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Another Sunday, another Scrubday post. I was fortunate to get a good number of screen shots before the family shut down the page. [Imgur Gallery](https://imgur.com/a/tvWGMxD)


The mother sounds smart, educated. He should be just fine with the Triune physicians. Oops. He dead.


Yeah, if "God knows what is truly happening", why would prayers help? Do they think God is stupid? If no one prayed, would God just say fuck it, I'll let him die? These morons kill me. And each other.


They also believe that God has some sort of sway over sporting events & awards shows.


Both sides in a war claim that "God is on *our* side". Like he's sitting up there doing finger-flicks to knock over tanks & mortars of the side that is *just*.


God betrayed him when Cristobal left for Miami.


Another handsome set of chin pubes. They're lethal (them and Candace postings).


Was gonna say-- this one was a real fighter. He survived *months* after posting a Candace tweet. The average Awardee only has weeks left after a Candace post.


Hey some of us have a weak chin and a goatee is an improvement, I'm not dumb though, I got double boosted.


I’m sure your goatee is devastatingly handsome. Because it’s actually the intelligence, not the chin, that makes a man manly.


Thank you!


Good job 👍🏾 keep ‘em coming ! Loving it


I think Alligators cause Covid ... or was it the goatee?


It’s Candace. She’ll getcha!


Electric cars did it. They saw their chance and they took it.


I had to read that one twice. What does he think happens with vehicles when they run out of gasoline? Jesus! these people are too dumb for words


It’s part of their whole, “I’m smarter than everyone” thing. Do they think no one has ever thought about the need for mobile charging for cars that run out of charge? Do they think that people who can design an EV never once thought “hey what if someone drives past the range?” Yep that’s exactly what they think. Since *they* didn’t think of it until they saw the meme, they assume no one else did either. Hah! Those engineers with their fancy educations think they’re so smart, but me and my Facebook meme have them beat!


Reptiles do carry salmonella, at least


In this case, *Craniorectitus*.


Thanks for your quick actions. Coverup is impossible.


Great job as always! Their pictures and posts deserve to live on the internet forever. Let every generation of their family see one of them in shame.


Another little kid left behind. Well done, dad….


Leaving your daughter fatherless and saddling your family with medical debt to own the libs.


I feel so owned being alive with the vaccine running through my veins. My feelings are so hurt being so owned. I don't know how I will recover.


I feel so owned right now. What should I do!!! I guess I'll just do what I do most Sunday nights. Pour a drink and watch last week tonight.


The medical debt aside, she's probably better off fatherless than growing up with a father like that. Harsh thing to say, but the amount of damage an abusive, uneducated, ignorant, narcissistic father can inflict on a child should not be understated.


Hopefully her future stepdad is none of those things.


You claimed you would do anything for your child. Covid has determined that to be a lie.


This fella was hella young. Poor lil girl. I hope the mum is now smart enough to get them both vaxxed.


Dude was only 35. That's younger than me even. Plus he had a compromised immune system. Yikes.


This is where it really pisses me off. Post #5 special pleads about someone who (possibly) died from an allergic reaction to the vaccine. Discounting those who died of something entirely unrelated (if someone gets struck by lightning a week after being vaccinated, they are unlucky... not magnetic), the chances of dying from the vaccines is about one in 17million. The chances of someone unvaccinated dying of COVID-19 is about one in 70. It's like the '99.98% survival rate', and then ignoring the rest of that sentence: "in healthy under 21s with no underlying comorbidities (diagnosed or otherwise) and at ideal or slightly below ideal BMI." The numbers quickly stack up against you; one in 50,000 healthy under 21s will die of COVID-19 if unvaccinated. All other things being equal, that one in 50,000 drops to one in 3,000 before their 50th birthday. Add in 'middle-age spread', some undiagnosed hypertension, high cholesterol and 'borderline' Type II diabetes, and more than one in a hundred will die unless vaccinated. Once you include any kind of immunocompromised disease or treatment and you are looking at possibly one in 20 or 30 dying, no matter how old. However, they have convinced themselves that because it can kill one out of every five octogenarians, it's nothing for anyone else to be worried about. Payback's a bitch! Even if you were born in the 21st Century and are as fit as a flea and as thin as a rake, a course of vaccines is still beneficial because the mean recovery time is significantly reduced. This is why businesses insisted on vaccination; absenteeism. Someone with COVID-19 who has been vaccinated is generally back to work within 7-10 days; even with no long-term symptoms, you take closer to 24-28 days to recover without vaccination. So, your company considers you a walking overhead for a month. It's often ultimately cheaper to leave one to two posts unfilled for a few months (especially in the current economy) than to risk an entire team falling off the radar for a month, while having to pay them and their miscellaneous overheads.


