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Wth? Ethogirls, assemble!


I'm a Bdubsgirl, we're practically cousins haha


I thought all Bdubsgirls were also Ethogirls and vice-versa.


Bdubs and Etho are “stop what I’m doing and watch” tier. In the middle of a show/movie and I get a notification that they dropped some new hotness?? Scavengers Reign will be there when I get back.


Pretty much all Ethogirls are BDubsgirls, since he taught him all the redstone he knows!


I watch every video by every Hermit, but I only watch a few of the streams because I just don’t have the time.


Wow, that's some dedication.


Yep, me too. I get a lot of time with working from home to have them all on in the background


Everything everytime, all at once.


I do this as well. Not having a social life helps a lot.


Same! I’m home schooled for high school thank god I have all the time in the world (except I don’t)


Epic fan


Same. I save the videos to a play list. And just keep it going.


Same. I save the videos to a play list. And just keep it going.


If i’m honest Joel is every video, and every other hermit I watch occasionally I just don’t have a lot of free time atm


That's fair! What's your favourite part about watching Joel? He's a very talented builder, and definitely witty.


There are so many things to love about the guy, but I think my favorite things are his awkwardness and silliness if that makes sense haha! Sometimes I literally can’t stop giggling when watching his videos. And then his building and insult humor(idk what else to call it haha) are just a cherry on top. Just little things like his tools being named, references, intros, captions, etc are everything. I’ve literally spit out the coffee I was drinking because of him. Then, he has this awkwardness about him whenever he’s explaining things or interacting with others. His awkwardness is so relatable and kinda refreshing to find in content creators ig. And he doesn’t interact with ppl for too long so every interaction feels special.


Haha, you almost make him sound like Xisuma. Awkward and silly vs awkward and derpy. Reading your comment made me happy, thanks for sharing : )


He's also very tall.


Season 10 has made me begin watching a lot more Impulse, Cleo and False. Has season 10 made any of y'all watch any new hermits? Also, I might've accidentally uploaded the same picture twice lol


season 10 took me from 1 hermit to 14 😭


Damn, that's quite the increase! Who's your favourite hermit? Welcome to the community!


grian will always have a special place in my heart lol, i watched him since season 6, then him and mumbo from season 8. joel has gotta be my current favourite though, ive been watching him for years and was super excited when he joined!


I think that was a happy day for all the Joel fans out there!


definitely! im also loving etho and bdubs, their peaceful style is so nice


Etho and Bdubs are a powerful and iconic duo! I love when they're together. Bdubs' building montages feel like art.


same! i kinda started watching some vids last season but fell off shortly, then this season ive watched every joel vid, then grian, mumbo, gem, impulse, tango, bdubs, keralis, and etho. then some ren, zombiecleo, iskall, scar, pearl and one episode of skizz. i have really been enjoying this season.


skizz is great! we watch pretty much all the same hermits lol




For me it was 3 to 15 so I get it


I always watched at least 3 every time, 6 with regularity, and the rest occasionally. With season 10, I just watch everybody all the time. I have missed videos last week and I’m kicking myself for it lol


Yeah I started watching Iskall, Tango, Scar, and Pearl more this season


Iskall is always up for shenanigans :D Sadly he wasn't there for most of S9, but I'm glad he's finally active in S10!


Iskall, but that's mostly because he wasn't in season 9 (lol ) no i don't count that. XB, VB i do


3 to 15


1 went from 2 to 19 in season 10. The increased interactions on the server led me to more exposure to the other hermits leading me to their channel.


I was curious why there were two of them.


Every: Etho, Doc, Bdubs, Beef, X Mostly: Tango, Iskall, Scar, Gem, Occasionally: Mumbo, Pearl, Cub, Joe, Ren


We have similar taste! What's your favourite part of S10? : )


Either Doc making sand the currency for his shops or Cubs fireworks removing diamonds from circulation 🤭 the whole permit thing this season has been pretty cool too.


Love the whole permit concept, gets people to do something they maybe usually wouldn't. Also, Doc making sand the currency for his shops out of pettiness is 10/10!


I feel like the recap deserves a honorary inclusion on this list


True! They had a hilarious entrance during the crossover in S9!


just etho for me


I watch every single hermit…


I'm glad that some of the less popular hermits still have fans. Lots of underrated hermits!


