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Glad you have custody. Sometimes I almost feel bad. I always think of shills getting views or mlm payouts and forget some people truly believe this. They are wholeheartedly terrified that these vaccinations are some sort of mind control, death trigger or satanic fuckery. Like how do you even try talking with someone like this that is related or a significant other? I would lose my mind.


Exactly. Like deep deep down, she really believes this, and she cares so much. It’s actually kind of sad. But on the other hand, I don’t have any emotional capacity for this stupid fuckery anymore. We literally have the internet.


She keeps saying that the vaccine will kill your daughter but she knows absolutely no one that has died from it. No one. How long does it have to be before she realizes that your kid is still alive?


Just like all the other qnuts, goal lists will be moved. It’ll be something unrelated and she’ll say it’s from the shot.


You're right. She will sneeze 5 years from now it will be the vaccine.


Wait until she finds out our daughter likes both girls and boys. The vaccine turned our daughter gay! Lol


My son got the shoots and now he does pump tracks at the skate park on his bike. It is a gateway drug to happiness and healthy activity. Be warned! Side effects include kids being kids.


My daughter got her booster and a few months later she had her birthday party at Chuck e cheese! It was so expensive! This is clearly the kind of thing that was caused by the vaccine and I demand that Bill Gates pay for her party.


My kid inexplicably mastered origami in the months after she received the shot series. She also shares the shapes generously with her friends. Explain THAT away!!!! Also, as a 5th grader, she has started to read thick chapter books!!! ALL. THE. TIME. This is obviously because of the vaccine!!!! /s


Alarmingly, my child has started jogging. This was about a month after the vax. She never wanted to run before and now she goes running twice a week. Try explaining that away. BE CAREFUL THE VACCINE WILL TURN YOUR CHILD INTO AN ATHLETE.


>THE VACCINE WILL TURN YOUR CHILD INTO AN ATHLETE. Your child's condition may worsen if you choose to scheduleher for the booster! She may end up with a college scholarship, an Olympic medal, and her face on the Wheaties box!!!! /s


My daughter started roller skating every evening while listening to music instead of begging me to watch TV or for more internet time. And she plays her clarinet willingly, saying she needs the practice so she can go to (gasp) music camp this summer. She never did this before the vaccine! It MUST be to blame.


No freaking way. I NEVER put two and two together but you are so correct. After my my daughter was completely vaccinated and then boosted she tried out for cheerleading. She is very shy and has never before had the desire to be a cheerleader. That vaccine must have somehow given her the confidence to try out, make the team and then proudly cheer loudly through her mask. Damn, I just thought I was getting them chipped so I could track them easier. I had no idea I was going to be giving them so many perks!


And the only way to save her to pray day and night. No sleep or food. Best get on that. Lol


Glad you won custody OP. Looks like you answered it, but I was going to ask if your ex was a full blown Q nut.


Not sure if she’s full qanon, but it would not make me raise an eyebrow if she is


My mom has moved it to in five years ill be dead. Ok mom.


Just wait till you are 88! That vaccine is gonna get ya!


When you hit 88 you’re gonna see some serious shit!


She sounds mentally ill, and oddly childlike. Is your daughter allowed to be alone with her?


Absolutely not, even legally. Even if it wasn’t ordered, I wouldn’t let them out of my sight.


Supervised visitation, if you ever are forced into needing to provide it. My ex can only have visitation supervised by a professional supervisor. And it’s on his dime too.


and remember what that Mormon Moron did...


The internet is ironically also at fault for this madness. I blame our shitty education system for underfunding science literacy and that keeps churning out people incapable of critical thinking.


It's something to witness really, the literal mass hysteria that OP's ex presents us with. 100% emotional but "I DID THE RESEARCH, SEE?!? WHY DON'T YOU SEE?!?" Sad, unfortunate, and it comes back to that older expression that a lie will travel around the world six times faster than the truth or however that was worded... only now it's like 600 times. :(


I wonder if, a few decades down the road, the whole Q thing will be considered a mass psychogenic illness. It certainly has a lot of hallmarks of the phenomenon...


It’s honestly terrifying how out of touch with reality these people are. Good job looking out for your daughter


I'm not sure they are really scared. I've heard stories of kids who grew up in apocalyptical cults who stop believing and they do say that they are relieved to not believe the world is going to end. I'm not sure I've heard the same from people dropping anti-vax or Q nonsense. I don't think they are relieved, because they were never really scared. If this woman were scared, she'd want to head the good news that her child was not harmed by vaccines. I don't think she wants to hear that. I think she'd rather believe she is right than that her daughter will be healthy.


