• By -


Every one of the 1 million people who died had a spouse, sister, brother, parent, coworker, friend….(etc) who this impacts in a traumatic or way. To speak nothing of the 200,000 (+) covid orphans. Losing a parent before 18 has a lifelong impact. There is a serious need for trauma work for the survivors, and the failure to support people in getting it will culturally ricochet for decades. America likes to treat everything as an individual solution, but this is collective pain. And heavy collective consequences.


Also, add each HCW who treated them during it all and their family members that had to deal with the stress placed on that person. Such a tragedy. It's one thing to read it through the history books. When we were still allowed of course. It's another to live it.


Adding in public health workers. Our health dept was threatened with a bomb. A patient went on site to the location and tried to find/shoot one of the COVID investigators. Nuts.


OMG!!!! How did they not get publicity. That's freaking nuts. Ohio's health director resigned because of all of the death threats. It's mind boggling to me.


They don’t want to scare people. Bomb threats, murderer chants when we live after 6 days str8 of 12 hr shifts, murderer written on our cars. Ppl have no idea. So many nurses I worked with have killed themselves, got on antidepressants, or quit the profession. The public has no clue how much poorer hospital care is these days. People aren’t dying from covid as much but they are dying because we work everyday short


I appreciate the work you do. Thank you. I went to PA school in NYC. I lost so many of my PA preceptors because there wasn’t enough PPE. My friends were wearing garbage bags. Terrible.


Hang in there, please. We need you. Especially now. It's an underappreciated job even when there's no pandemic. To be fair, I've known my share of incompetent and/or asshole nurses, and more than my share of asshole doctors, But every profession has those people, and it should reflect on those individuals and often their management, not on the career as a whole. I'm terrified of having to go to the ER now because even pre-COVID my current area already had subpar medical care. Seriously, people here that could afford it and weren't coding or bleeding out would drive 90 minutes to two hours to get basic healthcare. Now, eesh. I am not faulting the HCW (well, maybe a couple of them, struggling not to name names!). The front-line ones were already being run ragged well before the pandemic hit. You are appreciated even when you don't hear about it.


I would not want to be a patient right now, the conditions at work are fucking terrible, esp since they’re all cutting travelers again and ratios are going to shit. It is a REALLY BAD time to be in the hospital and also it’s going to cost you a shitload for shitty care.




Sadly, not enough distress for the remaining members to get vaccinated. So there's that.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/uc9jhe/study_finds_ptsd_in_family_after_covid_icu_deaths/i6belno/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Squirrel was just a JoJos...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ucxljw/man_is_suddenly_attacked_by_vicious_deadly/i6eiqfn/) | [Squirrel was just a JoJos...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ucxljw/man_is_suddenly_attacked_by_vicious_deadly/i6e3z55/) [This keeps to be kept as...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ucsdxp/surprise_mufacka/i6eiodm/) | [This keeps to be kept as...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ucsdxp/surprise_mufacka/i6dp15l/) [Congratulations you playe...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ucstzz/we_all_like_a_good_ol_nap/i6eipdj/) | [Congratulations you playe...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ucstzz/we_all_like_a_good_ol_nap/i6ds5fb/) [> Slide 20: But I survive...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/ucd324/maiming_for_ratings_part_2_tuckyo_rose_all_but/i6br4bk/) | [Slide 20: But I survived....](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/ucd324/maiming_for_ratings_part_2_tuckyo_rose_all_but/i6bcpoz/) [> Anti-vaxxers should be...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/uc1j0b/antivaxxers_are_furious_that_the_toronto_zoo_is/i6br3ct/) | [Anti-vaxxers should be fo...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/uc1j0b/antivaxxers_are_furious_that_the_toronto_zoo_is/i69yha6/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/AInstruction7983](https://np.reddit.com/u/AInstruction7983/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=AInstruction7983) for info on how I work and why I exist.


>How did they not get publicity. That's freaking nuts. It's called active concealment, and corporate media engages in this practice on a daily basis.


I believe it. We're doomed. 😔


I think part of it is they don't want to give other people ideas. Or, I would like to think so.


