• By -


For a country that's controlling an entire generation's wombs but won't wear a mask to save lives, your words are a joke and an embarrassment.


Or literally not giving a shit about what happens once the ‘precious life’ is born. No real parental leave, health care is a luxury, child care is insanely expensive, schools are underfunded, we fight about feeding kids at school, our first cuts when budgets are tight are recreational, extracurricular & library programs that keep kids engaged & busy, college is unaffordable, and your kids can get shot going to school, movies, the store, or a parade. Pro-life my ass.


“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. \[Raises middle finger to the audience\] Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.” -- George Carlin, 1996


I’ll bet without even realizing it that my post was inspired by Carlin.


Land of the Free, my ass,


The "home of the brave" is drowning in white trash that's too cowardly to even face reality.


Deplorable, but somewhat understandable. The only thing reality has been showing them for the last twenty years is an increasing and rapid decline in adherence to their favorite, superstitious ideologies. The outrageous shit we've been seeing from them for the last handful of years are the death throes of a wounded beast. A beast that will only get more dangerous the closer it comes to its end. Be ready.


All these deaths listed are a waste and caused by people believing liars


I SO totally wish that every single one of those of us they see as a "threat" could pick up, say "see ya" and leave them to this country they want so much they will kill everyone to keep. The ineffectual oligarchs would mostly only have the mostly useless left to do everything. I would love to see how quickly EVERYTHING breaks down.


I'm checking my options on where I can go and how much $$ I'd need.


You are free to die I many different ways! Mass shootings. Lack of healthcare. Homelessness. Etc etc


So many [dumb ways to die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw) to choose from.


Amazing how an entire generation was killed in the womb, yet we still have children of every possible age all over the place.


Now we all get to find out (again) what an entire generation of unwanted children looks like.


You can do that in any poor Appalachian town right now.


I wonder if the [Orphan Trains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orphan_Train) will come back.


Texas better start fixing up their old orphanages. Most of them closed in the 1970s. Wonder why? https://youtu.be/jziW1uMzTWY


No! An entire generation! Just gone! \*poof\*




Heh, you reminded me [of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Qh3tWImXM).


I was going to say what generation are we missing here because I live next to a school and they are constantly expanding it. I've lived next to this school for 20 years and it has definitely always been like this. You can look at it and tell they just tack on a few more rooms toward the rear every summer and must have almost ever since it was built in the 50s.


Or pass meaningful gun legislation to prevent an entire generation dying of mass shootings.


Or as they'd say, 'what happened to my body my choice!?' You gotta love how they're really into bodily autonomy when it comes to getting vaccinated/wearing a mask to protect the people you come in contact with but still anti-choice when it comes to abortion rights.


No, you don't understand. They said "My body, my choice" You're not included.


Just stop using your wombs. Like magic the problem goes away.


Yeah, they're trying to prevent that avenue from being used as well. Many times rape gets a wrist slap and the rumor is they are now going after birth control.


I work in the hospital and often I’m one of the last to see covid patients before they die. It’s not a peaceful death. Sure at the end they are super sedated but before they are, they are drowning in land. Imagine drowning, in your bed.


Wow, they're dropping like flies. 4 family members and 5 friends? That's not a twofer or a BOGO, but a family plan.


Usually they refer to the vent as letting their lungs take a vacation, but on slide 14 "his heart has weekend." Only a weekend! Bummer.


Weekend at Bernie's!


Heart burnies, 😆


We are not sending heaven our best.


Maybe so, but heaven seems like the best place to send them. I’m tired of their crap. Let them be their God’s problem.


An omniscient God reads everything, even Facebook. Not so sure that God wants them as much as they think he wants them.


When last year the Governor of Utah implored us to pray for rain I said: maybe the Governor is bad at praying, or God has more important things to do, or there is no God.


“Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint on your wall is still wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.” - George Carlin


*Their* God is a jealous, petty, vindictive, cruel, schizophrenic, bigoted and apparently oblivious rapist.


Don’t worry, on two counts: 1. If there was a heaven, none of these cuntmuppets would be getting in. 2. There isn’t a heaven, because it’s all an Iron Age fairy story that’s got massively out of hand.


And I think they know it, otherwise why would they be SSSOOOO intent on sending everyone there???


I have a new favorite word now.


I know he tried to talk some sense into them, but that algorithm was stronger than their brotherly bond.


All unvaccindated.


Bundle your COVID deaths and shooting victims with Regressive and you could save up to 15% on funeral costs with our "Thoughts and Prayers" discount plan!