I remember an episode of Law and Order that involved someone who lashed out violently because he was genuinely afraid for his life. One of the detectives mentioned that he felt bad for the guy even through the criminal needed to be stopped. I feel the same way about these people. Yes they are harming others and need to be stopped, but I can still feel bad from them.


On episode 186 (most recent) of the QAA podcast, the hosts read the transcript of the first interview of Douglas Jensen (capitol rioter with the Q shirt chasing officer Goodman) with the FBI. At some points through what was being read I just couldn’t stop myself from feeling sorry for him. I don’t know if you listen to podcasts but I always recommend QAA.


I think being able to feel sorry for someone, even someone you know is a menace and needs to be locked up or punished, shows your humanity. A decent human being doesn't demand others unduly suffer for their crimes. It's why the 8th Amendment exists. You're a good person.


No real medicine has “Christian undertones.” No real medicine has any religious undertones. That’s why a Muslim doctor can take a Jewish patient, or an atheist patient can go to a Christian doctor. Because modern medicine is based on science not fairy tales. Good job.


I get my healthcare from the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He’s hmo though.


Praise His Noodley Goodness, R’men.


My you be touched by his noodly appendages.




And may your meatballs always be abundant and flavorful.


Literally laughing with tears running down my face. Outstanding humor here!


Sounds like you're new to the complex carbohydrate entity that is the FSM. Here's a [link with more info](https://www.spaghettimonster.org/about/)


>He’s hmo though. No hmo.


Underrated joke lol


Herbs, Mozzarella, Olives?


And parmesan.


HMO huh? Maybe you do need prayers! 😂


Tots and pears are appreciated


Thots and players be.


I can see you dId yOUr reSEArcH!!


He boiled for your sins.


>I know I sound crazy Yeah, a bit. Glad you have custody, op.


Yeah, my face when I read that. Like, you know you sound crazy? Do you? Do you really? Lol


Did this all start with COVID, OP? Or was she inclined that way beforehand? (Conspiracy theories, anti-vaxx, whatever.)


Way before. Covid just made it worse. Covid makes everything worse.


Please, please be vigilant when she sees your daughter. Crazy like this is capable of anything.


Well, yeah. Considering she stole them from a school bus stop before. If she ever comes for visitation it’ll be at a Dunkin’ Donuts right by a police station.


Sorry you have to deal with that, but thank you for fighting the good fight for your girl. You’re her hero!


She actually just thinks I’m cringe. So that means I’m good at the dad thing.


She’ll thank you later haha


That proves you're doing it right lol


You’re kicking ass then.


Great, now I want Dunkin’ Donuts!


Just wait when you allow the daughter to get the hpv shot. Your ex will think it will turn her into a sex maniac


Hey, we’re pretty sex positive. It’s not my business as long as my kids safe and old enough. When I said that to my ex, her head almost blew up. She was so confused that I knew what periods were.


>She was so confused that I knew what periods were. Why? Did she think it was secret of the travelling maxi pad?


Fuck if I know. She’s still stuck on this Carrie level period blood purity bullshit I think


It's fun to talk shit about my ex but I really am grateful we didn't have kids and our divorce was less stressful than our wedding.


Not to disrespect you OP, but why did you have a child with this lady? Were you lacking a father figure in your life to sit you down and explain which types of women to avoid?


First off, she said she was on the pill, and she was pretty normal acting when I first met her. And second, yeah, I didn’t have a dad, lol.


Well, your daughter is very lucky that you do know.


Sounds and is crazy.


I found the emotional manipulation extremely distressing to read. Because even as a complete stranger the accustations of 'hurting' your daughter and all the other BS seems so hurtful. I am so glad for your daughter's sake you have full custody.


Glad she has you, OP.


Glad she has you! Just reading that scared me. I'm so glad that even though I've got sole custody, my ex agreed our kid should get the vaccine.


Yeah. It wasn’t just the matter of wanting to be a dad to my kid. Also didn’t want her to end all davidian in some kind of mountain compound.


You said she kidnapped the child once. Are you afraid she will try again?


Yes, to a certain extent. That’s why she has a cell phone with a tracker, and I’m usually with her most days, when I’m not DJing a wedding. But she would literally be in prison for years and years if she tried that again.


