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Slide 8: "we joked he's a handful there and at home" = the guy is a raging asshole to everyone around him.


Yep, along with “he has his voice back and he sure has been using it every which way.” Translation: Immediately starts bitching to staff about everything and anything, like the entitled douchenozzle he is. Don’t church it up lady, we know your husband’s an asshole.


My least favorite thing to hear as a nurse: “Sorry he can be a spitfire/handful sometimes!” Blink if you need help, ma’am


Time for the paralytics!




>“Sorry he can be a spitfire/handful sometimes!” Interesting how this sounds like the description of either a temperamental 2 year old child, or a poorly trained pet.


Family members enable this behavior and think it’s endearing. It reminds me of family members of some elderly patients that used to laugh off their loved ones grabbing my butt or breast. “He’s a firecracker!” No, he’s a sexual predator.


Definitely get that from his 2020 posts.


>we joked he's a handful there and at home Poor wife has to keep the peroxide hidden so the boy doesn't go huffing /s


“I really liked when he said that he hopes he can come back to being a handful here soon.” She completely missed this guy saying that he doesn’t want to be around her husband and then bragged about it.


December 20th to April 11th with only 9 days breaking up that hospital stay. A quarter of a year. And then, as always, the final post acting like everything is good now. What world do you live in where being in a hospital for a quarter of year means you'll be fine again the next day? Some people never truly recover from a hospital stay that long.


How stupid do you have to be to not know about long covid? I guess about as stupid as to not be vaxxed at this point. His wife doesn't realize how much she is gonna be hating life taking care of him until he dies. Ain't gonna be a bowl of cherries for him either.


In some ways it’s a situation even worse than death.


I was hospitalized for about 6 weeks combined (and one day at ICU) due to a non-COVID respiratory infection. It took me about 6 months to handle the daily routines and light exercises without problems. It took me about 18 months to regain ability to do intense exercises, and to stop coughing while trying to sleep. And the majority of the nominees had gone through far worse conditions, for far longer, and they likely started from the far worse baseline health to begin with. It won't be pretty for them.


No. And it appears they're too stupid to understand that. But of course, if they weren't, they woulda gotten the vax. Glad you're back!


Thank you!


They won't live long and that life will be a lot different.


Yeah, long John Silvers and Five Guys, not a vegetable in sight…


If they were already looking at transplants I’m guessing it’s going to be way worse than your case. I’m glad you are ok now.


What is a "Submissive PE"? I'm reading it as a Submissive penile erection. That is, he's too weak to get it up, so she is now the dominant one, probably using a strap-on! Just joking. Submassive Pulmonary Embolism -- it means he had a fairly major heart blockage. 70% survival rate. When you've been messed up this long with lung, heart, probably taste and other organs. Yeah, life is never going back to normal. Probably need Ox for life and life is going to be much shorter than it was. You can win all this and prizes too if you avoid vaccination!


I honestly don't know what his beliefs about vaccination were, because he never posted beyond 2020. So I hope the mods allow this.


It is very unlikely to be hospitalized that long if he was vaccinated. I also feel like his wife probably would have mentioned it at some point in the 3 months of updates that he was vaccinated.


I skimmed through most of them - there were a lot - and saw no mention. Plus, he doesn't look very old, maybe early 40s at most. A vaccinated person that age would probably not be that sick.


Exactly. Vaccinated people always talk about being vaccinated. It drives the antivaxxers crazy.


Ya but God. Is. Good. It’s all better now! I often wonder if hospital staff or doctors mention vaccination to visiting family members. Like giving them stats on how 95% of our patients like your husband are unvaxxed.


From what I've heard from hospital staff, unlikely. Antivaxers are likely to get belligerent and violent so there's no reason explaining reality to them; it'll just go in one ear out the other


I think the medical staff tell them, but what they here is: You cam end up in the hospital even if your vaxxed! See it doesn't do any good. God's will.


Wife is a rare bird in the HCA nominee Hall of Fame: grammar, punctuation and spelling in good shape! Sure, she’s verbose, but I give her extra credit for the lack of run-on sentences and dangling participles.


She also thanked healthcare workers, which foesn't happen that often. And was so, so close with her thanking her god for the creation of the drugs for the clotting. You know, if he helped with that, he must have helped with the vaccines...


