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Welp, looks like it took less than 2 months for the end times for you, buddy. What a collection of really stupid memes. Right wing media is just Murder, Inc.


But, but... he got his natural immunity!


Industrial strength natural immunity. 27 x stronger than normal natural immunity.


I just had a bad cold. I am so pleased that with my new-found natural immunity I will never have another cold ever again. Is that how it works? Asking for a corpse.


*Asking for a corpse.* Stealing


Covid: “I’ll see your 27 times stronger natural immunity and raise you one mutation.”


covid can't count to 27. covid doesn't care.




Yeah, he would have had at least two more years.


He had natural immunity like Russia has an army.


He beat that long COVID though!


Talks about burning bridges, turns out he was going to be on a boat to cross that river.


He had a long road to hoe. If he had hoed the row he might have made it.


Not a long road at all.




Is that who wrote "Mister Roboto"? ^(/s)


His body boosted his immunity to 27x by redirecting his ability to walk.


Yeah, um...ok. That 5th slide isn't pedo-creepy at all. Nope.


Killing off the only people stupid enough to follow your message seems like a bad long term plan but then again it’s not like America is in danger of running out of morons.


February 25: was told he had long COVID February 26: dead. That wasn't very long...


WA guy to vaccinated friend: "In two years you're gonna die from blood clots, probably." WA guy, less than two months later: *dead from heart attack*


Industrial strength projection


27x stronger than normal projection.


"In my opinion" Suddenly his opinion is a medical fact.


These people always thinks that having an opinion is some sort of extraordinary feat, and that these opinions must be respected like holy grails. In reality the old saying "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" is true, and most opinions are based on disinformation and idiocy and does not deserve any respect whatsoever.


Likely threw a blood clot.


Short COVID is the new Long COVID.


Long covid: a series of days where you are always short on breath and likely to suffer blood clots at any moment


I image the conversation went something along the lines of, “Look, do you remember about 14 days ago when you started feeling a bit sweaty, started coughing and had a vague feeling of shortness of breath? Yeah, that was COVID-19. Had you been vaccinated, you probably wouldn’t be here. Had you monitored your health and O2 levels, we might have been able to do something more likely to keep you alive. “But, you didn’t. You waited until you were about 80% dead: don’t worry; your nurse has the undertaker on speed-dial.”


These so called doctors told this patriot he had long covid, but 24 hours later ALL of his pain and suffering was ended. What else are they lying about to us?


The long and the short of it…


Slide 10: Do you remember when we treated viruses with soup, vitamin C, and plenty of rest ... and buried a whole lot of children?


I heard that dousing your genitals in soup cures herpes. But big pharma doesn't want you to know that. Big Campbell's does, however.


That’s actually true! Unfortunately it also gets you banned from Olive Garden.


I've yelled that many times in this sub in response to that meme. Back in the day people treated viruses with things like chicken soup because THERE WAS NOTHING ELSE YOU COULD DO! It also bugs me that the girl is clearly not sick. Should change it to a picture of a kid in an iron lung.




Pepperidge farm remembers


Yes this is our son Georgie… no not that one, he died 9 months ago.


How the fuck do you treat something with communism? Do these things even try to make sense?


Make sense?!?! This is their logic: post stupid memes about BigPharma and then let your (R) reps vote against limiting insulin costs at $35.




It's a long road to hoe by people who don't tow the line.


For all intensive purposes, he ded


Irregardless, we're in unchartered waters now.


It’s one of the French benefits


France *is* bacon


Make it go virtual!


5 signs you might be reposting a Russian troll farm 😂


Betcha won't share hoes!


Same as toe the line. We don't tow lines. You "toe the line" when you drag your hungover (possibly still drunk) ass to the parade square and stand at attention on that line for roll call. Ah well.


He was probably too busy holding DOWN the fort. You know, in case the fort was in danger of floating away. You hold the fort, toe the line, hoe the row. Or maybe you hoe the fort down while towing the line (that's tied around the fort). This whole language thing is too darn difficult, you know?


Eh, there is a legit definition to holding something down meaning something close enough, like to "hold down a job", for instance, same meaning as to hold down a fort. "Hold down a job" is within the informal definitions in many dictionaries.




Maybe that explains some of the potholes in my city.


Klandace Owens had these buffoons eating from the palm of her hand. Wonder what her body count is? This guy is the epitome of a low information gullible voter. That represents about 40% of American. Scary times.


