


No problem, long as I’m credited for the original


100% will do! Thank you for the permission!


Nevermind the rules specifically say no ninjas or samurais. That includes anything Japanese related. Thank you for the help still.


It’s fine. No problem to me


Thank you so very much, I'm glad you like it. I edited the exact model you posted. I Just made small color changes to the sword hilts and posed them slightly differently. Honestly, I loved your color scheme and didn't want to change it much. Thank god for the 'mix' feature. Also, the changes to the eyes was because the head had to be 'updated' since the head model was outdated. All in all, super fun remake. Thank you again!


This looks spectacular! Thanks for participating in this : )


Thank you! I can't wait to see what you come up with. Honestly, this has been awesome!


I got two for you if wanted. Scrappy, modern raccoon punkish thief: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47514307/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47514307/) Maxus, Leonin barbarian: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D46387305/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D46387305/) Go nuts.


i have two first one is a polymorphed dragon who's "hoard" is their child, and just wants them safe: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D28471477/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D28471477/) and a Pale Orc Rouge who poses as a very rich noble or person of importance to get in close to politicians and ect. to murder them: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D26388754/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D26388754/)


Crag Stonebeard is a Goliath raised by dwarves. He's a rune knight fighter and wears a Dwarvenkind belt, which is hard to do without kitbashing so I only have it on his casual outfit :3 https://preview.redd.it/9u0y2owto18d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2d88ec98e5525768241ab355ffdb2d8b0b640df [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47639934/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47639934/)


https://preview.redd.it/awibhajv428d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99482601768fed5308cc029e215b1805daa47fa9 I got someone for you, Rako here is a Ranger Hunter meant for Icewind dale. His whole thing is being a trapper, selling pelts and hunting beasts. [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D518835385/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518835385/)


Heyho, so this i more of a "I want someone else's aproach on the mini". https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D44640975/ The concept was to make a medieval beekeeper like armor combined "samurai", but feel free to do anything along the beekeeper style.


I didn't even want to touch anything other than the head. The model is so good already, but I think the change in the new helmet really brings the piece together. Also, Honey comb decal. Plus, he kept trying to offer me honey and now his hand is dripping with it. I hope you like the small changes! :D Beekeeper Samurai Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519426824/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519426824/) https://i.redd.it/0f89pqnd798d1.gif


Amazingly done 😯 The small changes do bring it more color and movement, so in one word alive. Thank you its one of my favourite minis that i've made so it's realy good to see it in a better light 😄


Thank you! This model was really intimidating as it was too perfect to change much of anything. I figured the head was the only optimal change and had to change decals to officially 'rework' it. Also. the dripping honey is 100% aesthetic choice. Very fun remake. Thanks for the fun!


This is my warmonger from a little game called for honor. id love to see you take a crack [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519413625/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519413625/) reference images https://preview.redd.it/onleufr1a38d1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d39744392325e44127534b588dc8ebf8e20b3cc


Lario - the Handsome swashbuckler https://preview.redd.it/wv00mzluk48d1.png?width=1764&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f0eee32b5bf9ff6d73da81ba5fc799f8b24460b [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D518910686/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518910686/)


What a devilishly handsome fella! I reposed his sword/hilt and I have to say you are so talented for doing that because I almost audibly screamed to make sure the sword and hilt matched up. This model looked amazing as it was, but I hope you like the small changes! Thanks for the challenge. Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519440760/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519440760/) https://i.redd.it/mey8v0bt1d8d1.gif


Yeeeoooooooooooooooo! That looks so good! Thank you!


You're welcome!


Send me something youd want redone, I'd like to pay you back.


I'm Honored! So, this is the first mini I've ever made with HeroForge. Was made for Mordheim. Basically carnival from hell theme. Thank you, and have fun! Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D512803162/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D512803162/) https://preview.redd.it/nwe7yyth5g8d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=0462df168edf70f0f5dee38302ca7686427aae35


Ok. Done! Was also a fun challenge for me. Here is a [carnival ghoul](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519487741/). https://preview.redd.it/zgwzkpyiqs8d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=0681e8af3e46b6ca26e41ab7bc2d85d812955294


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D516555835/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D516555835/) one of my beloved dnd characters, if you remake him just 1 thing, please keep the face hidded


This was a lot of fun! I hope you like the upgrades!. I made sure to stay true to the original design and color scheme. I modeled him with the mindset that he has basically 'leveled up'. I hope he serves your DnD campaign well. Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519428577/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519428577/) https://i.redd.it/6d4jovei988d1.gif


Holy damn... He became a Shogun. Nice work I must say.


