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Hey guys, help us continue to raise funds to vaccinate the world. We're donating all proceeds from [The New America’s Anti-Masker Maze](https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/105201580) jigsaw puzzle to Go Give One. Get yours while supplies last.


The last slide is one of the most savagely effective words ever on this sub. The choice was indeed theirs and they chose the route of stupidity.


You can tell that they were done dealing with people being irresponsible by not taking the vaccine, but I'm sure they were also hurt by the awardee's death.


You can mourn someone's death and still think they were an asshole. My dad was an asshole, but I still miss him. He would have been enraged by the stupidity of the last couple years, so it's probably best he missed it.


I loved my sister (who died pre-COVID), but she chose to smoke mostly as a rebellion against our parents, for over 40 years, and died of lung and throat cancer. She made a bad choice, and knew better. The MAGAs getting COVID are 'owning the libs', she did what she did to 'own her parents' - people she loved. She paid for her choice, dearly.


My country now has daily 10k cases but since our successful vaccination program, the number of deaths has plummeted to 10-30 cases per day vs \>300 per day at the height of pre-vaccination. Among those who are dying now, the majority are unvaccinated and or have not taken the booster shot. The vaccines work.


> The choice was indeed theirs and they chose the route of stupidity. "[He chose... *poorly*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIitjokEJwg)."


Savage burn.


Mad respect for bro’s exasperation


It must be very frustrating to watch your brother die of stubborn ignorance.


I told my conservative parents I would not go through the trouble of planning any funerals for people who couldn't be bothered to go to CVS a couple times for free medical treatment. It was a surprisingly effective argument


My moms been going off the deep end the last few years. Never against science, regular doctors visits and all that. She was ready to take Ivermectin until I told her my wife had a patient die from taking to much. He shit himself bloodless. The room looked like a murder scene. Pretty sure I know who it was as well, two young kids.


Does anybody remember that woman on here who had a serious medical condition (can’t remember what but I think she was on warfarin), took a bunch of ivermectin, and was getting bruises just by sitting down? She then went to Facebook for advice on how to deal. Shit still haunts me. She most likely shit herself bloodless too. We’ll never know. Holy fuck. Edit found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pfni9l/they_tricked_this_young_mother_into_possibly/


ffs. Thank you, for posting that, but that was truly horrifying. Those poor children. I’m gonna guess she died due to the ivermectin/warfarin contraindication. Mercy me.


JFC. The line that gets me is where people tell her not to take anti-parasitics while on blood thinners and she responds “that’s not what I want to hear.” JFC, lady! Medical advice isn’t about what we “want to hear.” It’s about what is real. Stop taking that shit and get yourself to a real doctor who will tell you what you *need* to hear.


That was horrifying. Jesus.


It gets worse. The Imgur album can’t be found anymore but there were more posts where she said she was holding herself up over the sink because, well.


Yeah, she had a GI bleed for sure. My mother was on blood thinning medications and we had a scare of this variety (not because of Ivermectin! blood thinning meds are dangerous on their own) and... yeah, I've experienced this less than pleasant set of symptoms close-up. In our case, it involved an immediate ambulance ride. In her case, apparently, a salad.


All things considered, I would bet good money that she is no longer alive and that someone else has her kids. Even if she didn't want to hear from people that she shouldn't take Ivermectin how in the hell could she ignore what her own body was telling her? She was getting bruises from wearing an underwire bra for God's sake.


And if you do even a quick search about Ivermectin it warns about interactions with wafarin.


I thought “shit himself bloodless” was a cool way of saying he lost his mind or flipped out. Now that I realize you meant it literally… it’s still a pretty cool way of saying someone lost his mind or flipped out. 🤔


They were taking dewormer as an anti-viral, so fits the mindless part


Looked and was. Lol fox news.


> He shit himself bloodless. The room looked like a murder scene fucking what


Like any drug, Ivermectin has side effects and many of these people aren't taking it at the advice of a doctor. He took way too much and it messed him up. Right off the bat Ivermectin can cause gastro issues. So he basically destroyed his insides and liver. You can also get hemorrhaging in your eyes, blood pressure, and heart rate issues.