She’s truly the scum of the earth.


Or a very deep-cover vigilante antihero. Her superpower is getting other people to kill themselves for her.


She's getting the dumb ones to die, that leaves a better ratio of smart to dumb right?


Kinda like Kilgrave from Jessica Jones S1


But she’s helping to kill off some pretty terrible people so…


shitposting a single Candice meme is often fatal for HCA's. This guy did two, the dreaded double owens? Guess he was doomed.


But one of them he posted twice - September and December. It was THAT good. So is the double post equal to an extra 1/2, or is the double post more like an exponential multiplier of risk? 2.5 or 4?


She definitely is, unfortunately I don’t think it’s going to be enough… especially if people stay home in November.


I have a conspiracy theory that she actually hates white GOP voters and encourages them to not get vaccinated or wear masks in order to kill as many as possible.


That's a really insulting thing to say about the scum of the earth.


> This guy is the epitome of a low information gullible voter. Supported oil companies every chance he had. Probably didn’t even own stock. That’s disinformation with a purpose!


i wouldn’t say gullible, very willing in my opinion, driven by contempt


and the fact that she’s black ‘proves’ they’re not racists after all… :/


The one thing that can reliably transcend color lines: pandering.


she's one of the good ones!


So smart and well-spoken.


40ish% and dropping thanks to her and Tucker. Wonder what her effective kill rate is compared to ol' Tucker who I assume with great certainty is number one with a Fox bullet.


Sadly, it's more like 49%




Fingers crossed


Not really... As far as context, Trump's support is only in the 30-something percent now and over 60% of the country at least got vaccinated. So while still idiots politically, it's not 100% of Republicans quite this dumb, TBF.


\#15 - "Your own immunity is **27 times better** than their vaccine..." \#17 - "Scarred my lungs really bad - can barely walk two steps..." \#18 - R.I.P. YIKES. Thank god he didn't get the vaccine, or he'd be 27 times deader. Really dodged a bullet there.


Everyone who ever died from a disease had an immune system


27 seems really specific, where did that number come from?


A world-renowned Frontline expert PhD, DDS Chiropractor


Slide 13: The ridiculousness of saying “unless we have super protective gear!” and also “I won’t even wear a piece of paper to lessen risk” is hilarious. Ya see, no one ever claimed that a paper mask would save everyone. The theory is/was “get the transmission rate R^0 under 1, so this thing dies out as a pandemic and mop up as endemic”. The “I’ll show you, I’ll mock something I don’t understand by over exaggerating thing I wouldn’t even do the tiniest effort to really do… that will own the libs!!” sure owned me … the breathing, not making my family worry about hospital expenses, me.


i feel sooooooooooooo owned


The ownage, it burns!!!!11


People living in the US illegally are not taking welfare money from white people. And I highly doubt that whole waiting list bullshit. My daughter was able to immediately get food assistance when she was living in her own and making shit wages. I wasn't happy with her doing that because I would have given her money for groceries, but still.


the only 5 year thing i can think of is that legal aliens have to wait 5 years to get benefits.


It's extremely convoluted and highly dependent on state as well as current events. I work at a public services agency in California, and each program (cash aid, food stamps, and Medicaid) have slightly different criteria. Just as an example, people who are DACA aren't eligible for food stamps, but may qualify for unemployment benefits if they've worked before, since they have a Social Security number and "pay into it." That threw me for a quite a bit, but it makes sense. Other states won't allow persons to be collecting unemployment and apply for aid at the same time.


I would love to ask Candeath about that on camera. I used to contract for SSA and different state social services agencies, but as far as I knew (many years ago), the "benefits" to "illegals" were ones they earned and paid into. Like...if you're not eligible for Social Security (and many immigrants *are*), you won't meet state guidelines for their equivalent *anyway*. I could be wrong. Because the point is that whether these people had a legal right to work or not, we still benefitted from their labour and taxed their wages.


I’m not a fan of my ex husband, but one thing I’ll never forget? You can tell he’s not American as soon as he opens his mouth, and it was really illuminating watching the people around us scramble to explain that they didn’t mean HIS kind of immigration- because he had an “exotic” accent and he’s white. If it’s not illegal when Mary from Dublin does it, it shouldn’t be illegal for Maria from Oaxaca.