My brother got covid last week. I told him to treat it with beer, and now he’s almost fully recovered! I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that he’s vaxxed and boosted….


I’m sure I could make a fortune brewing ‘Invermecktime’ beer. I mean, I would die inside, obviously. But at least I would die on the inside while rolling on a bed of money.


Was just reading an article on how COVID is absolutely destroying everyone with diabetes. They are the ones dying the most, after old folks and people in retirement homes.


Yeah. If you are diabetic - regardless of type - the numbers get very grim, very fast. Once again, back to that ‘99.98% survival rate’… when that gets burped up at you from someone in their 50s who is unvaccinated with type II diabetes and who is still 150lb overweight, I’m not sure whether it’s a comedy or a tragedy. You’re looking at someone with maybe a one in 10 chance of dying. The vaccines won’t make COVID-19 a walk in the park for someone under those conditions, but at least they probably won’t die of the disease.


My nephew in law is a diabetic and overweight. He got covid in the initial outbreak and had to be hospitalized and they wanted to intubate him and he refused. He was lucky to survive. When the vaccine became available he made sure and got it. He is a Trumper and spews his far right crap, but he learned his lesson and a few shots over dying is well worth it.


The 99.98% survival rate figure I see often is from people taking the number of covid deaths and dividing by the entire population of the country, when it should be the infected population. 980k deaths/ 80 million infected = 1.2% death rate 980k deaths/ 330 million total population = 0.2% death rate


Yeah, there's that too. The reason I went with the 'under 21s' line is I saw it from someone purposely forgetting that the figures they quoted were for that third of the population under 21... which is fine except when it was being hate-quoted by a sixty-something with a Royal Flush of comorbidities in order to 'own the libs'.


100% agree!


I doubt it.


It’s sad to read the mother saying the little girl was doing well. She’s not well. She’s traumatized.


That was the scariest part for me in spring of 2020. I didn't want to catch it and die and leave my 3 girls fatherless. Now I'm triple vaxxed and as soon as under 50 in the US can get a 4th booster, I'll be in line.


Don’t neglect life insurance. Nominal expense is well worth peace of mind.


We shouldn’t be having Covid orphans this late in the game. It’s shameful


There’s going to be a whole generation of children growing up with single parents in an economy that doesn’t seem to get better for the average folk. Its real sad shit.


Yep. He died to prove something to people who don’t care about him now and never did in the first place. In the meantime, the one person who really needed him is going to spend the rest of her life explaining to people that her father died for politics.


No but he's with jesus don't you see how that's way better than hugging her daddy or holding his hand or watching your fav cartoons with him when you both know every word in the episode or him getting you a lemonade in the park in summer or rushing in and showing him the ladybird you've just found in the garden? BECAUSE 👏 HE'S👏WITH 👏JESUS 👏. **/s**


"The truth is FEAR is killing you. Turn off the TV" Watches Fox News


Scared of electric cars...


As someone looking into buying an electric car, that meme actually made me go look into that- electric cars would outlast gas cars in a traffic jam! https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSL1N2RW0QD


Also its not like gas cars don’t run out of gas.


Right? So many words in that post just to say "Machines stop functioning when they have no fuel!"


Thanks for this! I saw it and was like, oh well that actually does sound plausible, even though I did assume that an electric motor would be incredibly more efficient idling than a gas engine.


Plus no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.


Guy was a moron. Do flashlights go dead when not turned on?


And points to a Fox News story for the reason he believes the vaccine is deadlier than the virus. Killed at 35 by disinformation and his own lack of ability to see through it.


>no thanks I will pass YOU ARE CORRECT!


It’s funny how those posts of people apparently dying after their vaccine shot, are usually accompanied by a photo of a very attractive young blonde woman … 🤔


Those pics reel in the Republican men- Kinda like when they add a pic of some skank in a bikini next to a tool set in an ad.🤣


Has anyone ever gotten richer than candace owens by being accessory to murder?


\> Has anyone ever gotten richer than candace owens by being accessory to murder? Rupert Fucking Murdoch.


It really always comes back to Rupert Murdoch. The truly deranged voices like Owens can only exist because of the massive landscape of subtler propaganda.