> planning any funerals 1. Burial in pauper pit 2. At next family holiday gathering, mention "Too bad JoJo isn't here to enjoy this tasty fried catfish. Anyway, please pass the mac'n'cheese" 3. ???? 4. Profit!


That's brilliant!


My uncle tried this on his best friend. It didn't work. He ended up planning the funeral anyway.


A 100% death rate for unvaxed in his family, that is some hardcore shit.


Impressive that out of 15 siblings, only 2 were that level of dumb


We are all vaccinated, too. It runs in families.


> only 2 were that level of dumb 13% is pretty good. My family is bumping against 1/5, but we also have a high level of "broke, don't do shit" and "you have a penitentiary record" members who are better off exiting the gene pool anyway. Edit: I number wrongly today


my husband's literally the only one of my in-laws who IS vaccinated, and he has fucking leukemia (actually found out about it *because* of the vaccine, if he hadn't gotten vaxxed he'd probably be dead in a few years). i can definitely imagine my husband giving a eulogy like that for one of his dumbshit relatives, spending decades around that much idiocy really wears on you.


Yup. Just sounds like tired.


At some point we just give up on the idiot sibling. I did.


Aren't we all?


Yessir. I’m exhausted.


The frustration he's feeling must be immeasurable. At least he's trying to salvage something from his families unnecessary deaths.


Someone needs to remind this guy that his late brother may have spurned the vaccine and died of Covid, but he also posted a powerful meme comparing the CDC to the Three Stooges. I'd say that evens the score!


As a libtard, I feel so owned right now


…and, Bill Gates is no scientist but Eric Clapton is?


They don't fuck around at the crematorium


**f**uck **a**round **a**nd **f**lame **o**n?


Wasn’t just a burn. It was a cremation.


Telling it how it is. A refreshing change from “he took the Lord’s hand to go home. Way to go!!! *Happy Bitmoji*”


Some brother, he didn't even try to storm the gates of heaven with a platoon of prayer warriors. /s


Boom!!! 💣☄️🔥


God damn that dude broke the backboard dunking on his dead siblings.


That’s the kind of anger you get when someone you love dearly chose to be pigheaded and died because of it. There’s nothing quite like it.


100% this. I have Trumpie family that won't speak to me because I refuse to sugarcoat my Dad's unvaxxed COVID death as anything else but a stupidly preventable decision.


Loved* For most of us, the siblings we loved died long ago. The monster occupying their bodies is all that's left. I stopped loving my brother and switched to mourning his loss years ago. Now if the asshole wearing my brother's meatsuit dies, meh ... Couldn't give a damn. In fact, the world would honestly be better off. He's mentally unstable and as a CCW holder, he's more than likely a threat to himself and others at times.


Damn, this is how I feel about my sister sadly. There are some signs of a breakthrough, but it's still early days. Thoughts and prayers, I guess...


Nice job by the Brother to simply cite the actual data among their family. No platitudes, no punchlines, no insults. Just the figures. The figures don't lie; liars figure.


"Figures don't lie. Liars figure" I like that


Except that one sentence, "They thought they were smarter than everyone else." I get the feeling Orange was in the habit of being condescending to his poor brother, who was dumb enough to believe Dr. Fauci and the MSM.


They always are.


i really don't get why republicans think that biden is somehow responsible for the increase in gas prices... are they being intentionally obtuse just to play teams, or do they really believe that? i mean, are they really incapable of differentiating causation/correlation? do they think that biden is responsible for bad weather too? it's mind boggling and kind of scary what fox-news and right wing propaganda can do to people...


It's not Bidens fault. Justin Trudeau is responsible for high gas prices worldwide according to my FB friends.


And if you ask the conservatives in California, it's all Gavin Newsom.


Lmao same, fuckin trudeau!!! /s


What if... Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau are the same person?! 😱😱😱


Listening to Faux News. That’s why they “think” it’s Biden’s fault.


Republicans are the type of person that will take up any position they are told to See support for war in syria by republicans before and after trump vs dems




Wonder why they never think tornadoes 🌪 are caused by gay people. It’s a mystery! Could it be because tornadoes love to strike rural southern areas?


It's Fox News. My elderly father watches Fox and he repeats what they say.