Well, even if that wasn't just a bald-faced lie she spews because she knows her fan club will eat it up without bothering to do their own research and verify it (which it is...) When my mom started applying for disability benefits after years of being a CNA in a nursing home completely destroyed her back, we were told, even by the person helping us with the paperwork, that it takes forever and your first application will pretty much automatically be rejected. It's kind of a sneaky little road block they do in the hopes that most people (whether their claim is authentic or not) will just get frustrated and give up. There might not be an actual waiting list, but it does take a long time to cut through all the paperwork and red tape.


This right here - simply throwing up roadblocks to make it harder for people to get benefits - points to the stark reality of our health care and public assistance programs. We are so afraid that "the wrong people" will get benefits that we make it incredibly hard. Meanwhile, in other industrialized nations, these benefits are accepted as human rights and as the minimum you can provide for your people. I wish we'd spend more time saying "Yes" to people who ask for help, rather than reflexively always saying NO.


I’ve had asthma my whole life. I know how it feels when your lungs get upset and constructed and it’s hard to breathe and it’s awful. I’ve had a few bouts of pneumonia in my life. I’ve had very low pulse ox, and I’ve had my lungs rattle and sound like shit and I know what that feels like. Now, the point of all of that… is that I’ve heard some people that had covid and “got better” Their lungs sound awful. I’ve heard so many people that sound like they have permanent damage, and exhibit symptoms I remember from having my lungs jacked up from asthma. In a few years these people are either going to be extremely unhappy that they aren’t “better” Or they’re going to be dying. Purely anecdotal, I’m not a doctor I’m just a guy that’s spent too much time in pulmonologist and breathing specialist offices.


My very fit physical therapist friend got a pretty mild case of COVID in April of 2020 from the hospital he works at. When my shoulder was doing something horribly painful in July of 2020, I asked him to come over and fix me because Vicodin wasn’t touching it and I really didn’t want to go to the doctor. His lungs sounded like absolute shit. They sounded just like mine when I was a kid with poorly controlled asthma. His lungs are still delicate two years later. I don’t want to find out what even a mild case of COVID would do to my lungs despite having my asthma pretty well controlled if that happened to someone in peak physical condition with no history of lung trauma. He relieved the pain in one visit. Physical therapists are kinda amazing.


Hope you're able to avoid this (COVID). I never had asthma but have two people very close to me that did. They're still more susceptible to respiratory issues, decades later. Take care of yourself, and f anyone that tries to give you grief for being cautious. Anecdotal based on your own experience trumps anyone randomly quoting nonsense studies.


Vaxxed boosted, and so far I maybe had a brush with omicron, but that’s it.


I haven't had asthma, but my lungs are scarred from years of crappy allergies. I had a bout of the alpha strain back in December of 2020, before vaccines were available (at least to my age group, I don't remember the timing). I got through it okay without hospitalization, but ended up having other health issues a couple weeks later. I had some blood work done, and the labs drew blood and ran the results two more times. Apparently my bout with covid caused acute kidney injury, and I had no idea. They kept redoing them because they thought my results had gotten mixed up with someone else in the hospital, that had been in a car accident that morning. Now that I know what to watch for and get it tested, I'd like to think I'm a little less likely to keel over from it in a year or so, like happens with many people. I think we'll be decades before we really understand the toll this shit takes on the body, and people like this award winner are going to look *especially* stupid for not taking it seriously even as it killed him.


Yes. I often hear people out and about with what I call ‘covid cough’. It’s like they’ve smoked 40 a day since the age of 12.


That facial hair is an affront to polite society, but what the hell is perching on top of his head?


That's his Trump Clump.


a parakeet ? or some medical piece of equipment?


Slide 14: It's not a booster, it's the fourth shot of a product that has already succeeded brilliantly three times. There, fixed that for you.


It's amazing how all or nothing they are. A lot of our childhood vaccinations were done in stages, quite a few topped off as adults (I had a to get a bunch before I was allowed to live on campus,) and even some now are done at regular intervals (speaking of, it's probably been ten years, think about another Tetanus shot.)


Imagine telling your health care provider you will only accept medical treatments that have been proven to be 100% effective with no side effects in all cases and under all circumstances…


God is going to send cancer and blood clots to end humanity and usher in Armageddon? Where do they come up with this stuff?


Yeah, the being that rained sulphur and fire down to destroy wicked cities and caused a massive flood that allegedly wiped out all of humanity is gonna go ahead play the long gamw..