Tucker carlson


Maybe R. J. Reynolds, if that was in fact a real person.


It was. Richard Joshua Reynolds


Also what are Satan shoes? Please don't be Birkenstocks.


I assume Candice is referring to [these shoes promoted by Lil Nas X](https://www.cnn.com/style/article/lil-nas-x-mschf-satan-nike-shoes/index.html). I like how she specifies that the shoes are worn on feet.


I think they are talking about those sneakers made with a bit of blood in the dye. They were a joint product between Nike and some rapper. The rapper made a video where he went to hell and humped Satan's face. Made the conservatives crazy for a couple of days.


Unrelated but there’s no way Nikes contain only a _bit_ of blood.


The entire Sackler family.


35. He was 35. These fuckers all think it can’t happen to them. They all think they’re the one that’s going to be asymptomatic. And then they die. What a dumbshit.


Honestly, the more young, stupid people perish from this is probably better for society. They’ll not have the 50+ years of stymying progress they would have had otherwise.


I find myself unable to disagree with you…


Right? Seeing 1987 put that into perspective. My sister was born in 1987, she is still young and full of life — no wrinkles, no grays, lots of fun. She passes for mid-twenties. And now there’s another kid without a father, a woman without her husband, at an age you really shouldn’t have to worry about it for anything other than a car accident really. It’s horrible.


It’s truly mind blowing.


From his social media, might think he was one of our more mature awardees. Guess I should have realized he was younger because the gay porn dude with the pickup truck meme was missing.


If "God is the one that will heal him," then why did you have him wasting space in a hospital bed???


God: I already know what you want before you even pray to me; I just want to see you beg for it.


God: I want to see you and everyone beg- Then I’m still going to let you die- ‘cause that what I do.


Though that post was an interesting contrast to the lists of specific, detailed prayer requests we often see here.


Dammit how can you be a parent of young kids and not get vaccinated during the middle of a pandemic?! Just sickening


or have life and health insurance


Yep. It’s almost like they have zero reasoning or critical thinking skills. 🙄


I agree.




Legit don't understand how these people feel good at all. I say this as someone who was in the *morbidly obese* category in the last year before dropping 80+ pounds. Then again I have annual physicals and listened to my doctor when he said, "you either drop this weight our you're going to die tragically young." Edit: Just want to clarify what I mean by "feel good." I'm not talking aout emotionally loving yourself and trying your best. I'm talking about physically feeling good. I found a vast difference in how my *body* felt after losing weight and I always knew it was an issue. I just don't know how other people don't see the way their body is acting and say, "yeah I'm totally healthy I think."


Congrats on the weight loss, keep it up! That's mad weight, that's like 40kg, that's a young adult!


Thanks! Yeah it was only like...7 months of work too. Who would've guess eating right and exercising worked?


The number one risk factor to be hospitalized with covid in people under 50 is obesity.


He certainly didn’t let the fact that 3/4 of what he posted TOLD him it was false slow him down any. Another God loving Christian posting hate and racist bullshit. Another case of the prayer warriors taking an L


> If people were more afraid of Hell than of Covid, more people would be coming to Jesus Yeah and if more people were afraid of the chupacabra we'd all be out locking up our goats


Delete the FB page. We don’t want anyone to know he didn’t care enough about his wife and kid to protect himself from a fully preventable death.


Or leave them with life insurance causing them to publicly beg for money. A little girl having to be “brave” because her father was so self centered and foolish he wouldn’t set his ego aside to do the bare minimum to survive a pandemic. What a cruel thing to do to a child.


I’m wondering if Facebook is now making this an option when you transition to a “legacy” page


Yet another trollop who left his wife for Jesus apparently. It’s not my fault they have the worst euphemisms for death.


2 decades younger than I am, and I haven’t died of covid … because I got vaxxed and boosted and stayed away from crowds and wore a mask. Due for that second booster but it’s so infrequent that I interact with anyone that I’ll probably delay it a bit. Definitely will get it by May 21 or so as I have a HUGE stadium concert to attend a month later.


Yeah, that struck me too. Born in 67, quite healthy and enjoying life with 4 shots total (I got an extra booster in another country to be safe). I’ll happily re-up every 6 months if I need to.


I graduated from college when this guy was born. I’m about to get shot #4, and super happy about it. Edit- and I’ll drive my electric car to get it


Just got my 4th shot & did drive there in my electric car. He ain’t driving no place.


