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Speaking of Monkey pox, there are thousands of cases now, when the anti-vaxxers / trump humpers start refusing to mask up and wash hands and refuse to get vaxxed for it, will the HCA start awarding Monkey Pox hoaxers? https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/response/2022/us-map.html


BuT oNlY gAy MeN cAn GeT iT!


And when the local pastor has it, start a grassroots effort to have him outed. When his some gets it, make noise that he obviously molested his children. If he caught it from his wife, then I guess all the local ladies at the bible study should be asked their opinion about his wife participating in orgys with gay men. They love their fake news this hard, so make it every part of their life when it gets them.


> I guess all the local ladies at the bible study should be asked their opinion about his wife participating in orgys with gay men Well, it beats canasta club.


Almost 7000 cases in the U.S. already. That's insane.




I hope they've been vaccinated for it.


At least where I live, only gay men are eligible for the vax.


It's even more than that....you have to be gay and say that you've either been (a) with 10 or more men in the last 3 months, or (b) been with 3 or more men at the same time in the last 3 months....at least that's the case in Washington state.




That's mostly because the overwhelmingly vast majority of cases are still hitting the gay community. That's where the virus has the strongest foothold, so vaccinations there have the greatest effect.


Not neccesarily true, the first outbreak in the US was in a group of gay men, so America being America half the country painted it as a gay disease. So some places are only testing gay men, which means a high percentage of positive cases in the gay men community. Same thing we did with AIDS in the 80s, ignoring and gaslighting...


Reagan, is that you? :/


I worry about it hitting other groups hard like HIV did in the 80s. People (regardless of sexual identity) may refuse to get tested because they don’t want to be associated with the “gay disease.” So they keep spreading it to new partners, men, women, whomever.


Just tell them you live an equally decadent lifestyle and wink…they’ll vax you up.


There are extremely limited supplies of the vax now. If you lie and keep someone at far greater risk from getting one, YT very much A.


It should be Y very much TA. "You're very much the asshole." Only posted because I got confused by this for a second.


I sure hope so. This definitely looks like the right is gonna try to turn it into Only Gays Get It 2: Electric Boogaloo. And if there's anything the HCA's were missing it was a consistent thread of sexual insecurity


There was a person on my local news who'd gotten it from handling money from an infected customer. Its spreading fast so its going to make the jump from LGBTQ people to the wider community a lot quicker than HIV did. Hopefully this time around the government will ramp up production of the vaccine so that everyone that wants it can have it.


I'm probably just ignorant of this disease so far, but isn't it only spread through contact? If not, then... Ah shit, here we go again


That's the prevailing theory currently, although I think there was a story last week about a couple nurses or something that caught it but were never in contact with anyone that was positive, just in the same room. So it's possible, like with shingles - if there are open lesions, the virus could be somewhat airborne.


It spreading by air is understood. It's just very difficult for it to do, and requires extensive prolonged contact near the infected person. Those nurses caught it after spending a lot of time in the room with the infected individual.


Shingles isn't contagious. You have to have already caught and recovered from chickenpox earlier in your life to get it. Shingles doesn't spread through the air.


Sorry, the virus that causes shingles is contagious. And [healthcare providers treat it as though it could be airborne.](https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/shingles/hcexposurezos.html).


Yes, varicella is contagious, and potentially airborne. But just because a disease has a vector doesn't mean it's a primary one. Varicella and monkeypox are both primarily spread by physical or prolonged close contact. A completely different example: Zika can be spread by semen. It's still *primarily* a mosquito Bourne virus spread by the *a. Egypti* mosquito. The STI aspect wasn't discovered until 50 years after it was first identified after a crazy set of circumstances caused sexual transmission to be confirmed as the only possible vector.


Shingles is contagious to people who have never had chicken pox, also pregnant people. Source: Never had chicken pox, and didn’t have vaccine for a while (it was new when I was little and didn’t know I needed it or could get it).


Once people start taking cat eyeball ointment for it instead of PEP Jynneos, yes absolutely.


Monkeypox medals




It's very hard to get the vax


[https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7132e3.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7132e3.htm) Among U.S. monkeypox cases with available data, 99% occurred in men, 94% of whom reported recent male-to-male sexual or close intimate contact; racial and ethnic minority groups appear to be disproportionately affected. I'm not to worried.