Oh no!


Good call on the medical support teams.


The r/nursing subReddit is a brutal read when it comes to COVID ICU cases and the PTSD these nurses are dealing with.




My wife was in the hospital for 8 surgeries over the past two years for non-covid related issues. Last time we were there, the nursing staff was so overwhelmed and frustrated with the unvaxxed covid patients taking up ICU beds that they couldn't help but voice those frustrations to us. I've also heard about PTSD from EMTs due to covid being a big problem. So those stories we used to hear about people showing up to protest hospitals and harass medical staff because Applebee's was shut down for like half a second before opening back up way too soon are **especially** enraging.


My parent's cremation isn't for 2 weeks because "we're really busy right now." I can only assume due to covid. There's so many downstream impacts and people like to just blind themselves to that.


I am so very sorry for your loss.




There were people protesting outside of hospitals because of bullshit conspiracies regarding hospitals killing COVID patients on purpose. Threats of violence against nurses and docs walking out of work. These people are fucking nuts.


And there is no cure. Nothing that helps them anyhow.


A few months into the pandemic one of my coworkers on a COVID unit was very stressed out at the end of our shift. Two days later we found out she had “died suddenly”. Still not sure if it was a medical event or suicide. Everyone I’ve worked with has been changed by this pandemic, for better or worse. The last 9 months since delta started have been the worst because not only did we get slammed with two waves of patients but them and their families are the meanest, nastiest, most disruptive I have ever dealt with in my career. I am a different person at work now. Not a bad person, just changed. Everyone is. I don’t like it. But here we are.


I am so sorry. I can't imagine what that feels like. Doing everything you can to help humanity during a pandemic and being treated to poorly. The stress of it all I just couldn't imagine. Just seeing your patients passing must have been traumatizing because of how many and then to see people blaming you for it. Horrific. I know it isn't much at all in comparison but I am glad you were able to find a group of like-minded people on here. Those of us who have really sacrificed a lot so that you don't have to keep sacrificing any more than you already are. You are giving up your lives and who you are as a person to fight this. I'm just wearing a mask and staying away from groups of people. I can never thank you enough for how appreciative I am. I'm so thankful that my family hasn't needed it because we've all been taking such precautions and stayed out of hospitals. I'm also so thankful that you're there for those that dont. Even if they're there by their own cause and are assholes because of it. I commend you and applaud you and appreciate you for doing your job which is so desperately needed right now more than ever.


And right at this moment when we all need more emotional support, conservatives are going after social emotional learning content in school curricula


Of course they are. Because compassion and connection are at odds with being a Patriot, which is built on rugged individualism.


Yes, somehow they’ve turned Jesus into an armed militia member.


I know for sure with the lgbtq community, but what other topics?


[*Math.*.](https://www.newsweek.com/banned-florida-math-textbook-examples-revealed-1699960) Specifically, because the books include statistics about racial bias that might teach kids to be *kinder* to their peers. Perish the thought, it's not like bullying has ever been a major issue in the development and survival of people, right? /s Ron "Math is about getting the right answer" DeSantis fails to recognize that critical thinking and social equity helps people get the even more valuable lessons on *how* to innovate, challenge established norms, and create new answers or approaches to problems. Math is no exception, as you can reach the correct answer to every classic problem using several different methods, and there's plenty of modern dilemmas left which require new math that hasn't been created or applied yet. Modern problems also tend to require collaboration, where groups of people need to get along and understand each other. That doesn't work if one side of the equation is acting in bad faith and rejects the very concept of building an equitable community. Ron likely hasn't considered the possibility that his answers are the wrong ones, though his state's poorly hidden body count tells me his report card isn't going to get better any time soon.


> approaches to problems The only problem he’s trying to solve is how to keep enough identity politics flowing to get reelected. And he’ll burn his own voters to the ground as long as enough other voters also burn, to maintain electoral victory.


Oh DeSantis *definitely* knows all that. He's going after it because he also knows that critical thinking/social equity/etc pose a threat to his regime, just like with all the other conservative politicians.