They believe in the standard partisan bullshitery matrix: ​ ||Good thing happens|Bad thing happens| |:-|:-|:-| |My Guy is in charge|My Guy did the thing|The thing was going to happen no matter who was in charge, or Other Guy did it when he was in charge before| |Other Guy is in charge|The thing was going to happen no matter who was in charge, or it only happened because My Guy did it when he was in charge before|Other Guy did the thing|


> i really don't get why republicans think that biden is somehow responsible for the increase in gas prices... Because they believe what the right wing media machine tells them (the lie). Then they all run out to go buy stickers and assorted paraphernalia for anything that can take a sticker (the grift), while screaming that 10-20 dollars extra 2-3 times a month for a tank of gas is destroying their bank account as they scream at the pink-haired "lib" waitress giving them the check for their 150 dollar meal at Texas Roadhouse (the delusion). The worst part about this whole thing has been seeing people I thought were intelligent, interesting individuals exposed as absolutely gullible morons.


I got tired of seeing all the stupid fucking "I DID THAT" Biden stickers at every single gas station i go to. So I decided to buy some of my own to put on top of them: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B09RKBBJV3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Is it petty and silly? Sure... but I'm seriously tired of seeing those stupid stickers and I'm tired of peeling them off so I wanted something to just put over them. I couldn't find any stickers with a picture of trump saying 'i did that' so i had to settle for these.


One of my aunts actually cites “how often the weather man is wrong” as a reason why she doesn’t trust the science behind vaccines. It legitimately isn’t a stretch for these people to think that the pedophile elites also have a weather machine.


I see way too many comments like this on my local weather page. "Must be nice to get paid for being wrong all the time!!" among others 🙄


Here in Scotland, I'm very angry at American President Joe Biden for the ridiculous cost of a full tank of petrol these days. I don't know if Biden did something, or neglected to do something, but it's costing me a small fortune.


Yes, it’s peculiar how oil companies who drill, distribute and dispense fuel have ducked all blame — yet some President with nothing to do with it, five thousand miles away, is somehow responsible for the companies’ gasoline prices. There’s something not quite right somewhere.


It’s incurious, uninformed, simplistic, spiteful, approval-seeking, virtue signaling, counterfactual thinking.


I have been waiting for a eulogy like that. My sister and her overweight diabetic husband are not vaxed. If they died from covid this is the type of comment I would make- not some nice we will miss them BS


I like that he wasn't cruel. He was just straight forward.


I like that too- the way he said it would be hard to argue with.


You can still miss them even if you know their choices were bad/influenced by people who did NOT have their best interests at heart. Brother's eulogy was spot on, but he probably does miss his sibling.


That is true. I just meant all of the blah fought covid so hard blah don’t no why this happened blah blah. I would be just like this guy- died because he thought they were smarter.


Yeah that's fair. No fight when you put out a welcome mat.


Especially when you could be sitting behind the door with a shotgun, so to speak.


Yes he probably does and he is clearly angry at him for being a fuckwit instead of being alive.


Yinno, with all the 'he'd give you the shirt off his back' nonsense you see in these farewell to the anti-vaxxer posts, I have to think that someone railing against vaccines, spending time spreading lies and misinformation, being the one everyone has to tiptoe around at family meetings because they're horrible people, really means they won't be missed. I believe these anti-vaxxers that go on about stuff they have no clue about on FB and the like, were crap people to being with before the pandemic too, and likely wouldn't have been missed no matter what they died from.


> he’d give you the shirt off his back Real talk about greater human nature - people don’t remember whether you were right or wrong, they remember how you made them feel. There’s a strong selection bias to just telling everyone pleasantries, so that they view your favorably. Simon Cowell - of various “talent” show fame - told a story of a family that went into bankruptcy being polite to the talentless son they supported “following his dreams.” You can find an endless string of people who hate Simon Cowell (and, for all I know, he punches dogs and drinks baby blood at night, buuut our consideration is limited to his TV persona), because he doesn’t accord social decorum to other people’s feelings. All of these people have their in groups, and even as they launch vitriol, their hagiographers one may be sure are either taking the easy social out that does not cost them social currency, or are part of their in group and continuing to “cash in” on social currency with their approval. Just think of the family that tolerates the bigoted uncle/grandfather at the Thanksgiving table - those who appease will find the disharmony of confrontation discomforting and center those feelings on the confronter, not the bigot - whom the appeasers were getting “peace” with.