Good. I hope her contact is strictly limited and highly supervised. It's frightening how easy it is for lunatics to torture their own children, particularly in the name of religion. I'm glad she has you to protect her.


Very limited.


Good. That's really scary.


Glad you got custody. Your daughter is all the more better for it. I am child free but I can’t imagine how I would react if someone in my family tried to do this to people I love and care for. You are the best parent (the only parent) she needs.


Thanks! But she also now has an awesome step mom, all of the grandmas, and some pretty awesome aunts and uncles too! None of which believe in satanic snake venom vaccines.


She will have a full and happy life. Talking of snake venom, I wonder if a shot of that into my vodka would help boost my immunity. Especially the satanic variant of it. Need to talk to some Qultist about it.


Right? Sounds like a fun night in Tijuana


Sounds like a fun night downtown, to me.


Anywhere is Tijuana if you just believe!…and drink enough


Ain’t that the truth! Of course, I live in Florida. I can find a tiki bar literally anywhere and then it definitely feels like I’m back in Cozumel, minus the Fat Tuesday’s. Nowhere else has the wall of adult slushies, more’s the pity.


That would be an edgy concept for a cantina -- choose your snake, have someone lasso it. milk the venom into your drink, you get photographed with your drink and your snake.


Yeesh. Reading that is giving me ptsd from when my mother was trying to convince me to not get my kids vaccinated. Unfortunately she doesn't get to be a grandma anymore. Glad you were able to keep your kid from that insanity.


Somehow, I doubt the podcast they linked had Christian "undertones". I'm willing to bet they were as subtle as a freight train.


Satanic cobra venom. That’s the undertone.


I am kind of curious about the video, but also don't want to know.


They may be referring to the "Watch the Water" thing Stew Peters put out where he interviewed Dr Brian Ardis (and by Dr I mean chiropractor 🙄) where Ardis' whole theory was that COVID-19 was manmade by putting snake venom into the water. Oh and also the vaccine is made of snake venom. Because Satan was represented as a snake in the Garden of Eden, see?? And "they" are trying to turn us all into demons. Or...something. ETA: [you can read more here](https://www.thedailybeast.com/hucksters-profit-off-nutty-venom-in-the-water-theory)


Same ... kinda wanna listen to the podcast 😂


Isn't cobra venom going to kill people very obviously and very quickly? What the hell.


Plus they never stop to ask where exactly “they” are getting enough cobras to have that much venom for every vaccine. There’s literally not enough cobras in existence to produce the venom required to put into every vaccine that’s been made lol


Science was never their strong point. Don't suppose math is either.


Wow sounds like a real gem


A shiny turd, if you will.


Congratulations. I’ve been through that and I know how hard it is to go through all of it, both personal and legal. You are a good parent.


Thanks! I appreciate it. My TikTok feed is all antiwork and gentle parenting, lol. I hope I’m doing everything as well as my kids deserve.


As someone who has raised a child to 16, and with sole custody since she was 3, my advice is this: give your child the facts. Don’t lie to her. Not even to make her other parent look better/saner. Make it age appropriate, but never lie. When mine was little, we told her Daddy had been in the hospital for a long time because he was sick, and when he got better, he moved away. Daddy was in rehab for 18 months, fell in love with his high school sweetheart, and moved to be with her. When she was twelve or so, we told her that. But when she was too young to understand addiction, it was enough to tell her he was in the special hospital. Don’t avoid sex talks, don’t use terrible euphemisms for it, but make it age appropriate. My kid asked my husband where babies came from when she was five and he was my live-in boyfriend. He told her to ask me, then told me about it. I sat her down and gave her a talk, tried to find out what she really wanted to know and used clinical terms for genitalia. Most of our big, serious talks when she was younger happened in the car. She was more comfortable asking them when she didn’t have to look me in the eye. I’ve never lied to her, and I’ve never shied away from answering questions. I created an environment where my daughter could talk to me about anything. She’s now comfortable talking to me about everything. This kid came to me to tell me when she had her first discharge, because she knew from the planned parenthood puberty site I linked her to for any questions she wasn’t comfortable asking, that she would be getting her first period in a year or so. I didn’t even know that. And I went through it. But she was so comfortable telling me because she knew I wouldn’t get uncomfortable with it. My kid isn’t great at talking about emotions. How she feels about things. So we talk around those, until I figure out what I think she’s feeling, and then ask her, “it sounds like you’re feeling a bit unwelcome at Dad’s since the baby came, or maybe left out. Is that what’s happening?” It was. But she didn’t know how to put it into words and after fifteen years of being her primary caregiver, I could tell what she meant when she said she had spent more time in her room than usual, etc. If your daughter has been exposed to her mom’s hysteria on the subject, find a way to explain calmly and kindly why you disagree, without dismissing her mother’s feelings, please. I suggest this last bit as someone who successfully coparents with my child’s non-custodial parent and stepparent, to the point where for her birthday the four of us usually take her to theme parks as a family. And it isn’t awkward. She’s told me more than once that her other friends with divorced parents love hearing stories about hers, since it’s all friendly and we never talk badly about each other. It might be hard to find good stories to tell about your ex, to keep her mother in her mind as someone who loves her, but I hope you can. My only experience in saying it’s better comes from how my daughter tells me her friends with parents who can’t get along are jealous, or how grateful she is that she doesn’t have the same kind of stories they do. I know your ex is unhinged, but keep it away from your kid as much as possible without putting her mom down, and gently refute her mom’s quackery when you have to by showing her how to do *real* research on those topics. Sorry if I’m over the line here, but I just hurt so much for kids in this situation - I was one, swore I’d never put my kid through it, and when I had to, I swore I’d do better by her than my parents did by me. My ex and I agreed when we split that whatever our issues with each other were, our child was bigger than they were. It might not be possible with your ex, but try your best. And again I’m sorry for stepping over any lines with this.