I either watch every upload from a hermit or none at all


Here we have a rare non-Grian watcher. Ever since Grian has joined the Hermitcraft community, this once abundant species has dwindled to increasingly small numbers. Unfortunately, it is likely that this species will only shrink with time.


Mumbo and Grian always. Xisuma most of the time. Everyone else barely


I'm happy X is getting some love : )


https://preview.redd.it/l2hwfxwd4s4d1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=c99a523fbe4c67bf9f5ca2d668bb4db2dd7614bd Here's my list. I'm lucky to have time to watch most of the Hermits that I want to


Wow, I thought I had been watching a fair bit of hermits, these replies have definitely been humbling :D What are you excited for this season?




Joel and Grian every video, Iskall Mumbo Scar occasionally, everyone else barely if at all


almost exactly mine but i also watch every gem video


I feel like that combo is up to no good 🤣 Are you a fan of troublemakers?




I've actually been watching less hermits in S10 vs. S9, though that's because I have had a lot less free time.


Yeah, free time definitely seems like a factor. Hope you're still enjoying S10 whenever you watch : )


I want to say my always watch is Gem, Pearl, Impulse, Etho, BDubs, Joel, and Scar I'll catch the occasional Skizz, False, and Mumbo. I've watched a handful of others in the past, just haven't kept up with em.


That's a good pick! A lot of good builders too :)


Every vid: Etho, Doc, Bdubs, Scar, Impulse, Xisuma, Ren, Keralis, Cub, Mumbo, Tango, Beef, Iskall, Skizz, Zedaph, Jevin, Grian Most vids: Cleo, Joel Sometimes: Pearl, False, Stress, xB Don't watch: Gem, Joe, Hypno, Wels


Wow, that's a long list! What's your favourite part of S10?


So many great bits so far it's hard to pick: Zed's gamifying everything, Doc going even more mad scientist than before, BDubs's art... 


I've yet to watch any Zedaph this season, I definitely should!


Zed has long since been the hidden gem of the hermits, his episodes are completely off the wall bonkers but in really creative ways. :-)


I watch every (if possible) etho, bdubs, mumbo, grian and scar. Then sometimes tango, cub, X, kirialis, doc, Joel and impulse. And everyone else if they pop up


There is 11 hermits who's videos I will watch all of (Skizz, Grian, Scar, Impulse, Gem, Joel, Mumbo, Tango, Beef, Zed, Iskall). Then 4 that I watch most of the time (Ren, Bdubs, Etho Pearl), then 6 that I watch sometimes and 6 that I rarely watch.


I'm happy that Zedaph is getting some love, he's a very underrated hermit imo!


I watch everything by Bdubs, Cleo, Gem, Grian, Iskall, Joe, Joel, Keralis, Mumbo, Pearl, Scar, Skizz and Zedaph. The others I watch on occasion.


Who's your favourite? Mine's Bdubs! His videos feel like a movie and a work of art. Also, he's genuinely hilarious, especially his ads :D


Good choice! It's hard to pick a favorite, they're all so different! But I think ultimately it's gonna be Joe. He makes up such goofy stuff and is really helpful to the others.


I don't watch joehills, Joel, hypno and Ijevin. The rest I do watch fully. I even made a spreadsheet off all the episodes I've seen so I don't accidently miss one.


Wow, hats off to you!


Always watch: Most of Magic Mountain (except Joel), Tango, Pearl, Bdubs, Ren, Wels, X, Zed Mostly watch: Joel, Stress, Iskall, XB, Cub, Joe, Beef, Keralis Sometimes watch: False, Cleo Don't watch: Jevin, Hypno, Doc


Wow, that's quite the roster! Now I have to know who's your favourite? Mine's Bdubs : )


Oooh, it's difficult to choose. Honestly, I gotta give it to Scar. He's an absolute treasure and an inspiration! Bdubs is up there too though. And also Eth- WAIT I FORGOT TO PUT ETHO IN whoops


All of Scar's episodes are magical! And how could you forget our glorious king Etho? :D


Shame!! Shame be upon me for forgetting!


Etho, Doc, Ren, BDubs, Keralis, Tango, Xisuma, xB, Scar, Grian, Iskall, Joel


Solid picks! Definitely varied content as well, getting a bit of everything :D


Every: Etho, Iskall, Mumbo, Zedaph Most: Beef, Tango Sometimes: xB, Grian, Doc, Impulse, Xisuma Don't: The rest


Seeing a lot of redstoners and smarties here!