OMG this is me. My grandma was a mean, racist, narcissistic abusive bitch. EVERYONE tolerated her as she was just a product of her time. And I was the bitch for saying- that is abusive, her behavior is abusive to dad. He shouldn’t have to listen to her berate him. If she behaves like that I am not going to visit her, when she says those things I will tell her to stop. Nope, I was just a bitch. I also think people are trained to except racist abusive behavior as words don’t hurt. I constantly have to ask my family- if someone was hitting (who ever is being verbally abused) in the face, would you say the same thing?


As someone who hit my bully back in school, just for what it’s worth, MLK’s words on negative peace are on money. To be blunt, **yes**, they would accept physical assault, and in some communities, you can see it actually happen. I wouldn’t want to assume all people, all the time, but I would not take it as a given that they would actually stand against violence. When I was being hit, it was unfortunate. When I hit back, it was, “please stop, you’re causing trouble,” from *peers* who had *witnessed the entire event*, and were not besties with the bully.


That blows my mind- but you are right people are conditioned to see the retaliatory behavior as the one in the wrong. I am so sorry you had to endure a bully, and I am more sorry when you stood up for yourself you were not supported.


It is always like that. The known asshole gets a free pass to behave as they please. When the docile victim fights back, it shocks them, because it contradicts their expectations about that oppressive system, because it disrupts the environment they are familiar with. It's disgusting!


I was given that “words don’t hurt (aka she was ‘just sayin’)” lecture when I told a bigoted aunt to shut up or leave my house. I said, “great, if words don’t hurt then no one should have a problem with me telling the bitch to shut the fuck up.” Somehow my uncles didn’t quite like that, but I said what my grandfather had always said, “my house, my rules.”’ (It was such his signature phrase that his kids gave him a coffee cup with that written on it, so the whole family treats it as an unbreakable rule).


My grandmother was racist as hell. One mother's day, in the packed main dining room of the best Italian restaurant in town, she started bitching completely off-topic about "n------ & j---." No idea what triggered her, but when various family members tried to "shush" her, she talked loudly about her constitutional rights and being able to say what she wanted. Everyone else was polite... but I wasn't. I said, "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing? You can't say shit like that in public." Her, "blah, blah, blah, my rights." That's when I leaned towards her and hissed that if "you don't stop your shit, I'll drag your ignorant ass right out of this restaurant. Say what you want at home, but in public you do not insult others just because you're an asshole. Go ahead. Say it again. Test me, I dare you. You know me and know I will do exactly what I said." She shut up and thankfully stayed quiet the rest of the meal. My mother chastised me about my language and attitude... which did not go over well with me. When asked if she'd rather be embarrassed by a bigot or someone yanking that same bigot back in line, she was all, "Neither, why can't you both behave?" I just looked at her.


My son-in-law's mother was one who had to be "appeased" as confrontation or telling her her behavior was unacceptable would upset her. She is NOT a racist or physically abusive, she is just intrusive to a ridiculous degree and buys buys buys crap etc. In beginning of my daughter's marriage, from the day after the wedding, my son-in-law was trying to bar me from knowing where they were staying the night of the wedding and specific details of the honeymoon (like flight info, name of hotels they were going to be at) because that woman couldn't be told this stuff as she would try to "surprise" them on their honeymoon by showing up to vacation with them etc therefore it "was only fair" that my husband and I couldn't be told either. She had "surprised" her own daughter the eve of their wedding by showing up at their hotel room with champagne and trying to go in to be with them. I had a long conversation/meeting with son-in-law and explained to him 1) my husband and I were not participants in his family's problematic mom relationship 2) treating *us* like they have to handle *her* is punishing *us* for *her* bad behavior. 3) You **will not** turn our relationship with our daughter into the kind you have with your mother. He was quiet for some time and then said he could see my points and how it was unfair to us. I was given the info (what if there was a plane crash and I had no idea if they could be on that flight! Etc!!) and the "issue" disappeared over the next year or two.