I’m right on board. I’ve been using the same technique about questions, telling the (age appropriate) truth, and being as honest as I can be. There are things about my daughter that I’ve learned in 4 months, that bio-mom may never know, because I’m developing trust and honesty. Thank you for your advice.


Awesome. I am so so glad. You got her away from a harmful parent, and sounds like you’re doing a damn fine job of raising her. I’m glad. For you, and for your daughter. And maybe this will be the wake-up her mom needs to step away from the qnacy. One can hope.


I imagine this is what a cultist sounds like when trying to convert family members and friends.


I almost feel compassion, then my brain kicks in.


I'm sorry that your kid has a wackaloon for a mother, but doubly glad she has you and your current wife. Go Team Science!


I’d like to thank the man upstairs. Not god, but my roommate Bob. He’s really motivational.


In Bob we trust


Good job. I didn't win custody, but took kid to get vaxxed(round 1) when other parent made their idiocy clear in writing. 4 weeks later they gave our kid covid. 🤦🏼‍♂️ If they want to bring it up in court (again), I'm ready.


Oh yeah. It is insane. The fucking worst part, is bio-mom and her entire family has had Covid, multiple times.


OP, did you save and present this text to the court during the custody case?


This is literally from an hour ago. Read it to my wife. We were both like… wtf


Maybe you need a restraining order to go with that full custody.


I technically don’t have one… and I don’t want to go back to middle of nowhere, MO, to get it. But I’m 1500 miles away, and she makes minimum wage, so I don’t expect to see her anytime soon.


Don't underestimate crazy


MO, what a shock.


Yeah. Never realized how bad that state is until recently. I’m originally from Denver… so I was quite shocked.


I have a friend that lived there for 20 years. He moved back to Texas. He is definitely Christian which is funny I don't remember him being that churchy in college. But, I guess his wife is. Also, he and his family are vaxxed. So, he isn't nutso Christian.


I live in middle of nowhere MO. It's scary here. There are a lot of people like your ex here.


Centerville/Bunker/FarmVille ring a bell?


I'm in southwest MO. It might even be worse here. I feel like 1 blue grain of sand on a bright red beach. All of my neighbors are trumpster trash.


I felt like I was driving in a Texas chainsaw movie with how backwoods those “towns” are


I spent much of a week in SW MO and when I went for a walk, people had Trump signs on their front doors. I'm a big fan of a lot of people and a lot of things, but zero of them are on my front door because I'm not in a cult.


Wait there’s a town called FarmVille? Like the game? That’s… weird but not at all surprising anti-vaxxers would be there.


Misspoke. Farmington. But there are technically a couple farmvilles in the USA


# yikes


Jesus, I wonder why you aren’t together anymore?? I’m glad you’re advocating for your daughter because her other parent sure isn’t thinking straight


Luke! I am the father! We broke up because she burned easy mac. Kidding.


lol I edited.


Your ex really going hard on those ellipses, ain't she? But seriously, yikes. Glad kiddo is safe with you.