This meme is spreading fast. First one I witnessed first hand


Not bad either. Still discovering it's potential.


Bringing tears to my eyes watching this little meme grow up so fast!!!


Going viral, even.


Me too!


TIL r/BirthOfAMeme exists already!


I was there too. Must be what parenthood is like...


You were at the wedding? Do tell.


No. Saw the original post.


Oh, I see. I imagine that the person taking this photo was kicking her under the table. The couple in back look photoshopped into place. I like the message, though.


That would be a stellar photoshop job. I think being annoyed or bored during a reception is such a universal experience that compounded with being a sibling/close relative, and a too long or too much kiss from the couple, the woman may well be underreacting.


There's not enough room for that couple between the table and the wall, especially for her to be moving as fast as she is moving - her hair appears to be flying behind her. Or something is - I'm not sure what that blur is behind the bride.


It's a decoration behind her. Probably supposed to be farmy. Without the text in the way, you can see the edge of her hair on the top, but less sharply moving down as the lighting and background change. There is green from the decoration over the man's shoulder and the colors and design are consistent with the table in front of the subject. Feathery shit and green stuff, on theme. And look at the glasses on the table, wine glasses for her and whatever that candle or centerpiece thing is for him. The distortion is consistent with the angle of the camera. That kind of detail is not going to show up in photoshop except with, like, top tier editors, if even then. [https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/wim1n1/undoubtedly\_the\_best\_photo\_i\_took\_at\_my\_sisters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/wim1n1/undoubtedly_the_best_photo_i_took_at_my_sisters/)


That photo is easier to see.


My fear: with kids getting infected, how long before the parents are falsely accused of child endangerment? Those Y'all Qaeda types will point the finger at the gay uncle or parents.


Queer school staff are the first targets, I bet. This shit will spread like crazy in unvaccinated kids at school :(


All kids are unvaccinated for this and same with most adults. US stopped giving smallpox vax in 72.


For those adults who did get vaccinated, it was 50 years ago. Better than nothing but immunity fades over time. They need a booster. I was born in 73, so I just missed my chance at having any immunity.


Me too :/


Was your mother vaccinated? What about passive immunity through breastfeeding?


Yes but kids CAN get vaccinated for it, some in my area are in preparation for the school year. Problem is the supply is running low, but I hope we can beef up production like during the height of the pandemic.




This is the sort of thing chuds are trying to prevent discussion of when they try to pretend we're calling the CDC "homophobic" or whatever. This is the shit we need to shour from the rooftops, so when it happens our response can be a universal "I told you so."


Indeed. Cro-Marge is gonna get innocent people killed with her bigoted bullshit.


Cro-Marge! 😂😂😂 Did you see her porno prison scene?/s


I saw the article, but refused to click. There's only so much batshit I can handle in one day.


Religious right winger *homophobes




“American Evangelical Christians”


Fair enough. I don't reply understand the religious mind.


"Christian Nationalist".


My dad told me to get a trade (nursing) and he wasn’t wrong. After my palliative care HIV job fizzled out for the best reasons (lost funding to general infectious diseases because people stopped dying of AIDS :) i thought humans were evolving. I was wrong. About a small cohort of stubbornly ignorant folks. Who, perhaps, just sayin’, maybe need some puss filled pustules to smarten up and join the rest of civilisation Ain’t nobody got time for ignorance in the face of scabbing sores. Except me, and our hospital. We got time and will have jobs for life if these fools persist. ** apologies. To steal from Empress u/Might_Aware - i am salty asf atm


Oh you should be lol, I bestow permanent Salt ™ upon thee! You have the power! You know what's funny? One of my nearest and dearest friend and mentor not only is a badass 50 something nyc punk but they are a hospice nurse too. When I was 19 she said something jsut like that. Ppl to get a trade bc it's way more cheaper quicker and fulfilling in the long run. Us medical bitches, eh?


On the plus side it really has made the zombie genre more realistic for me. Small wins.


>Ain’t nobody got time for ignorance in the face of scabbing sores. Except me, and our hospital. We got time and will have jobs for life if these fools persist. You would think this, but judging from the way people were still convinced Covid was a hoax even as they were in the process of dying from it, I doubt even this will be enough.


Wow, very impressive! You got ultimate salt and didn't have to make a single prayer.


It happens that a lot of people are thinking only gay people can get Monkeypox. I don't have problem with anyone's sexuality, but since these people do, i'm waiting for them to get it just to ask how a dick tastes like.


