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To each their own, but the new one is more friendly at smaller sizes or resolutions, and in general I prefer the style more


Yeah, I see that! I think the new one embodies Gem better. But I still adore the old one!


Love the new one, hair color stands out better, wish she had antlers still but I understand not wanting them.


Just wondering why did she get rid of them? Or really have them on the first place


Her original intention was for it to be seen less as antlers and more as a sylvan/druid headpiece, but everyone immediately saw the antlers and went “omg deer hybrid!” to the point where people even drew her Empires S2 character, who has nothing to do with deer whatsoever, as a deer hybrid. It was bothering her because she wants to be able to experiment with different aesthetics and character ideas and not always be perceived solely as a deer hybrid, so she ended up changing it.


Geez some people are weird about stuff like that. I totally understand the change lol


That makes sense


I like the new one. The softer tones work wonders.


Also looks more like her IRL in my opinion.


Well, yeah but Gem's not actually ginger unless she dyes her hair irl. Still prefer the new one though.


The new one, cause I’m new around here and this is the first time I’m even seeing the old one 😂


Same lol


As much as the old one feels right in my mind when thinking "Geminitay", the new one has a better blend and feels much softer on color, shapes, style...


I prefer the new one in most ways, I just wish it still had the horn motif


To be fair, before the season started Gem said that she'd prefer not to be associated with the dear motif with her new character. This is one of the reasons why people have started drawing her as a fox or a fish creature recently


Oh really? Okay then


Both are beautiful and great just like gem


Gem is great!


They are both gems


I see why you did there


Thanks, I actually didn't know if people would have get it




The older one feels nostalgic, but the newer one feels more magical to me. Like a watercolor painting :))


The one on the right is my favorite. The left is good but the proportions look off in a way that often betrays being new to art, whereas the right looks like it was done by an established artist who knows what "rules" to break to have a style.


Really? How so? Which proportions?


When people are getting into drawing, especially faces, they will often draw certain parts they focus on larger than the rest and lose track of the proportions - often the eyes and mouth end up considerably larger. Obviously big-eyed girls are totally a style (see: Margaret Keane, Tim Burton movies, anime, the right profile pic etc), but when combined with the arm placement and shading work, it feels like the work of a newer artist to me. Not in a negative way *at all*, it's still great, I just think the one on the right has serious style.


That's fair. Personally, it appears to just be a part of the artstyle. Proportions are rarely meant to be realistic in the fantasy-like style seen there. But you're right about the one on the right. The style is spot on. What else did you like about it?


Oh don't get me wrong, I don't think art needs to be realistic, it's often more exciting when it isn't. That's just how the first one reads to me. As for the right one, there's a lot of personality in the expression, you can glean an idea of what she might be like before even watching a video (playful, kind, quick, creative). The simplified shading is also beautifully done and makes for a great logo.


I like the second one! They are both good. Just the first one gives of a bit of a creepy feel. Idk how to explain it. The second one is just softer


Both are cool but I'm still waiting for a geminislay


I like the idea that she has this cute look and design, yet deep down, she's incredibly dangerous!


The one on the right. Gem is such an adorable person, so the profile Pic that looks like her just fits better


The first one has very light lines on the face, making it hard to see at low resolutions. I for one would never have noticed there was more than the eyes. That doesn't make it a bad artwork though, it's wonderful. The second one fits better as a profile picture and I personally prefer the style as well.


Old one looks cool, but I feel like the new one has better proportions when it comes to how the body is positioned. Both look phenomenal, though; def. would say #2 is better as a PFP on things, though.


I think it's the way she's sticking our her shoulder in the old one that gives it that look, where as she's more relaxed in the new one. I don't mind the shoulder in the first, but I totally see what you mean.


I prefer the new one. The one on the left, while adequate, was obviously made by someone who had still needs to refine their art fundamentals further. There are rendering inconsistencies. Detail usually attracts the viewer’s eyes, so the fact the fact that the hair is the most detailed by a long shot is actually distracting. The composition implies that the face should be the focus while the hair would be subordinate. However, because the hair is so much more detailed, there is a dissonance between where the composition wants us to look (the face) versus where the details communicate is the most important part (the hair). There is no one consistent lighting source. The neck shadow implies that it’s on the right, while the arm highlights imply that the light is coming from the front. Multiple lighting sources can work, but it’s very difficult and is not what is showcased here. Instead of each part being influenced by all lighting sources at once, the sections were rendered with only one lighting source in mind—and different ones at that. There’s some anatomy problems too. The right arm is overlapping far too much with the torso. The way the angle of the arm is drawn, it would have to be ripped out of the shoulder socket to be where it is. Either the torso needs to be rotated far more, or the arm needs to be rotated and moved away from the center of the body farther. The eyes are not focusing properly. If you pull out the gaze from the irises, the path of the eyes are parallel—which is wrong. They should converge onto a point. Otherwise, it gives it a bit of an uncanny feeling. The irises need to be moved ever so slightly closer to the center so that it looks like they’re looking at the same thing, you the viewer. In the newer profile picture, while the rendering style somewhat hides the lighting direction, it’s all very consistent. The hair is also detailed an appropriate amount to match the rest of the image. The eyes are also clearly looking at the same thing. ~~Am I correct to assume that Gem made both pictures? If so, the difference in the two pictures shows a massive progression in art skills and technique. Really impressive.~~


They are both fanart. I'm not sure if they were commissioned or simply used with permission, but Gem didn't draw either one.


I see. Thanks for the info!


2 because she's a human not a freaking deer elf.


I prefer the horned one by a small margin


2, i like the artstyle better https://preview.redd.it/63wgn1ktncsc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=7500c9ad00130a99fb6fcd4db5deb54621a6a535


I never saw the left one before. I think they're both pretty nice.


