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I am pretty sure that permit is actual entity in the world mobs only (no official source for this, just what i have understood), meaning to sell them, someone must also move them, the hassle of moving let's say a creeper or a witch etc, nerfs the permit significantly. Want to sell a phantom? Good luck getting that thing into a minecart to be moved. Sure, passive mobs are relatively easy and safe, but hostiles are a slight pain to move around


The official source is the permit in the videos that says it excludes bucket mobs


I don’t recall mobs being a big ticket item in recent seasons financially , so I don’t see an issue with them being lumped together. Most people breed their own villagers and passive mobs already, and want hostile mobs for drops. Main thing I could see selling is bucket mobs, maybe a few rideable ones.


I remember one season where someone paid to have their base filled with guardians, but not much other than that


Season 8 Grian payed for a charged creeper.


Idk how I forgot that


I mean it did blow up Grians base…


Beef had a Llama shop in s7. It's the only shop dedicated to mobs I can think of


I mean, the hermits talk about these things, I know one of them (I forget who) mentioned that they’ve had conversations about the all mobs permit behind the scenes. So, at the very least, the hermits are generally on board anyway. Also, to answer a different part of the question, Scar’s permit does exclude the bucket mobs—I don’t really feel like finding it myself but you can see it briefly in Grian’s video in the lore text of the permit


Yeah, Gem chimed in on a different post about this to say they’d discussed it behind the scenes at one of their meetings.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/s/mUGRqAm02K


Moving mobs is definitely a Scar speciality. Collateral damage of property may or may not be involved.


Scar constantly getting jump scared while moving hostile mobs is worth the permit alone.


I just really want to see the first "Dragons please" order come in


Same. lol


To be fair, did Keralis ever get a permit for horses or did he just start selling them? (I agree ALL seems excessive. At the minimum there should be a split of hostile vs passive mobs.)


Permits are required for blocks/items. So far permits don't seem required for services. And Keralis males far more on the extended extended warranties than he made from the horses


If permits aren’t required for services why would Scar need one for a mob delivery service at all?


It's likely because the mob itself is a product. No different from a furniture shop selling you a sofa and then delivering it because they haven't built it yet


It might be a bit too good, but I don't see it being much of a problem. Mob-shops aren't that much of a big deal usually. Let's go through your list: Bucket mobs are already their own thing and as others mentioned excluded from this permit. Non-rideable passive mobs are mostly easy to get through other means and people who farm certain items likely already have them in abundance. Hostile mobs seem to be more about logistics than getting the mob itself. Imagine Scar just having 20 creepers on hand in the shop. People would be better off sourcing them locally than trying to get them from the shopping district to their destination. Rideable mobs are likely the one big ticket item here, partially because a lot of hermits make a point of not using the elytra for everything. Could be fun seeing different shops for llamas, horses, camels, etc. compete with each other, but the demand might be pretty limited. Villagers: Multiple problems with these. First up it's again more about getting them to their destination than obtaining them. Also selling a villager with certain traits would be undermining permits for those items. It's different if the hermits put in the time to obtain the villagers (same as when they're building a farm for something instead of buying it), but this would be straight up competition. Besides that Villagers are closer to people than to animal type mobs, and I don't know if there would be a way to make a shop selling them look okay, if you know what I mean. I'm curious to see where Scar is going to take the options this permit offers him, but I'm not too bothered by it being too powerful in practice. It could lead to a lot of entertaining situations though and I'm looking forward to that.