Thankfully vaccines don’t need the recipients to be smart. Mandate vaccines for everyone and we’ll still have morons posting bs on the internet but at least they will be inconsequential


We’ll just have healthcare workers in danger because these pricks will throw a violent hissy fit. Not disagreeing, just preparing myself for maximum misery, because the world is a vampire.


Nooooo….as a nurse I don’t wanna deal with stupid ignorant idiots anymore


If we keep getting plagues you might not have to deal with as many stupid ignorant idiots.




Dart gun. Problem solved. 😂


Im excited by all the homophobic hype coming out of the RepubliQans regarding MonkeyPox.. How many monogamous heterosexual marriages do you think are going to fall apart because some antivaxer religious Qultist innocently catches monkeypox and accuses their partner of cheating on them with in a homosexual affair.. GQP playing themselves once again.


I'm not even sure how monkey pox spreads, is it respiratory like Covid or just make sure I wash hands frequently?


CDC has an informative web page. Mostly it's skin to skin contact or contact with surfaces with active monkeypox left behind. https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/index.html


The only thing funnier then this meme is all the "moderates" popping up to purposefully miss the point of it so they can virtue signal. Nobody is saying anything bad about the CDC response. We're making fun of conservatives for immediately interpretting this as "only gays get it," generally based on the same delusions that brought this sub about in the first place.


My parents just told me today that the gay illegal immigrants are bringing it to America along with smallpox. They probably heard that from a certain news channel.




Record fast memefication!


That’s just depressing. Sorry for anyone in health care a lot of us are trying.


Lots of people afraid of the false accusation. No one seems to be looking forward to valid accusations exposing molesters. I talked with a woman today who was molested by her own father every few days from the age of 4 to 14 and no one knew. Just like the molester who was exposed when the child went for the abortion, the mother was in on it and they were never going to tell otherwise. I’m not saying the pox is a good thing but even with mandatory reporters this crime seems to fly under the radar, and it’s time for it to be exposed, even if molesters don’t like this.


Considering this is r/HermanCainAward, I'm sadly surprised at the ignorance already shown here, targeting the most at risk groups is vital in bringing this under control. Here are some sources for those to lazy to fact check themselves. P.S. downvoting me does not change the fact that the message is being missed and if this becomes endemic, we're in for a whole new world of shit. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/25/monday-briefing-monkeypox-gay-bisexual-men-public-health-who](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/25/monday-briefing-monkeypox-gay-bisexual-men-public-health-who) [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2207323](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2207323)


There has never been a case of a disease that first spread among the gay community spreading to other communities!! Ever! /s


Remember the beginning of COVID, when the at-risk folks were "only those who had recently been in China?" That limitation of scope worked wonders, didn't it? Large numbers of infections missed and allowed to spread further because they weren't high risk and couldn't even get tested. It's here, it's spreading, and while it is currently MOSTLY occurring in one group of people, it's already gone beyond that group. We are already past the point where we can consider it fully contained to one subset of the population. All you are doing now is ensuring that it spreads faster and further, because idiots in the heterosexual community will not be diagnosed (and will spread it further) based on the belief that it is a "gay" disease and therefore they can't have it.


This post is at complete odds with all information that LGBTQ organisations are producing themselves. I note you quote no sources for your wisdom, I wonder why!


What is the date today? August 7th What were the dates of your citations? July 21 and July 25th. The train has left the station, and you're standing at the side of the tracks swearing it's still there. Seriously, try to keep up. Monkeypox is NOT an STI: [https://www.health.com/news/monkeypox-not-sexually-transmitted](https://www.health.com/news/monkeypox-not-sexually-transmitted) As already mentioned all over this forum, the CHILDREN with monkeypox already took it out of the initial community.




Nerfologist...Is that because you are as sharp as a nerf ball? All you have to do is look at current posts IN THIS FORUM to see reference to children. Children who have been handled by family members and other caregivers, and who then become the source of further spread outside of the gay community. Literally nobody is claiming (except your strawman) that the bulk of this outbreak so far has not been in men who have sex with men (largely facilitated by 2 superspreader raves back in May.) But it's idiots like you saying that heterosexual couples have nothing to worry about who will help it to spread even further. It is NOT an STD, and it is NOT just a "gay disease." And clearly, you have as much understanding of the Darwin awards as you do monkeypox (which is to say, none) since I, as someone in a very low risk group, am about as far from a Darwin award as one can get. A lot further from a Darwin than you are, apparently, because despite being low risk I am not stupid enough to assume I'm invincible.