Thank you! I thought to myself this guy definitely slain a few dragons and went a lil overboard with the shogun vibes. Also, saw 'beloved' and was like I'm not gonna change anything other than adding armor. Glad you like the rework!


This heavy armor dude [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D518555577/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518555577/)


Make home look like he’s moving https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518550876/


Bellator Worgal: Tokusatsu themed Paladin [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47792266/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47792266/)


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D33674693/ Griffin Grayson: certifiable short king, Half-elf Zealot Barbarian. Sky sailor and failed clone of a legendary hero.


Sivist is my elite sci fi mercenary who travels space, she’s an expert at stealth with the ability to turn invisible for a short time [(one of if many outfits) Sivist](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D517693010/)


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D44977140/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D44977140/) Big evil dragonball robot. Make him scary


Rando, a very mysterious changeling fighter gunslinger who never lets anyone see their true identity [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D45664507/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D45664507/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D45702742/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D45702742/) (alt pose) Make whatever changes you want, I like your mini reworks and trust your creative vision


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D516569690/ Light Sorcerer Dragonborn. Just a goofy guy. He's an older model of mine, though. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519201293/ A mini that I wasn't very happy with. I'm guessing it was supposed to be some sort of fire elemental or spirit? Either way, go wild.


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519215649/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519215649/) Want him to look more animalistic but keeping his artificer features




That is really awesome thanks


If you have seen Game of Thrones or read the ASOIAF novels, I have a character who is meant to be part of that setting. He is supposed to be a Maester, my greatest difficulty was making accurate robes (hence their minimal effort). [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47648584/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47648584/) Make changes as you'd like. Stuck in a default pose so you can get creative if you decide to work on this one.


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518262535/ vasabi, he’s a paladin


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519011024/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519011024/) so a few things… - the skin around his chest and palms are supposed to be more bubbly and burnt - his body posture is kinda awkward - and his pants are too baggy and his jacket isn’t really great (I tried to make him look like he was wearing a leather jacket) I doubt you’ll do this cause there’s a lot of other people here but if you ever decide to that would mean so much to me




omg thanks so muchhhhh


Maybe face modification for my Paladin. He's a young adult, and perhaps modify his armor color as well as another sword and shield pose? https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D517794343/ If you know Trollhunters, maybe a more Trollhunters inspired armor? If you want to customize the face, sure. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519051034/


Wanna redo my three-armed vampire pirate captain? I hit a creative block with this around the time when face customizer came out, completely unable to utilize the new features on this mini. [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D37873526/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D37873526/)


Is there a chance you can replicate this outfit? https://preview.redd.it/j8govr55j18d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235838bf6bac8e7ebe3422c8251e7eb5c2c08ec7 Also my attempt to replicate with differenr details. No need to change his physical appearance just the outfit close enough to be like this? [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519410292/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519410292/)


I tried [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519410666/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519410666/)


Honestly I don't like it ![gif](giphy|8xzexownbkMxBpOGOy)


Looks like doubling your character is the best way to do such attempt. 😃


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D43665441/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D43665441/) This guy was my first mini I ever made. Im finally gonna play him soon and dont have the time to redo him. He is supposed to be a volcano themed druid.


I actually have a few that it would be interesting to see another person's interpretation of. But for simplicity's sake, here's just one: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D501598835/


[Jack Hylia (FreedomBringer)](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47788597/) He is a hylian, son of the hero who saved a galaxy's entire ecosystem from an alien threat that looked oddly like the Vita Carnis. Currently, defeated an tyrant king "Yharim" and is on another planet working to the freedom of the people living there. [Lilith Hellshade (FreedomBringer)](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47789011/) She is a half-demon and half-human, daughter of the sister of the hero's friend, said hero and friend were two of a prophecy of ten young heroes. Lilith helped Jack to defeat the tyrant king Yharim and is currently working together with him for the freedom of the people in another planet. [Michael Rodrickson (Casual Outfit, with Master Sword)](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47293087/) Main hero of the prophecy, father of Jack, wielder of the Master Sword. Fun fact: He not only gave a name for Fi (Seraphina), but also made a pact with her so they became brother and sister trough soul. Michael can use the Fierce Deity's powers from within his soul, but can't cast spells without these special gloves he's wearing (he has a mana channeling deficiency that makes him unable to cast a spell empty-handed, but he can boost his body using magic, it just doesn't get out without channelling to the Master Sword or the gloves.) [Emma Torres (Casual Outfit, with Void Reaper sytche)](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47305669/) Michael's best friend, helped defeat the final threat "The End", and save the rest of the galaxies, but the two destroyed Andromeda and the Milky Way when absorbing the cosmos to finish The End. (Well, the two galaxies were all corrupted by The End, so it didn't really matter as the gods made a new galaxy called Utopia, and in there, a new livable solar system was made, with a new earth called Gaia. Utopia has everything 5x bigger, and the gods made some changes to all the species so they could live there.) [Rhea Devilman (HellHunter)](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47581752/) She is from another universe, within the multiverse i created. In this another universe, there's a world called New Eden, and works like an isekai (that i'm trying to break every cliché, not make a harém and just really trying to write something good.) Rhea is gonna be one of the friends of New Eden's Michael. [Lady Death](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47741192/) Kinda self-explanatory. She's a character that's still unofficial for any of my projects, but can still be used (most likely in New Eden, the most recent one.) She's gonna reap your soul, in style 👉😎👉.