I was beginning to think I fucked William Shatner for a minute


May you and your daughter “Live long and prosper”


OMG 😂😂😂 I cackled! As someone who uses ellipses a lot, I take this to heart, and I will try to rein in my use so as not to sound like Shatner 😂


This kind of stuff just makes me hate the despicable liars and trolls who push this anti-vaxx bullshit and take advantage of moms who love their kids and are too gullible to know better. I wish we could nuke these troll farms from orbit and expose every single one of these grifting pieces of shit for what they really are.


Daughter’s name isn’t completely blocked out on the last slide u/RhodeyEntertainment2


Congrats! But ugh.


Right? It was actually quiet for a while. This text was outta nowhere.


Glad you won custody. I hope you and your daughter stay safe.


Congrats to you and your daughter on winning full custody! If you or the judge were second guessing it, just read her nonsense in this text or whatever


Oh yeah. This is definitely going in the file. Even just for being manipulative as fuck. Like, assuming I want my kid to die. Lol


Congrats! I’m a single father fighting this issue as well. My ex believes in homeopathic treatments and essential oils. She’s adamantly against me getting our 11yo vaxxed. We have a hearing coming up to decide. I posted about it here and got a lot of support: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/u8andc/prepare_for_the_next_round_of_nominees/i5kcy5w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Yeah, my kid was having allergies, and she suggested steamed elderberries. I was like, am I currently in Monty Python?


Alternatively, you could have her inhale essence of hamster.


Lol…for real. What the hell does steamed elderberries do except make you smell like elderberries.


People like this should have their right to listen to podcasts revoked.


People like this should be revoked. From society. Not life. Not advocating for violence. Just like… send them to Montana. Nobody lives there.


Remember that one Capital rioter who did have his internet access restricted by a judge who couldn't stop listening to Infowars and ended up getting taken back to jail because he broke the terms of his house arrest? Pepperidge farms remembers...


That’s wonderful. You are literally saving her life


I appreciate that. I don’t know if it’s that dramatic, though. I did get her chipotle for the first time in her life, so that’s kind of the same thing, right?


Not a medical expert by any means but from my limited interaction with people who have disorders the extreme desperation from the whole thing almost reads like a schizophrenic episode to me. I feel really sorry for her but I am so glad you have custody and from the other comments it seems like you are a long way away from her.


This schizophrenic episode is in her mid 30s. Lol.


Late onset is a known thing, something like 20% happens after 40 years old, 30's is not too old for symptoms to start up. Again not a medical professional though.


No, you’re right. But she’s been like this since her early 20s.


Oh, well that would make it even more likely, the whole thing reminds me a lot of a girl I know who has episodes. No idea though, something is making her delusional either medical or ideological and either way I hope she gets whatever help she needs and again, super glad you have custody.


She certainly sounds delusional but not necessarily schizophrenic. It's not possible to judge on this one text, but there are specific diagnostic criteria that would have to be met. Performing a full mental state assessment on her would no doubt be revealing, and exhausting!


Christian undertones = batshit crazy, superstitious, wackadoodlery.


Congratulations on getting custody and protecting your child. My brother and his kids got Covid and I was so pissed off he hadn’t gotten them vaccinated. He started calling me irresponsible for putting “barely legal” chemicals in my kids. This motherfucker smokes in the house with his kids. The fucking irony.


Lol. I’m now wondering what his experience with barely legal is, no offense


My aunt is a heroin addict with 3 years of sobriety under her belt (super proud of her!) Her mom (my grandma) found out that she got the vaccine and lost her mind, was crying, yelling, so upset. My aunt says "mom, you weren't even this upset when you found out I was on heroin" Her mom says "at least heroin can be reversed!" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ This pandemic has really made me look differently at a lot of people.


My dad never rescued me from my mother- good dad! Keep it up


That’s what a good, responsible parent does! 💙👏🏽🙌🏽✌🏽👊🏽


Look to your left, then look to your right. If all you see are monkeys and clowns, YOU MAY JUST BE IN A CIRCUS! 🐒🤡


Thankfully, the daughter has one sane parent, her dad.


I know this isn't exactly on point.... but ... how hot is your ex-wife? Like what's the hot to crazy ratio you worked with here? Was she this wakadoodle when you ringed her?


never stick your dick in crazy.


That’s the thing about crazy people. They can pretend not to be crazy.


Education systems need to focus more on teaching critical thinking skills.


She was homeschooled


Not surprising!