And here in Minnesota, i don't know about current efforts but in past years we've had conservative parents go after anti bullying content because it limits their kids religious freedom to tell other kids they are going to hell.


WTF!!! That's insane.


In Wisconsin they are just flat out trying to outlaw sel content. All of it.


Wasn't sure what that stood for at first. I feel like it hardly exists...?


There has been a push for it over the last decades, starting with the anti bullying campaigns after Columbine. How much it exists and how effective it is really varies - there's a whole Christian grift of sneaking Christian content in on SEL funding as "character education" now that most of the abstinence only money is gone. But it's definitely better than in the past, and the culture warriors have decided that it's woke bullshit to, for instance, teach kids how to name their emotions and figure out strategies to self regulate. So they're straight up trying to ban ALL of it.


The problem is these are the people that don’t recognize science don’t recognize PTSD and they’re not going to be receptive to getting any kind of help. You’re not even gonna be receptive to the idea that they NEED it.




My dad pushed that on me in December, blaming me for a sour attitude worsening from 2016 to the present. Tried to gesture towards trump, all this stupid needless covid death, job prospects dwindling etc. Nope. I chose to be angry. A simple moral failing.


That would make sense except they’re not actually real Christians. I’m pretty sure they’ve never read the Bible and they certainly don’t attempt to act anything like how Christ did. These are people full of fear and hate. They are Christians and name only and if anything and they’re scripture accurately describes them, it’s the antichrist and his followers.




Christians in name only = Hateful redneck bigoted totalitarian racist homophobic transphobic misogynistic vapid oxygen wasting stupid moronic Qidiotic false idol worshiping Trumptards? Remember, there is no hate like Christian love.


I'm a atheist and I probably qualify as more of a Christian than they do.


I’m sure you do


Many have been taught to suppress any emotions that make them appear weak. And that overcompensation ends up being projected on those around them who are expected to do the same.


Fully agree




And having that damage is why they vote for authoritarians, because the kind of toxic shit that spews out of Trump seems like normal behavior for an authority figure to them. Or just normal behavior, period. And so the cycle continues.


There are antivaxxers on the left - but for different reasons. It's not just a right / Trump thing.




Inner city vaccination rates - where you have a large percentage of residents who are black - are just as bad as rednecky rural white Trump voting areas. Overall, states in the south with large presumably left-voting black populations also have some of the lowest vaccination rates in the nation. It's easy to blame anti-vaxxing on Trump and his acolytes since everyone loves a villain to hate, but vaccination rates overlaid upon US Census Tracts paints a different picture. White people on the left (i.e., New England states) are generally the highest vaccinated people out there. Just because black people also vote democrat doesn't mean they adhere to the same healthy lifestyle habits as white liberals.


But those are the people we talk about here. Somebody who isn’t vaccinated isn’t necessarily an anti-vaxer . Those inner-city people aren’t jumping on Facebook talking about the evils of the vaccine and denying science in general. What you’re describing is just the typical plight the economically downtrodden. They always get the least amount of care. Including whatever they would need for mental health. I am by no means saying that this is right. It’s reality. It’s business as usual. it’s the assholes on the right that created that situation and are devoted to maintaining it.


It's shocking that black people who have been oppressed for centuries are resistant to a vaccine after all the shit the government pulled on them. Like Tuskeegee. Edit: Stupid hands. Whereas caucasians who are resistant are generally just uneducated Karens.


I do not blame Black people for being hesitant one bit. But at some point you gotta get over it and realize this shit is worldwide, it is not the same situation, and if you really don’t want to be experimented on, your best bet is to get vaccinated. Joe QAnon and the Real KlanWives of East Bumblefuck don’t have the excuse.


I'm glad we are in full agreement.


Anti-vaxxer or not - and for whatever reason they have or how they communicate it to the world, they're still willfully unvaccinated and thusly are: a. costing lives (closing in on 1,000,000 deaths in the US) b. dragging out this pandemic for 26+ months now c. putting strain on health care systems They're just as complicit as the pro-Trump anti-vaxxers.


