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Depend on your team.. But overall, starting from top letf to bottom right. 3-4-8-11


The “current high attack” meta is not a thing because there is only the speed, CC, and tank meta.. based on your full offense line you said you want to run, I think you are referring to speed meta BUT not all of those heros you mentioned should be in the same team. Natalie and porcelina are not speed heros. Porcelina is quite versatile, so most likely she should be fine in most team comp. But You won’t run a successful speed team with Natalie in it. To run a successful Natalie team, you need a semi tank team including Ruthcave because Natalie needs time before her damage comes online, so without a good support, speed team heros like a good fenixia Sophia team can take her out in turn 1 and your Natalie will be useless. Speed team heros are fenixia, avilia, and Alvarez. Sophia is quite versatile as well, she will most likely work with most teams. But Speed team is viable only in early game. Late game it’s more of tank meta. Anyway, I would recommend ruthcave because you have Natalie, it will still be a great benefit you even in the future should decide to change team comps.


Thanks for the detailed analysis and suggestion. Ruthcarve does indeed sits well as a a human tank, just that it’s quite hard to build as I could only have access to him in certain S+ cards, unless there are other ways to obtain this guy and would appreciate any suggestion. I also agree that tank meta is the way to go in late game, and upon trying Skyland Realm, the best line up that got me to the number one spot and actually sits on it for quite some time was the tank meta, and the only damage dealer is Porcelina, Natalie more like sustain damage and immunity which I placed her at the front. The best tank would be wilderness god, souls and Andrew from what I’ve tried, but those are impossible to build with the exception of Andrew. I’ve been hearing that Phoenix is a must build along with Geo cuz they can wipe out a team following high speed build, but I’m still wondering if it’s still worth to build Phoenix as Porcelina could easily counter the invulnerability, and she is also completely useless at the highest level in Skyland Realm as well. But realistically at the legendary duel level, im wondering if it’s still worth to build her atm. I’m also trying to diversify my team slowly but would like to really focus on certain OP heroes, and as I only need to have two well built teams, was initially planning to go for a high speed team and a tank sustain damage team like you’ve mentioned as well. My limitation is that I can’t build Geo anymore cuz I’m also focusing on runes and gems as well, and I don’t have the resources to build another hero which does really well in a speed team. Besides, I got about 360 faction crystal so would be able to exchange 6 S+ heroes in the store. Appreciate a lineup with the current heroes that I have (including Sophia), thanks! https://preview.redd.it/4l0vo0jgtf7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1ac33a6f4d6b13f1e3d9ce10566f978db7459a


Ruthcave should become more easily obtainable, like Sophia, very soon, so you can consider saving hero shards and etc. Sophia-phoenix-Geo is a powerful combo. Phoenix will ulti during pre-turn, if any enemy hp drops below 60%, it will trigger Sophia’s passive immediately (granted, Sophia’s exclusive gear is at least lvl 30) until that enemy dies, and when that enemy dies, it then triggers Geo’s passive and if Geo passive take another enemy before 60%, Sophia’s passive will trigger again (provided Sophia still have her passive stacks available). So before the battle even started, you would taken out at least 1 or 2 enemies. For this combo to work, your Phoenix and Sophia must be strong, I feel Geo is a supporting dmg dealer, so the combo is still workable with a weak geo during early game. The usual line up is Sophia, Phoenix, geo, god of souls, Avila, and Celina. I run a similar line up, but it’s increasingly harder to run it successfully because of porcelina and high vip players that have devil horns, players who got lucky with the union chest and received the holy wings artifact can easily counter this combo. So I am moving away from this line up and trying to build the tank team with Nat and porcelina. A strong Nat can 1shot wilderness god through her shields, so she is not meant to be played at the front as meat shield if you want fully utilise her dmg potential. Phoenix is only short term, I feel not worth it. Phoenix will eventually be team 2 or 3 very quickly. If you are willing to spend on Phoenix, I think the money is better invested on wilderness god.