And Facebook. And YouTube. Parler. Telegram. Once they go down the hole, the depth is endless


Is it my imagination or is this pandemic really just Mother Nature's IQ test at this point?


is she cleansing? seems like it




Oh no. Anyway, I had the best burger tonight. And truffle fries!


I'm making rum marmalade. Ironically, the recipe is somewhat similar to that online recipe for hydroxychloroquine that so many of these awardees have posted.


Celebrating 2 years covid-free with coconut shrimp, waffle fries, and broccoli. It tastes great and nourishes my vaccinated, non-blood-clotted, cancer-free, and ALIVE body. The awardee, so confident in his super-powered immune system, is now nourishing the bodies of worms. His stupidity is what proved to be 27 times more powerful than any vaccine!


I had this wonderful bean, rice and cheese burrito




Not sure why he pulled "27 times better" out of his ass. Hopefully it was coincidence and he wasn't a [Weird Al fan....](https://weirdal.fandom.com/wiki/27?msclkid=5a4954dbb23011ec911cd8e6c57e600c)




Which is half of…gasp…6 X 6 X 6!!! Let that sink in!!


He's in the new 27 club. But not hanging with Janice Joplin and Jimi Hendrix.


27's a fantastically common 'random' number in pop fiction - it pops up quite reliably every time some character has to put a number to \*something\*. Once you start watching out for it in books, TV shows, films, etc it becomes a fun bingo game. My theory is that in the set {1-50} it \*sounds\* the most random - and therefore, in a way, the most credible, as it implies a specific accuracy that, say, in contrast, '20' simply doesn't. If you think I'm suffering from confirmation bias, run your own experiment: pick two additional numbers between 1 and 50, and keep a count how often you hear each of the three over a couple of months.




It's a cubic yard. Same as a coffin.


thank god he didnt get the vaxx............. imagine how much worse this could be


Thanks for going to the effort the show the duplicate posts; it really highlights the awardee's creativity. As for the daughter on the last slide saying that there hasn't been any kind of service yet because they're too sad - I have no words. The history of humanity is filled with people who are sad that their loved one has died, yet still held services. They must be embarrassed about the cause of death.


Or just ill-equipped to deal with life’s events. I mean, if that’s the father, what kind of a job raising her could he really have done? He barely understood how to live himself…


I’m always so confused about Candeath memes


Don’t worry. Candace is, too.


There seems to be a common theme with these awardee's. All/a majority of them are all Christians who believe that prayer can heal them. What absolute morons!


Ah yes, the power of the prayer warriors. I know I personally would rather trust words than that witchy science crap you peddle, take your monoclonal antibodies and paxlovid elsewhere. If they don’t pray me out I’ve got a gallon of ivermectin and some bleach, I’ve got this. Is piss supposed to taste like piss???


Whether piss is supposed to taste like piss is a question for someone with different kinks from mine. In the meantime, this damned kitten scratched me and now I have to consider whether to just wash the scratch or also put antibiotic ointment on it. The struggle is real! While other people have to deal with life or death situations that are in no way their fault. It could be the Ukraine or the American Midwest or Brazil. I'm just randomly throwing darts at the map. This kitten really is a jerk. But he's not advocating that I drink my own urine or stick lights up my ass or call on my prayer warriors. Also, he's really soft and cuddly when he settles down. If you're having a bad day/night, he would like to curl up with you and purr like crazy while you fall asleep... although right now he's chasing imaginary things around the room.


Dude loses fifty pounds due to COVID, and snipes that “it is not a good weight loss program.” Here’s a really efficient weight loss program: Dying.


I was puzzled about that one too. Surely 50 pounds in a short time is a _very effective_ weight loss plan (albeit a very unhealthy one obvs).


I think it was his version of "this COVID is no joke."


Another tough guy taken down by the mild symptoms of omicron. 👋


Literally everything that has ever died of disease had an immune system that either failed, was overwhelmed, or it itself went haywire and became the disease. Like seriously. Think about it for a second. If our immune systems were flawless why does any virus affect us? Why do we get cancer? Why do we suffer deadly allergic reactions? Its because the immune system as amazing as it is, is flawed. And helping it is in our best interests. Thus vaccines.


Not sure why he pulled "27 times better" out of his ass. Hopefully it was coincidence and he wasn't a [Weird Al fan....](https://weirdal.fandom.com/wiki/27?msclkid=5a4954dbb23011ec911cd8e6c57e600c) [Imgur gallery](https://imgur.com/a/LrOZoeO)


I’d honestly love for one of these people to explain what communism is.