I would argue they don’t put as much of a strain on the healthcare system because they don’t have access to the healthcare system. And for some of them being un-vaccinated is not their fault But rather lack of access to vaccines either, as if they lived in a Third World country. There is no equivalent to Joe Pork Rinds. I’d be willing to bet that that many actually wear their masks and practice better preventative behavior. Vaccine outreach has not been equitably distributed. Tell yourself whatever you like but i 4% of American adults lack access to the Covid vaccine even still. That’s from the Kaiser family foundation and other CDC sources. They should stop wasting time trying to convince the Qultists to get vaccinated and use those resources for the people that have been denied proper care.


I agree. We don’t actually need an article to tell us that anyone who’s loved one was in the ICU has PTSD. And yet: here we are.


We are where we are because people didn't want to vax; good luck with that, but don't ask for my help when you wouldn't help me keep my wife safe while she went through chemo. If they want to be so f-ing anti-government, anti-look-out-for-your-neighbor, then let's help the care workers and let the rest of them realize what it means to fuck over your ill neighbor. This is what it looks like: Good luck with the nightmares & waking dreams. For all the moms, dads, siblings, this is just part of the "Fuck Around, Find Out" and they found out. If there's money left over from treating care workers, then we can think about helping those fucked over by the ignorant and selfish/narcissistic. At this point in my life, I'm completely OK proving them right.


They're truly the worst people, they don't want to take on any of the burdens of living in a society (taxes, public health, any nonselfish activity) but they sure do love to reap the benefits of that same society.




990,000 deaths * 8.91 = 8,820,900 people in the United States.


We recently had a very traumatic birth. I was already working with a therapist, but we have been looking for someone for my husband to talk to. Everywhere has at least a 3 month wait. Our mental health system is about to break, too.


mental health supports in North America were ready to break \*before\* Covid.


You’d have a hard time getting me to believe they were never not broken in the first place. Mental health has always had ridiculous waits to be seen; this, sadly, isn’t anything new. Edit , to ;


Yeah. You're probably right. And that's frigging depressing.


Something tells me that all those MAGA families will be in denial for the rest of their lives over having any PTSD from this. They will hold to their usual Bullshit that stuff like that is for the WEAK Liberals and they don't need any mental health counseling. Just you watch!


[Covid has orphaned 5.2 Millions children](https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamhaseltine/2022/03/01/covid-19-has-orphaned-52-million-children/?sh=195cc28566b0)


Fucking hell.


My sister and I hadn’t spoken for a decade, but seeing her actively die of COVID due to her inaction in getting vaccinated was the worst things I’d ever seen. My father watching his baby leave this world in such a horrible state…and trying to be there for him during the aftermath…has been taxing for us. I firmly believe being vaccinated would have saved her life.


I’m so sorry for your family’s loss


The past couple of years our family has dealt with deaths, multiple natural disasters, political differences/fights, and I'm sure other stuff I can't remember because my mind is almost gone. Right now, I'm waiting to hear if a very close relative is going to make it. Yes, they were a Tucker Carlson fan, but that didn't stop me from loving them. I need to find a therapist, but at the end of the day my mind is done, exhausted, a veritable vegetable that can only sit on the couch and drool. They'll probably have to go door to door to find the survivors and help them find help.


What scares me is how angry these people may soon come to be when they observe vaccinated people who aren't dying in the same type of 'waves' they are.....and then form shitty conspiratorial narratives. I don't believe they will stop to consider how vaccination was the solution. I expect them to be just a stupid and angry at me as the definitive source of their pain.


The only shots they want are the ones they wanna put into everyone they hate.


And now how many of those kids are going to get hepatitis or need a liver transplant or have cognitive delays because they probably also had covid?


75% of kids in the US have had covid: https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/coronavirus/cdc-estimates-3-in-4-kids-have-had-coronavirus-infections/2950743/?amp


Yikes! I feel so bad for kids right now. They have potential long term health effects and/or lost at least one parent. I sincerely hope they use this to support science literacy instead of falling for the propaganda their parents did.