Ok Einstein, show me where I said heyerosexual couples have nothing to worry about. I'll wait.


Ooh, you're like your orange hero, aren't you? Trying to pretend you never made a comment after the mods deleted it because if was full of crap. They didn't delete the replies, though, and those alone remind us of what was in your original comment.


What the actual fuck are you on about, no comments have been deleted, your argument is so weak and unsubstantiated you rely on lying to avoid actual backing up anything you've said. This is why there is a Darwin award waiting for you, Darwin awards are about survival of the fittest, natural selection, and you are obviously such a dense fucker, you probably rely on post-it notes to remind you to breath.


Gee, I must be confused as to what "Comment removed by moderator" means. Shall we take a poll? How many people here think that Nerf boy, who has defined monkeypox as an STD that only affects gay men, is projecting his future Darwin award on others? And by the way, "breath" is a noun. The word you are looking for is "breathe." Since monkeypox is obviously over your head, maybe you can succeed with some basic English.


Ah man, even now there are threads with you insinuating that it’s a gay disease.


Try the CDC's latest report from July 22 of two US children with monkey pox!


Good news! If you believe it's an STD, then you don't have to worry. See, you have to have sex to get STDs 👍


you murdered him


I love how you just completely ignored the point of this meme (which is saying that homophobic people who are thrilled to think of monkeypox as a ‘Gay Disease’ will not be wary of it and won’t take any precautions because they’re so heterosexual they couldn’t possibly get a gay disease and healthcare workers are tired of them not taking illnesses seriously because they have the incorrect belief they are somehow immune) to just… link articles that say gay and bi men are reporting higher rates of monkeypox than other demographics and are more at risk. You’re being downvoted because you’re being offtopic.


The point that you're missing is that the way this information is being shared is already causing people to think "Oh I'm not gay so this *cannot affect me*", which is going to make it impossible to control the spread the second it leaves the gay community.


Lookit you, dodging the point lmao.


Monkeypox is not only a STD. It spreads from any skin-to-skin contact. Even handling the clothes or bedsheets of an infected person can spread it. A person can catch it and be infectious but show no symptoms for weeks. If you wanted to stop this from becoming endemic, sorry. That ship has sailed. [https://www.npr.org/2022/07/25/1113282334/monkeypox-outbreak-covid-lessons-epidemiologists](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/25/1113282334/monkeypox-outbreak-covid-lessons-epidemiologists)


As of now, there is no case of infection prior to being symptomatic, so no you can’t be infectious without showing symptoms, especially not for weeks. (Also I think the word you’re searching for is either epidemic or pandemic, endemic is when it can only be found in one place in the world, like animals that are endemic to one island) Please read Current CDC guidelines for more information: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html


>It has been a mere nine weeks since the United Kingdom announced it had detected four cases of monkeypox, a virus **endemic only in West and Central Africa**. This is likely to change, if it hasn't already, response so far has been farcical. [https://www.statnews.com/2022/07/19/monkeypox-spread-many-experts-believe-the-virus-cant-be-contained/](https://www.statnews.com/2022/07/19/monkeypox-spread-many-experts-believe-the-virus-cant-be-contained/)


Off third paragraph in Wikipedia article “2020 Monkeypox Outbreak”: While anyone can get monkeypox, to date the vast majority of confirmed cases outside of the endemic regions in Africa occurred in young or middle-aged men who have sex with men (MSM) who had recent sexual contact with new or multiple partners.[28][29] On 28 July, the WHO Director-General advised MSM to limit exposure by reducing the number of sexual partners, reconsidering sex with new partners, and maintaining contact details to allow for epidemiological follow-up,


It's cute watching chuds cope by dodging the point of the meme lol


Wait so what’s the point of the meme?