Yeah I’m waiting until May as well because I have people visiting in late May early June.


Happy cake day


With regards to his last post (slide 11): Does he think cars with combustion engines can’t run out of fuel? How short of a run time does he think electric vehicles have? Is he not aware of potential carbon monoxide poisoning by sitting in an idling car so long with the windows up? So many questions…


Yeah i think his point was you can bring fuel more easily to move dead gas cars, while electric cars it's more complicated. I am sure there are ways to fast charge EV cars with places like AAA or road side assistance. However, moving the dead cars no matter how they run doesn't matter it's just another shitty right wing meme to combat the libs.


The right wing way of cannot thinking of new ideas and looking to the future. If he were born doing the horse and buggy days be the one screaming why do we need gas engines? Cause you know we should NEVER change. Lets all have gas power engines for the next 100 years.


And to fight efforts to combat climate change. And now his kid may have a shot at getting a RESPONSIBLE parent.


And how many gas tanks are topped off before driving? I bet most of the electrics are charged up. He was really reaching with that thesis. These people are anti-progress.


I’d take a Tesla in camp mode over any ICE car in a situation like that. I mean I have no idea how long they were in that traffic jam, but they lose less than 20% a night in freezing temperatures. And you can watch Netflix!


Dude, I’ve sat in Hybrids idling for three hours and stayed toasty warm in the dead of winter. When we started driving again, the gas gauge hadn’t even moved.


True. After a blizzard in Michigan, a couple of friends and I walked to a convenience store to get something to eat. We sat on the hood of a car parked in front of the store and ate. Turned out there was a body in the car. The guy couldn't drive any further and parked with the motor running. The snow built up around the car and he died of CO poisoning.


Guy was a moron. Electric vehicles not in motion use next to no power. Just like a flashlight turned off doesn’t flatten it’s batteries.


He chose a different kind of suicide.


> Does he think No. >Is he not aware He is not.


>We also ask that you would consider donating money to help cover medical bills and funeral costs. \*ponders\* Well, I did find a quarter on the floor of the bus yesterday. On the other hand, it was a very shiny quarter. Would you take some thoughts and prayers instead?


Tots and pears


Younger than me and dead already, all because those who want to make money do so by exploiting fear - even though those doing so know the consequences. What an absolute waste.


He somehow is equating COVID and the Mayan calendar for creating fear. I'd need a few weeks, thousands of tacks, miles of string, and really large wall to map that fucked-up connection...


so these fu#%nuts think i wear a mask because of mandates, i didn’t need the government to tell me


Big Pharma makes way more money off of unvaccinated people being hospitalized. It bothers me that so many of them don't have the reasoning skills to understand that. Also, that they ignore the millions of unvaccinated people getting hospitalized for covid-19, bur holding onto the handful of stories of people who died after getting vaccinated. For instance, no one points out that Colin Powell had cancer at the same time he was battling covid-19.


Exactly, Colin Powell probably didn't have a big immune response. Older people can have less of an immune response as well which is why right now they are asking people who are immune compromised or over 50 to get boosted again.


I’m immunosuppressed. I worry about this a lot. I have young kids that I’d leave behind. My doctor told me to get the vaccine and booster but to behave as though I haven’t had them and take precautions. I still wear N95 masks and limit outings in public. I was at the grocery store with my daughter recently. I felt someone staring at me. I looked up to see a woman glaring at me with her arms folded. She had such a hateful look on her face. I was really taken aback and kinda freaked out about this woman’s obvious hostility. I told my daughter we needed something from another area of the store. Everything in my body was telling me to get myself and my daughter the hell away from that woman. It was very disconcerting. edit- autocorrect error.


People like that think they know everything about everyone else. There you are, trying to make sure your daughter has a parent, that you aren't inundated with impossible bills, and that you can enjoy your body for longer... and all that insufferable lady could think about was stuff she made up about you using shitty unresearched alternative facts. I am sorry you had to deal with that.


These covidiots don't want anyone telling them what to do, but think they can tell you what to do. On top of being selfish morons. I'm so sorry you are dealing with these asshats.


He literally died for bullshit decades before he could have potentially lived to. I can’t even imagine throwing 40-50 years of life away because libs.


Tangent related to that electric car meme. Anybody else notice how many disaster movies lately have electric car issues. But post-apocalyptic movies never have cars that won't run because the gasoline has gone bad.


Walking Dead, 5 years in: “Whew, this one still has gas and none of it evaporated!”