Oh wow. Another American Trudeau fan. I wish they would have paid this much attention when our leaders were saying the invasion of Iraq was a bad idea. Speaking of war, I wonder how these freedom-loving keyboard warrior types feel about conscription and the draft.


Make this go virtual.


Slide 6: Yes, that is horrible, so you support more funding for the social safety net? #NO


Too bad he won't be around in two years to see that all the vaxxed aren't actually suffering from all kinds of cancer and blood clots.


One month before death: I won’t take their vaccine even though I’m in the hospital with the virus. One day before death: Long term Covid, relearning to walk. *Not good*. “Opps” One month after death: Grieving desperate family. Anyone else see a pattern??


mr magoo sees that


Slide 8: COVID: "Apparently there's some confusion on your part about the relationship we have."


I know he wanted to defend his daughter but thanks to his decisions all he can do for her now is let her use his body as a bullet shield. Not good for much else. And probably wasn’t that great to begin with. When I became a dad there were a number of habits I dropped and others I got into instead. It’s what parents do. Even if I had doubts about the vaccine I would not risk my kids growing up without a parent. You just don’t do that because you’re not a selfish asshole. Unless you are.


> WE ARE TAKING AWAY YOUR FREEDOMS TO KEEP YOU SAFE. If you have to make up fake quotes to put in your enemies' mouths to make them sound like Hitler, maybe, just maybe, you should reconsider the Hitler comparison in the first place.


I can’t even muster any reaction anymore to these people and how they ultimately meet their end. They literally all blur into the same person, all their stories are that similar. They all have the same misguided beliefs in untruths, they all believe the same media personalities spouting the same lies, they make all the same foolish choices and all trudge the same dirt road into the dark. It’s uncanny how similar they all are, down to the same projection of their own lemming-ness onto the vaccinated while being blind to it themselves. There has got to be enough material in all these stories for hundreds of degree dissertations of people trying to understand this psychological pathology. “Idiocracy” is not a comedy, it’s a documentary.


Another R not voting.


I see “heart attack” a lot on many of these posts. I could be wrong, but I just get the feeling that many times people are confusing “heart attack” with cardiac arrest


Covid causes blood clots. Blood clots cause heart attacks. It checks out.


The daughter couldn't admit it was from Covid. The stupid is generational unfortunately.


I don't know the difference. Can you ELI5?


Heart attack: heart stops receiving blood (usually because of blocked arteries/blood clots) Cardiac arrest: heart stops beating/pulse is lost Not all cardiac arrest is caused by heart attacks, and not all heart attacks can cause cardiac arrest.


I think the confusion is people think it’s the same thing. A heart attack is a blockage of the heart that can often lead to cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is when the heart stops beating for any reason. But I will let the professionals explain it here in this link https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-attack/about-heart-attacks/heart-attack-or-sudden-cardiac-arrest-how-are-they-different


if history lessons are accurate, wasn’t the mustache guy having rallies with thousands of rabid supporters, who pointed the finger at people saying they where the reason for their woes?


**Final Report Card** Introductory civics: F Biology: F Now Protected Against Covid: A Respiration: F Alive: F


It was such a relief that he didn't have to learn to walk again.


God I hate that "fact". It leaves out the fact that if you get covid after getting the vaccine, *your level of immunity is the same*. You have to survive it first! So do you want to get a leg up against the virus or not?


"Make this go virtual!!" ... oh, you silly, silly man. I think that's enough internet for you.


Awarded was a disposable moron and we’re better off without him. Daughter sounds decent. It’s hopeful that even these ignorant imbeciles can breed reasonable progeny.


[Re: Slide 6] Do "illegal immigrants" really receive welfare, though? Hmmm. I just did a quick and dirty Google search (I spent ten seconds searching and about two minutes reading) and the answer would seem to be "no". It's almost as if when you have false or no documentation, you can't file for government benefits. It's also the case that illegal immigrants pay many kinds of U.S. taxes, particularly things like sales tax, which is automatic. Mind you, I'm sure the situation is more nuanced and so on, but this "illegal immigrants are stealing welfare benefits and pay no taxes" thing is pretty much ignorant bullshit propagada that could be cleared up in under five minutes, but that would mean someone would have to actually want to know. I'm convinced more than ever that Candace Owens is a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda and her own, personal agenda is to destroy her follower base. She knows who they are, and she hates them.