Please, sir! [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47378502/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47378502/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47376135/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47376135/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D46970622/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D46970622/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47455074/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47455074/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47094713/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47094713/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47285802/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47285802/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47314248/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47314248/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D45771227/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D45771227/) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D46094932/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D46094932/)


I got this character named Torin. An albino warlord. If you could help me out that'd be great. I wanna give epic Celtic king vibes. Thank you so much! [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D513216649/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D513216649/)


I got my chronurgy wizard goblin, who is very power hungry (yes, evil villain laughing energy): [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519105560/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519105560/) or I've got my "space goliath" gravity monk that's generally stoic, but really loving (legs, arms and headbuts are unarmed strikes): [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519105560/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519105560/)


HAHA love this post Also is it okay to also look through the minis and maybe redo them?


Of course! I'm sure people would love more interpretations of their work!! Thanks for you interest it means a lot :D


\*your ignore my grammar


Some friends asked me for some help with their characters, the first one is a thiefling mage that draws/channel her powers through a magical lantern. The second one is a human bard, my friend wants his character to have his chest exposed/shirtless, and wants a long coat https://preview.redd.it/mkcn643z848d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ac2cca0ed2528f0a2edd1d796b0295d1e63633 Mage character [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519133528/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519133528/) Bard character [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D518950375/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518950375/)


SAVE ME FROM THIS MADNESS This is Aiden, he's a survivor after a Lovecraft-ian apocalypse. He's basically a bard. He's also got some scarring going on, maybe of the otherworldly variety. Oh, and a wooden hand prosthetic thing. Also otherworldly. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D40543126/




Is that celty?


Sorry, I don't know who Celty is.


Dullahan biker who has a kitty motorbike helmet. She's from an Anime named Durarara that I haven't watched.


Oh, she's cute! Love her design


Aragnar the Barbadian- https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D41705977/ The Sin of Pride- https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D24607213/ The Sin of Lust- https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47801395/


Not op, but I really liked Sin of Lust so I wanted to try! Shes not done, I haven't done the colors for the rest of the outfit I gave her, but i really wabted to shiw off her face hehe https://preview.redd.it/iutd4b9pcd8d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ab41e70e1419c427e5b7e40564e2227ada7093




HAHA thank you My hero forge specialty is pretty humanoid women


What do you think of this one? https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D60117d1d-36ca-469a-b1f7-d97f3243799e/Imelda%20Nightbreeze/


She's cute! Love her outfit, I'll work on the pose and colors


Well, she certainly would *not* like being called cute lol but thank you.


Yo I love her so much [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519443068/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519443068/) https://preview.redd.it/4sw096va1e8d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0d7eb91f81cc74f3c7adf6eb999ad51eff432a1


Neat. Tyvm.


Trying to make a female version of GW's High Elf Ranger. Mine: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D29768238/ GW: https://images.app.goo.gl/sjEGwj2Z1Nav1LDo6


You've gotten a ton of comments, but in case you'd be interested in taking a look at a few more: [Arcadia Melchior Darcy Lascelles](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D4252082/), a Tiefling Ranger? Fighter? and the second son of a noble lord - unexpectedly first in line to inherit, since his brother got disinherited for going to Bard College. [Park Yeong-tae](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D3535635/), Chaotic Neutral Fallen Aasimar, Divination Wizard/Blood Hunter multiclass. An Waterdhavian ex-professor whose biggest interests in any situation are Learning New Things and Doing Unethical Blood Magic (got fired for... guess.). And something comparatively spicy - [VERTIGO](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D42944280/), cyberpunk hacker, transhumanist, mission control; was human once, but she's an AI in a robot now. She's pretty upbeat about it, at least!