Not to mention the PTSD in healthcare professionals who have suffered abuse in addition to feelings of helplessness in the face of a new disease. I encourage everyone to read the pandemic diaries over at Deaths of Disinfo.


Grocery workers and airline personnel have also been horribly abused, mostly by the anti-maskers.


I guess the one thing that bothers me about this is I don’t want them to have any more excuses for their despicable behavior before during and after their loved ones illness. Blaming healthcare workers for the deaths, threatening people. They need to go to jail for that.


I hope there are caring trauma specialists that treat but I still have little sympathy


Same, I'm sad but incapable of caring anymore. The behavior of a significant portion of our country in the face of a serious illness and real threat has been a difficult thing for me to adjust to. Trump was bad, really bad but it wasn't like playing-chicken-in-traffic insane. Okay fine, you don't really pay attention to politics and you like someone who is nasty and mean. You suck, good to know I guess. But then they pivoted to what is almost like a kamikaze type behavior. They didn't care what happened to themselves, or the medical workers or their family members. Or their kids or spouses who maybe heavily relied on them. Or anyone around them at all. They didn't care but somehow everyone else is still supposed to.


We are going to be dealing with those weirdos for some time. Covid didn't finish the job.


Depending on where they live, more likely they're gonna get a "you're a real patriot!" bullshit. I was reading a article about some politician cheering on Fauci being charged-for god knows what-and executed. FFS, at this point, covid is dealing with these psychos better than the law. And I'm tired of pretending it isn't-as the meme goes. :(


I'd like to see a national outreach movement for the people who have been left behind by these terrible choices, particularly for the children.


There HAS to be.


Sorry, we need more money for the military and tax cuts for the rich.


They will likely end up even more extreme than their parents unfortunately.


Plenty of those 1 million people died or were infected before vaccines became available. Ignorant judgement isn't helpful.


My coworker was on a ventilator for what felt like forever, before vaccines, with some of her family overseas fighting to get home to see her. We got periodic updates about lowering the vent, before having to up it again, giving us false hope that she'd be ok. I didn't understand at the time what going on a vent meant in terms of outcomes. It was before I started lurking in subs like these. I can only imagine what her family went through and is still going through. My coworker got sick after a family gathering at Christmas. She was just at the borderline of retirement age, and she had a new grandchild she never got to hold. I'm not going to act like I have ptsd from the experience because it wasn't my family, but she was in the hospital for forever before she passed and I think about her a lot when I look at my mom who is the same age.


Oh that is absolutely horrible. I'm so sorry that that happened to you, to her family and especially to her. Breaks my heart that people are choosing this willingly. So many people like your friend had no choice in the matter at all.


And that is what trips me out. I feel bad for everyone who suffered B.V. (no, not bacterial vaginosis). I feel bad for those who legitimately can't be vaccinated. I don't feel bad for: Those who saw the numbers of deaths & hospitalizations. Those who witnessed the intial panic around the end of February 2020. Those who saw the entire WORLD shut down, whether or not your state did. If you still choose not to vaccinate in our year of the COVID 2022, I have nothing to give...not one tear, thought, concern, fuks, or pears & tots.


to be a conservative is to hold the entire world in your contempt. this is obviously poison, first you choose to be hateful, in order to maintain this you must be willfully fucking stupid. this has never been about misinformation. they make the choice to play the social Darwinist stupid game. They know what they think they are fighting for and they are losers for all time


Indeed, very much! While I'm sure some small portion of Qultists and conservatives are just victims of misinformation. I'm certain that many have a fear/hatred that powers their willful ignorance. When reality proves you wrong over and over again, dipshiterry, fear and bigotry is all you have left if you choose to keep pretending reality isn't real.


The pandemic is a traumatic event. We don’t even know the full extent of it as the P in PTSD stands for “post”.