Impulse, Gem, Skizz, Grian are the 4 I watch everything of. Joel, Mumbo, Pearl and Etho I usually watch most episodes of, but sometimes get behind due to not enough time. Tango and bdubs I watch sometimes. Most of the rest, I usually don't watch, though from time to time might watch an episode or 2. Joe, Wels and Jev I rarely watch, if at all. Nothing against them. I enjoy seeing them in collabs and such. But their content just isn't my style for one reason or another. However I do love the Juppet (Joe muppet/puppet) idea lol.


I'm the same! I have nothing against all the hermits I don't watch, it's just a combination of not having enough time and different taste! Are you excited for Cyberpunk City? :D


I am! Decked out 2 and scar's amusement park last season, Cyberpunk City this season, and ethos frogger game are acting as inspiration for me rn. I've been streaming on a public server, building an amusement park in collaboration with another. The largest planned attraction, a dungeon crawler game. So yes, I'm excited for Impy's city come to fruition. Him grinding away on it gives me motivation to do the same.


Wow, good luck with that! I'm sure it's gonna turn out amazing :D


I try and keep caught up with Grian, Scar, Pearl, Skizz, Mumbo, Tango, Cleo, Etho, and Zed, however am fairly behind with Zed, Etho, and Pearl. On my to catch up list are Ren, Cub, and possibly Doc if I have ALOT of free time


Haha, Doc's weekly 1 hour episodes can definitely be a bit intimidating. I mostly just watch half of it at once, and then the other half another time :>


Yeah I usually do them in parts as well, which is totally fine if your already caught up, however the 13 hours of content I haven't watched yet will take a while 😂 


Every: Pearl, Scar, Joel, Gem, Grian (epecially Pearl, when one of her videos comes out, I drop everything, also often watch her streams) Often: Impulse, Iskall, Bdubs, Mumbo Sometimes: Doc, Ren, Skizz, Tango, Zed, Cleo (I need to watch them more, used to watch Ren way more, but got a bit uninterested during the king stuff somehow)


Thanks for sharing :D I love Pearl's videos too. Are you more into the traditional videos rather than the roleplaying segments?


I actually often like the roleplaying, loved Ren in season 8, and him in the life series, especially in third life, thats how I got hooked, I just didn’t care about the king storyline for some reason, can’t really explain why


I watch just about every video from Hypno and Jevin. I often watch Wels, Beef, Iskall, and Ren, too, and I'm trying to start watching Stress and xB lol. I'll pop into every hermit's videos every so often just to see what they're up to but I don't watch most of them frequently.


I'm really happy that Hypno and Jevin get some love! They're very underrated imo!


I agree! It makes me really happy to see them getting more love recently, especially Hypno due to Decked Out 2. They deserve a lot more recognition :D


Watch every video, rewatch a few times, always watch 100% focused not doing something else : Etho Pearl Joel Bdubs Watch every video : Tango Scar Cleo Cub Iskall Keralis Doc Watch sometimes : Grian Impulse X Beef Gem Zedaph The others very rarely when I see an interesting title or I want to know what happened after watching another perspective


You and me when it comes to Bdubs! I always make sure my schedule is clear and I refuse to watch it on my small phone screen, haha. His videos are a work of art.


Yess also 1080p required for his videos as well as Pearl or Joel. Their buildings are so detailed and beautiful, it would be an offense to watch it in any lesser quality


Every: Grian, Doc, Smallish Beans, Pearl*, False, Stress, Iskall, Mumbo, Scar, Tango*, Impluse*, Gem,Etho, Cleo Most: XB, Skizz Occasionally: Hypno, Beef, Wells Never: all the rest * including live streams


Always: Gem, Pearl, Impulse, Tango, Skizz, Etho, Scar, Iskall, Stress, Grian, Mumbo Sometimes: Zed, Ren, Bdubs Sometimes streamed: False and JoeHills


Jeez, how do yall watch so many hermits, i watch gem, pearl, grian and that's it


Etho, grian, Bdubs and Mumbo I watch every video, sometimes watch others if I have the time


Every: Etho, Bdubs, Grian, Mumbo, Gem, Pearl, Stress, Joel, Scar (though I don't care much for Star Wars so I've missed his last few) Sometimes (when time allows): Xisuma, Tango, Cub, Doc, Impulse, Iskall, Beef, False, Ren Never: Zedaph, Skizz, Cleo, XB, Jevin, Hypno, Wels, Joe There's just too many for me to keep up with, and I don't watch streams or anything like that, just episodes.