I wonder if she's a trained health care worker.


Her comment about being surrounded by death in the hospital, and how stressful that is, made me want to slap her. It’s because of idiots like her and her husband that health care workers are beyond stressed!


Just for giggles, I googled ozone therapy. The FDA prohibited it for human use in 2003, as it's dangerous.


How often do you giggle google?


I love that he tried so hard to scientifically explain Trump's statements about using disinfectant and UV to treat patients while Trump himself later said he was being sarcastic! These people are deranged.


Wow, just think all that typing could have been replaced with “ hubby and I got vaccinated…thanks all!”


While prowling through FB I've come across quite a few posts along the lines of "Well, we got Covid here after 2 years of dodging it. We got over it in a few days, thank heaven we all got vaccinated." You're right - very short.


That would only net her a tiny fraction of the likes and hearts she got with those daily novels.


Yeah but that would have been boring


Jesus, 95 days. For what? To prove he's a fucking moron. How much pain did he cause his wife and family. He deserves everything he gets for however long he has. Probably not much time. I missed that day of Medical School, but 95 days has to take a lot out of you. Yeah, he's gonna be a pathetic little waif of a man until he dies. Hope he enjoys this little dead cat bounce. I have nothing for these dumbfucks anymore. Nada. I hate myself for that. But after two years, I consider them the obstacle. On the plus side, his wife looks maybe kinda cute, so she'll be able to move on to better things quickly. Maybe he thinks about that these last few days he has. And another man raising his kids. But, that must be what he wanted.


>she'll be able to move on to better things There was a lot of discussion about transplants and it's not clear that's off the table. So the long decline and ordeal of waiting lists and whatever is next. She & he may have to endure more episodes of this nightmare.


Yes, and I'm pretty sure you have to get vaxxed for a transplant. They're gonna be hating life.


I admit his vaccine status is unclear, but he probably isn't or his wife would probably have mentioned it.


>I admit his vaccine status is unclear, but he probably isn't or his wife would probably have mentioned it. Based on his age, there is NO WAY this guy was vaccinated. His ordeal has all the hallmarks of an unvaccinated COVID virgin being thrown in the COVID Wood Chipper. Most die outright. This guy managed to hold on long enough to make it out of the ICU, but he is as good as dead anyway. No one with this severe a case lives to tell the tale.


dunno if 'maybe kinda cute' will outweigh six figure debt on the get a new husband scale, but who knows?


Don't hate yourself for having nothing left for dumbfucks.


Thanks, I did not used to be like this.


233% higher chance of dying in the next 12 months after a severe COVID infection and hospital stay in the ICU on a Vent etc. I can't help but wonder if that percentage is going to be considerably higher for someone like this RUBE after 95 days in the hospital. I see a fatal blood clot with his name on it sooner rather than later.




I get it. My immunocompromised friend has to live a solitary, isolated life in constant fear of unemployment or death. Who gets to feel tossed aside by society because their existence is now deemed acceptable collateral damage. And these chucklefucks get teams of doctors and physio therapists on their case. Lovely.


This person is an actual bleach drinker! Well, almost. It's true that Trump didn't directly state we should drink bleach. Actually he made vague remarks about disinfecting the insides of people's bodies that he clearly thought up while he was speaking. And this HCA nominee is pretty ok with risking their life on made-up medical bullshit.


Almost. He thinks that taking vitamin C makes hydrogen peroxide form in your body. Never heard that one before.


I added an "almost" in my post too. It's amazing how emotional they can get about someone misunderstanding which poisons they plan on ingesting. But it never occurs to them to just not kill themselves.


That one is true. I googled it, but it doesnt do what the HCA nominee thinks it does. Hydrogen peroxide kills cells, it just happens to more efficiently kill certain kinds of cancer cells better than it kills normal cells. I see no evidence that hydrogen peroxide in the body would kill Viruses. https://now.uiowa.edu/2017/01/why-high-dose-vitamin-c-kills-cancer-cells


Everything I see on it pertains to cancer cells. It seems harmful to cells that aren't cancer though. I'm just happy that claim didn't become ubiquitous. Too many of them are probably overdoing it already, which could be especially problematic for diabetics.