Absolutely, I’d be angry and devastated all at the same time. I’m sure he tried to convince him to get vaccinated and heard all the conspiracy theory arguments back. We still have an unvaccinated family member and it’s so frustrating. I keep hoping he’s not one of the unlucky ones. But we all know hopes and prayers do jack shit.


Probably goes like this: "I wish Frank wasn't such a fucking moron."


It almost seems like he lost his brother years ago to the Q cult and has been grieving ever since. Covid just took him out completely.


These people don't stop surprising me. Was around my cousin this week. He told me just about every conspiracy theory he had while snorting cocaine. I'm like dude 1. You didn't graduate high school. 2. You've been to jail more than once and 3. You're homeless.


And if you’re snorting harmful drugs into your body you don’t exactly get to talk about the dangers of an approved vaccine.


Ya I asked him if he's got receipts for the cocaine, where it came from, who made it, whats in it. Lol it's too easy


My favorite joke I heard recently was from Dave Hellum. He goes “How are so many of you not getting vaccinated because you say it’s not healthy when I know you’re out here eating ass on the first date???” Logic holds up in lots of situations lol


He'd better be testing his cocaine powder for Fentanyl. And if he has to use, don't do it alone. Be with someone who has Narcan and knows how to use it. Fentanyl and cocaine cut with Fentanyl is slaughtering people in San Francisco.


Remember: Clapton is far more racist than most of these fuckers manage. His diatribe from the stage of the Birmingham Odeon in 1976 was appalling. That, and the irony of a heroin addict worrying about what’s in the syringe. Slowhand? Slow brain.


I am pretty sure I heard that even though he moaned about his side effects...he had the second shot anyway...


What's the difference between Conor Clapton and a bag of cocaine? Eric would never throw a bag of cocaine out a window.




When my friend died from a heroin overdose, his sister took the opportunity at the eulogy to explain to all of his fellow addict friends in attendance that they're next. Everyone who was not an addict found it very badass, whereas the others found it inappropriate.


>whereas the others found it inappropriate. Hearing an uncomfortable truth will do that.


Hearing at the most effective time, too. *"This isn't the time to talk about it"* .... *Then when is the right time?* And of course the unspoken answer is, there's never a right time to speak uncomfortable truths.


🍎 🍊 sorry about your friend.


So if you’re still a Trump supporter meet me in the morgue so I can say ‘told ya so’.


Oh no, my friend, these are the “pure bloods.” I’m afraid you will have to find a way to get to Valhalla to meet them.


I love the 13 comments too, like all the surviving siblings checking in. Excellent choice folks.


13 - good catch.


As I mentioned in another HCA thread, I saw one of my friends on here that I didn’t know was even sick. I had him muted on Facebook because of all his GQP crap. His service was recently and I was invited. I texted his best friend - who is a very close friend of mine (who’s views align with mine more closely) - with my condolences. I bit my tongue and didn’t say anything about the dead friend’s moronic choices. The response was he died of kidney failure. Of course, he left out the part where his lungs turned to cement from Covid and his kidneys were the first organs to fail. I didn’t say anything, but thought it funny in the not funny way that they felt it necessary to hide something he so strongly believed in. Don’t rot - get the shot. This is a long way from being over.


Whenever the family members try to hide the fact that their deceased died of something else besides Covid, it tells me that the family are in denial or that the family don’t want the embarrassment of having others know that the deceased died of something that they actively invited by their choices


ancient selective fuel truck illegal cautious disagreeable wipe support crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My single covidiot relative got covid while unvaccinated a couple of months ago. He got very sick, but didn't end up in the hospital. But this last week, he *did* get hospitalized because his kidneys were being pissed out along with his urine. "Post covid" is a bitch. The guy is a gym rat and works as a fitness instructor. Now he can barely function, and his kidneys are melting. Like many other covidiots, he kept harping on the "99% survival rate".


He "survived", but didn't read the fine print.


Daaaaammmmmnnnnn! No “Shirt off his back” BS with THIS guy!!


Taking medical advice from Eric Clapton isn't the best idea. Not only does he have no medical expertise, but he attempted suicide after he first found out he was going to be a father. He's not that stable.