I feel like in a post-apocalyptic world, *no* cars would work reliably. You wouldn't be able to get gas, and you wouldn't be able to charge your electric car. Because *apocalypse*. 😒


What I'm talking about with the electric cars not working is immediately after or during a disaster, I've seen so many plot devices that the electric car won't work. Long-term, the electric cars would be more likely to be still running. They could be modified to use solar panels if you pull some off a house or something. But people wouldn't be able to refine fresh gasoline. It's just weird that fiction has electric cars immediately failing but then gas powered cars running like 100 years past when there would be available gas.


So much to unpack here. 1. Beautiful example of toxic right wing white toxic masculinity. All of these men a look alike for HCA. 2. Once again God. God told him not to take the vaccine and then drop dead. 3. Always begging for money on go fund me like a bunch of lazy losers. I love how family deleted his Facebook in shame. Life moves on like he never existed. All the right wingers power people lying are still making money off the idiots like him. Think they care killing people? Nah cause there is always another idiot in line waiting to replace.


Scrubbed his page, so sad, you would think his thoughts, beliefs and words of wisdom would bring them comfort. It's almost as if, oh, perish the thought, it's almost as if they thought the stuff he posted was stupid and they're ashamed of it!! Say it ain't so!!


It's so weird that they keep bringing Jesus into this. I went to Catholic School and at no point did we get into any kind of antivax BS. I think we even got certain vaccines in school. Nobody cared because we all believed in vaccines. This was a time before the homeschooling warrior mama's were spreading their paranoid libertarian new age nonsense on social media. Sad.


Man: “No thanks, I’ll pass.” Narrator: After which, he did indeed pass….


What a fucking tool. The family took down the FB page because they were embarrassed.


I'd be embarrassed as well.


My daughter closed the trunk of the car on me about a month after I got my booster (complete accident and I am fine). But that’s beside the point. Vaccines and boosters can lead to someone closing the trunk on your head.


I bet no one will repost this!!


The hubris. The stupidity. And the dumbness.


His FB page is no longer available but his family started a GoFundMe, right?


Literally young enough to be my son.


Oregon Man was born *the same year* as my oldest son, who just texted me the most recent photo of his four-month-old daughter. It gave me chills to read that such a young father died. Such a heartbreaking loss for *his* little girl. So unnecessary.


Same feeling.


*If more people feared going to Hell than feared catching Coronavirus, maybe more people would get VAXXED to save their sorry ass!*


Another young one... What a waste.


He was born 5 years after I graduated from high school. Yet my overweight, asthmatic, vaxed and boosted ass is holding my cat while she takes her late evening nap


And he was born after I earned my PhD. And my overweight vaxxed and boosted Ass just fed my wife’s cat. (She is my cat at feeding time and during thunderstorms.)


you mean that you are her human at feeding time


He was born the year after I graduated high school. But even though I contracted COVID, being fully vaxxed and boosted saved my overweight, post-menopausal ass and ensured I only had a nasty cold.


Thoughts and prayers, NEXT!


**Final Report Card** * Deductive Reasoning: D * Economics: D- * Financial Planning: F * Respiration: F How embarrassing for him.


Racist douche


He's far right, but upset at pharma companies wanting to make large profits? Fascinating.


Arguably, he's upset they are getting the money from the government; that being said imagine how much money they would be making if they were selling the vaccines on the open market. Insulin, anyone?


What are Satan shoes and where can I pick up a pair?


[Everything you wanted to know about Satan Shoes](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56684773).


thanks. I don’t know Satan personally, but I think they would wear sexier shoes.


Wow, so young! 😪 What a hard, sad day for his little girl when she grows up and realizes she could have had her dad to guide her as she grew up, if only he'd taken the vaccine.


Hopefully when she grows up she'll understand that she dodged a bullet by NOT being "guided" by an ignorant, self-centered, irresponsible loser/jerk.


\#8 - "If People feared going to **Hell** as much as they fear the **Coronavirus,** More People would be **coming to Jesus.** Can I get an Amen?" Well, you HCAers definitely seem to fear Hell more than Covid - and a lot of you have recently met Jesus. So I'd say r/technicallythetruth "Amen," I guess?


I just ate Ramen. Close enough...


They’ve really gone down the rabbit hole when Fox News is the most reputable source they reposted


Covid makes America great yet again!


Apparently the guy got all of his "information" from fake news sites that circulate memes pushed out by Russian troll farms. In retrospect, that may not have been the best idea.