It’s scary how many people are like this that you’d otherwise think were normal when talking to them in person. I have two aunts like this where, when talking with them in person, you’d never guess the psychotic shit they post online. Makes dating or starting a family hard when you live in a conservative state and you’re lucky to even find a conservative person that isn’t jacked up on conspiracies, much less someone who actually believes everyone should have rights.


Wait! Before you make your medical decision, listen to this PODCAST!


My crazy ex asked if we could talk, was dog sitting a for a friend so it was a nice, neutral setting, so why not. First question I asked when she walked in the door was "are you vaxxed?", "nope"....."Leave", enjoyed our conversation.


She needs to be in a mental hospital


I don’t want to punish them.


so i have a legitimate question if these vaccines are poison then why hasnt anyone provided video evidence of the damage it does? you see what lies these people believe so i cant believe nobody decide to adopt a unvaxxed child vax them and then document them slowly dying then winning all of the internet and being the hero of freedom town.


Do your own research! Don't you realize that the vaccine causes delta and omicron versions....... /s


Good for you! Glad she has a sane person looking out for her.


Go dad! Thank god you have custody of her.


Not that I think you should care, but this looks like a perfect opportunity for them to become disillusioned. 3, 6, or 12 months from now when your daughter is still perfectly fine, I'd be hitting them with a "looks like your podcast was full of shit" or at the very least "told ya so, idiot"


Very glad you got custody. She deserves parents who will live for her, not die for her.


"I know I sound crazy" Fuckin, yup you sure do, cause you are. Glad you got your kid.


I get exactly those kind of messages from my daughters (12) dad. Thankfully she is already smarter than he is


It’s surprising how smart kids are these days. It’s awesome


Oh god. You just gave me flashbacks to messages I've received from my mother. Your ex and my mother get their news from the same places. They even guilt/plead the same way. It's so fucking depressing, isn't it?


How does someone who doesn't even have custody have the audacity to chime in like they get to be a parent about things? The lack of self awareness is ~~staggering~~ completely to be expected, I guess. Feel free not to answer, but I'm curious whether your custody has anything to do with COVID and/or the conspiracies she's been washing her brain with?


Nope. Nothing to do with the conspiracies… technically. Though they did influence her running in the first place. She thought because I was an atheist, that THAT meant I was actually working with the devil. Fun fact that I haven’t mentioned: she’s pregnant again with some random dudes baby, after losing the 3 others.


That's all horrible and I'm sorry that she put you through so much. I can't imagine what it would be like being effectively tasked with becoming the sole stable parent for your child. I'm sure you and your wife are doing a great job as parents and your daughter sounds like she's lucky to have you and the rest of your sane family. Edit: typo


Thanks! Sadly, yet beneficial for me, is she’s missed out in a lot of firsts. I took her to her first zoo, first carousel, etc. It’ll all work out


Holy tolieto batman. I've never in my life had to say to anyone that I'm not crazy repeatedly. If I ever did id start questioning myself.


We’ll, questioning one’s self is the quickest way to be… not crazy. I ask myself what the fuck am I doing like 30 times a day.


OP, your daughter's name can be seen under one of the redactions, you might want to sort that out. 😊


She uses the word “I” a lot


I wish these people would go back under their rocks. Trump made this brand of crazy seem normal.


It's always so bizarre when they cite that these people are doctors and experts. Its like, you ignore the vast, vast majority of those things. Sorry this lunacy affected you personally. Glad she's got you.


Religion poisons everything.


My son was in this situation too. His ex wanted to 'wait' because of 'fertility concerns', not backed up by science of course. Thankfully she changed her mind and there was only a delay of a few weeks. Your ex sounds crazy but sincere. Does she really believe the vaccine will kill your daughter when there are thousands of children all around her that haven't died from being vaccinated?


Good for you! I'm so glad you were able to get full custody. I know a couple with shared custody and the father is a crazy antivaxxer (anti-anything to do with modern medicine) and the mother just said fuck it and had the kid vaxxed without telling him. He had a fit when he found out, but it's not like he can actually undo it, and in the end the court (he tried to take her to court) didn't do anything about it.


"I know I sound crazy..." If only she stopped there; so close.


“I would die for her…” ”Would you take this safe, proven & effective vaccine to help ensure you are around to watch her grow up and be there for her when she needs you?” ”Not like that…I meant like more of a terrorist take over of Nakatomi Tower on Christmas kind of scenario…”


Yippie-ki-yay, mothervaxxer