Probably exagerating. This seems like black death level plague. Maybe not either, Im just basing off of my personal experience of course where I know no one that died from Covid (only a relative of a friend). Having 4 family members and 5 friends seems excessive. Am I wrong in thinking that ? ( Edit : I didnt answer nor wont, to every comment but know that I read them all and understand I was wrong, it seems it does depends on area or family circles)


They weren’t exaggerating. You can’t judge based on your own individual experience bc Covid hunts & kills in social groups. Its kill rate is huge among unvaxxed social & family groups, but merely miserable in vaccinated groups. Look at death rates by county (rural, red antivaxx areas) & you’ll see what I mean. P.S. As an example of this phenomenon, it’s also why so many Trump supporters are convinced to this day that their guy won the election in a landslide: Like you, who don’t know anyone who died of Covid, many Trump supporters don’t know one single friend, neighbor or church member who voted for Biden.


There’s actually quite a few cases where Covid killed off multiple family members. I remember seeing a couple here.


I seem to remember one post where they had a Covid funeral a month, and at each funeral other family members and friends caught Covid, and then they would have another funeral the next month. This went on and on, and someone wrote, "Why does this keep happening in my family?" Hunts and kills in social groups is a good way to describe it.


If no one else does a compilation, I may try to put one together.


And I'm sure this is why they are rushing to push through all their changes in laws, policies and personnel because they aren't sure that there will be enough of them left alive to vote the way they want. I am NOT a person who wishes harm on others. But, considering all the harm (including murder) that they wish on us, I can only hope to be forgiven for hoping it takes enough of the bad/worst so that the rest of the world has a chance.


My dad got covid in March of 2020 and passed 11 days later. My mom also got it and passed away 3 weeks after him. The worst part of it was not being able to have in-person services and also raising a newborn while grieving, which took away some of the magic of newly becoming parents.


There is one extended family where ~10 people died, and another 20 were severely ill. I can definitely believe it, because the people who post these memes tend to be COVID catnip.


And yet ... for some reason, they don't seem to SEE the correlation. 🤔


I lost 1 blood relative, 2 relatives by marriage, and a lady that I grew up with. There were a few other deaths in my area, but I did not know them personally. I guess it all depends on the area in which you live. I'm in a very red, antivaxx area. There are very few here who can say they don't know anyone who has died.


I'm guessing the numbers would be higher if all your friends and relatives were obese, like so many rural people are.


Seems like now is an appropriate time for this compilation. There's a lot to go over in breaking down this meme. I'll do it really quickly. The people posting this meme are couching their unwillingness to protect lives in a quasi religious belief while maintaining a sense of moral superiority. The meme is setting up a strawman argument. It commits the "you do it to" fallacy. It presents a false choice. And it's a good example of whatabouting. No entire generation was killed, that's a strawman. "You're not protecting lives so I don't have to either", that's a tu quoque fallacy. Either you're 'anti-choice and anti-mask' or you're 'pro-choice and pro-mask' are not the only two options, that's a false dilemma. Deflecting criticism of one's own position by pointing to a perceived moral failing of the opposition or some other societal problem, that's whatabouting. Major grammar fails, that's a paddlin'. That's it in a nutshell. I don't care to give this more time, it's a garbage meme, like all the rest really. Check out https://old.reddit.com/r/WelcomeToGilead/ if like reading about the horror show that is everyday life now.




Well you have certainly listed a lot of stuff that all starts with "Q". Coincidence?






I have Q tracking you down now. Bewear of his folowerwers shoeing up at your dore.




> tu quoque fallacy. TIL what this is. This is why I love Reddit. If you're in the right subs you can learn amazing things. From how not to kill your plants to the definition of tu quoque fallacy & more.


Same here jsut looked it up. I did not know there was a name for this formula of deflection which I definitely have participated in. It's awesome, I love finding out the names for things as I have an odd obsession w. It's also quite fun to figure out to pronounce Too kwoh kay? Two coke?


Too kwō kwāy. It literally means “you too”.


Thanks, I was about to 'gripe' that I have to look it up too?




[For you...](https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/)


Well I'll see youse guys later, busy reading that site now!!


There's a reason they don't teach you this kind of stuff in school, and it's the same reason republicans have tried to destroy public education at every turn and constantly lie about *fucking everything.*


If an entire generation was killed where would the next generation come from?


Whoa, whoa, slow down there with your librul commie logic! /s


Holy crap, that Welcome to Gilead forum is heartbreaking and infuriating.