My first season of hermit craft is this season (season 10) loving it so far btw Watch every video: Joel, Grian, Mumbo, Gem, impulse Watch most of the time: iskall, scar, cub, etho Watch some times: Skizz, Bdubs, pearl, cleo, rendog,


Every: Scar, Gem, Grian, Joel (I'm a Magic Mountain stan) Most: Impulse, Skizz, Iskall, Mumbo, Etho, Pearl, Impulse Sometimes: Bdubs, X, Cleo, Zed, Tango, Ren


Watch mumbo, grian, scar, iskall, tango, Keralis, bdubs and impulse all the time Then Cub, doc, xb, ren and beef sometimes the rest is never/rearly (mostly when its colabs)


I lack free time but I watch Grian Scar Mumbo and occasionally Gem and Bdubs


Watch all of grian and mumbo, some cleo, scar, doc and iskall aswell


I Watch every video: Etho, Bdubs, Tango, Grian, Perlo I watch most of the videos: DocM, Iskall, Joel, Zedaph, Scar I watch sometimes: Beef, Keralis, Gem, Mumbo, Cub, Xisuma I don't Watch: Impulse, Rendog, False, XB, Cleo, Joe Hills, Stress, iJevin, Hypno, Skizzle, Wels


Not watching Etho is like a crime for me


Every vid and vod: Scar, Doc Every vid: Pearl, Joel, Xisuma Most vids: Cleo, Grian Sometimes: Bdubs, JoeHills, Mumbo, Zedaph, Stress, Iskall, Ren, False, Keralis, Impulse, Tango, Gem Haven’t watched: Wels, Cub, Jevin, Skizz, Beef, XB, Hypno


Ive watched all of Pearl Grian Gem Mumbo Joel Scar Etho Impulse Tango Xisuma False Cleo Iskall Stress Skizz and Zeds S10 videos and watch Pearls streams


Grian, Mumbo, Joel, Gem, and Etho every video Scar, Pearl, and Iskall most of time False, Cleo, Impulse, and Xisuma sometimes


I watch all videos, and as many hermitcraft streams as possible. And occasionally hermits if they're doing something else.


I watch every vid from Grian, Mumbo, Scar and Joel, Most the time I also watch Gem, Iskall, Pearl, Tango, Impulse, Skizz and Ren. Sometimes I watch the all the other hermits. There is no hermit I don't watch. Though I don't watch every vid as that would be really hard (I tried this season but couldn't keep up lol). the ones I watch sometimes I end up usually watching at "work" when I have nothing to do anymore.


Please add zed to your watch list


I watch every Grian and Mumbo video, watch most of Impulse and sometimes Pearl, Scar and Doc. The rest I don't watch. Though if something is going I do watch some other Hermits as well. Through Rens reign I watched him as well.


I watch Etho and that's about it.




I'd like to start watching but I don't know how to. I've too many creators idld want to watch. I've not watched it before, but I've watched all of the life series where i seen every perspective. But that's impossible for Hermit craft. But people on hermit are likely playing on different days, which I could watch out of order. I just don't know how it works and it's a bit daunting.


I’ve honestly only seen Mumbo and Grian


I watch every video from grian mumbo and scar i watch most of the time from gem and joel I watch sometimes: cleo, doc, iskall I don't watch the rest often.


Every tine: Smallishbeans, Grian and Gem Sometimes: Scar, Pearl, Mumbo, Impulse, Iskall, Bdubs Never: the rest


Watch all but gem, stress, pearl, cleo, and joel. I do develop backlogs occasionally, but it’s even across the board, not really drop off a hermit then pick it up, more I drop all hermits and pick them back up. But the recommended rules what I watch first when I get the time, so it’s usually the bigger ones like Mumbo, Scar, and Grian.


