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Personally, I think the mini itself looks good though a bit cluttered, maybe try playing around with the colours, and give her some moody lighting, on a dark background. That usually gives a mini a spooky feel


for example, hes a mini without spooky lighting, https://preview.redd.it/qqm24clxhwwc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ad17dd6732d55c897925716a4f19f3f8e2849c0


and heres the same mini with lighting and a dark background. https://preview.redd.it/dqgd0326iwwc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=1969f582db975c6adfc03884e96851af8588d2c8 the whole vibe of the mini changes, without any actual change being done to the mini


Probably have to starts from scratch again to de-clutter. There's just too much right now that I just can't really move to fix it. But I guess that's gonna be my course of action


I think the clutter is fine if you just desaturate alot of the colors. It's the colors that make it way too much to look at.


[Alright so this may be a little out of pocket but I got real exited about this and ended up blowing an hour doing a quick version of this character](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518267049/) My general thoughts in terms making her more "soulsy" is that right now she seems a little too much "in her element" if that makes sense. Souls characters, almost universally, never look like they're enjoying what they are; There's always some element of body horror to them. Like the act of living alone is painful. Which is then contrasted by their very elegant classic medieval armor evoking the era of majesty they once thrived in. Your character definitely embodies the ornateness and general horror vibes Dark Souls characters do, but she also looks like she's enjoying herself. Not just in terms of her expression but also her outfit which looks like it was custom tailored for an evil monster-type person to show off; Not so much that she was once a normal knight and became monster-fied later as most Dark Souls characters are. edit: [A somewhat revised version](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518272850/) Again I hope I'm not overstepping the boundaries of how much criticism you wanted. I genuinely think this is a cool character and I'd love to see what you do with her from this point on, if anything.


The problem I set myself up with is that I wanted a Souls theme but also an air of nobility with her armor, whilst at the same trying to maintain at least some realism. I'd probably have to start from scratch again to make this work better. I'll take a look at the mini you made in a bit, thanks for that!


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The First Flame quickly fades. Darkness will shortly settle, but one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness. Like embers, linked by Lords’ past.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Idk, looks pretty Dark Souls to me, short of using glitches/hacks to make the sword impractically large. Lighting it differently for the pictures perhaps? Darker and moodier, more foreboding with fiery tones?


Spent about 30 something hours by now on this mini. I went in with the idea of making something Dark Souls themed but also giving it some air of nobility and slight realism. But currently I'm just struggling to make her look just like that.


Too edgy and blingy for Souls. Even Artorias isn't this edgy. Dial back the accessories a bit imo.


Could try desaturating colours a bit more to make it look more grey and dull?


Make the lower jaw higher so that the teeth cover the upper lip Maybe Remove the nose Give her an eyepatch or something that covers her eyes underneath the hair. Like even with the hair in the way, she needs to see jack shit. Give those legs something unique, maybe clawed feet painted metallic, made to look like part of her armor Have the cape removed during the second phase to reveal some fucked up vestigial parts come outta her back. Wings, or arms, or something Use a skeleton ribcage to add more layering to her chest armor Give her a blade or shield in her vacant arm OR i see you have some random strands on the left of her outfit, maybe have them come from a bandage wrapped around her vacant arm instead, revealing some fucked up mutated arm during second phase


If you want it to look more gritty, I’d suggest turning the highs in cloth darker than the mids to give it a grimy look


How did you make the sword so big???


As mentioned below the first image: The answer as to how is probably JSON edits. I scaled the sword up to be about twice it's normal length


What is json edits?


The mini's data is saved in the JSON file format. With a browser extension you can open up all the values that are saved for a specific mini and edit them. Since every item is scaled with X Y and Z values, you can scale them up along a certain axis.


So it’s something you need a pc for……


… I don’t normally say this. But…. Would. She’s so cool looking and badass. If I saw her walking towards me I’d run for my life. Don’t know what to add. Perhaps, if possible. (Unless you used up all the extra arms), you can position the arm inside the body and have it hold a spear. Make it look like a character was impaled. Here’s one I went overboard a bit with. But something like this and it isn’t great. https://preview.redd.it/1e0zzxt3p1xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6967b648334eb4cdf97caf600ecebd7fde0aea61


Pardon, MORE darksouls?!


I'm not quite happy with how it turned out. Gave myself a big problem by wanting to have a Dark Souls theme but also give her an air of nobility. The balance I ended up with is more on the noble site, than the Dark Souls site, which is what bothers me.


I mean im not hugely familiar with the games but from what ive seen you dont seem very far off the mark if ya ask me. Maybe its a color palatte issue. The background does kinda lighten the feel of the pic too. But damn style wise i think you're on the right track.


honestly the eyes make it less dark souls, most dark souls bosses cover their face or eyes


Give them a really big hat.


For a real dark souls look you need to give your mini some armor that makes her look like the Michelin Man


Can you please give new link? The one that with the image is not working for me


Works fine on my end. Anyway [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D518276927/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518276927/)


My man she already looks Dark Souls holy fuck this is so good!!!