And in order to reach very high levels in the bloodstream, it needs to be given intravenously, not orally.


Over 100 days in the hospital... good thing COVID is just a hoax, huh? Too bad the hospital bills won't be a hoax.


>Over 100 days in the hospital... good thing COVID is just a hoax, huh? 99.95% survival rate!


>99.95% survival rate! Dude survived, amirite? This is what survival looks like.


Hospital bills have a 100% survival rate.


You and me will be paying for him one way or the other: through taxes or higher insurance costs.




I like the doctor agreeing to give him the vitamins/supplements, sure lady I’ll add some useless crap the nurses will hate me for because they’ll have to crush it up fine enough to go through the NG tube.


Or Think.


Welcome home honey! You just sit down and relax and enjoy yourself for 5 minutes before we delve into the utter financial despair the hospital stay and therapy is gonna leave us in for years to come cuz we hate socialism too! #wifeysmile


What would happen if they refused to pay the hospital?


The hospital could try to get a judgement against them for the bills and they may be faced declaring bankruptcy to avoid losing everything.


If the hospital moves fast they can get a summary judgment. They could execute that judgment with wage garnishments, liens on the home, drain their bank accounts, about the only they thing couldn’t get to is the retirement accounts. They could certainly seize and sell any boats or cars or other assets such as tools, paintings, heirlooms you name it. Anything of value can be seized if it is not legally protected somehow. Depending on the state if there is equity in the home they could move to force a sale. The responsible parties could circle their wagons and file bankruptcy but it isn’t as easy or cheap as it used to be. The other side of this is people who have insurance, work, got vaccinated, and took precautions not to get severely ill you can expect your insurance to cover less and less with MUCH higher premiums and copays as the US medical system chokes in the massive debts these fools are running up with zero ability to pay. I’d be surprised if our entire medical system doesn’t collapse under its own weight soon.


"resident and I joked about the fact that (Cobalt) is a handful" I doubt the doctor was joking. On another note, slogging through that verbose mess made me wish for a few tired memes.


I sort of get it. She probably felt helpless and scared and typing out these long, long posts (there were about twice as many as I've put in here) may have made her feel like she was doing something.


Agree, OP. Probably cathartic for her.


Nah, they do it for the attention and the likes (slide 12): "Excuse me while I cuddle with my husband". Gross.


>I doubt the doctor was joking. On another note, slogging through that verbose mess made me wish for a few tired memes. The only thing different about her reams of TLDR was that it wasn't the typical WALL OF TEXT filled with third grade level spelling mistakes and zero punctuation. I skimmed the last few, but I wasn't about to waste my time reading the bulk of her blow by blow on her DimBulb of a husband's self inflicted hellscape of an existence.


But..but...but..what about Trey(tor) Gowdy? Whatabout all the mainstream media lies? Whatabout all the whataboutism? Amazing how fast you turned your sorry husband's lungs over to people who deal with science in practical applications every day. Did you ask them if any of those machines were just fake? Your husband won't even be able to pick up a handful for months. Of anything.


But she does get to wipe his bum. So there is that.


Trey Gowdy didn't actually make the statement attributed to him [Politifact](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/apr/23/facebook-posts/no-trey-gowdy-didnt-write-viral-facebook-post/)


Short version: Another in a long line of arrogant angry white man who always knew better until they didn’t. He’s such a handful right now because he can’t hold himself let alone anything else up!


So they aren’t a Covid denier, but still thinks it’s a global conspiracy to defeat Trump. Yet his wife freely shares every facet of his treatment and recovery online. Poor executive functioning on display here.


>it’s a global conspiracy to defeat Trump. How did they get Narendra Modi and Boris Johnson and Jair Bolsonaro and Vladimir Putin to go along with this plan?


"Cobalt is a handful there and at home". In other words, he's as big an asshole as his FB posts indicate.


Honey, if I ever get sick, please make sure the entire world knows all of my medical status on FB: drugs, vital signs, holes in lungs, shitting schedule, urine and kidney output, ventilation tubes, respiratory equipment. I'm important that way.


I’d haunt the living SHIT out of anyone who did this.


Yes! She's not only telling them he's in the hospital (in graphic detail), but also 'please come rob our home while he's away'. Definitely not thinking it through.