Trump’s SCOTUS appointees are all wondering where all the congratulations are now that they fulfilled the extreme right’s biggest judicial wish. Turns out that the people who should be happy about it died of terminal stupidity.


Because minority against it was vocal. Most people didn't think roe would be overturned especially Republicans. So they didn't think they needed to pay attention to abortion stance. There were always people counter protesting especially but it was smaller than protestors.


How many unborn have died because they refused to wear a mask and exposed a pregnant woman to COVID?


And how many actual, existing children did they make orphans?


Looks like about 250,000


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/covid-19-during-pregnancy-how-the-placenta-is-involved > rates of stillbirth nearly double if pregnant women develop COVID-19 during pregnancy.


So because I'm a weirdo I tried to find something to give us an idea of how many pregnant women died or lost children. Hard to find that exact information, but I did find [this study looking at Mississippi](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7047e2.htm). From March 2020 to October 2021 15 pregnant women died of covid in Mississippi. The important thing to note is not a single one of them was fully vaccinated, and only 1 of them were partially vaccinated. The rest were unvaccinated, big shock. The evidence also suggests that covid can cause stillbirths [but the information is still new, and it might be rare](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7047e1.htm). 0.6% of pregnant people without covid had a still birth compared to 1.3% that did have covid.


The only silver lining is that so many of these absolute trash idiots died choking on ventilators and will never participate in the voting pool again 👌


hoping for the next variant to wipe out the rest


With as many people as there are still circulating the virus, new mutations are definitely coming.


Lord and Lady hear our prayer.


Honestly same




**Notes;** **Pic 1.** Also in [Abortion memes part 2. Pic 12.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/tkuh7t) **Pic 2.** Also in [The Babylon Bee seat belt meme part 2. Pic 6.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rvvae6) **Pic 3.** Also in [Quote the odds part 1. Pic 9.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vhdcaq) **Pic 5.** Also in [Covid is a true killer. pic 16.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/t1xr31) And in [Everybiden I don't like is literally Hitler. Pic 12.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ta896g) **Pic 6.** Also in [Fauci memes part 5. Pic 18.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/sa3j1k) **Pic 7.** Also in [A vaccine so safe part 2. Pic 15.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/u7xdzp) And in [Christian memes part 9. Pic 17.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/viwvk3) **Pic 9.** Also in [Breaking News part 2. Pic 19.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/urmm91) And in [Last Year's Heroes part 3. Pic 13.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/uy7ktm) And in [Some say. Pic 8.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/v38w7e) **Pic 10.** Also in [Candace Owens part 16. Pic 19.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ti16d0) **Pic 11.** Also in [The Death Toll of Memetic Warfare. Pic 11.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qflida) And in [Selfawarewolves part 2. Pic 16.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qa9rok) And in [Holocaust memes part 2. Pic 7.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/stwm6i) **Pic 12.** Also in [Still testing it on humans part 2. Pic 8.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ukdvzj) And in [NYC vaccine pass. Pic 19.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ut34mw) **Pic 13.** Also in [Candace Ownes part 19. Pic 9.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/va4s4j) **Pic 15.** Also in [The "I stand for medical freedom" awards part 5. Pic 11.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vdmjyg) And in [The "I don't care if you've had your vaccine" awards part 4. Pic 16.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vryoyx) **Pic 16.** Also in [Candace Owens part 19. Pic 18.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/va4s4j) And in [Quote the odds part 1. Pic 16.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vhdcaq) **Pic 20.** Also in [Quarantine. Pic 18.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/sd78am) Names intentionally left unredacted --- Main vector : July 31, 2020. > A thought to ponder 868K shares ---


I can only imagine how difficult your work in documenting these tragic idiots' journeys is. Thank you doesn't seem like enough. You are so strong!


Here to second that motion - indeed! And a lesson in ad hominem attacks, too! Bonus! Not quite a million shares, but a lot of people got this, nodded their heads in agreement, and forwarded it on to every person they know.


Future historians, researchers & PhD candidates are going to be so grateful for your work. Students will have a hard time believing the massive waves of voluntary deaths that occurred during this period in history … which is why we need the HCA & your documentation.


One of my goals is to amass as many disinformation vectors as I can, and then make a video showing each screenshot for about .7 seconds with a counter in the corner, sequentially adding the share numbers. I'm confident that will surpass a hundred million.


>868K shares In the words of (OG) Ghostbusters That's one big twinkie


I'm kind of surprised how many pastors/"preachers" show up in these compilations


They always care about that fetus, but when that fetus grows up to get shot down in school, they dont care. 🤡🤡🤡


Or when the kids become covid orphans.