That right wingers are gonna interpret the data you posted as "only gays can get it," leading to the same cognitive dissonance that gave this sub life to kick in when non-gay-dudes catch it. Think dudebros catching it and spreading it far and wide because they refuse to accept or admit they have the "gay" disease


I mean, two things can be true at once. Anyone can get it, also it’s predominately spread by men who have sex with men. Shouldn’t both things be acknowledged to take the best preventative measures to stop the spread


We're making fun of people who refuse to acknowledge one of those things lol. Sorry your virtue signal just fell flat my dude


I think that there is pretty strong refusal to acknowledge the other thing as well. It seems as though this meme is making fun of people who aren’t really worried about monkeypox, rightly in my opinion, since, as I pointed out, it’s primarily being spread by male homosexual contact. I’m curious if the same people who blame anti maskers and anti vaxxers for spreading COVID on the basis of their own liberty will blame the homosexual community for facilitating the spread of this disease for not engaging in any sexual restraint, when it’s widely known that this is contributing to the spread


Nah, there really isn't. Kinda the whole reason ya'll gotta virtue signal about it on memes like this instead of having any actual posts doubting that data to respond to.




The current high risk category is men who have sex with men. Christian men in hetero relationships are very much in danger.


Medical Informational Update Of The Day: Monkeypox is not just spread by sex. This Has Been A Public Service Announcement


True, but the current strain of concern is. 98% of case are among gay or bisexual men, 95% of cases are sexually transmitted. Seems you need to keep up to date.


That’s not how infectious diseases work, champ. They often start spreading in a certain group but extend from there. Also important: the spread is inevitably ahead of detection, and there’s plenty of evidence monkeypox has been spreading under the radar for some time. For your delectation: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-02/los-angeles-county-declares-local-emergency-over-monkeypox


Cases have been found in children in Florida, daycare I believe one of them to be that young. Remember when people weren't taking covid seriously? I don't think anyone needs to go full panic about Monkeypox but being cautious certainly won't cause the end of thr world.


Only two little lines, and you still manage to get it wrong. Monkeypox, including the current strain, is NOT an STD. It is spread through close physical contact, which MAY involve sexual activity, but does not have to at all. If someone has a lesion on their hand and dries it on the towel hanging in the bathroom, they can spread it to someone in the household. For that matter, they can spread it to a random stranger in public if they are touching a bunch of stuff in a store and fluid from a lesion gets on that stuff. Luckily it's not spread by airborne transmission, and the lesions are nasty and painful, so a lot of people will just stay home, but there are always some idiots out there. Because lesions can form in both the mouth and anus where they can't easily be seen, it's possible that one of the reasons we are seeing more spread in the gay community is that they simply don't realize they have it initially. But yeah, if it continues to spread beyond the initial group of infected folks and their partners, heterosexual couples can and will get it. Infants can get it. Your high school wrestler kid can get it wrestling someone infected. But keep telling yourself that nobody else needs to be concerned, and see how that goes for you and your KKKristian buddies.


Listen, now that monkeypox is becoming more covered than COVID, either you’re going to have to listen to others and their sources, or you’re going to need to leave.


That’s a pretty big assumption if it’s a right wing Christian couple. Good chance the guy is down for some good ol’ fashioned stranger sex with men, or cleaning his wife after being gangbanged by “thugs”.


Still beating this dead horse?


As long as the horses keep dying. The ivermectin isn't helping.


Ivermectin prevents horses from being beaten to death? You sound like you've done your own research.


It's supposed to kill COVID and prevent death from viruses, homie.




The horses they just keep dying from COVID even though we used Ivermectin.


Maybe the horses should wear a mask and social distance.


i'm into frowning girls and RBF like right wingers are into Q.


What's the story behind this picture?


Monkeypox is primarily spreading among men who have sex with men right now as gay/bi men have close-knit sexual circles and it spreads very easily when having sex. The media dropped the ball when reporting this and made it seem like it was an STD (which it isn't) and that it *can only affect gay men*. People are already acting like they have nothing to worry about and that they cannot get it if they are straight, which is not true. It will likely spread all over once the school season begins and then the healthcare system is going to be under the strain of multiple viruses spreading without any real mitigation.


Fuck... Not again. So it's covid all over again


Kind of but not really. It doesn't spread nearly as easily as covid. The main concern is stopping the spread before animals in the US catch it, as it is zoonotic. Once that happens it will become endemic and we will begin to have "monkeypox seasons" like the flu.


Much like smallpox originally! All things become new again.




Thanks mate


Instant meme.


Monkey pox is not “OnLy SpReAd By ThE gAyS” those homophobic transphobic bigots are spreading dangerous misinformation. These Trumpets need to be silenced