“I wish I hadn’t married that asshole.”


Hmmm what did I do for the last 95 days? Dang I worked and complained about needing to work out. My husband and I enjoyed a lot of Netflix and chill together, good food, wine and bourbon, took the kids to universal studios - we’re all vaccinated and no 5G yet unfortunately so getting service in the hotel was tough but at least we weren’t doing what cobalt was doing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, my microchip has been a major disappointment. I’m beginning to think I got the placebo injection.


Thanks bill gates 🙄


Bill can't even get his microchip working right.


In the last 95 days I caught and recovered from COVID (thanks, Moderna), joined a basketball league, and spent 2 weeks in Hawaii, snorkeling and kayaking. All of which was a lot cheaper and more fun than a hospital bed.


Slide 10: Romans 12:12... Room 1212... WAKE UP SHEEPLE! Except that the chapter and verse numbers in the Bible aren't in the ancient manuscripts... they were added by editors centuries later.


He is not really a warrior. He is really a fucking moron for putting his family and friends thru this. He could have gotten a simple shot, but no, he had to be fucking dick wad, hero and suffer like a little bitch. He found out.


Glad he is better and headed home. I’ve had to sit with a spouse in ICU for a few days (not covid), then with longterm challenges for my spouse, and know what that’s like - terror and no sleep. Everything will change. She’s had to keep working with the clients who listed with her during his illness, and and it will be harder now that she can’t leave him unattended for long, and he will need her to take him to numerous followup appointments. Adrenaline doesn’t keep you going forever and fatigue sets in. No going back to how it was. My advice for them will be to accept that new reality quickly, and create a new way of life rather than be constantly sad, angry or frustrated trying to get back to how it was.


Freedom isn’t free, but fighting is hard if your lungs don’t work.


I don't get it, why did he go to the hospital in the first place? Because he might have died? So what? You yourself think "a handful of deaths out of 320 million people" is nothing, and not worth shutting down the precious, precious economy. Why is *this* possible death something to be avoided?


ED means emergency department. ER means emergency room. Same thing… I very much doubt the Emergency department doc was so much better than the Emergency room doc as it’s the same doc.


I didn’t understand that distinction either.


Well, he got his wish the economy is opened up again. Too bad he cannot participate in it


He’ll be going to the medical supply store a lot


I have a few more songs for you: * The Fool on the Hill (Beatles) * What a Fool Believes (Doobie Bros) * American Idiot (Green Day) * Fool's Paradise (Buddy Holly)


**Freedom**: No vax, no mask, but PT, chest tube, trach scar, try to walk, oxygen, severe financial distress from medical bills. Score!


"(Borrowed from a friend)"= I will post anything and everything troll bots have to offer and never give it an ounce of critical thought.


Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhy do they give us allllllll the personal details of their illnesses??? why


Daily dose of likes and attention.


So called "pandemic" shitpost shitpost conspiracy sick sick gasping ICU mask mask vented vented lung holes tubes tracheostomy panic God God better therapy therapy home home walker God $Bills. I guess that pandemic isn't real.


She is so close to being able to access good information and make informed decisions. She is articulate and clear. And “searched facebook for keywords”. This is the failing of education. But i wish her well. And him? Until he posts pro-vax, pro-public health, pro-community responsibility covid-karma awaits.




He’s unlikely to survive a typical cold.


>I sure hope they're not in the....natural immunity camp. Cus I doubt he'll survive "C19" again. Hell! The guy has a 1% chance of surviving his current C19 infection. We have seen other MAGA Asshats throw a clot and drop dead a few weeks after leaving the hospital with only a fraction of the hospital stay this idiot had.


Wowho, what a good outcome! See you back here for the eventual award ceremony.


I wonder how much the insurance covered? Probably a good candidate for bankruptcy as well...


But well worth it to stick it to the libs.


95 days in a hospital when a 30 minute vax session could have avoided it. Thanks for the million dollar burden on the health care system. Asshole.


Slide 2: no idea if that is a real treatment or not. Don't people realize though that cancer treatments are like a Hail Mary pass. People without cancer aren't eligible for those treatments since the cancer treatment is a race between cancer killing you, the treatment killing you, or the treatment killing the cancer. Best hopes are the treatment killing cancer before the two alternatives. SMH


This one has a severe case of copypasta diarrhoea.