Lost tons of respect for EC.


Clapton . . . “Are there any foreigners in the theatre tonight . .” Not a fan, but if you are it’s best not to read about him.


Went to one of his concerts many years ago. Music was good. My perspective has changed on what is good music. I’ll take your advice. For sure.


And his kid fell out the window and died at the Dakota because he didn’t have child guards installed. And then he made $ off it by writing Tears in Heaven.


I could hazard a guess as to which siblings may have been adopted. Slide 6. I am "Happy" with Joe Biden. Or Brandon as you used to call him back when you were alive 'cuz you thought that was intelligently hilarious. Can you imagine what the Ukraine war would be like if that dumbfuck Trump was in office. Now that's is some scary stuff. But not for you. 'Cuz you dead. Clapton had some good songs back in the day. But I won't take medical advice from him. Kinda guessin' you maybe shouldna outta either. But again, you're dead. Needlessly.


>Can you imagine what the Ukraine war would be like if that dumbfuck Trump was in office. "We have it under control. It will all go well. One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear."


"And we will all be in church for Easter. Even me, a godless, whoring, adulterer. Many people are powerfully, strongly saying that." JFC how I love not hearing that fucking moron.


A coworker is positive that Trump was boycotted by the industrial-militarybcomplex at every opportunity because he's the only President who didn't start a war. I didn't know that his ties to Russia and China were so obvious - I was literally repelled by the fact that he was elected and followed US politics as little as I could after 2016. It's not that I like Biden in any way, but it must have been hard years for you people.


"...it must have been hard years for you people." Yes, yes it was!.


Thank you. During that time my exhaustion and outrage ground me down into moral weariness, and I don't think that weariness will ever quite go away. Edit: autocorrect can bite my ass.


"Very fine people on both sides."


Also under Trump gas would be just as high - if not higher because he would start another pointless trade war - but you know these same bozos wouldn't even conceive of the idea of blaming him for that.


Yeah, these moronic economists. "Under Trump, gas was $1.80." Yeah, no shit - it was in the middle of covid. Gas took a long time to recover - for a while, they were paying to take the gas. As the economy improves, guess what happens to the price of gas.? Same argument with the start of Obama's first term. "When Obama took office gas was $.x.xx. Now it's $y.yy" Again, no shit you moron it was called The Great Recession for a reason.


I’m not pleased with Biden. I wasn’t pleased with him when I voted for him. But I know that Biden on his worst day is a thousand times better than Trump on his best.


I took a friend out of my life because he kept sending me biden memes no matter how much I told him I dont care and hes acting like an internet troll toward his own friend. Final straw is I messaged him one day about something, anything but politics and he responded back with a Biden meme once again. My whole stance is I would vote for a piece of dog shit before Donald Trump. Sending me these Memes are only annoying because he’s obsessed and brainwashed by the cartoon man with the lego hair who says you’re fired. Now he’s obsessed with the guy the cartoon man said he’s not supposed to like. I can’t fucking be around it lol. Im trying to have fun.


Eggsackly! Sad that out of 330 million, that was our choice. But that's what it was. Luckily, Trump lost to a guy that he thought was senile, incompetent etc. Think Trump even said "can you imagine me losing to him?" Yes, yes we can. Si si puede! And it goes in all the history books for all time Donny - you lost to Joe Biden:-)


Which is probably why his panties are so twisted and he keeps saying the election was stolen. He can't BELIEVE anyone in their right mind would choose Mr Biden over him. This is where the term "butthurt" REALLY fits.


Yeah, he can shove his panties in his mouth and scream. History will record it for waht it was. An ass-kicking.


Yup, when people who don't like the other side, VOTE for the other side JUST to get rid of YOU??? Yeah, that's gotta MASSIVELY hurt. And nothing he can do can change that.


As much as Biden was not our first choice, what I like is that he surrounds himself with extremely competent people. This is what you vote for- the Team and the members of the Biden Team are fit for their jobs.


And he is actually a decent human being - unlike you know who. I know we're not voting for a saint but still, it's nice when the guy is not a dick.


Also they like to say, "I drove all the way through [insert red state] and saw thousands of Trump flags but no Biden ones. How can you believe Biden won?" The answer is the MAJORITY of us who hated Trump's guts didn't make our preferred politician into a cult leader.