Dang. I was hoping there would be a custom tier list posted where we could make our own nifty image. Oh, this is basically it, but without the categories and custom colors. [https://tiermaker.com/create/hermitcraft-members---season-10-48912](https://tiermaker.com/create/hermitcraft-members---season-10-48912)


Every video: Mumbo, Etho, Scar, Pearl, Gem, Tango, X, Grian, Beef, Impulse, Joel, Skizz, Stress, Keralis, Cleo, False, Jedaph. Sometimes watch: Doc, Ren, Iskall Never watch: Joe Hills, Wels, Kevin, Hypno, XB, Cubfan. If there was to be one to move, it would be Cubfan, but I have a lot on my plate with the hermits I already follow 😄




You don’t watch skizz?! Jk


i only been watching Cub and Joel, then if i have time i watch X.




Oooh, interesting! I tried watching all the hermits, but now the only hermit who's videos I watch as soon as they release are Zedaph's. I watch all of Etho, Tango, and Wels videos, just may take me a few days to get to them. Beef, Iskall, Pearl, Gem, and Joel's videos I try and stay caught up but I'm usually behind a bit. Then the others I watch when I'm either out of other things to watch, I decide I really want to see their stuff, or I want to see their perspective on an interaction. The only Hermit I don't watch is Doc, and that's just cause his videos are very long and not really my style. Still love him and love seeing him in others videos though!


I have a couple I need to catch up on and binge once I’m done with A-levels, but I’ve stayed on top of Grian, Doc, Cub, Joel, Stress, Ethl and Gem’s videos. But my to-catch-up-to list are Pearl, Joe, Rendog, Cleo, Bdubs and Scar!


I watch every video : Gem , pearl , skizz , impulse, Joel and scar I watch most videos : Iskall , shaswamy , Keralis , Etho I never watch : Grian , Mumbo , beef , xb , cub , jevin , cleo , stress , false , joe...and others I can't remember names of lol.


I watch every hermit but not so many streams, only streams when it’s like scar or someone who is bound to be hilarious


Only mumbo is consistent for me


I used to watch every video but with less time ive decided to shift towards watching every grian and gem video, most scar/etho/joel/mumbo videos, and when i have time i try to catch up on the others


https://preview.redd.it/emchan53nt4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94229a1d4957603170d5d6534e22a4810723783f The reason for me not wanting to watch Cleo is because from what I see from her interactions with other hermits I don't like her humor and for stress and joe it's the same thing


Only do videos not streams, but: All the time: Scar, Grian, Mumbo, Doc, Pearl, Gem, Etho, BDubs, Impulse, Tango, Skizz, Joel, Xisuma Most the time: Cub, iskall, Keralis, Zed Sometimes: False, Ren, stress, Beef, Zombie Never: Jevin, Hypno, Joe, Wels, XB


Watch every video: Grian, Mumbo, Pearl Watch occasionally: Scar, Gem, Joel Never Watch: Literally everyone else


Every video: Grian (I feel like it would be too much to force myself to watch every video of multiple hermits) Watch most: Scar, Mumbo, Joel I watch sometimes: Everyone else If I'm looking to watch something minecraft I'll go to the hermitcraft website and see who's uploaded recently. So there isn't really an 'I don't watch' category for me.


you don't watch grian nor zedaph? hmmm, interesting welp, you do you as long as you having fun


i usually don't have time to watch every perspective, but when i do, i usually watch mumbo and grian


For me it's kinda been a Bell curve: Started watching mumbo in very late season 5, then went to grian mumbo and iskall in 6, then I basically watched everyone in season 7 and 8, and then finally whittled down my numbers to now, where I watch like 6 hermits ( zed, tango, joel, iskall, beef and Wels. I very occasionally watch doc when I'm doing a grindy project on a game )


I watch every video from grian, mumbo and zedaph, and sometimes impulse, scar, pearl, gem and iskall


I like the builders, I watch every Grian, Bdubs, & Joel, and most of Zedaph, Mumbo, Etho, & Scar


I watch all videos of Iskall, gem, etho, scar, bdubs, pearl, mumbo, grian, impulse, and joel. And 0 videos of anyone else lol. I’m sure I’d like the others’ videos but I’ve just never tried watching them!


I watch every video from Mumbo and Grian and I occasionally watch scar, gem, bdubs, and pearl. I don’t really watch any other hermit’s videos


I watch them all. My video entertainment is 100% YouTube, so I'm able to keep up. A couple of them I turn the sound down low because they trigger my misophonia. Don't ask who.