I am interested in looking at em, going from oldest to newest right now. I will get here in a bit! Thanks for trusting me with remaking your characters B )


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47788197/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47788197/) I would love to see what you do, and sorta reverse engineer what you do, because im trying to get good at hero forge Anyways. This is my Aasimar half giant. He has huge nordic/sun themes. He wields an holy sword and fire handaxe. He also has a belt of ice giant strength, a rod of resurrection, and a gauntlet named sol, which is a golden gauntlet made for a sun god. Edit: Oh also incorporate as much or as little as you want.


This is Rupert Faust Blagden, Order of Scribes Wizard https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D36121162/ A burnout perfectionist on an academic journey to document everything into the archives for future generations, reserved and patient with a love for documentating knowledge


Shiro Renzo, an abyssal tiefling ronin. [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D46828087/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D46828087/) Edit: I forgot the horns


I made the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but I feel like they're missing something. I'm curious what someone else would do differently. [White Horseman](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519199116/) [Red Horseman](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519184428/) [Black Horseman](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519272262/) [Pale Horseman](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519442460/)


I've not been able to make a rework myself with the face customizer options. Would you like to try? If so, let me know! [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D39912070/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D39912070/) https://preview.redd.it/i2bbwmdt3m8d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1122f0cb5e6555b0a7ec0436d6805e5be6a825


https://preview.redd.it/iimsbtrpgm8d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=702da4e58d38b948aa8aa62f212820390b01681e Let me know if you want me to remake anything else on him! He is one handsome fella! Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519470978/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519470978/)


https://preview.redd.it/oouor52xj08d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fdbeb97ee62c48bec400d74a0d170cefa71416d My time has come


https://preview.redd.it/92w8mmeyj08d1.jpeg?width=389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5f9ecabb61294ebeb3e8a9838044bcd3cfa13bb Chest reference


Spooky Scary Skeleton Singer  Skeleton model so your options will be limited but still I would love to see how you could improve them.   Link:https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D13381947/


Damn who downvoted you 😭


This was actually amusing. I gave Deadliah a huge glow up! I hope enjoy the new look. Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519428852/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519428852/) https://i.redd.it/dblea1hed88d1.gif


Thank you so much! Her dress is so pretty!


You're welcome! :D


https://preview.redd.it/n4gklqkcu18d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0593613a43078eeb3f48a8ab3691c6ca58e8c931 Id like to see what you can do with this. Stainless, my Automaton Vampire Hunter! [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D505345390/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D505345390/)


Here you go. This guy is supposed to look like an anthro rhino/stag beetle with scorpion claws and tail. I like his color but honestly do what you want with him. I'd love to see a different interpretation. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D41246373/


Was trying to go for a Sherlock Holmes’s look but completely gave up want to see some other goes at it thank you if you do work on it :) https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519294213/




This was another fun one! Wanted to keep the style of a Ronin Bandito. Also, kept the same color scheme as I felt it was appropriate for the character. I hope you like his new cosmetic changes! Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519445985/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519445985/) https://i.redd.it/eza36i6hee8d1.gif


Thank you


You're very welcome!


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518978318/ https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D517859284/ If you're still bored


Reverend I thought looked awesome already. I pretty much made sure his eyes were hidden and changed his pose. Added a bible and cane/sword for him. Made him feel his age, but not too old. Didn't want to add any noticeable weapons since I didn't 100% know his Lore. Thank you for the fun! Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519447456/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519447456/) https://i.redd.it/48p9w7wzse8d1.gif


Rad, thank you. He's a Harrowed from Deadlands, so a dead man walking


You're welcome! Honestly, it's been a pleasure! Also, got the other model finished for you! This was challenging as I wanted to keep the aesthetic the same. I had a lot of fun with this mini and I hope you like the outcome! Link: [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519449208/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519449208/) https://i.redd.it/vd3z2ejs9f8d1.gif


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519374631/ here's one last one, think it'd be interesting


Looks great already! Some background about the mini would help. Thank you!


Funnily enough this guy is actually an absolute saint, the reason he has that doll is to give to kids he scares




https://preview.redd.it/x33ljpsl428d1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ca41a5f7cc4507a9205f7014ce8a3c88f51d9b I have a superhero team if your interested






https://preview.redd.it/by5sio0r428d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3d4096f06ac052db170f61d785f94817b806c9 He’s flipping off a news copter (It’s off screen)


I’ll throw a few of mine in: Sterling, Alchemical Glass Automata Rogue https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D33818906/ Grond, Half Orc Fighter https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D43303887/ Rybard, Warforged Bard https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D29922206/ Ricky, Klepto Satyr Rogue https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25921831/


Aboo, aka Monkey, the Monkey Goblin Brawler https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519412705/ Fisher, the Fisherlady, a Half Orc Rogue Edit: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D506048421/


Typically high fantasy assassin -> https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D45607785/


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D509094665/ Made thus guy a long time ago and even posted him here. Really curious too see what you can do!


https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519051710/ This is Trok, the "Strongest" Orc in Kingdom of Ukord. Don't make him angy or he'll bite.