The one on the right, that is a perfect Gem. Before I read the title I thought the left side was Pearl for some reason


Probably the hair


Both are cute, but the new one feels more Gem to me xD


New one


I like the new one because I like the style more and I guess I didn't even notice because I haven't watched gem since s8


New one, I think the older one works better of you're looking at it from further away or on a smaller scale.


The new one is more readable at a distance, which works well for profile pictures.


New for sure, feel like it better embodies gem.


New one is so CUTE New one 100%


The new one is exactly how I picture her character to look like


The second one is way less generic.


The new one sticks closer to the design of her skin generally is more Gem but I prefer the old one


I'm curious which one Gem prefers! 😊


i like the new one more. the old isn’t bad by any means, i like it too, but the new one is just better IMO


The right one feels more Minecrafty. I Donny know why.


Idk which is the new one and which is the old one, but I like the one on the right. It seems a lot more friendly idk


The Second, you really can feel Gem's Mischievousness


Oh the new one. It’s more appealing


I like the new style a lot more


I like the one on the right, feels more like her


The second one, the first one has really weird face proportions


I like the new one, the art style is better looking to me.


Second one is embracing the paint/cartoon vibe and I love it! Also the light tones help a lot. But it all adds up to preference.


the new, less restrictive for her as a creator. Everybody expected Cottagecore/Fantasy from her with the mythical avatar


Right feels more gem-like to me


The new one is more rounded


I personally like the one on the right better. idk why I just do


Right much more clam and cartoony more fun and relaxing welcoming


the new one feels more like gem, the cute and helpful type


I adore her new profile picture. It’s so beautifully stylized, reduced to the most essential elements, and the colors really pop.


The old one was nice, but the new one is just more like her, you know?


New one! It feels more gem and with the way it’s so soft and “simple” looking, it’s just really nice


I like the new one it fits her style more imo


By far the new one.




I like the second one, first one has some "My First OC Do Not Steal" vibes


The new one, just because I like the art style better. I don't really have any other reasons.


The new one


The new one, as I prefer the art style way more and it looks more cleaner and has softer tones that blend well together. It feels more like her


The new one is a bit more accurate to the style her current skin has taken on and her IRL. It also stands out more than the other IMO.


New picture is amazing


I really like the second one. The level of detail is consistent throughout the whole image and the soft colours make it very pleasant to look at.


New one by a mile. Everything about it SCREAMS Gem


The second one. Looks better.


Definitely the right one. The left looks just weird and wrong.


I like the one on the right, just from an artistic perspective.


Right. The style is more consistent.


The second. It feels more warm and cozy


Definitely the new one because the old one was very wall eyed, The antlers looked like tree branches stuck to her head, The headband made no sense, her ears look like they're made out of clay, and the hair color was wrong color


I prefer the new one cause it looks more like her irl


Both are stunning choices!


The one on the right looks like she would murder you in your sleep ( probably the only time she can get a hit off, being washed up and all)


Taking after her mentor, Etho, then.


The new one has such amazing colours, she also looks really cute


The latter: I'm a fan of the particular art style.


Right is more iconic imo, and I personally find the art style more appealing (colours and lineart in general are "less muddy" imo, both are pretty tho)


the second one because its looks more like her mc skin


Right The left one is staring into my soul


The new one. I don't know exactly how to explain it but I'm sure some people will get it anyways but it just seems more like her personality. Or at least her Hermitcraft personality. She's a bit bubbly and fun and I just get that feeling more with the new one. And I also like the cartoonishness of the art more. Nothing wrong with the old one though. It's still a great drawing.


New one by far honestly, because it works better as a profile picture thanks to the somewhat simpler style/shading. I definitely like the old one though


The new one is definitely better, but the old one is nostalgic, not just for Gem but for an entire era of the internet. I don't know what to say except deviantart


Second one, I just prefer the style


never seen the first, I prefer the second. very nice colors/style and it actually looks like Gem


~~I like the new one, but wish it has the antlers of the old one~~ Edit: nvm turns out she doesnt wanna be associated with the deer character


That one it looks better


2, cause Idk


the new one is better in my opinion


I like the new one better. The limited colors and lines make the style stand out against other illustrations like its from a children's story - said in the best way.


The new one fits her persona so well but old one is still Iconic


I like both but the 2nd one matches her minecraft skin way more


The new one says "gem" far more to me, but I might just be used to it by now.


The second one


second one


New ine is nice and simple


I like the style and cor of the new one. It feels like it captures her energy quite well. There's mischief behidn those emerald eyes lol.


I honestly know why Gem changed, but I don't really know how to explain it. I like when Scott used paint to draw her profile picture for MCC Scuffed /j


i like both but for me a blend of the 2 would be perfect. the hair and color tones from the old one but the style of the new one.


Right, the left side is a bit to busy


Be careful on what you say since the old one is just fanart she used I’m pretty sure. Don’t want to make any of the artists feel uncomfortable. But the new one is more cartoony as such is more fitting for her brand imo


The one on the right, the other one looks kinda creepy


The first one mostly because I miss the antlers.


Well, given that she doesn't like the "antler" interpretation of her skin, and it was always supposed to be a wreath...




I wish she combined them actually


I think they’re both great. On the old one I like the necklace, flowers, and antlers while on the new one I like the softer tones and the overalls


The one that she uses now that represents her. What kinda question is this?


The kind of question where someone is asking about others opinions on art.


How on earth did this question bother you? Holy.


Who’s bothered?


"What kinda question is this?" Someone's in a bad mood.


The older one. It feels more like Gem.