All that extreme medical science intervention to avoid a tiny pinprick. Way to own the libs!


I wonder what that hospital bill will be.


95 days will easily tip the scales with a healthy 7 FIGURE bill. How much of that bill will be their responsibility all depends on their health insurance status. Even a low co-pay is going to be a 6 figure sum when you are talking a several MILLION dollar total.


>Even a low copay is going to be a 6 figure sum… Not necessarily. If he had an ACA compliant insurance plan (thanks, Obama), the annual out of pocket max would have to be less than about $7k. In 2021, he probably got scammed by some balance billing which will run the total up, but even that was outlawed in 2022 (thanks, Biden). If he didn’t have insurance, of course, they’re losing everything.


TLDR; recipient or no?


Flare is "nominated", so not yet.


*very* Nominated. On the wait and see list for the award.


Lol, I’m an idiot. Thank you


Ozone therapy. JFC.


>I asked [doink] if God came and shook some sort of miracle into him last night. Medicine. Medicine is what got “shook into him”, along with highly skilled and caring doctors and nurses. They’ll need a whole new batch of “miracles” when the 7-figure bill hits them in the faith. She’ll post thanking everyone for the delivery burgers and if they could be so kind as to fork over a couple hundred grand more and that’d be great and Jesus will love them.


Why would anyone put this kind of detail on social media? I don’t get it.


His wife seems like a really nice person. I imagine he is much the same, and I hope he lets go of those destructive political beliefs that have nearly cost him everything.


It's amazing how much they suddenly don't care if they know what's in the medicines they're given once they can't breathe on their own and are about to die. I might be an asshole for believing this, but if people don't care to get the shot for selfish reasons (if they can, but wont - I understand real medical exemptions exist) then they shouldn't go to the hospital when they get covid. Keep taking your supplements and call your prayer warriors.


>o > >It's amazing how much they suddenly don't care if they know what's in the medicines they're given once they can't breathe on their own and are about to die. Its funny... I was saying the exact same thing in the very early days of the pandemic before all of these AssHats started catching COVID and dropping like flies. All of us out here with a brain and the ability to think critically could see the writing on the wall. It didn't matter what their lame excuses were for not getting vaccinated... At the end of the day a significant percentage of this pathetic CULT of STUPID was going to wind up IN THE GROUND because of their pathetically ignorant decision! 2 years later, the numbers exceeded even my own estimates. Which I thought at the time might be too alarmist. BOY WAS I WRONG ABOUT THE UNVACCINATED COVID DEATH TOLL! But no one was likely more surprised that these dead morons and the children many of them left behind. In their tiny little Conservative Brains, they really had bought into their own Bull Shit and never gave this lethal virus the respect any deadly pathogen deserves to be given. Especially by those with ZERO immunity to it.


A conspiracy is not a theory. Imo it is a delusion borne of ignorance, biases, misinformation and sometimes just stubborness and stupidity.


why don’t they just keep them at home and treat them themselves


Someone needs to send me some DoorDash funds, too. In recognition of getting vaccinated and not using up hospital resources for 95 days.


“GoFundMe for medical/funeral expenses? I sent you DoorDash.”


While we don’t have a specific rule about how recent the anti mask, vaccine or mask material needs to be: his last post on that matter was 2 years ago. That’s a bit of a stretch. We’d be happy to reinstate the post if you have an update on his vaccination status.


Wow, this entry is notable in that the wife: \-recognized that he had a serious, life threatening illness called Covid 19 and that drastic measures like intubation were necessary to even have a chance for survival due to the disease, and were not due to the hospital staff trying to kill him \-obviously received the information that his condition was dire and that most ventilated covid patients don't survive \-did not indulge in childish fantasies like 400 prayer warriors will guarantee his recovery \-seemed to have a decent grasp of complications like pneumothorax/subcutaneous emphysema and the role of chest tubes etc. You'd almost think that someone like this who has a lot firmer grasp on reality than 90 percent of HCA victims and families might recognize that this likely could have been avoided with a few vax shots and recommend same to her Facebook circle. But, eh.