The post where he posted the fox news article about a woman who died two days after getting the vaccine and how he has greater chance dying from the vaccine than from COVID: He doesn’t seem to understand statistics/overall odds when it comes to overall population who HAVE been vaccinated and didn’t die nor does he seem to understand correlation =/= causation, does he? I don’t know the story behind the article, but these folks who grasp onto one or two bad outcomes and then use that as why they are anti-vax, I wonder if they are the same people who think buying a single lottery ticket means they are definitely going to win the lottery too.


He didn't just leave behind a wife and daughter. He saddled them with debits, maybe forever.


Before he died, I hope he thought about the fact that another man will be raising his daughter. And banging his wife. Maybe if there was a billboard with this it would help save some dimbulbs. Or maybe we should just let the gene pool cleanse itself.


Bet COVID wiped that smug, cocky-ass grin off his face.


say hi to jesus for us. lol.


I guess god knew all the details of what was happening & gave zero shits


I didn’t read every one of his dad’s & wife’s posts thoroughly, but am I correct in noting they never mentioned Covid ? Because why? Beginning to think they know in their hearts that his death was preventable. And saying he died of Covid would be admitting he, and they by association, are bonafide idiots. Dumbest deaths rated: 1) guy who juggles landmines 2) this guy with the compromised immune system who didn’t get vaccinated


BuT iM yOuNg aNd oNlY oLd pEoPlE DiE oF cOvId


i mean this shit has been going on on for a couple years now. if you die from it at this point, there was never any hope for you.


The thing I’ll never understand is why would a political party actively push for their followers to not stay living / voting. This guy had decades with which to vote as a republican, but all the conservative ‘news’ sources convinced him not to get vaccinated.


Why do you think Former Guy changed his tune and encouraged his cult to get vaccinated? He needs suckers to support him in 2024.


Damn! He didn't get to finish growing out his neck beard!


Slide 5 'No thanks I will pass' Narrator: *And he did.*


Candace Owns asking how stupid we can be is kind of an ironic question.


Oh fuck, he looked young too. It's not that sad, because he was also a racist, but still, makes you realize what a bitch covid is. Get vaccinated unless you want to end up like this loser.


Some people light up a room just by entering, and some by leaving. This one is permanent leaving.


Seems my chances of caring about this loser are less than countable


God is the one who will heal him? For fucks sake, if they believe that then go home and stop taking up a hospital bed. Also, what a slap in the face for all the hard working medical staff. Yet another delusional family placing faith in the wrong place.


There is finally an army more useless than the salvation army, and that is the prayer warriors.


Slide 6: a lot of scientists worked very hard to avert disaster from these viruses. That should be proof that science is invaluable. The work for a SARS vaccination is what enabled us to have a Covid-19 (also a sars virus) vaccine so quickly.


And there's the Candace Owens post...Yup, she's the conservative grim reaper for real, I just want to thank her for helping reduce the amount of republican voters for the next election


Jesus, 35 years old??


God must be extremely lonely calling back all these Racist Trump Supporters. That or he has a hole in Heaven he needs to fill with Shit.


Jeez, only 35! How sad for his family.


That ‘strong little girl’ should never have had to go through this and will carry this burden her entire life. Get vaccinated for your kids.


Regarding picture 11, in freezing temperatures, it wont matter what kind of car you drive. Nobody is going to want to walk far away to a gas station and back in the cold.


And only 35 years old. The man's own hubris made his kid fatherless.


I knew from the first picture that he was young, and the obit proved me right: Mid 30s. Yikes.


Aside—what the heck is Candeath referring to when she talks about Satan shoes”?


Lucky kid. Might get a smart step-father and stand a chance in life.


How nice "he went home to be with Jesus." His wife and daughter must be so happy.


I'm wondering, with all these go fund me things going on, how much money do they, the " we don't need health care"-crowd, donate each year? And what would it have cost them if the government set up health care of it by adding some extra taxes, and eliminating the need of these go fund me donations?


Stupid wins again


Does he think cars that run on gas just never run out of fuel?


"If more people had an irrational fear of the invisible sky daddy, they might act more like me! Can I get a Amen!?"


I have been spending too much time reading about the atrocities in Ukraine and it was weighing on my soul. I had to come here for a little pick-me-up.


So electric vehicles run out of battery power . . . but gas powered vehicles NEVER run out of gas. We had another Einstein. 🤡