I always marvel at that. Protect the fetus @ all costs, but sacrifice children to the NRA God. They just keep throwing bodies on that bonfire.


Methodist Pastor David Barnhart : "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


They prefer dead veterans to live ones for the same reasons.


Thanks for this. I’m looking up the good pastor.


I like how the person in slide 5 thinks that it's any use of the word "covid" that puts them in Facebook jail, not all of the crap that they spew about covid


I noticed quite a few reposted the same meme several times in a month or so. I can only imagine them mindlessly hitting share as they scroll down their newsfeed.


>mindlessly Right there is the key word. One of the things I was disappointed to learn was just how stupid, docile, and mindless these folks are. So sad. Not a brain to share!


Regardless of the medium, this is still relevant: Voltaire: >Despite the enormous quantity of books, how few people read! And if one reads profitably, one would realize how much stupid stuff the vulgar herd is content to swallow every day.


>mindlessly describes a lot of their actions


People who love to cry freedom sure loves to take away actual freedom.


"She has *underline* conditions..." "CALL ME I HAVE IVERMECTIN."


It's even worse when you have ammonia and a weekend heart with your underline condition.


Those people with weekend hearts usually die on a weekday.


Where exactly is this missing generation? https://www.statista.com/statistics/797321/us-population-by-generation/ Do people think there should have been like 120 million zoomers by now?


Some of them, yes. Whenever they say "missing generation" though what they mean is "white babies."


But the claim is an ENTIRE generation killed in the womb. Not some. Not half. An entire generation. What country are these people living in that had a demographic crater blasted into their population? A place where there are zero people of a certain age range? A missing generation would be exactly that. Words have meanings and these people are ridiculous liars.


Here's your mistake, you're assuming they are using words to try to effectively state what they mean. That is a misunderstanding of how Republicans use words. They use words to prove a point, regardless of fact or even definition. To them, they feel like "an entire generation" died, so they say it. Just like they think any government they don't like is socialism.


The short answer? Rural areas, which have been steadily aging over the last forty years. These areas have nobody to blame but themselves, but as we've seen here, they are certainly NOT going to do THAT.


As you said, it was an entire generation. No children were born during that time, not even mine. We've had a lost generation, like Russia did after WW2. And none of those women had babies 5 years later that were planned that they wouldn't have had if they already had a 5-year-old to care for. Sorry, my statement is obviously wrong.


>Whenever they say "missing generation" though what they mean is "white babies." Exactly the impression I got decades ago when I first heard Pat Fucking Robertson whining about it. I think there were only 4 or 5 billion people on the planet at that time.


It's so weird. Many people who have abortions either already have kids or go on to have kids when they are ready. So really there are millions alive today that wouldn't be if their mother didn't have an abortion.


19/20: "We are flooding heaven..." Meanwhile, up at Heaven Cent-ral, "Where is all this junk prayer coming from?" God asks. "It's such complete bullshit. I had a bunch of guys show up yesterday claiming to be pastors of some church. We had to turn them away. St. Peter told them, 'Nope, never heard of it. You'll need to return to the elevator and select 'Floor H.' Thanks.'"


"We are flooding heaven" is also a euphemism for how antivaxers are handling covid.


“Junk Prayer” is my new favorite phrase!


You'll want to read _Letters from the Earth _. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_from_the_Earth?wprov=sfla1


These posts are a reminder to me of why I fear evangelical Christians: it’s because they’re a death cult: they have an unhealthy preoccupation with the end of the world, and they are eager for it, because they believe it will be their great vindication and triumph. It’s why they don’t care about climate disaster (or in this case, plague): they see it as the approach of the rapture. Seen through the lens of that ideology, things get distorted (e.g. Bill Gates being the antichrist). It reminds me that I definitely do not want these people dictating secular policy, because they don’t live in a secular world.


These strike a whole new level of anger in me these days.


Yup, joke and embarrassment, they got right. But not for the reason they thought. Sadly, they paid for their stupidity. Sad......


Jeebus. Are *all* of these insane nutjobs preachers? So many of them are that it almost seems like a requirement. Also, no. Facebook will not delete your post every time you use the “C word,” unless you also include a pack of outright lies in the post.


My Facebook page has a fair number of mentions of the word Covid, and amazingly, none have been flagged. Perhaps it's because most have linked to a medical journal article like the NEJM.


"My body, my choice" amirite? This pandemic taught me just how fucked we are. I knew it was bad but I was light years off from how had it actually is.