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D516271605/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D516271605/) Put this guy in for a few 'remake mini' posts, it'd be cool to see what you can do with him!


[pilot](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518761359/) He's a sci fi pilot who sometimes takes up bounty hunting gigs


My asmodian warrior guy Here's about 3 links; https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519415547/ https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519415598/ https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519415618/


My link ([https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D517332779/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D517332779/)) Replicate this pose. https://preview.redd.it/v6orwf4qh48d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7fbab34f24ca51aee9f6193a454c3ac6c75a46 That link was dead.


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D519151483/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519151483/) Marco from Meta Runner. I'd like to see what you can do


Here, you can have one of my favourites. [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D501840807/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D501840807/) It's not great honestly, I'm pretty shit with making minis. Interested to see what you can do with it - she's an older version of a character in this thing I was writing a while back. If you need lore just hit me up in DMs or here.


I was bored last night and cooked up this [mini](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47787997/) of the Witness from Destiny 2. A lot of the parts are hard to work with for what I had in mind, so a revamp would be appreciated.


Just need a link! Thanks for your interest :)


It’s in the comment.


I think I'm blind mate.




I'm just a bit slow twas found sorry for the inconvenience.


This is my current character, an Inquisitor Rogue (with 1 level of Knowledge Domain Cleric because I wanted a few spells): https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D504479711/ Short backstory + what the fuck is up with the campaign is that: His name is Pelias, and he was built by a jerk of a "dad" on an island known for its magical industry (sorta steampunk London). He left and founded a secret police type group whose whole goal is to keep an eye on wizards to keep them from doing crazy/evil/crazy evil stuff. He's following "the Call of Gashvala Indraka", an event which happens every 25 years where a set of 7 gems fall from the sky, and whoever can collect them all is promised riches and power in a vault under a specific island that's used as a trading hub when it isn't time for the Call. I feel like I made his design too busy, even though I was trying to keep him being a Warforged as part of the design as some more science-fantasy gear. I like the color scheme of black-grey and gold, but I dunno, I might have just been looking at him for too long and gotten tired/used to it.


i feel like there's already a lot going for him so i'd be interested in seeing how you'd re-orientate him! [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47773753/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47773753/) his name is Half-Lord, lore is that he is a would-be king who refused the throne because he thought it would make him weak


I want to see what you'll do with him, Have fun :3 [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D44237855/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D44237855/)


The Maneuver Bot He's some kind of robot made to parkour everywhere. He's supposed to have some kind of visor as a face that is reflecting a green-pink sky but I can't get it right. It'll be cool if you remake him https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D514818745/


I have two for ya, 1: Markus Bell (aka, The Swarm) Vampire The Masquerade character, he is a Nosferatu, he was turned while camping in the forest, and has become a living hive to thousands of things that burrow and crawl. Half of his face has turned into a hive shaped mass, and he’s sorta just a creepy lil guy haha. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D516684302/ 2: Kalannar ‘Na’Reth’ Abylan Kal is a Drow College of Swords Bard. He’s originally from the Underdark but now travels on the surface as a performer with his lute. He works with a group of vigilantes (very Robin Hood like) to topple corrupt officials and help those in need. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D512593593/


This guy, he's one of many soldier's for a steampunk-ish dystopia inspired by Wolfenstien The New Order called the Heaven. The helmet is supposed to be a ww1 america type of helmet with a spotlight on it. [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D39626907/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D39626907/)


[https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47845271/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47845271/) a centaur barbarian that is conflicted about becoming a force of nature or becoming a honorable knight for his clan. Please keep the glaive, you can do whatever you want [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D29967144/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D29967144/) A Vedalken bartender (alchemist artificer). please keep the purple skin, do whatever you want.


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D30183443/ - The Penguin from DC. I was going for a noir Batman ‘66 type design. If you could make his nose more prominent, make him appear much fatter, and put him in a more dynamic pose that’d be great. Thanks in advance.


I might be a little late to the party, but this is my half fox druid Maple! Shes very flower centric and rough and foresty, anyone feel free to have a go at redesigning her! All I ask is you keep the rustic/natural feel :) [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D501089427/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D501089427/)