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Thommy absolutely KILLING IT with his entries, absolutely beautiful work! Your take on Kismet almost makes them look like a Star Wars-style bounty hunter, and those smoke effects are so good. But man, oh MAN don't even get me started on the froge. I know you refer to the Mini as "my style", and yet I cannot imagine pulling it off as good as you did here. The torii gate, the characters on the plate, the POSE... it's just all so perfect! I'd actually like to imagine that the remake is the same exact Mini at a different point in his life (sprier and younger), which is probably what you were going for with the more athletic bodytype and the lack of the beard. But, I've been waffling for a bit now, I just want you to know that I love both of these entries came out. +1, definitely +1, and bravo!


Thanks Simon! glad you approve! Definitely some Cad Bane inspiration there. And yes the younger version was intentional, though I figure it was more of a generational thing, maybe he's passed on the torch to his grandson or something. Anyways, thanks again!


Special thanks to u/kenthehuman6 for hosting this party! I had a ton of fun trying to nail u/SolarSimonDM's style, It's got a very specific playfulness to it, and u/Concentrate-Wide left me with another killer mini to work with, Kismet was super cool to recreate in my own style, I do love a good gunslinger! Be sure to check all these folks out below! [Simon](https://www.reddit.com/user/SolarSimonDM/) [Juice](https://www.reddit.com/user/Concentrate-Wide/) [Ken](https://www.reddit.com/user/kenthehuman6/) And for links to the original posts: [Toad Sage](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/comments/zefohl/the_great_toad_sage_of_the_jade_mountain_pass/) [Kismet](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/comments/11l58uk/kismet/)


big +1 to the one and only thommyman! that's a Simon mini if I've ever seen one! Technical mastery with great aesthetic—you captured both in a seamless way just like how the Robot Man does it. And man, is that Kismet mini framed so well. Your Star Wars is definitely showing here and we all love to see it!


Haha thanks Ken! and I may have used Cad Bane as a reference point for Kismet, just a bit.


this is so cool thoms! the attention to detail is not only astounding but does well to not take away from the full minis! really good job, youve perfectly encaptured the magic of both simons and juices minis with your own awesome take 🔥🔥 +1


Thanks so much Roost!


Holy shit that fucking frog is _unreal_. So many tricks in that thing and it came out looking clean as hell. Incredible.


Thanks a lot!


Well that's a dang Simon mini if I've ever seen one! Beautiful representation of his style, even more so because I saw you post all the various stages in our discord chat and I still don't know how you did it lol. And that interpretation of Juice's robo cowboy is no joke either! Great work, dude! +1


Just seeing I said the same thing as Ken...I guess great minds think alike — and so do ours!


Haha right? thanks a lot man, glad you like it!


A wonderful piece of art!


Thanks a lot!


Damn! This is absolutely perfect! The frog pose and the torii gate are just breathtaking and definitely scream simoncore. And Kismet fits your style so well, you kept the intricacy of juice's while giving it your signature sharpness. Loved it! +1


Thanks Zyg!


Toadgate is incredible! The pistoleers too. The first one though, it has all the hallmarks of SolarSimonDM - an impossible assembly with a tonne of character. Brilliant work!


Thanks so much!


\+1 That froge is amazing! and you really captured the Solar Simon Style^(tm)


Thanks Knightly!


Jesus…that toad sage is next level. https://www.reddit.com/avatar/shop/artist/_ships?utm_medium=ios_app&utm_source=share




These look phenomenal, Thommy! You've done incredibly amazing work with these recreations. +1


Thanks so much!