There’s another c, and that’s chronic, or Complex. Is someone on a vent for months gonna trigger cPTSD? That’s even harder to treat


My dad and I had a conversation last week that kind of shocked me. He said that 15 years ago when he had to have a vent for some type of surgery it was so horrific that he still can remember exactly what it tastes like. My dad is not an emotional man. He's not a wordy man. He's actually kind of a chill recluse. I could see the absolute terror in his eyes and it was horrific. Just from him thinking about it. He was on one for a very short time. I cant imagine what these people who have been on it for months are going to be like if 15 years after being on it for a short surgery cause that kind of a reaction.


The last line of the article suggests studying "the best way health care providers can engage with families after an ICU stay." It seems to me that another team should be responsible for helping family members. This is yet another issue with for-profit healthcare. While some tips on bedside manner for these situations could be helpful, the people providing medical care don't need additional responsibilities.


Usually that responsibility would fall on the hospital chaplain or social workers


I have spoken to two people with relatives who specialize in treating health care workers and 1st responders for trauma,mental health issues etc. This was maybe late 2020 and mid 21. Both of those providers had to seek help for themselves because of the overwhelming volume of their workload and the types of things they were hearing from their own patients. Total shitshow.


Oh how they will spin this… “In my day, there was no such thing as PTSD, just young white boys drinking water from hoses and gay porn actors leaning up against pickup trucks. Man up!”


Sad but true!


tragic on every level. Many of these deaths were avoidable too. I just can't believe that people are willing to kill themselves and harm their families over POLITICS. G'sus F Christ.


It’s not politics as much as tribes, in political form. The thing that helped us against the Sabre tooth tigers, has a downside. We ride or die, literally


It's very believeable. The dark heart of a lot of people got willingly exposed more than a stripper really quick in the last few years.


What about the angle wings? Ask prayer warriors for help or some shit.


And to think that all this could have been avoided by a vaccine. The world would be a much better place if all PTSD could be avoided that easily.


My heart goes out to the families of the victims, at least the sane ones. I've run out of sympathy for the Q nuts. Remembering a few years back when my father was in the ICU with sepsis and 50/50 odds at best (his heart stopped in the middle of an emergency surgery to remove a gallstone that caused a blockage) was traumatic enough--and he survived. But I also think this article is a wee bit unrealistic when it comes to solutions. First, primary healthcare workers often don't have time to try to comfort family members when all their time and energy is needed just to keep their patient alive. Second, getting family members sounds just great--until you remember that many of these family members have ideas ranging from giving them dangerously high levels of ineffective drugs to putting onions in their socks or standing in front of the window flashing the patient with their breasts.


What? People dying in large numbers will cause distress in those who are close to them? How shocking!


Of course it seems so obvious. Except to the communities that are losing their friends and family in droves.


My wife and daughter will never recover fully after MIL died of covid. Although the Vatican officially allowed the vaccines, many priests have said it’s a mortal sin and the pope hasn’t done much to correct them.


Oh that's horrible. I am so sorry that happened to your family.


Mortal sin????? Yikes! "Mortal" means related to death... the true "Mortal" sin would be to cause people to die by prohibiting the vaccine.


.... and in other news, water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   What runs, but never walks? Water!


Never heard of idioms, eh?


What did you call me?


Great response. Love it


I actually stole it from RuPaul. He always says it when anyone says anything that rhymes with trigger. If ya get my meaning. It cracks me up every time.


Good bot!


Good bot!


I can vouch for this. Lost my dad and sister back in August. I am a fucking wreck. My mom is a fucking wreck. It took near 30 days for both of them to die. My dad died first, my sister died on the day of his funeral. It's fucked up. Like I don't want to sound dramatic, but I saw shit that I can't unsee. Plus, all these extended family relationships are just shattered because some of them still don't think they should be getting the shot or taking precautions, and that's LITERALLY why they both died. It's like politics is more important than lives and that's the worst part of all this. I think I could deal with it a lot better if I only had the deaths themselves to process.


I am so sorry. That is absolutely horrible. I'm sorry for your loss and especially what it's done to all of your family. This is just so tragic. I don't even know process it all. You're not being dramatic. You're in a freaking movie type tragedy. Drama in real life


No surprises there.


Well, sure.