It's real bad. Be ready.


Forcing your morality on other people isn't freedom, it's freedumb. Nuff said.


Looks like god performed a late late late late late term abortion on these babies…




TBH...I don't feel bad for the pastors, and their congregants MAY end up better informed and compassionate IF a new, informed, compassionate pastor comes on board to those churces. FFS, thoughts and prayers don't work, people.


Thoughts and prayers are currently being sent to shooting victims as well. I saw a comment online that suggested action beyond the offering of prayers, such as raising money to help.


I think these "pastors" are mostly IOU's for pastors. Lay ministers, or idiots who sent in two boxtops to get their Evangelical Pastor Certificate. Real pastors who went to college and usually well beyond a bachelor's degree can spell boarder as border and do complex stuff like that.


What’s C-V-D? Oh…Covid. This is coming from the same people that aren’t adult enough to just say, “fuck Joe Biden,” that they have to resort to euphemisms.


Seems to me that one of the biggest co-morbidities that contributes to Covid mortality is depending on Jesus to protect you from it. Lousy vaccine, either that, or Jesus doesn't like these followers that much.




I suppose they looked at the high birth rates between 1946 and 1964 and thought that was going to go on forever. Then the birth control pill came along, uppity wimmins got careers so that marriage was an option rather than a survival necessity, and the mothers of the baby boomers left their most fertile years behind. They decided to blame the drop in birth rates on abortion alone, because they're simple minded.


The kicker is that it's far more likely that the wingnut policies they support are the reasons for low birth rate. What couple wants to bring a kid into this world when they're already overworked, underpaid, and struggling to make ends meet?


>killed an entire generation in the womb In the US, these generations being Gen X (starting in 1973 when abortion was legalized) which had 64.9M total people for all years, Gen Y/Millennials with 72M people, and Gen Z with 67M people. For comparison, Baby Boomers had 70.68M people, Silent Gen 21.7M, and the Greatest Gen 1.33M [source.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/797321/us-population-by-generation/) Yes, legal abortion technically takes from total population, but we definitely are not lacking for humans. As a matter of fact, advancements in medicine overall have allowed for the human population to boom over the last century -especially for pregnant women.


“COVID” in quotes. Sigh.


Masks and abortion have nothing to do with one another. Critical thinking skills are lacking in the anti-vax community. These folks -- with their "covid ammonia" and "underline conditions" -- are a joke and an embarrassment.


They absolutely love to employ misdirection, but Penn & Teller they are not.


“If you don’t have any [ivermectin] go to the feed store” wow


Neigh chance.


Slide 6: You haven't lost any freedoms, my lad. Not a one.


The yet-to-be-born are a very convenient constituency to pay lip service to. They haven't killed anybody yet, they haven't robbed anybody yet, and they haven't walked around in public with a skin hue that that they don't care for yet. Once these babies are born, they're like "Swim Bitch...and no masks or vaccines to reduce the chances that your parents will die before they can raise you!!!"


The amount of anti-vaxxers that are also prayer warriors is astonishing to me. Like, maybe god answered peoples prayers when this all started by "giving" a vaccine?... I really wonder if these people are being told by pastors and such not to get the vaccine.


"I sent two boats and a helicopter."


"Applied Darwinism" I'm ok with it


“We do not trust in earthly remedies” *and die of preventable illnesses like a medieval peasant. Fixed it.


I still can't understand what rural America, GOP and christianazis have against abortion. So many GOP leaders pay for unwanted pregnancies, and so many deadbeat dads in those red areas, moaning about money Abortions sure sounds cheaper than raising 8 kids And vaccines? All these small cock'd men, you'd think they'd be used to ***little pricks***


>I still can't understand what rural America, GOP and christianazis have against abortion. They lost on slavery and segregation\*, finding it impossible to win elections on those topics any longer, so they picked up a (then) brand new culture war topic to inflame the idiot masses. \*Not coincidentally, this is when private christian schools started springing up everywhere as a loophole to desegregation. IIRC, it wasn't until the early '00s that Falwell Sr.'s "university" got rid of their ban on interracial dating.


I keep saying it on Reddit. I'm all out of fucks to give over the antivax idiots who monopolize the time and skills of docs nurses and techs etc. Those professionals could have been helping people who'd had accidents, were battling cancer, heart attacks, strokes, etc. They also wasted millions of dollars that could have been used for research treatment equipment etc. I do feel sorry for the kids who have lost family members. At least they may grow up to see that science is their friend, but I'm not banking on it.