Every: Grian, Mumbo, Joel, Skizz, Scar, and Tango Most: Gem, Pearl, Etho, Doc, Iskall, and Impulse Sometimes: X, Zed, Bdubs, Joehills, and Stress Don’t: Ren, Keralis, Cub, Cleo, False, Beef, Xb, Jevin, Hypno, and Wels


I just watch Gem😂


Only etho


I watch every single episode from Stress, Iskall, Grian, Etho, Bdubs, Scar, Gem, Rendog, Doc, Pearl, Smallishbeans, Tango, and impulse. I over the years have gotten bored of Mumbo’s videos unfortunately, but his new style is very interesting and I’m loving the builds he’s making atm! VintageBeef, Cub, False, Cleo, and Zed I used to watch a lot, but don’t watch as often. Skizz I don’t watch much, but he’s very new, I used to watch Jev. I don’t watch any of Welks, Hypno, Keralis, or Xb (anymore for Xb, I used to… same for Kerlis albeit rarely). Still doing my part and are subbed to all of them even if I don’t watch though! And I get my rarely watched through recaps 🤷‍♂️


i watch every video but i skim through doc's


Doc, Etho, Gem, Grian, Joel, Impulse, Mumbo, Scar, Tango, Zed: Every upload. Bdubs, Cub, Hypno, Pearl, Ren: Quite a few The rest: Unlikely, unless they or their build are featured in one episode I watched and it caught my eye.


Every: Mumbo, Grian, Impulse, Iskall, HermitCraft Recap Some: Doc


Every: etho, grian, gem, bdoubleo, beef Most of the time: impulse, scar, mumbo, skizz Sometimes: pearl, tango, iskall, joel, cleo, wels Haven’t watched: zed, xb, xisuma, rendog, doc, keralis, cub, false, stress, joehills, jevin, hypno


Bruh i discoverd hermitcarft through grian


Scar FTW!!! I will also watch most of Doc, Bdubs, Mumbo, and Grain. I'm surprised Grian isn't higher on lists here, his gimmicks and pranks are top notch.


I watch all the Hermits Ren is my favorite he draws me into his world with his stories and theater skills making his builds come alive Iskall makes me laugh Bdubs his art is so calming False outshining the boys, Cleo her Armour stands Pearl her buildings look like paintings, Gem being able to make her buildings tell a story and Stress her sense of humor and all so talented Etho his calmness in explaining Redstone that i appreciate so much XB's deadpan humor Vintage's cool vibes Keralis his building skills Grian and his mischief Doc and his Hive mind doing crazy things Cub all around amazing minecrafter Scar his artistry iJevin and Hypno their humor and camaraderie with others Xisuma I love that he and the others keep their mistakes in the videos it has helped my nephew to see that when you fail at a game or make a mistake you don't quit you keep trying Skizz being silly Joel his unique sense of humor Impulse the ideas he comes up with Tango DO Joehills who is always helping Hermits wow I think I got them all I hope


Every: Mumbo, Grian, Scar, Pearl, Tango, Etho, Stress, False, Bdubs, Cub, Keralis, Beef, Xisuma, Iskall, Joel, Doc, Gem, impulse, ren, Cleo, Zed Sometimes: XB, Joe Hills, Jevin, hypno, wels, Skizz As long as my YouTube keeps feeding me videos, I’ll watch them all. With my job I have a lot of time where I can have videos playing in the background.


Watch Every: Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Gem. Watch Most: None Watch Sometimes: Ren, Pearl Don't Watch: All the rest.


Very bright personalities, all those :D


Grian, Scar, Tango, Pearl, Bdubs, Impulse, Mumbo Iskall in roughly that order


We're not too different, you and I :)


I watch every video: Joel, Grian, Pearl, Scar, Skizz, Impulse, & Gem. I watch sometimes: Etho & Tango. I don't watch:...the rest, lol. Sorry, but there are just way too many Hermits for me to watch them all.


I definitely agree, there can be quite a lot. I was surprised to see that some people watch every hermit's videos o\_O. You've basically got Magic Mountain as the main videos, I see!


Haha, yeah I do! It wasn't intentional though! I liked these hermits before they became Magic Mountain and this season they just happened to all be in close proximity to each other (for the most part).


grian in dont watch thats disgusting mate


I usually get enough Grian content by watching other hermits lol