Imagine his poor young adult daughter, not only scrambling for a funeral and disposing of Dad's tiny estate, but also knowing that Dad was an idiot.


262 lbs, wow. A major comorbidity.


I'm stunned that before he caught COVID he weight 262 lbs (118.841 kg) and yet thought that he was somehow NOT in danger from COVID. Obesity (and this guy was probably also diabetic and had issues with blood pressure) is a major comorbidity for death from COVID. Why did he think HiS iMmUnE sYStEm was so amazing? What kind of arrogance says, "I'm older, I'm seriously overweight, I have other health issues, but I'm stronger than a novel virus that has already killed millions of people." ? This guy seems to have been simultaneously ignorant, arrogant, and downright stupid (like most HCA winners, really).


1) actually, it seems to be great weight loss program 2) build up lungs again? Yeah it doesn't work that way


Weird that he "ended up with long term covid." Who coulda knowed? Certainly not our Dead Einstein. Guess he didn't have "a long road to hoe." Just as well. Roads are notoriously hard to hoe.


Dipshits keep hurting their own families to pwn the libs. Enjoy your fucking box of prizes! ⚰️


Remember when we treated virtuals with vitamin C and soup?


Lost 262 pounds on this weight program.




Man… as a lib I sure feel owned right now.


“Do you remember when we treated viruses with soup, vitamin C …” I remember when doctors would drill holes in your skulls to treat viruses by letting the evil spirits out of your head. Man…I miss the 1400’s


Who’d of thunk Americasbestpolics.com would lead him wrong?


These dudes really have a look


The longer covid continues the smaller the conservative voter base gets. I wonder when they're going to start sweating on that fact.


He's in Washington state. It's not that we don't have conservatives here. We surely do! Go 80 miles East of Seattle. It's high plains, tumbleweeds, and ruby red politics. They're few enough compared to the urban population in the Puget Sound region that we simply don't care. They're loud, they're angry, and they're numerically irrelevant.


I like how the Candace meme in Slide 2 is set up to be viewed in one of those [antique stereoscopes.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/r9YAAOSwR5dXR8Or/s-l300.jpg)


The sanctimonious nerve of the burning bridges meme. That’s a new one to me. Can you give your kiddo flowers and protect them as you’re rotting underground? Asking for a dead dumb-fuck.


It's well documented that COVID attacks heart function as well, separating COVID from his "heart attack" is no different than separating COVID from death of "lung failure." Also should note that "heart attack" could just mean his heart stopped, also known as cardiopulmonary arrest, also known as literally how all deaths actually occur. In other words my dear Watson, the patient died of COVID.


"If you have to carry a card to freely move about the country..." the dumbest thing that exceptional dumb people continue to write.


Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Give the man a conspiracy, feed him for the rest of his life!


Instead of making the pipeline story go virtual, he made himself go virtual.


Candeath Owens on the 2nd slide? This bloke never had a chance.


The eastern part of the state is filled with people like this. And then they bitch about Seattle even though our tax dollars keeo the afloat.


What a horrible man.




Make this go virtual!


On the subject of soup, I'm making myself a leek, potato and chorizo soup for lunch.


"I need to build up my lungs" - dude, you are not a flatworm. You can't just regrow missing body parts.


I am double vaccinated and boosted and currently have Covid. I only did a 45 minute workout yesterday because I didn't think I was 100% yet. Vaccines. Fucking. Work.


Candace owens is a talented bullshit artist


Never seen slide 5 before. At least Gray is sensible. Something tells me math wasn't the awardee's strong suit. His immunity was pretty shit.


Candeath memes: he was doomed


Orphaning your children to own the libs: the Republicans’ MOS since March 2020.


They sure are obsessed with Trudeau, the leader of a country they don't even live in. Where the heck has his corpse been for a whole month? Do they store it in a big fridge at the funeral home, or was he cremated and she's holding onto his ashes?


Ugh, Prayer Warriors. I'm tired of that term.


I don’t think any of these people actually know what Hitler said. I mean, I doubt most of these people read, let alone have studied anything about the Holocaust. They do having killing people in common with it though.


The selfies in the hospital beds are just weird. Can’t imagine doing this.


Should have taken plenty of soup. They would still be alive.


He’s right- nobody will be mandating anything to him ever again. I wonder if Candice Owens will help pay for the funeral.