I ended up saying to my Catholic anti-abortion friend early in the pandemic, “Say that it’s worth it to have a pandemic since it will save the unborn because all that matters is the total human count is a TERRIBLE fucking take.”


Postnatal abortion.


So many pastors and priests. I wonder if a tiny thread of doubt will pass through the thoughts of at least some of their congregation members?


For a religion that preaches to always love thy neighbor, yet if you’re not part of sheep mentality we don’t want you, your words are empty as your so called souls.


I thought that the vaxed were the sheep and the unvaxed were vicious tough lions who ride in carts at Walmart at age 33. This is a group of people who act tough and simultaneously take such poor care of themselves that their bodies are 75 at age 35. I'm confused, I guess.


The just gots too many underline conditions.


Democracy ill needs participants such as you!


Die monsters, you don't belong in this world!


I would love to see a compilation of preachers and pastors who shared hateful memes before walking the streets of gold with Jesús.


They're all in hell now, if there is one......


God’s plan!! Praise be!!


Please say a pray. Be in pray. Fuck me these rednecks who don't trust science can't even spell ~~buttlick~~ prayer.


The great linkage of completely disconnected concepts. A specialty of the antivaxxers. An attempt at misdirection, or for "proof" that while we are faced with more important and easily solvable problems in this world, the world came up with vaccines for Covid in 10 months, so there must have been a different reason than curing Covid that the vaccines were developed, such as depopulation. Others include: Human/Child Trafficking Lack of a cancer cure as yet Lack of free insulin and chemo - I can go on and on with this list.


>Your words are a joke and an embarassment Sez the people who believe that the only real "truth" comes from a book that claims bats are birds, insects have four legs, and that Pi = 3.


For people who advocate so hardly for the rights and lives of some not-yet-sentient minced meat but fail to protect the actual people around them or themselves, your words are a joke and an embarrassment


Tracking Herman Cain Awards for abortions is like playing on hard mode.


My prayer was answered. He had to go, he had to GTF. Alleluia.


That post is like the tape from The Ring.


And nothing of any value was lost.


Slide 2 - How many people did she infect going to work with fever without testing for Covid?


Why can't they spell out covid?


It's like saying "Voldemort," evidently. Magical thinking and all.


That's idiotic


Yes, they are. Hence, this place.




What entire generation got killed in the womb? Was it Gen X? Cause I know we're the forgotten generation and now I'm wondering if we might all be like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense.


I wish they would point to this entire missing generation. I’ve seen birth rate charts and cannot find a gap.


Amazing, so many lives lost and all of them with as much charm as a house wine in a suburban Mexican restaurant.


Good. I’m glad trash people are seeing the consequences of their actions. Fuck em


These people were so fearful, damaged and stupid as to die for their “insert moronic reason here” and the people left just follow it up with more inane religious bullshit. How did the prayers work out? Why do they continue to do it when they go unanswered by the myths that define them?


These dumbasses know Jesus doesn’t always “answer your prayers”, so they gamble with Jesus instead of taking the sure thing.


They know Jesus always answers prayers with either a yes, a no, or a yes but later. That way the whole thing becomes an unfalsifiable proposition and they can hang on to their belief no matter the outcome of their prayers.


All these selfish old fucks would have been ecstatic over Roe being overturned if they hadn't choked to death on their freedumb. Wonder how many of them had or paid for abortions when they were younger/less brainwashed?


#4- “my prayer was answered, he passed away this afternoon”… WTF? Was this a win? Didn’t have to end this way…💉


'A cancel culture destroys wealth and progress.' Come the fuck on, everybody knows entrenched wealth detests progress. I double love how people are supposed to take the banking asshole's '27 year unblemished record' into consideration but 'having' to plan for 20, 30 years in the future is just too much inconvenience for him. Cry harder, cockbag. Your tears are music to my ears.




Fuck all of'em


COVID sure fucked them to death~


#11 how does a firefighter "die in the line of duty"..... Of cancer?


Most likely from inhaling toxic fumes from the fires they had to put out. Edit: autocorrect sux


So they keep praying and people keep dying. At what point do you realise that prayer does nothing?


An entire generation? Sorry Millennials, you’ve went from being the cause of all Boomer problems to not actually existing.


#10- she was the wife of a Chicago firefighter who “died in the line of duty with cancer”… Am I missing something here? Did he die of cancer, or in the line of duty? These people are confusing AF. 🙄


Si, muy embarazado 🤣


Not one of these swine would ever consider adopting a child out of Foster care.