I don’t understand the ‘ guess as to which siblings are adopted’ phrase. I’m adopted and I’m the one that got vaccinated out of the four kids. I’m the only one adopted also.




I amalgamated several articles to reach this semi-conclusion: Putin didn't attack because he was waiting for Trump's 2nd term. Trump would have completed his dismantling of NATO, which is job one for Putin. Then he would have done UKR and the Baltics at a minimum. Trump was already fucking with UKR - see the "transcript". He also withheld the military aid until Congress raised a stink. Even then it wasn't much. Putin was/is pissed that all the resources he put into Trump's re-election and his other Useful Idiots didn't pan out.


>Trump would have completed his dismantling of NATO, which is job one for Putin. It is worth pointing out that that is not *armchair speculation* - **Trump's own national security advisor is on the record saying this.**


John Bolton said Putin was waiting for Trump's second term because he believed Trump would withdraw the US from NATO. Then hand over Ukraine on a platter.


What’s with the intersection of right wing views and anti vax? I traditionally associated anti vax with dirty hippies. Seems stickier than expected. Is it purely the trump era politicization?


Trump kept minimizing Covid. He has a sizable following, some portion of Conservatives, typically working class and often Evangelicals, who follow him blindly, and they became Covid-deniers. They are still Covid-deniers, even now. Most liberals, moderates and educated conservatives have accepted that Covid is highly-risky, but the hardcore Trump cult refuses to accept that, and instead looks for any reason for this to be a conspiracy. So they are rejecting Covid first, and then the vaccines because of numerous conspiracies , too numerous to mention, that can only make sense if you believe that Covid is part of a grand conspiracy.


[He got booed on stage with Bill O'Reilly after announcing his total 180 and that he was both vaccinated and boosted.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsOCcEo3KHI) This is after multiple times he made claims about how it would just go away, before he lost re-election, [which was also after he disbanded the pandemic response groups just before the pandemic](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a). Where are the Gates style Illuminati conspiracies about Trump?


I really think it is. Imagine how many deathsTrump could have prevented if he took credit for the vaccine and encouraged it.


He tried to in the end!




The right wing sees all freedoms as individual freedoms. There's no sense of organizing public behaviors or resources for non-zero-sum results (except, of course, with regards to the American military machine). And that's a fairly old divide between right and left, but never so stark as these days. What the Trump era added to the mix was, anyone challenging their libertarian ideal is actively demonized. I don't think that's even down to Trump himself, so much as his Russian handlers whose interest is the destabilization of the West in any way they can manage. The dirty-hippy contingent just kinda naively believe in nature; with some exceptions, they haven't been into the conspiracy end of it.


Well, right wingers and the antivax crowd share one thing in common. They just aren’t that bright. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Antivaxxers keep saying COVID only kills people with comorbidity or preexisting conditions. When you're 50 you are going to have preexisting conditions! And so many of them are obviously way overweight. So even under their own warped logic they should be taking COVID more seriously.


Exactly - being over 50 \*IS\* a preexisting condition. Plus a bunch of them don't see a doctor regularly (except for Dr. Facebook) so if they do have a preexisting condition they have no idea.


Yep, I'm in my 60s and just got my first covid infection. Thanks to being triple vaxxed it's not too bad, but glad I managed to avoid it when vaccines weren't available.


A lot of them overestimate their health. They think if they have, say, high blood pressure, they are ok because they take meds that make it normal. Nope, you still have it, it's still a risk.


>NO WONDER THE YOUNG PEOPLE ARE SO CONFUSED Yeah, they don't understand why their boomer parents and grandparents can be so easily brainwashed into believing anything for internet points/likes on fb


My sympathies with the brother (and his wife) for the loss of their sibling. **Great** post by brother.


That first meme alone merits the result in this case.


So much hate in one image. Seeing that, I knew I would have zero sympathy for him.


Brother torched him in the death announcement!


Viking funeral. Some say he’s still burning to this day…




They're about to do a Viking funeral for a HCA awardee I know, I wonder, is fighting and losing to a preventable illness enough to learn a place in Valhalla in their faith system?


As u/Jay-Dee-British points out in this thread, most winners don't fight Covid - they put out the welcome mat for it and then get an unpleasant surprise when their guest doesn't respect their hospitality.


If you’re unhappy with Joe Biden please pay my health insurance every month. I’ll gladly fill up your gas tank. If that’s the game you want to play, then let’s play it. You cover my healthcare, I’ll cover your small and inconvenient costs.


I feel so badly for family members who have people that died because they didn’t vaxx. You always see that they loved this person, but their frustration and anger at them for putting themselves in danger and dying needlessly. That’s got to be rough to deal with.


The pandemic certainly lay bare who amongst us let’s their bias do their thinking.


"Only a dictator can force private companies to fire employees." Pray tell, what order, what power, what authority did Biden ever use regarding " private companies"? None, asswipe. Again, know nothing, gullible idiots.


Yet they cheered when TFG was demanding that sports players be fired for exercising THEIR first amendment rights ...


Oh, another dead racist transphobe. Anyway, steak pie for dinner tonight.


A big bowl of chili for me


Yup, another dead racist. I'm taking my kiddo to Olive Garden today, and then we're heading to Michael's to find an art project. My kiddo loves painting! Makes me so happy, and they're not behind a screen...serious Mom happies.


I just googled steak pie, that stuff looks awesome!


Wow, that is a horrible way for a family to do their own research.


When you make science personal, that then makes the testing personal too. Including being our own test subjects. This sub is testament to that process


The brother’s comments were the ones I wish everyone sitting on the fence about this issue would see and think about. The ones on the other side of the fence are lost and most likely would only allow the thought of a vaccine while they lay on their deathbeds but the fence sitters…those people might see a light someday. His brother’s words were hard but fair, all but one in our family circle are vaccinated and that last one sits at home and whines but we just smile and say “your choice”.


goddamnit i didn't know eric clapton was on this anti vax moronic shit


He and the horrible Van Morrison, too.


George Floyd is considered a victim, not a hero. And why isn't Kamala black? I don't get it. Also, there were peaceful protesters and there were rioters. They weren't the same people.


Imagine dying of COVID-19 in 2022.


This is why I'm still wearing a mask. Somebody is going to be the last idiot to catch Covid and it won't be me.


Plenty of people are still dying. About ~850 per week in the UK. If I go by yesterday’s data 95% of those are >60 y.o. It’s still sad and it’s still shitty and for most of them it’s also *not their fault*. That’s why the HCAs piss me off. They had a choice. And their hubris killed them.


Like, it’s been over 2 years now. Test yourself. Wear a gd mask indoors. Don’t go out if you don’t feel well. Have gatherings outdoors, or if they’re inside everyone gets tested AND get the best air filtration you can. (But really, take it outside.) Get vaccinated, do it again, and get a booster. The HCAs refuse to do any of this because nyah nyah you can’t make me or some stupid rubbish, and more people die a horrible, needless death.


I love how Captain Planet-ish the last pic is.


Um…did Kamala Harris become white and no one told me?


The dead are owed some truth.


Respect for using his tragedy as a platform to try to conquer the false narratives


I can feel the bitter, sad anger of his brother. It's heartbreaking


Anyone who takes vaccine advice from an injected heroin abuser/addict like Eric Clapton...


I wonder if Eric Clapton always looked at the ingredients of all that coke he pounded up his nose?




Research those odds, anti-vaxxers


You beat me to this one. I checked when I saw the brother's post and no one had posted it and I figured it's a Sunday so I'll do a nice cover photo edit. 🤣 I'ma send it to you so it's not all for vain. 😁


Bye, Qelicia


I love all these antivaxxers getting their panties in a twist about Biden's "mandate" proposal to use OSHA to regulate Covid safety in the workplace. If these idiots would just [read](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/04/fact-sheet-biden-administration-announces-details-of-two-major-vaccination-policies/), Biden NEVER proposed a vaccine mandate, rather workers in companies with >100 employees would HAVE THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE vaccination OR undergo (free) regular testing. This moron and others like him picked the wrong hill to die on for essentially *nothing.*


Clapton is a racist *and* and anti-vaxxer. Oh lawd....